Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Thu Jan 05, 2023 11:30 pm

Bloody Knuckles - Page 2 18peDx2

Hono Kaen

Artist: - Song: - Word Count: 232

Well, while Hono was annoyed Yuri had called her out, she totally wasn't a bad teacher, Hono knew Yuri had a ton of different skills to share. As long as Hono was going to show results she could care less who was training her. "Truth be told I'd love to learn more than that, but can you really handle teaching me more than 2 things~?" Hono would let out a heavy chuckle. "Hoho would also be nice, I wanna work on my speed, I like striking fast personally..." She folded her arms explaining her preference. Hono would than let her arms fall to her side, she was surprised Yuri didn't react to Hono's teasing. Most people would at least give Hono SOME kind of reaction.

Hono would nod, walking back towards the bench, picking up her Zanpakuto which was resting up against the bench. Hono would draw her sword, and give a little laugh. "We using our Zanpakutos? Or practice swords?" Hono would raise an eyebrow curious, she wasn't sure how Yuri did her sparring matches. Hono would enter her sword stance, it was a bit untraditional, a fencing stance of sort, her blade pointing towards Yuri. She would just hope she could show Yuri how determined she was. If Hono took anything from her fight with Makoto, it was that Yuri would have to do a lot to knock her out.

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Sun Jan 08, 2023 11:36 am
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Yuri simply tilted her head to the side as she watched the other woman retrieving her weapon. Yuri herself closing her eyes to consider, gently reaching up without looking and resting her hand on her own zanpaku'to. "Hm. Is that right? We can use our Zanpaku'to. I assume you're able to control your spiritual pressure?" She noted, as she drew her own blade from her scabbard and gently ran her finger along the edge of the blade, and then TUGGED, as if to slit her own hand open, but as Hono would see, having dropped her spiritual pressure, the blade's edge dulled, keeping her from drawing blood.

"But as for your question. We'll go with everything. I need to see where your talents lie after all. I don't intend to train anything specific. You've already probably been doing that. A .... precise and concerted effort doesn't seem to work in your case Hono. I'm going to assess what you need to improve on. And we'll go from there." She pointed out, her eyes still closed as she gently let the tip of her zanpaku'to tap the ground at her feet. A smile growing across her lips.

"Farewell. Sesshō Sagisōshiha." She recited calmly, a soft crackling sound creeping across the blade as the weapon slowly turned a pale white. Of course, Hono wouldn't see anything. But a root would grow from the handle of her zanpaku'tro and start creeping into Yuri's palm, growing into her body and worming it's way up through her forearm and up along the bone, snaking through her body. Something that had once upon a time disgusted her, but she was quite used to it by now. All the same, Hono would still feel that sudden overpowering weight from the woman before her. A spike in spiritual energy that weighed down on her in response. As if daring her to act.

"I assume you've been trying to achieve shikai. Let's see how you do against mine." She noted with a casual smile. Those eyes still closed, as if she intended on fighting Hono with them closed.
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Bloody Knuckles - Page 2 Empty Re: Bloody Knuckles

Thu Jan 12, 2023 10:40 pm

Bloody Knuckles - Page 2 18peDx2

Hono Kaen

Artist: - Song: - Word Count: 222

Yuri was right in that assumption, Hono was able to control her pressure, after all Hono liked using her real weapon instead of training weapons, using the real thing gave you better mastery over your actually sword, or at least that's how Hono liked to think about it. She watched as Yuri sliced her self with no real damaging. Hono would point her Zanpakuto at Yuri, before bringing it to her finger and pressing it against the edge of her sword. No blood was drawn, that was something Hono could do.

"That's how I like it~ I wanna be good at everything~" Hono would chuckle. Farwell... Hono would feel the hairs on the back of her neck stand up, those words would give her chills as Yuri released her Zanpkauto, of course Hono couldn't see it, but still it was... intimidating. The increase in power caused her legs to shake a little bit.

Yuri would ask, Hono would quickly nod her head, shouting out confidently. "Yes! I want my Shikai!" Trying to overcome the fear and nervousness that Yuri was giving her. Hono was usually a brave person, but the sheer energy was overwhelming her. Hono would take a breath and rush towards Yuri, going right in for an attack. Swinging her Zanpkauto to left side of Yuri, aiming for her arm.

