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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Tue Nov 08, 2022 12:03 pm


Enter Saiko's Post

Saiko took another glance over at Hisana as she began to talk. Observing her for a few moments led the woman to believe that she was starting to become relaxed around based on her calm words and the way she had passing giggles at the words spoken. So, the hybrid couldn't help but smile as it was always lovely to see that there is still the potential to turn someone who was potentially an enemy at first into an ally or friend.

Opting to let Hisana finish speaking, Saiko was surprised that she wanted her to decide what they would eat. It caused her to briefly becoming silent, but not for long. Being that she was hungry and needed lots of fuel to feed the amount of energy her body burns, the simple choice was anything with meat in it. So, Gyūdon was a great idea.

"I hope you are a meat eater, Hisana."

There was a sly smile on the Mistress of Glum's face as she eyed a stand nearby. Making a motion with her hand for the Arrancar to follow, Saiko licked her lips in anticipation as her body craved a fat stack of protein. So, after getting the vendor's attention, she promptly ordered an average bowl of Gyūdon for Hisana; but ordered herself a meal fit for two or three with the large bowl that was being made for the hybrid.

It didn't take long to make it since most of the ingredients were already cooking, and they just needed to assemble it. It consisted of slices of beef cooked with onions in a sweet sauce and put on top of steamed white rice. This is why Saiko eagerly handed Hisana her bowl when the order was done before grabbing her massive bowl and taking a few bites as they started to find somewhere nice to sit down and talk.

And, with food still in her mouth and swallowing, Saiko sighed happily and spoke out.

"Let's sit and eat, Hisana. Tell me, how do you like it?"

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You Again?  [Saiko/Hisana] - Page 2 WVMWLOu
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Fri Nov 11, 2022 5:03 pm
You Again?  [Saiko/Hisana] - Page 2 HEADER_32596747_p9

Hisana couldn't help but chuckle a little at Saiko's comment. Given ...well...she was EXCLUSIVELY a meat eater for much of her existence. "I think I'll do alright." She assured the hybrid as she followed Saiko to the stand, offering a friendly smile and a nod to the Vendor as both of them received their bowls and made their way off to the side to find a seat, Hisana chuckling a bit to herself as she watched Saiklo already digging in before they even got to sitting down.

"You must use a lot of energy if you're so hungry." She ventured, eventually sitting down with Saiko and taking a moment to try some of the food. Certainly the rice was something she'd gotten used to. The mix of beef and onions was warm and delicious. Though.,..Hisana HAD found that pretty much all normal food tasted pretty good to her. A byproduct of her time in Hueco Mundo no doubt.

"I like it quite a lot. The onions especially add a nice kick to it." She paused, taking another bite and savoring the taste of it. Though she didn't really seem to be scarfing anything down, a gentle sigh escaping her. "It's been.... interesting. I really don't fight or exert myself much these days, so my appetite has been a little sparse. I'm almost a little worried I might start getting a little weaker." She murmured with a sheepish chuckle, probably not a very immediate concern, but it ... HAD been something of a task to find opportunities to stretch her legs so to speak. Hm... perhaps she aught to try and help some of the students with their training? She wasn't sure. She'd have to ask some of the other professors about it.
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Sat Nov 12, 2022 3:30 pm


Enter Saiko's Post

Saiko paused for a moment to properly digest and enjoy the food. At that time, her gaze lingered on Hisana as she commented on the hybrid's body using so much energy. Finally, she blinked, giggled, and commented back:

"Yeah, I guess it's the curse of my demonic half. Your body is fighting against itself in some ways, so when you are fighting with the body I have, it uses up so many calories and energy that I need to make up for it. Especially when I opt not to feed as most demons do when it comes to their element."

Nodding, Saiko reflected a bit on her restraint. It would be easier to start sucking and devouring the despair, glumness, and misery of the world around her, but that only made her lose aspects of her psyche to the depths of that despair. It would be easier to go back to that, to become a proper demon and become akin to that a demon lord. Yet, she didn't desire that. So, she focused on her meditations and her humanity and fought against them for her own sake and happiness.

Hence, as Hisana started to comment about her lack of appetite, Saiko continued to look at the Arrancar before a realization hit her: did she need to push herself? Sure, Hisana needed enough strength to at least guide some of the people under her, but she seemed content, and Saiko would express that thought.

"You seem...happy. If there is a lack of desire for that, perhaps it is for the best. Is there any strong reason you need to really fight or train outside of being strong enough to guide the students in the academy, Hisana?"

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You Again?  [Saiko/Hisana] - Page 2 WVMWLOu
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Wed Nov 16, 2022 11:08 pm
You Again?  [Saiko/Hisana] - Page 2 HEADER_32596747_p9

Hisana nodded slowly. And ....admittedly she had very little to ....say. Unlike vizards and the like, she had little to know information on Demons. The memories she had collected, there were bits and pieces. But hybrids were still beyond the scope op her reach. She wasn't really sure what could be said.

