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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Bloody Knuckles Empty Bloody Knuckles

Sat Dec 17, 2022 11:18 pm

Bloody Knuckles 18peDx2

Hono Kaen

Artist: - Song: - Word Count: 319

Hono was surprisingly not doing sword training for once, it was time to do some speed training, her sword skills had improved a whole lot, so now it was time for physical skills! Hono was running, training both speed and stamina, she couldn't get much stronger just focusing on her blade abilities wouldn't get her much stronger. Hono was a rather common face at the training grounds, spending most of the time she wasn't working training or nagging Elyss.

Though, her run wasn't exactly smooth, at least for the first couple of laps, after a bit Hono would find herself challenged! It seemed an unseated member of the Seventh Division wanted a fight, Hono was really expecting a long hard fight! Well... that wasn't exactly what she got, the fight lasted for about 5 minutes, Hono getting knocked down over and over, but Hono being the stubborn little woman she was, kept getting right back up and knocked right back down.

Eventually the Unseated felt bad, with a sigh he would turn away and start walking away. Hono was mad, at herself mainly, she balled up her fist and ran towards the man. "Hey! Don't turn away from me yet! We're not done." The pink haired Shinigami would believer a punch, as the man turned to the yelling, his nose would cleanly meet her fist. Since his guard was town the surprise attack manage to draw some blood from his nose. Grasping his nose, he'd quickly leave the training grounds.

"Damnit..." Hono was pretty frustrated and pretty beaten up from the fight, she would find a seat at a bench and catch her breath. The fact she let her temper get the better of her really just annoyed her, not to mention she got completely washed in that fight. She would drink some water and gather herself quietly, a few stray glances shooting at her from across the training grounds.

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Bloody Knuckles Empty Re: Bloody Knuckles

Sat Dec 17, 2022 11:28 pm
Bloody Knuckles HEADER___gilgamesh_and_ishtar_fate_and_1_more_drawn_by_tarou2__sample-da521ab775d6e765ed0e2221a50f500b

"Not exactly the most productive training regime. Is your aim to learn how to strike your enemies when they've already finished beating your ass?"

It was rare. for Yuri to be so openly derogatory. But well, Hono was such a special girl~ How rare it was that Yuri had an open and justified outlet for her venom, but truthfully that wasn't even the best part about Hono. It was just how easy it all was~

Idly strolling toward Hono as she offered a glance toward the man who was leaving before those blood-red eyes drifted back to Hono, a look of absolute disappointment in her expression. "You know, every time I find you pulling something like this. What is it you usually say? It's so very hard to listen to you talk. So what is it this time? Any particular reason you've gone and decided to sucker punch members of the Seventh Division?" She ventured, her voice laced with fatigue and an absolute lack of faith. Which admittedly wasn't true. What a poor tutor Yuri would be if she didn't see the potential in Hono. But that was exactly why she intended to get on the woman's case~

Some people needed to be nurtured. And others needed to be stomped into the ground for them to grow.
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Bloody Knuckles Empty Re: Bloody Knuckles

Sat Dec 17, 2022 11:52 pm

Bloody Knuckles 18peDx2

Hono Kaen

Artist: - Song: - Word Count: 241

Hono's eyes would shoot open, quickly snapping out of her zen state, That Damn Grating Voice. The Shinigami would glare at Yuri with a rather annoyed stare. She would shake her head and stand up, folding her arms. "Oh! Yuri, you must be really eager to see my cute face~ Or do you just love the sweet sound of my voice?" Yuri wasn't going to let Hono off so easily, that much was obvious, but hey, might as well fight back the best she could.

The young Shinigami was pretty damn infamous in her division, she had already gotten a warning from the captain for punching a few bad apples. Though that's why Hono wanted to prove herself as a capable member of the Sixth Division.

"Well, we were in a fight, he turned his back thinking I was out of it..." She would fold her arms, thinking about a satisfactory answer. "I shouldn't of done it, but I'm not just gonna give up on a fight that easily, I'm not out of the fight till I can't stand!" Hono was a lot like a cockroach, it would take a lot to make her quit. "I'll probably hear about it from Elyss..."

This would soon be followed up with a question from Hono. "You come here just for me? Orrrrr are you hear for other stuff?" She returned to the bench sitting down, previously tense she would relax a bit.

