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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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The Ultimate Test - Page 2 Empty Re: The Ultimate Test

Thu Jan 12, 2023 10:21 pm

The Ultimate Test - Page 2 18peDx2

Hono Kaen

Artist: - Song: - Word Count: 229

"I'm just teasing. I know you're a hard worker, it's one of the things I like about yah~" Hono would say sweetly, a soft chuckle coming after. "Keep up the good work okay?"

Hono was a little impressed, nothing left Elyss' house? Well that would save Hono from a lot of embarrassment. Her cheeks had gotten a little red. "I did tell a few people I have a date! I even got a little training!" It was a little embarrassing to admit Hono needed to get some help with this date. Though it might show she's been trying her best for this.

Hono nodded and would sit down next to Elyss, cutting open the chicken that was on her plate, it seemed almost perfectly cooked on the inside, Hono would take a bite, stabbing it with her fork before bringing it to her mouth. Damn, it was really spicy, but that was how Hono liked it. Though to her it was hardly spicy, Hono would watch Elyss through the corner of her eye, hoping the red-head would like her food.

"I uh- Hope it's good! There's rice on the side as well!" Hono would take a fork full of the rice in question. "Uh... so what else do we talk about? I don't really go on dates like this-" Hono would truthfully tell Elyss while slowly eating her food.

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The Ultimate Test - Page 2 Empty Re: The Ultimate Test

Mon Jan 16, 2023 7:04 pm
The Ultimate Test - Page 2 Unknown

Elyss Kishimoto | Red

"Training? For a date?"

Elyss chuckled, shaking her head. She just doesn't understand this. Why do you need training for something like this? It's simple, but that's being a bit harsh. Elyss can at least appreciate the idea around trying to perfect the craft. It's just weird to try and do something like that just for her. Elyss is, well, Elyss. She's a plain woman who's not into the theatrics normally.

"Well, as long as no one starts anything over this, no harm's done."

The last thing Elyss wants is to have to knock someone out for being annoying over something as simple as a date, but that's besides the point. She ought to see how Hono's cooking is. The woman did come all the way here just to provide, and after a few bites, Elyss found herself simply enjoying herself. It's just food, and it's not bad. A bit heavy on the spices, but the redhead's not a baby.

"We can talk about whatever really. Learned anything new?"


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The Ultimate Test - Page 2 Empty Re: The Ultimate Test

Sat Jan 21, 2023 10:23 pm

The Ultimate Test - Page 2 18peDx2

Hono Kaen

Artist: - Song: - Word Count: 141

Hono would soon seem a little nervous, it was a little cringe to admit she was training for a date, however, there was nothing she could do about it, she already said it. Hono would laugh with Elyss, seeing that it wasn't a weird thing.

The Shinigami would look down towards her food, take another bite of her food, and look directly at Elyss watching her expression as she ate. That was when Elyss asked if Hono learned anything.

"Oh! I learned about some American food. I tried a hamburger for the first time, plus I've been doing a lot more training." She would give a soft smile, looking at her hip where she would usually keep her Zanpakuto, thinking about it, this was the first time Hono left it back in her room.

"How about you? Anything spicy happen soon?"

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The Ultimate Test - Page 2 Empty Re: The Ultimate Test

Sun Jan 22, 2023 7:55 pm
The Ultimate Test - Page 2 Unknown

Elyss Kishimoto | Red

"American food? Don't eat too much of that stuff or you'll get fat, and make sure you're training properly. I hear you have a habit of pushing it a bit too much sometimes. Training doesn't work if you injure yourself all the time."

Elyss seemed to have gotten into a bit of a chiding mood while she ate, placing her plate down as she focused on conversing. If she had to think about what she's been up to, she'd say that none of it was of any particular interest. All that has been going on is the situation with the Vandenreich, and that's something everyone is dealing with.

"Let's just say I've been doing the same old same old. This is probably the spiciest I've felt in a while."

And that's because someone decided to make their chicken a literal geyser of flavor.


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The Ultimate Test - Page 2 Empty Re: The Ultimate Test

Thu Jan 26, 2023 1:33 am

The Ultimate Test - Page 2 18peDx2

Hono Kaen

Artist: - Song: - Word Count: 153

It was a fair warning, all those burgers went straight to your thighs. Though Hono was gonna tease Elyss. "Aww~ You won't date me if I were fat? Wow..." She would mumble, staying quiet for a few seconds, breaking it with a rather quick chuckle. "Oh! You hear huh? So my name is flying around~ That's progress!" Hono really had a strange outlook on things huh?

"Oh! How's my cooking? You're kind of the first person I've ever cooked for. Besides my brother and sister of course." that was when a question struck Hono. "You got any family Elyss?" It was a simple question, but hopefully, it could drum up a nice discussion between the two of them.

Hono would eat again, it seems like the spices didn't bother her in the slightest, and she would take a sip of her water. Not breaking eye contact, curious about the answers she would get.

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The Ultimate Test - Page 2 Empty Re: The Ultimate Test

Sat Feb 04, 2023 5:08 am
The Ultimate Test - Page 2 Unknown

Elyss Kishimoto | Red

"I wouldn't date you if you get fat, yeah, and hearing a lot about you isn't what I'd call a good thing."

