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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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The Ultimate Test Empty The Ultimate Test

Sat Dec 03, 2022 12:11 am

The Ultimate Test 18peDx2

Hono Kaen

Artist: - Song: - Word Count: 181

Well, Hono sure had a lot on her mind right now, Elyss had agreed to a date! Just one though, so Hono really needed to knock it out of the park with this one! Thankfully she had her friend Ari the demon help her! Well more so some general advice, plus she helped her find some nice wine. Well! It was time for her to make her move! Hono would gather some things from her date. Three roses along with a bottle of wine, not some cheap stuff like the last time, but something a little nicer, plus a small bag with some food she would cook! Though the best thing, was that Hono wasn't shit faced!

With a quick gulp, Hono would knock on the door this time, instead of busting straight into the house as she usually would have done. If Elyss would open, Hono would hand her the roses. Smiling before rubbing the back of her neck. "I didn't just bust in this time. I brought some wine, and I'm actually gonna cook us dinner if that's okay..."

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The Ultimate Test Empty Re: The Ultimate Test

Sat Dec 03, 2022 11:09 pm
The Ultimate Test Unknown

Elyss Kishimoto | Red

Hono should have checked if Elyss was even home before knocking because no one would answer, and the woman would be left outside for about five minutes before hearing noise from across the grounds. It is Elyss discussing something with a member of her Division. If the Captain had known that Hono was going to drop by today, she would have made sure that the door was left opened, but there's no going back now. It was just weird for Elyss to see Hono out the corner of her eye and turn her head towards the other redhead. With a glance at the bag in Hono's hand, Elyss understood the situation somewhat.

"I'll speak with you later. I have something I need to do."

Elyss dismissed the other member, making her way over to Hono. "So, today's the day, huh?" She'd greet, stepping aside Hono to unlock her home and open the door. "Come on in."

The inside's exactly how it's always been: plain and homely. Elyss didn't make a big fuss or anything about what just happened. She actually felt a bit bad about finding Hono outside her home, waiting, but there's no point in wasting time with that when it seems there's present matters to handle.

"Sup, Hono. Finally here to, ya know, impress me?"

With a small smirk, Elyss taunted the woman a bit, tired eyes seeming to have a bit of appeasement in them. Despite everything between the two, Hono's someone Elyss would never write off, annoying and all.


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The Ultimate Test Empty Re: The Ultimate Test

Tue Dec 06, 2022 2:55 am

The Ultimate Test 18peDx2

Hono Kaen

Artist: - Song: - Word Count: 233

Truthfully Hono was nervous after her hands left the door! I mean what if Elyss didn't like their little date? That would be so damn embarrassing. Though it would seem Hono had already made a mistake, after just a few minutes of no answers she came to the conclusion that Elyss wasn't home. Shit. What now? Well I guess Hono would try and head home and try again another time...

However, Hono would stop in place, looking over as she saw... Elyss! Shit she was actually heading towards her! Focus Hono, Focus! Time for you to make your move and prove yourself! She took a deep breath, handing off the flowers off to her date.

"Mhm, today! Sorry were you busy with your division?" Trying to make some small talk to start off, though she was pretty curious, was Hono interrupting? Hono though nothing of Elyss' home, I mean she had busted her way in so many times before she was use to seeing this place.

"Yep!" Walking over to the nearest table, Hono would dig in the bag, pulling out a wine bottle, it wasn't cheap either. "No getting drunk this time..." She would awkwardly chuckle. "Plus! I brought some chicken and rice, mind if I use your kitchen? I'll cook us up some dinner~"

Hono was hoping to use her cooking skills to impress Elyss~ Afterall that's why she was here.

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The Ultimate Test Empty Re: The Ultimate Test

Sat Dec 10, 2022 4:52 pm
The Ultimate Test Unknown

Elyss Kishimoto | Red

Flowers? Well, that's actually sweet of Hono. Elyss took the three roses and made a note to put them in some water, so they stay well. It doesn't take much to get flowers, but it's the simple thought that makes the gesture appreciated. Hono's nervousness also added a bit of shock and awe to everything. Who would have thought that this would be what left Hono without her usual confidence?

"Thanks, and it was just some minor stuff, reports and whatnot. The kitchen's open if ya like. I haven't actually eaten today yet."

Pointing to her small kitchen, Elyss went about finding a nice glass and putting the roses in it, adding water. Well, tonight's either going to go swell, or it's going to end up awkward. Either way, Elyss thinks she's about to enjoy what comes next. Despite her serious nature, everyone knows she has a bit of sadism about her.


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The Ultimate Test Empty Re: The Ultimate Test

Sat Dec 10, 2022 9:22 pm

The Ultimate Test 18peDx2

Hono Kaen

Artist: - Song: - Word Count: 170

It felt really weird for Hono to see Elyss acting so casually, usually Hono would just get punched out cold. Oh! This was a good time to make some small talk, time to call back to Hono meeting Saiko.

"Oh! Speaking of your divison, I met... Saiko? I think her name was? The goth woman." That certainly was a description wasn't it. Hono would find herself in Elyss' kitchen, taking out some chicken and some uncooked rice. Along with plenty of spices and seasonings! This would be when Hono began her cooking, seasoning the food. A LOT of spices.

"I hope you don't mind chicken, my mom taught me this one just recently! So why not let you test it~" Hono would look up at Elyss for just a moment, a soft smirk appearing on her face. "You... uh look nice today? Cute? Hot?" What excalty was Hono suppose to call her? Nice was to formal, Cute was to childish, Hot was a bit adult? The red-head wasn't really sure.