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Bloody Knuckles Empty Re: Bloody Knuckles

Sun Dec 18, 2022 4:51 am
Bloody Knuckles HEADER___gilgamesh_and_ishtar_fate_and_1_more_drawn_by_tarou2__sample-da521ab775d6e765ed0e2221a50f500b

Yuri's expression didn'ty change in the slightest, but she DID smile a little internally at the attempted pivot from her fellow division member. Goodness, why did she have to be in her squad? Truly there was a soul king. Tch, at least the woman had the braincells to be aware that she'd done something she shouldn't have. Even so, Yuri stared balefully at the other woman.

"Oh? So you expect every other member of the Gotei to simply disregard your safety because you don't want to admit defeat? I'm aware that your little Girlfriend has somehow managed to circumvent consequences for such actions, but I assure you I don't think our new Captain Commander appreciates such 'accidents' becoming commonplace." That dull, uninterested voice slowly heated up. A rising boil of slow and steady shift from apathetic disappointment to actual disdain as those eyes came to narrow up at Hono.

That being said.

When Hono asked about what Yuri herself had been in the area for. She fell silent for just a moment and shifted a little. "I came here to train. I didn't expect to have to be the adult in another one of your little situations." She pointed out. Avoiding being specific as to why she was here. Seventh division had some pretty expansive training courtyards, but was admittedly, also n the way to one of the more remote sections of forest that Yuri had decided on for her Bankai training. Her scars from her last attempt having healed, she was ready to go at it again. But she was hardly going to say as much to Hono.
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Bloody Knuckles Empty Re: Bloody Knuckles

Wed Dec 21, 2022 8:55 pm

Bloody Knuckles 18peDx2

Hono Kaen

Artist: - Song: - Word Count: 196

Hono would take note of Yuri's expression, truthfully Hono wasn't sure how to read Yuri right now, though Hono would have to make sure not to let Yuri get under her skin so easily. Hono needed to at least show some kind of restrain, she had some determination after all.

"Hey it's not like that! Elyss hasn't stopped me from getting trouble at all!" She would quickly shoot down that rumor. "I already got a warning from our Captain..." Hono would heavily sigh, thinking about the interaction. "Plus, Makoto got on my ass for it..." Hono really did want to control herself, but she just hated being looked down upon. "I'm not a bad person or anything!" It would seem the Shinigami was rather defensive, it seemed Yuri wasn't the first person to say that to her.

"Awww look at you Yuri~ Looking out for me! You really are in love with me huh~?" She would once again tease Yuri. "Trainin huh~ We'll I've been getting a hell of a lot stronger~" She would give a rather soft chuckle, tapping the Zanpkauto on her hip. Ignoring the fact she just got her ass handed to her.

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Bloody Knuckles Empty Re: Bloody Knuckles

Wed Dec 21, 2022 10:02 pm
Bloody Knuckles HEADER___gilgamesh_and_ishtar_fate_and_1_more_drawn_by_tarou2__sample-da521ab775d6e765ed0e2221a50f500b

Yuri couldn't help the soft sigh of disappointment that came from her lips, folding her arms across her chest and shaking her head slowly as she stared at the taller woman. Was it TRULY so incredibly hard for the woman to grasp her situation? "Are you stupid?" She narrowed her eyes and furrowed her brows, briefly dipping into incredulity, as if ACTUALLY unsure if the woman could really jump to something so inane as the subject of wether she was 'a bad person' or not. There was absolutely no way... what was she... five?

"I didn't say anything about what kind of person you are. And frankly, why would I care if you're a good or bad person? Your little.... antics aren't the trademark of a bad person. They're the mark of an idiot. Do you REALLY think that throwing yourself at everything like this is going to make you stronger?" She shook her head, this time taking a step forward and getting into the woman's business.Shaking her head and giving that bored, pitying look. "If you were actually getting any stronger, you wouldn't be scrounging for every brawl and spar you could bully out of your coworkers. But let's be honest, is getting stronger what you're REALLY after?" She canted her head to the side, narrowing her eyes just a little. "If you were interested in getting stronger, wouldn't you have gotten help by now? Perhaps...done something a little more ...productive with that little bout. Perhaps... a little less...tantrum head punching and a little more self reflection" That smile of hers slowly widened.