"I see. I'm sorry that it's been so difficult for you. Still, I suppose having to eat a bit more isn't too bad... but I suppose I don't really have any idea how hard that is or isn't for you." She conceded, closing her eyes thoughtfully. "Perhaps there's a way to get around it? The new captain of the Research Division, after all, is a man with quite a reputation. It's possible he might be able to assuage the need for such high calorie intake." She offered. IN truth, she had also visited him for advice as of late. He certainly seemed capable.
She took a few more bites of her food, though, when Saiko asked her next question, she had to admit, it threw her for a loop.

She ....paused.... and considered the question. And a shaky smile formed. Saiko made a fair point. She was already contributing more than was needed. Murasaki had offered to grant her sanctuary more or less without any strings attached. It was Hisana who had asked if she could further contribute to the Gotei. Why .....DID she feel so compelled? But when she closed her eyes. It didn't take her long to find her answer. Her sister.

She smiled, even with her eyes closed. And for just a moment, she enjoyed the thought. Perhaps selfishly. That she could some way. Protect her sister. In truth... that was what was driving her. The desire to protect not only Rukia herself. But that which was valuable to her. It was .... a complicated feeling to be sure. And as she had wasn't a very simple wish.

"There's far more than just my students to care for. There is ... a lot I've come to value here. The simple answer is that there are people and things I wish to protect, more than just my students. Although..." She did trail off a little and give a sheepish...guilty little smile.

"I am a hollow. Being too sedentary. It does make me restless. Perhaps it's simply in my nature to fight." She confessed.
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You Again?  [Saiko/Hisana] - Page 2 Empty Re: You Again? [Saiko/Hisana]

Thu Nov 17, 2022 3:08 pm


Enter Saiko's Post

Saiko would wave off the concerns with a gentle wave and laugh.

"Ah, there are worse things in life than eating like a pig. Honestly, there are more drawbacks to being a hybrid, but I wouldn't want to bring the mood going into them."

She'd snort, taking another giant bite out of her meal. The warm feeling of hot food going down her throat and into her gut just made the woman feel at home. So, she'd nod and continue the conversation, even if it was uncomfortable to bring up these unsavory aspects of her body.

"Hmmmmmm, well, there is a chance I could still exist without my demonic powers. However, since my body has been like this for decades, it's bounded to it, and I'm just scared of dying or becoming injured before I can truly redeem myself for what I've done."

A cup was on the table, so she took a sip of its cherry-flavored contents as she lost herself in thought for a moment while looking at Hisana's aura. It was alright to exist for the moment, and Saiko enjoyed times like these. There was no telling when terrible things might happen, so she was the type to try not to think too hard, as she's already spent much of her life doing that and tormenting herself. So, she'd press through and speak further.

"You are right. That is a good reason to want to keep training or getting stronger. However, if there are people you cherish and want to protect, sometimes you have to put in the work to want to keep them safe. That's why many people who form families do what they can to ensure they can provide a happy life for the people they care for."

There was a chuckle before she continued with her thoughts.

"I may be thinking too deeply about this, but people have had to fight since the dawn of life and man. That sense of fighting is even in humans. So, it matters more about why you fight than the fight itself. Even on the smallest level of just wanting to live a normal life, there is a battle to endure obstacles to learn a hobby or skill or even to connect with people. So, pursuing something that keeps life interesting and your why is more important than achieving the thing itself."

After a pause, she'd look at Hisana and blush a bit.

"Does that make sense?"

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You Again?  [Saiko/Hisana] - Page 2 WVMWLOu
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Sun Nov 20, 2022 2:14 pm
You Again?  [Saiko/Hisana] - Page 2 HEADER_32596747_p9

Hisana paused at that and tilted her head. A little surprised at Saiko's response. She was quiet for a moment, considering what had been said to her. She considered asking for more information, but the girl had expressed that she wasn't willing to bring down the mood, and while Hisana herself hardly minded a thing, she did admit it was possible Saiko might not want to effect her own mood. And so she gave a gentle smile and nodded her head. "I understand."

That deeper narrative however, did make her pause. Lowering her utensils and watching Saiko for just a few seconds, her brows raising before she gave a soft chuckle and a smile. "Saiko has put an awful lot of thought into this. I didn't know you were so philosophical." She smiled warmly and took another bite of her food. "I admit I don't really think much about those things. But I guess that's mostly behind me, for how long I've been around. Still, I'm happy that you're willing to share your thoughts with me on the subject. I'm just sorry I don't have much to really add on the subject." She noted with a sheepish smile.