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The Ultimate Test Empty Re: The Ultimate Test

Thu Dec 15, 2022 3:42 pm
The Ultimate Test Unknown

Elyss Kishimoto | Red

Elyss looked at Hono, a simple stare. There's information being said, and it's all in one long limbo line. Hono's not really the best at conversation it seems. It's best to stick to just one topic at a time instead of bouncing the subject around. Should she respond to the Saiko thing first? The chicken? Hono calling her cute? Three entirely different sentences, and only one redhead to get through it all.

"Erm... Cool, I guess. I have a lot of people in my division so... Uh... Yeah. Chicken is fine though. Just don't burn down my kitchen. And thanks. You're nice today too."

Her expression then shifted as she looked annoyed suddenly, turning her head towards the living room. Stepping into the room, she began rolling her shoulders before she began removing her outfit. First, she slipped her top down from her shoulders, stepping over to the side where a shirt lied. She had forgot she had left this stuff out for tonight. There was something on Earth she was going to check out. Guess that can wait, but she's still putting on the shirt. Then, she dropped the rest of her outfit, shorts actually under it.

"You've been to Earth before, right, Hono?" She then asked as she threw her Captain haori onto the couch.


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The Ultimate Test Empty Re: The Ultimate Test

Thu Dec 15, 2022 10:37 pm

The Ultimate Test 18peDx2

Hono Kaen

Artist: - Song: - Word Count: 181

What else to do when nervous than ramble? It was painfully obvious that Hono was terrible at this flirting thing. She tried to keep the good vibes going! Hono was glad to hear chicken was the right pick. With that she would make extra sure not the burn the food! Though hearing she looked nice was really reassuring! A soft red hue on her cheek as she got cooking.

“Thankfully it won’t take very long! The chicken should cook pretty quick!” As the chicken cooked, the kitchen would be filled with the smell of various spices. A strong smell. Shit… Elyss was stripping? Hono would keep her eyes glued to the eyes on the food, not looking at Elyss as she took her outfit off. That would be weird!

“Yeah. Where do you think I got the wine?” A soft chuckle. “I’ve gone maybe 3 times? Not a lot. Realm enforcement doesn’t have much of a reason to go.” She explained. “Why do you ask?” She raised an eyebrow, now throwing the rice into a separate stove. Immediately pouring sauce into the pan.

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Last edited by Waffles on Fri Dec 30, 2022 6:56 pm; edited 1 time in total
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The Ultimate Test Empty Re: The Ultimate Test

Fri Dec 30, 2022 11:16 am
The Ultimate Test Unknown

Elyss Kishimoto | Red

"Be careful," Elyss warned, her mind going through the multitudes of reports that have been through her office already. Earth has become increasingly dangerous lately, a definite sign of something happening or to come. It's a pain, but a pain she has to come to terms with.

"Smells nice though," She'd add after her little warning, taking a whiff of the air. Whatever's being cooked up should taste nicely, huh? The last time someone cooked for Elyss..., well, that's not something one should think too hard about.


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The Ultimate Test Empty Re: The Ultimate Test

Fri Dec 30, 2022 7:10 pm

The Ultimate Test 18peDx2

Hono Kaen

Artist: - Song: - Word Count: 248

"Aww~ You're worried about little ol me~?" She would playfully laugh. "Well, do your job and keep Earth safe~ A friend of mine on earth helped me picked this stuff out, she told me it was really good!" Hono would gesture to the wine. European from the label, a bit higher end stuff, nothing crazy expensive but still a chunk of change. "I'm teasing, I'm sure you bust your ass" Hono would chuckle.

"Did... you tell anyone about last time I was here...?" Hono would find herself growing a bright red color. "It was pretty embarrassing..." Hono would go back to adding just a few more spices along with a bit of sauce. After a few more minutes, Hono would remove the breasts from the pan, placing a nice pile of rice on two plates, along with the breast on top of the steamed rice.

Hono would use the palm of her hand to wipe away some of the sweat from her forehead, turning off the stove and letting out one heavy sigh. One of relief that she didn't burn the food, but with a mix of accomplishment. Taking the plates in her hands, she would walk towards Elyss, handing one of the plates off, keeping her own. "Where we sitting?" She would simply ask raising her eyebrow, scanning the house for an empty spot. Though, Hono would try and press her luck a little, she would lean forward a little, smirking at the red-head. "Kiss the cook~?"

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The Ultimate Test Empty Re: The Ultimate Test

Mon Jan 09, 2023 8:10 pm
The Ultimate Test Unknown

Elyss Kishimoto | Red

"Someone should learn to take care of themselves already then. That way I won't have to do all the heavy lifting around here."

Elyss rolled her eyes, finding it preposterous that Hono would even think she's not being thought about. Elyss thinks about a lot of people because that's the sort of person she is. It's not always shown, but the redhead's a rather hospitable and charitable person. It just shows itself in strange ways, but that's alright. Not everyone is capable of expressing themselves perfectly.

But maybe it's perfect enough.

"And whatever happens in my home, stays in my home. I'm not one for needless gossiping or sharing personal matters."

Elyss would never tell anything someone didn't want shared, and Hono has yet to say it's okay, so that means it's not okay. Besides, what would Elyss even say? As much as Hono taunts and teases about them being a couple, Elyss isn't the type to set things in stone until she's sure of it herself. People are always so quick to jump into these things. It's not a fight. It isn't a life-or-death situation. There's time, and they can take it slow.

"Try again after the date," Is what Hono got from Elyss as the Captain spot the seat next to her on the couch, inviting Hono next to her. It wasn't a real rejection, but Hono hasn't even finished the date yet before asking for a kiss. Someone's trying to get ahead of the game, but slow and steady wins the race when it comes to these things.


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