Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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You Again?  [Saiko/Hisana] Empty You Again? [Saiko/Hisana]

Fri Oct 21, 2022 11:17 am


Enter Saiko's Post

The light of the afternoon autumn sun reflected down on the Shino Academy. And, despite it being midday, the likes of Saiko Mori had undoubtedly done a lot. Deciding to spend her morning investing in the potential of new recruits, she volunteered to teach various classes revolving around combat. Everything from the mindset, weak spots of different races, hand-to-hand fighting, the value of working in teams, and how to synchronize abilities with groups. It had many boring details, but many seemed better off for it.

So, with her volunteer work done for the day, the woman wanted to decompress for a bit, and she found herself sitting on a bench in the courtyards, watching all the people come and go. It was nice to see the Academy coming to life in the mind of Saiko as it meant there would be more people willing to keep the balance of souls in order and perhaps prevent others from going down a hard path.

Still, as lovely as those thoughts were, one couldn't live in their head for too long. There was a strange presence nearby, one which almost felt familiar. Confused by the familiarity of the soul, Saiko looked around before just calling out:

"Who is there?"

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You Again?  [Saiko/Hisana] WVMWLOu
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You Again?  [Saiko/Hisana] Empty Re: You Again? [Saiko/Hisana]

Sun Oct 23, 2022 11:17 am
You Again?  [Saiko/Hisana] HEADER_32596747_p9

Well, this was certainly a bit of a blast from the recent past. Between the two of them, frankly Saiko had the MUCH more noticable spiritual pressure, and Hisana's Pesquisa had picked up on them fairly quickly since she'd come to soul society. So when she decided to pay a visit, she was a little surprised when she heard that sudden call out as she was opening one of the sliding doors. She blinked, briefly confused. Did they not remember her? Even more than that, she'd have thought that word of her being an Academy Professor would have spread aroudn by now, but all the same she put up a soft, polite smile and offered a gentle wave to Saiko.

"Ah, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to intrude. I can come back later if this is a bad time." She offered politely.
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You Again?  [Saiko/Hisana] Empty Re: You Again? [Saiko/Hisana]

Sun Oct 23, 2022 12:16 pm


Enter Saiko's Post

So, Saiko wasn't delusional. This WAS Hisana! A look of disbelief was on the face of The Mistress Of Glum when the Arrancar came around. The hybrid had heard of a few stories of this woman joining the Gotei, but with her being so lost in her work and redemption, it was unlikely the two would cross paths until now.

"No, you are fine. I'm on my break."

After shaking her head, the woman let out a lax chuckle before talking further.

"Considering how we last met, I was surprised you had come to the Gotei of all places."

Pausing and remaining silent for a moment, the stare of Saiko lingered. Eventually, after having time to think about things, she nodded and asked a question of her own.

"This may be out of line, but tell me, what made you want to join the Gotei? I recall you being on your own; what changed?"

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You Again?  [Saiko/Hisana] WVMWLOu
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You Again?  [Saiko/Hisana] Empty Re: You Again? [Saiko/Hisana]

Sun Oct 23, 2022 12:46 pm
You Again?  [Saiko/Hisana] HEADER_32596747_p9

Hisana blinked, surprise written across her face before she offered a sheepish expression. Ah, so the woman DID remember her. That was a bit embarassing, Saiko had run into Hisana in ....well.. at a time when she was in a much darker place to say the least. How could she even really explain what had happened? She rubbed her cheek a bit sheepishly and cleared her throat. "Ah, well I'm not actually a part of the Gotei. Commander Murasaki actually offered me sanctuary here. So that I could be with my sister. Captain Kuchiki. Though I help out by Teaching about Hollows in the Shino academy." She explained calmly enough.