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Bloody Knuckles - Page 2 Empty Re: Bloody Knuckles

Sat Jan 14, 2023 8:05 am
Bloody Knuckles - Page 2 HEADER___ishtar_fate_and_1_more_drawn_by_yohaku__sample-175098b4f7bf509b47612d5aeedc89b1

Yuri smiled, her eyes certainly picking up on the sudden shaking in Hono's legs as he girl put on a brave fac e. Oh? Was this not the girl who attacked Elyss? And yet she was trembling under Yuri's spiritual pressure? So then Elyss was either taking it easy on this girl, or Hono found Yuri somehow more intimidating.. She'd find out of course. All in time~

As Hono rushed in, those blood-red eyes watched the woman's approach closely. And she slashed as well, her own blade flashing out and bulling into Hono's own weapon. Yuri exercising her FULL brutal strength to aim and SLAM that blade down and into the ground, that finesse adding to the force behind her blade to try and bury it into the grass. In seemingly the same instant, she twisted, bringing up her leg to execute a sudden, sharp hook-kick to the girl's head. Of course, she did adjust it. Rather than simply bashing Hono's head at full force, at the very last second,hooked her foot around Hono's head and then finished the kick, aiming to SPIKE the woman into the ground aggressively. A seemingly vicious move, but one that would be much gentler than an actual kick to the head, especially with the strength brimming through Yuri's body.

"That's it? Come on. Show me some of your creativity, Hono. Haven't you been ambushing people or something? Show me what you're good at. Show me what you Excell at." She insisted casually, her voice almost sounding bored as she egged the younger woman on. Pushing her to crank things up a little.

The girl was still thinking too much. Yuri needed to push her into that fight or flight mode. And see what it was that Hono defaulted to when she felt like she was in danger. That true, earnest kernel of survival beneath all that bravado.
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Bloody Knuckles - Page 2 Empty Re: Bloody Knuckles

Thu Jan 26, 2023 12:54 am

Bloody Knuckles - Page 2 18peDx2

Hono Kaen

Artist: - Song: - Word Count: 235

Hono was embarrassed, at least she would be later down the line, she was usually never scared, but something about this pressure and Yuri, in general, was just... frightening, a primal natural fear. Hono was overwhelmed by Yuri's slam, Hono's zanpakuto was instantly buried, though Hono made sure not to lose her grip, though the vibrations would travel from the blade through her arm putting pain into her hands and arms. In her effort to not lose a grip on her weapon, Hono's head was suddenly struck by Yuri's foot. Her face slammed against the ground, the most pain came from her nose hitting the ground, Hono would lay on the ground, almost lifeless, that kick really seemed to do a lot of damage to her.

Though Yuri's words seemed to have egged her on, Hono would start to stand up, grasping her blade quickly using it to stand as she yanked it from the ground. Grasping her blade, looking directly at Yuri, a fire building in her eyes. Hono without saying anything would attempt to feint Yuri, swinging her blade from the left, as she switched sides she'd attempted to sweep Yuri's legs. Despite just being spiked down to the ground, Hono didn't really seem defeated, if anything seemed reinvigorated, she didn't wanna just give up so easily. Despite the gap in their strength, it was gonna take a lot to take Hono out.

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Bloody Knuckles - Page 2 Empty Re: Bloody Knuckles

Fri Jan 27, 2023 9:18 pm
Bloody Knuckles - Page 2 HEADER___ishtar_fate_and_1_more_drawn_by_yohaku__sample-175098b4f7bf509b47612d5aeedc89b1

Yuri smiled, watching as Hono collided with the ground. Making a mental note of the girl's injury, all while maintaining that menacing smile. The girl would be fine, she'd probably have to use a bit of Kaido to make sure the girl didn't bruise too badly, but there was nothing dangerous. Truth be told, she was a little surprised to see Hono just ragdoll like that. Hm, was she not particularly sturdy? She hadn't hit the girl THAT hard. Hm.

But, as luck would have it, she got to see the girl peel herself up from the ground. Yuri smiled just a little wider and brightened up. "Atta girl. You can do it." She hummed, her voice still holding that menace even as she encouraged Hono. Her voice coming off as taunting as the younger shinigami promptly, went in for a Feint. Hm, not bad. In the very moment that Hono feinted, Yuri's spiritual pressure would SPIKE. Slamming down on Hono just as the woman swung and that blade would flick. Yuri moved, of course, just in time for that blade to nick her shoulder. With both of them controlling their spiritual pressure like this, the cut was incredibly shallow, practically a scratch. But it was enough. Enough for thin little fines to crawl out of her skin and cover up the wound. A bright, pale flower slowly peeling out of her skin, as if to tie off that wound before blooming open, leaving that thin cut gone entirely, leaving only a flower growing out of Yuri's shoulder.