That slow, pitying smile that spread and wiped away that layer of apathy. "Nnnnno. ..... No I think you ......enjoy the ....Fantasy. Of 'training' without actually putting any effort in. I mean...why ELSE would you behave like this? You want to be strong, but you're either too stupid or too lazy to do anything that would ACtually make that happen." She mused, slowly walking in studious little circles around Hono, as if she were reading every line on the woman's frame as though she were an open book.The very idea that Hono would suggest she was attracted to her was ..... pulling up some of those worse habits in Yuri. As annoyed apathy slowly twisted into actual malice.

"Honestly it makes me wonder. These little jokes of yours, about me being in love with you? Are they...funny? Do they make you happy? To pretend that someone actually likes you? That your .....coworkers..... superiors.... and everyone else aren't just....tolerating you and all the trouble you cause?"
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Bloody Knuckles Empty Re: Bloody Knuckles

Thu Dec 22, 2022 1:55 pm

Bloody Knuckles 18peDx2

Hono Kaen

Artist: - Song: - Word Count: 305

Stupid? Well Hono would take that over evil. She'd think about her next step, "Maybe a little bit." She would act calm despite what Yuri was calling her. I mean it made sense, it seems Hono was expecting the 'bad person" allegation. But was a little surprised Yuri didn't go that route, a pleasant surprise to be sure.

"I didn't bully him for a fight! He challenged me! It was a fair and square fight!" Well... fair until Hono decked him in the nose while his guard was down. Hono really didn't have an excuse, and she wasn't going to act like she did. "Of course I wanna get stronger! I bust my ass in the training ground!" She would watch as Yuri seemed to study her. "Help? I've trained with a handful of people!" Lazy? That was a word that annoyed Hono. "I am not lazy, I've been getting a lot stronger!" She spoke in a quick and snappy tone. Hono would plant her feet, not reacting to Yuri making circles around her. "Well, who do you suggest I ask for help?" This was a slight jab back, but also something Hono was rather curious about, she wasn't exactly against getting some training advice.

"Does it make me happy? Nah, not really, but pissing you off does." She would let out a soft smirk. "Please, I know there are plenty of people who like me, my mother, my father, my siblings. Do I really need your validation?" She said in a calm tone, brushing some of the strands of her hair that covered her eyes, hoping putting them back in place.

"I'm trying to fix my temper, but it's hard." Hono mumbled, but loud enough for Yuri would likely be able to hear. "I have a lot of people I need to make proud"

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Bloody Knuckles Empty Re: Bloody Knuckles

Thu Dec 22, 2022 4:27 pm
Bloody Knuckles HEADER___gilgamesh_and_ishtar_fate_and_1_more_drawn_by_tarou2__sample-da521ab775d6e765ed0e2221a50f500b

Yuri simply gave Hono a withering look of incredulity as she, briefly, attempted to insist that she hadn't gone bullying anyone. She didn't entertain that with a response, the girl seemed to pause and reconsider her answer regardless, so there was no need for her to push that one further. No, rather Yuri focused on the next bit of the conversation.

"There is more to training than just training. CLEARLY you aren't doing something correctly. Or you simply aren't training hard enough. Trust me, I've been a tutor for the Shino academy for years now, the process is much more involved than just going at it. In fact, I've even had members of the gotei ask me for training before." A brief moment of a smile, just a little smug with herself. Truth be told, some of her students surpassed even herself. But well, that was something she intended to rectify. "Ask your superiors. Probably ... NOT Captain Kishimoto. There are plenty of tutors, teachers, and even Gotei members who teach a side class or two. All people who specialize SPECIFICALLY in helping people learn and grow." She pointed out, as if it were the simplest solution in the world. Hell, she could probably even just join some of the students in THEIR training.

But well. Given the little head punching incident, she refrained from offering THAT particular avenue of advice. Still, she made a bit of a face. She WOULD have been disappointed that her little barb seemed so ineffective. But frankly, the girl was a bit too dense and thickheaded. She hardly was going to put the failure on her part. She paused, considering just insulting the girl again, but she lamented. Rather, she smiled, deciding to take the high road.

"Well there's always counseling for that sort of thing. And as for making people proud, that's a fairly poor reason for strength don't you think? Look there that's gotten you." She pointed out, folding her arms across her chest and looking at Hono evenly.