It's the same as the things people hear about her. Rumors will be rumors, but they'll ruin or make your career. Elyss would rather Hono not have too many bad connotations attached to her. However, people will be people. Elyss can't make Hono be a different person. She can only accept it. At least her cooking gives the redhead some hope that this woman has some semblance of hope left.

"I don't have family. It's just me."

Now, Elyss is left to wonder how Hono's family would handle hearing that their daughter is fighting so much. Well, that's none of Elyss' business right now.

"You live with them?"

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The Ultimate Test - Page 2 Empty Re: The Ultimate Test

Thu Feb 09, 2023 10:27 pm

The Ultimate Test - Page 2 18peDx2

Hono Kaen

Artist: - Song: - Word Count: 222

Hono would throw her head onto her forehead and dramatically gasp. "Elyss! Aren't looks just a supplement?" Hono would look at her, before chuckling. She listened to her date explain that she didn't have any family. Well that was interesting. Though as Elyss asked Hono about he family, the Shinigami's eyes would light up, it seems Elyss found something she was really interested in.

"Well, I don't live with them right now! But I'm a family girl!" She chuckled a bit. "There's my mom, dad, brother and sister!" She counted off her family members with her hand. "Well, they're not my birth parents, but they raised me like their own. Mizu is my brother, he's... well a nerd, he loves reading. And my sister Haru likes to make dolls." Hono would feel her cheeks turn red. "They both idolize me..." She rubbed her cheek. "Mizu writes these little short stories about me, and Haru made one of those children straw dolls based off me." She cracked a smile, nostalgia of her time as a child returned to her.

"I love them. A lot, I try to visit them whenver I can, they live out in the tenth district!" Hono would go into a slight tangent, telling Elyss some of the small things about her family, oh how she could talk for hours.

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The Ultimate Test - Page 2 Empty Re: The Ultimate Test

Sun Feb 12, 2023 9:08 am
The Ultimate Test - Page 2 Unknown

Elyss Kishimoto | Red

"If food and peoples have any similarity, let it be the need for them to look appetizing," Elyss spoke, defending herself. Though, with that said, Hono may catch on to the fact that Elyss basically considers her good looking. The redhead would never care to straight up flirt in a blatant manner with Hono. She's found a particular interest in poking at the woman, simply because Hono has easy to tempt reactions.

However, as the other Shinigami dove into the topic of their family, Elyss listened intently. It is rare for Hono to speak so earnestly about anything besides fighting, but maybe that's Elyss' fault for never bringing up other subjects with Hono. Sadly, it did force Elyss to face her own memories of her past, Hono's words distant as the redhead remembered her family. It's hard to pinpoint the moment she came back from her head, but Elyss would find herself reaching for Hono, putting a finger on the woman's lips to silence her.

"Mmm... Well, maybe one day I should meet them," She taunted, knowing exactly what meeting the parents meant when it came to what Hono's wanting out of this. Elyss only smirked though, leaving that as it is before returning to finishing her meal.

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The Ultimate Test - Page 2 Empty Re: The Ultimate Test

Mon Feb 13, 2023 3:35 pm

The Ultimate Test - Page 2 18peDx2

Hono Kaen

Artist: - Song: - Word Count: 116

Hono would raise an eyebrow, finding Elyss' analogy super strange. She would quickly look at her raising. "You wanna eat me?" Hono would jokingly ask her date, though Hono was pretty surprised Elyss found her attractive, she knew herself she was, though she was just shocked to hear it from the person she was chasing after.

Hono's cheeks would blush bright red, feeling Elyss silence her, pretty embarrassed she went on the ramble. Though it would be something Elyss might have to get used to, if Hono loved something she'd ramble.

"H-Hey! So you're serious about this huh~?" Hono would tease back, though while Hono liked to tease, she really wasn't used to being teased back.

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The Ultimate Test - Page 2 Empty Re: The Ultimate Test

Sat Feb 18, 2023 6:15 am
The Ultimate Test - Page 2 Unknown

Elyss Kishimoto | Red

"Well, I wouldn't get that deep about it. Food can look good and have a bad taste, just like people, so being appetizing could just mean you're a good person."

Elyss was joking, yeah, but she felt the need to add a bit of seriousness to the situation. It's so easy to fall for a good-looking guy and get hurt because they're rotten to the core. She's seen a lot of people fall into that horrid cycle of abuse. She can remember the days of saving poor damsels because of their choice in men, but that's long-gone past stuff. She'd rather focus on Hono's question. If anything, she should consider a serious answer for something like this.

"Mmm... Well, if nothing ruins it, why shouldn't I be serious? You're serious, right?" Elyss shot back, finding it weird that Hono would ask something like that after they've sat here for a while. If Elyss wanted to fuck someone and be done with it, she'd just grab any fucker on the street because the redhead is confident; she could have any guy or girl in her bed whenever she wants.

"I'm not gonna fuck around with someone's feelings. If it works, it works. If it doesn't, it doesn't, but I still wouldn't mind meeting your family, dating or not. They seem like nice people, and I'm sure they'd like to meet the woman you're always trying to beat up."

That last bit was shot at Hono in a particularly pointed fashion, Elyss pointing her fork at her date.

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