"Not bad~" Her compliment instantly followed by a slash aimed across Hono's chest, aiming to cut clean through the girl's shuhakusho and slash her. Similar to Hono's own strike, the actual blade would fail to cut in any significant way. A thin little scratch across her chest. But that cut wouldn't JUST be a cut. If Hono didn't avoid the slash, she'd instantly feel something moving along her skin. Almost like something growing into her skin. But of course, if she actually looked, she wouldn't find anything. Currently, at least. Well, nothing other than a particularly painful little scratch.

"Tenacity is a pretty good thing to have. But many hollows have some nasty abilities. even acidic claws or teeth. Come on Hono. You're a shinigami, you have more than just your sword." She pointed out.
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Bloody Knuckles - Page 2 Empty Re: Bloody Knuckles

Thu Feb 09, 2023 9:07 pm

Bloody Knuckles - Page 2 18peDx2

Hono Kaen

Artist: - Song: - Word Count: 274

Hono would only find herself getting more egged on by Yuri, it seems Yuri was getting what she wanted, though that was probably smart, Hono was competitive, so Yuri taunting her was only going to make her stronger. Hono was really counting on her feint, it didn't seem like Yuri was blocking, but Hono was already committed to the strike, she would suddenly once again find herself on the ground, the wind being knocked out of her by the heavy weight pushing down on her. Hono was on one knee, holding herself up. Hono took note of the mark on Yuri's shoulder while small Hono would taunt Yuri back.

"So I got a hit off, guess I can hurt you..." She would let out a weak laugh. Hono would take a small victory as a win, but she wasn't gonna stop at just one cut. Hono would manage to react, at least a little to slash, the tip of Yuri's blade would strike Hono, cutting her, letting out a rather quick grunt, that stung... the feeling of something in her skin really freaked her out, though she knew it was some kind of ability Yuri had, so the girl would try to act like it didn't bother her in the slightest, maybe Yuri would think she missed? Not sure, but Hono would worry about what the ability did when it actually well... hurt. Hono would manage to stand, "I'll admit, I'm not great at Kido..." Hono would rush forward, and thrust at Yuri, though once she got close, she'd stop her thrust, and attempt to sweep at Yuri's feet, trying to knock her down.

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Bloody Knuckles - Page 2 Empty Re: Bloody Knuckles

Sat Feb 11, 2023 4:23 pm
Bloody Knuckles - Page 2 HEADE__ishtar_fate_and_1_more_drawn_by_virtu_al__sample-9c047315d5c38acc6cbe31f8916bc1f6

"Oh?~" Yuri smiled all the wider as she noticed Hono taking the sudden appearance of the flower in stride.Usually there was a lot more alarm. But Hono seemed to be pretty unconcerned, save for her reaction when she was cut. But that just grew a slightly wider smile from Yuri. Under normal circumstances, she wouldn't employ the use of her Zanpaku'to's special ability. IT was in very rare instances that she needed to PUSH a student with a bit of urgency that she would use such a thing. All the same, watching as Hono talked about being able to cut her made Yuri sigh in soft, wistful enjoyment. "OF course you can. I'm not exactly invincible or anything. Nobody is. Even if some in the Gotei would like to think that they are." She pointed out casually enough, her eyes flashing when Hono promptly followed up with that thrust.

She grinned, widening her stance and flashing a grin, fully prepared to simply hit that thrust head on, only to perk a brow when Hono suddenly switch to a sweep. Yuri's brows raised. A brief expression of ...interest. Before she promptly vanished on the spot. Pushing off a small spirit energy platform she'd made in the air to vanish. Appearing behind Hono and aiming to ram her elbow between Hono's shoulder blades, knocking her forward, but not winding her as she had this time.

"And you're never going to get any better unless you start practicing with it. Simply because you're not as good with something does NOT mean it shouldn't be in your arsenal. Even a poor excuse for a shunpo can get you out of a pinch. Even a Level One Kido spell can catch the enemy off guard. Shinigami have MANY tools at their disposal. Simply abandoning any of them just means you're not operating at your full potential." She stated firmly.