"The training means nothing. It's just a path. WILL is what matters when you become stronger. The desire to protect something, or conquer something. IF you're training but seeing no results. Perhaps you should consider if that desire is strong enough to push you to where you want to be. And if not? You may simply need to find a new drive." She noted dismissively. A pause.

"In the meantime. You had best keep that temper of yours under control. As your direct superior, I won't hesitate to take corrective action if this becomes a frequent problem. As for your training, congratulations. Since you seem so eager. And given you ARE my subordinate. I'll be taking over your training. Unless you have any objections?" She ventured with a slight tilt of her head. Not like she was going to be terribly torn up if she did. But at the least she needed to have it on record that she offered to help. And if she accepted? Well then she'd very much get to enjoy whipping this little gremlin into shape.
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Bloody Knuckles Empty Re: Bloody Knuckles

Thu Dec 29, 2022 12:57 am

Bloody Knuckles 18peDx2

Hono Kaen

Artist: - Song: - Word Count: 286

Hono would grumble softly, Yuri had a poin, how was she suppose to snap back at someone who had a point? Exactly, it was hard when the person you were arguing with was one hundred percent right. She would nod her head.

"Well, I do wanna learn some Kido, as well as achieve a Shikai." Hono would simply state her goals, letting Yuri know what she needed to work on most. "Guess I'm just kind of independent, training with others hasn't gone great for me in the past, though, I could probably find a better tutor." Hono would flash a rather playful smile. "Well... Maybe you could teach me a thing ay~" She playfully winked. While Yuri did annoy Hono, she by no means hated the woman.

Yuri did have a point, Hono had smashed into a wall when it came to her progress, so training with someone else could help her get around that wall.

"Not a poor reason, why do you think I joined the realm enforcement? I want to keep my family safe! My brother Mizu and my sister Haru, they look up to me, so what kind of big sister would I be if I can't do that?" A rhetorical question, though it was her main motivation. "Plus with Elyss, I promised I'd beat her ass someday..." She wouldn't go much more into the second motive.

Though it would seem her asking Yuri to be her trainer was pointless, as Yuri was insisting upon it, she would laugh a bit. "Look at you Yuri~ Being such a great friend~" Hono would tease. "So, where do you wanna start?" She would ask Yuri, after all, she was going to take over for training.

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Bloody Knuckles Empty Re: Bloody Knuckles

Sun Jan 01, 2023 12:57 pm
Bloody Knuckles HEADER___ishtar_fate_and_1_more_drawn_by_yohaku__sample-175098b4f7bf509b47612d5aeedc89b1

Yuri couldn't help the slow, sly smirk which spread across her features as Hono so casually let it all out. What an honesty girl, if only it weren't balancwed out by the girl's childish tendencies. Even so, it was interesting to see how she just earnestly let Yuri in on what it was she wanted help on. Kido and Zanjutsu? Certainly not what she'd have expected from the woman,. The rowdy way that she conducted herself would have led her to believe she'd be more into Hoho and Hakuda. But well, then again, mixing up what she WANTED to do with what her talents were was perhaps a larger indication as to why Hono was failing to adequately get any mileage out of her training. But well, if nothing else, she could appreciate the woman knowing what she wanted. Or well, what she thought she wanted. That would remain to be seen.

That playful wink didn't escape her notice, and caused Yuri to raise a brow slightly, well aware that the girl was exactly the kind of student to just try to get a rise out of her. She hardly minded, her smile widening with just a hint of menace behind it. She kept her thoughts to herself as Hono insisted upon her ... motivations. Yuri's expression remained calm and impassive as she explained her .... noble aspirations. It was certainly information, and more ....clues. Clues that deepened just how earnest that smile of hers was. But she kept her thoughts close to the chest, no it would benefit her far more to keep these thoughts to herself for now, especially since she honestly wasn't all THAT familiar with Hono.

"We'll be sparring. You've already expressed to me how it is you would like to develop. But to go from here, I'll need to assess what it is you're good at." She explained simply enough. Saying nothing of the fact that NORMALLY, this would be more of an interview process. But well. At present, she didn't quite think that Hono was even aware of what it is she was actually good at. An interview could very likely yield poor or incorrect opinions. No, it would be best to assess the woman directly.
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