Though, she gave a nervous look. "Though I admit, the story of myself ending up here is a bit embarassing. But even so.. I'm a little surprised. I didn't expect that you were also a shinigami. You smelled like a demon when we met down on earth." She admitted. Actually she still DID smell like a Demon, though her pesquisa did detect those traces of red within her soul. It was still a little surprising to process.
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You Again?  [Saiko/Hisana] Empty Re: You Again? [Saiko/Hisana]

Sun Oct 23, 2022 1:05 pm


Enter Saiko's Post

Although there was a sense of awkwardness and shock at the whole situation they were in; a ginger smile came across the lips of Saiko when she heard the story of Hisana. Seeing someone else get a second shot at life from a dire circumstance was nice. Moreover, considering that the hybrid was on her own redemption quest, it gave her some sense of hope and potential that she could find her salvation along with others in this world.

"Are you liking it so far? I don't know the relationship with your family, but it must be nice to be able to connect with someone close to your blood."

Again, that buzzing was in the mind of Saiko when the subject of family came up. Although there was no physical sign anything was off, those pangs of sorrow groaned a bit in the soul of the hybrid. Still, she'd cast it aside and keep engaged with the present by speaking again.

"And I suppose we both are embarrassed about the things we've done."

Looking down at her feet, Saiko pondered about the demonic blood inside of herself. Although hollows and demons never saw eye to eye, perhaps there could be some kinship through the hellish venom that runs in both of their veins.

"The demon blood wasn't my choice. But even if that's the case, don't you think it's funny a half-demon and an Arrancar are residing in a place like this? It gives me hope that even if our souls are damaged, there is still a chance to do something better."

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You Again?  [Saiko/Hisana] WVMWLOu
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You Again?  [Saiko/Hisana] Empty Re: You Again? [Saiko/Hisana]

Mon Oct 24, 2022 11:26 pm
You Again?  [Saiko/Hisana] HEADER_32596747_p9

Hisana couldn't help but chuckle softly, entirely relaxed as she noticed the slight edge to Saiko. Which well, admittedly, she probably should have felt a bit awkward as well, but in truth, she'd had so many reunions and strange interactions as of late that it really didn't feel very off for Hisana. "Rukia is my only family to speak of. But ....I'd certainly like to think we can become closer in the future. It's... a work in progress." She noted calmly, she really DID need to spend a bit more time with her. Ah... but she was so busy these days. Hm.

She paused, glancing back toward Saiko and canting her head to the side. She considered for a moment, the situation. Funny? She looked around them, surrounded by students. Of so many different backgrounds. Was it truly so strange? She glanced back toward Saiko and offered a gentle smile, a soft, almost motherly look as she gently folded her hands infront of her. "Not particularly. I feel as though I'm exactly where I belong. I don't consider my soul damaged. Perhaps..,... a bit mixed up I suppose. But we aren't alone. Rare as they may be.... traces of demon... hollow, you can find quite a few among these students. Long ago... it may have felt more awkward. But I think that blaming one's situation on the soul.... perhaps is a bit generous. I can only speak for myself. But I am here because of me. And you are here because the gotei trusts you. Because even as part demon, these students feel safe in your presence." She reasoned, before that smile deepened.

"But enough of all that sort of talk, dear. I was actually going to get myself some lunch. Would you like to join me?" She offered.
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You Again?  [Saiko/Hisana] Empty Re: You Again? [Saiko/Hisana]

Tue Oct 25, 2022 1:14 am


Enter Saiko's Post

Even if her family was distant, it was still worth it to keep trying to make that bond and closeness. Blood is the only thing that will love you unconditionally in this life to the hybrid, so holding on to those people was worth their weight in gold to Saiko. To even have a chance of seeing her kin akin is something The Hybrid would undoubtedly risk everything for again. So, she nodded and spoke:

"You sound like you are in good spirits and will find a way to keep getting what you want from this life. I do not doubt that you and Rukia will grow stronger."

Quite odd, huh? Saiko was the mistress of glum, yet these days she felt she was anything but that.

Soon after giving a nod to Hisana, Saiko noticed the mother-like smile radiating from the woman. It was quite an interesting sight that made the hybrid lose herself in her thoughts. But more so, she was captivated by the words spoken as Hisana talked about the notion of their souls. Perhaps the demon essence in her veins wasn't a curse if she refused to see it as one. But, even if her blood is demonic, it's the intention of how the power is used that matters more than the origin or nature of the ability itself.