Truth be told, it felt a little similar to her interaction with one of her students who had been very into poetry. She could certainly appreciate the art, but admittedly..... she didn't know enough about the subject. Or well....simply wasn't inclined to that sort of thinking, that she would have anything interesting to say about it. It was a bit of a shame... but well, she knew that it wasn't too big of a hassle and that those simply weren't things that were within her ...ah what did they call it....wheelhouse?
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Sun Nov 20, 2022 3:55 pm


Enter Saiko's Post

Saiko gushed for a moment as she never considered herself a profoundly philosophical person. However, it was hard to gauge how she came off at times since the woman felt so lost in her pursuits, emotions, and passions that it was refreshing to get another person's point of view on her words. So, with a ginger chuckle, she'd continue keeping the conversation rolling:

"Well, thank you for that! I suppose I've had a lot of time to contemplate things. There has been so much that has happened to me these past few years since I joined the Gotei that it changes your worldview with enough time."

Nodding, Saiko looked at Hisana for a few moments before remaining silent and prodding her a bit more.

"But tell me, do you have any general philosophy on life? Or are you the type to accept things as they are? You seem pretty wise and teach many people, so I'm curious to hear what you think is the key to a good life and what you tell your students."

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You Again?  [Saiko/Hisana] - Page 2 WVMWLOu
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Sun Nov 20, 2022 7:48 pm
You Again?  [Saiko/Hisana] - Page 2 HEADER_32596747_p9

"Hm. I suppose I would seem that way. But not really. I try my best to listen, but I don't think I'm particularly wise. I think that I'm very calm, and I don't speak often. I simply listen to others. And that can be mistaken for wisdom. I suppose in time, I have what it takes to be wise, but I don't think I'm quite there yet." She murmured, closing her eyes and sighing softly. "I have experiences. Many memories to draw from. But they are.... fuzzy. And a little hard to discern at times." She noted quietly. She had, by now, finished her food, and set the bowl to the side.

"But I'm certainly happy that you seem to think that way about me." She noted in soft, earnest appreciation. IN truth, she didn't feel wise. No. A wise woman.... would not be in her position. She didn't feel wise. She felt scared. And Selfish. Even now, reaching up, and resting her hand over her own pale throat. Knowing what was hidden just beneath that thin veil.

If she were wiser.
She'd be cleansed by now.
Rather than clinging to this lofty dream.
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You Again?  [Saiko/Hisana] - Page 2 Empty Re: You Again? [Saiko/Hisana]

Tue Nov 22, 2022 2:52 pm


Enter Saiko's Post

"Hm, don't discount yourself so quickly. Those who lack intelligence speak when they shouldn't, and those who possess intelligence listen and speak when they understand the world and others better. You seem to understand that, and it's not as common as you would expect it to be."

Humility, observation, and the capacity to learn and evolve were worthwhile traits in the eyes of Saiko. Because of this, she perceived Hisana's reaction as downplaying her abilities. There is no doubt in her mind that the Arrancar has made mistakes, but no being is perfect, and she continued to have her eyes linger as this contemplation carried on.

"When you live to absurd ages as we do, you live entire lifetimes repeatedly. It's natural for things to become hazy as your old self dies and a new one begins to transform as experiences and the period we find ourselves in change us. It's better to accept that, draw the most important memories from our lifetimes, and adjust to the time we live in."

After speaking, Saiko paused for a moment, and then she snorted.

"Well, all that matters unless we are ready to die. But it seems you have much more to do before that happens."

Smiling for a few more moments after talking, Saiko's eyes drifted back to Hisana as she paid attention to the woman holding her throat. Then, figuring something was off, she decided to prod her gently and move on with the conversation.

"If there is something more you want to express, I'm not afraid to dwell on more sensitive things. I won't prod you, but you looked distressed there for a moment, and I figured something was wrong. Forgive me if I'm incorrect, however."

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You Again?  [Saiko/Hisana] - Page 2 WVMWLOu
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Tue Nov 29, 2022 7:48 pm
You Again?  [Saiko/Hisana] - Page 2 HEADER_32596747_p9

Hisana couldn't help but pause, canting her head to the side as Saiko seemed almost suspiciously perceptive. "No that's quite alright. and I do appreciate you trying to help. It's just a little bit of a complicated situation." She noted with a soft chuckle and a pat to Saiko's shoulder. Even so, she finished off her food and then slowly stood up, her expression brightening just a little as she gave Saiko a gentle nod. "All the same. I certainly hope that you have a lovely day, I very much enjoyed our talk." Certainly taking a moment and checking the time. She had a wile before her next class started, but she still wanted to deal with a few things before that.

"Apologies for cutting this so short. But I have a few things I need to do before my next class. But even so, I'd certainly enjoy having lunch with you again in the future. Talking with you was quite enjoyable." She assured the half-demon. Certainly it would be rather fun to be able to check in on the girl now and then. And certainly having someone on friendly terms would be nice for herself as well.
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