"Thank you for saying that. I needed to hear that. Maybe the demonic half of my powers isn't a curse but a blessing in disguise if I allow it to be."

With a smile that radiated child-like joy, Saiko felt at ease around her for the time being. Even if it felt odd, it was nice talking to Hisana like this. Maybe if they had met like this, they'd be good friends now; But hey, there is still the future to look forward to, eh?

"I'm really happy you and others trust me."

Giggling at first, Saiko's face quickly turned away from Hisana in the blink of an eye. With her stomach growling loudly, it was apparent that the woman was hungry. Just look at her! She was almost skin and bones. Yet, despite appearances, she could eat quite well when she wanted to, as all that demonic blood works up an appetite.

So, in a quiet yet audible voice, Saiko nodded:

"Yes! Let's eat ASAP."

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You Again?  [Saiko/Hisana] WVMWLOu
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Sun Nov 06, 2022 5:36 pm
You Again?  [Saiko/Hisana] HEADER_32596747_p9

Hisana blinked a bit at that, her brows raising ever so slightly as Saiko made such an assessment. She could really tell all that? She couldn't help but tilt her head just a little before offering a soft chuckle. "Ah! Well I certainly hope so. Though more Rukia than myself. I'm not really able to do much other than teach at the moment." She admitted with a gentle sigh, looking off to the side for a moment before she folded her hands infront of her. A little surprised that Saiko seemed so....energetic? It was hard not to have her smile deepen just a little. True, she had no idea how old Saiko was. But it was nice to see such vim and vigor from the girl.

"Ah I see. Well let's get going and get something to eat then." She noted with a soft smile and a chuckle, starting to walk toward the nearest vendor plaza. One of several little locations where a lot of shops and food carts tended to settle to accommodate the needs of the students and faculty.

"Bye the way, I ...admit you probably already know my name, but what did you say your name was again?" She ventured politely.
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You Again?  [Saiko/Hisana] Empty Re: You Again? [Saiko/Hisana]

Mon Nov 07, 2022 12:31 pm


Enter Saiko's Post

Saiko seemed in great spirits as they entered the vendor plaza. The aroma of so many different foods hit the woman's senses that it was a wonder that she didn't gobble everything up. However, before she could indulge herself, the eyes of the hybrid darted back to Hisana as she wanted to know her name again. With a nod, Saiko gladly answered that.

"Saiko Mori~! That's my full name."

Speaking in a chipper tone, the mistress of glum seemed anything but that at the moment. Instead, she seemed more like the mistress of hunger as her stomach started to grumble. After pausing, she reflected a bit because she didn't come to this part of the Seiretei too often until recently. So, wanting to know what was good, a starry-eyed Saiko looked back at Hisana and nodded again.

"Hisana, you are pretty active here. Why don't you recommend me something good? I wanna try the best dish they have here, and I'll buy for the both of us if you want."

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You Again?  [Saiko/Hisana] WVMWLOu
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You Again?  [Saiko/Hisana] Empty Re: You Again? [Saiko/Hisana]

Mon Nov 07, 2022 10:02 pm
You Again?  [Saiko/Hisana] HEADER_32596747_p9

Hisana nodded lightly and couldn't help but chuckle softly as the woman seemed to become so ...enthused so suddenly. My she certainly had a change of heart when it came to food, didn't she? That was nice, and the soft smile from Hisana deepened as she watched Saiko. "I'm afraid I'm not too familiar with all that. I really just have a few favorites I enjoy, a meat bowl or something like that. I admit I've never been much for buying anything extravagant." She giggled gently, humming for a moment to eye the surrounding area. She came to a bit of a stop in the middle of the little plaza, then offering a glance to Saiko.

"We can just go wherever you'd like actually! I'm a little curious to try new things, if you don't mind a little adventure." She chuckled, more one to facilitate things with others more than to focus on her own desires. IT made her happy to see Saiko enjoying herself.
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