It would be then that Hono would feel it. Something sliding across where she'd been cut. Slowly stitching her wound shut. Vines growing through her skin as, slowly, a flower would also begin to bloom at the center of her chest. Painfully breaching the cut in her chest. And in the very same moment, Yuri would raise her hand, and promptly collect reiryoku at the tip of her finger, energy twisting bfore firing. A thin bullet of spirit energy firing off to hit Yuri square in the chest. She wasn't exactly an expert in Kido herself, she was very well versed, but hardly enough to go inventing Kido of her own. And in truth, this was more just reiryoku manipulation than a true blue kido spell. Just something she'd instinctively come up with. All the same, it was small and fast, aiming to catch Hono off guard during the distraction of the vines and flower growing. IT wouldn't punch and holes in her, but it would break the skin between her clavicles if it hit. Draw just a tiny bit of blood.
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Bloody Knuckles - Page 2 Empty Re: Bloody Knuckles

Sat Feb 11, 2023 9:37 pm

Bloody Knuckles - Page 2 18peDx2

Hono Kaen

Artist: - Song: - Word Count: 283

Yuri would get a little chuckle from Hono, it seems she liked that comment about being able to hurt anyone. "Damn right I can..." she said cockily. Hono was really riding on her sweep, though Yuri... vanished? Well before Hono could even process it, she'd feel the woman's elbow slam against her back, Hono winced, and was knocked forward just like predicted. Hono would use her legs to slow herself down and regain herself, standing up instead of falling straight to the ground. So this was Yuri, it was really aggravating Hono, she was giving it her all and Yuri seemed like she was giving almost no effort, though that might just be the motivation Hono needed.

Hono would really take Yuri's words to heart, she had a point, if Hono were to get stronger she'd need to use EVERYTHING at her disposal, so she needed to make sure she put her all into it, that went for training she couldn't only focus on one aspect.

Hono would nod before turning to slash at Yuri, however before Hono could turn, she'd feel Yuri's vines, she would wince feeling the sharp pains in her chest, causing her to let out a rather deep scream, the spell Yuri casted was successful, Hono let out another yelp.

This would be when Hono would showcase her speed, swift turning and slashing at Yuri as fast she could, aiming for the woman's arm, putting as much speed and force as she could into the strike. Regardless of what happened Hono would find a moment to ask, "So, you at least gonna... tell me... what these flowers are all about..." she would catch her breath as best she could.

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Bloody Knuckles - Page 2 Empty Re: Bloody Knuckles

Sat Feb 11, 2023 10:29 pm
Bloody Knuckles - Page 2 HEADE__ishtar_fate_and_1_more_drawn_by_virtu_al__sample-9c047315d5c38acc6cbe31f8916bc1f6

Yuri almost rolled her eyes a little at Hono fixating on that comment. But well that was just part of the girl's personality. She cricked her neck as she watched the girl stumble, only to catch herself after being struck by the elbow. A thoughtful peer of consideration given to Hono as the girl seemed to consider her situation. Good, at least there where wheels turning in that head of hers. That smile only widening as Hono's slash was interrupted by the sudden searing sting of those vines digging through her chest. And as Hono suddenly lunged again, Yuri's zanpaku'to rose to catch that blade, her brows raising as Hono's sword got a bit closer to her face than she expected before the scrape of their blades stopped it.

But it was still stopped. Even with all of her effort. Hono was pushing herself to be faster, but Yuri was fast as it were, and that had been before she'd unleashed shikai. With a powerful TWIST, she aimed to knock that blade to the side before she aimed a firm kick straight to the girl's chest, aiming to knock her back and knock the air from her lungs. A soft fragrance from the flower itself would fill Hono's senses, helping her keep her focus even despite the pain and the hits.

"Don't you think they're pretty? Sesshō Sagisōshiha. It's a Flower that feeds off of death. When you're injured even from a punch. Cells die in the hundreds or thousands. And all that death makes the flowers grow. It helps me and my allies heal. And in my enemies....well.." She held her hand up, a vine slowly growing from her palm, before sharp thorns SPRANG from it like switchblades. "But well...tortuing you with that isn't exactly responsible for a teacher. No, My Shikai will ensure that what few cuts either of us receive will heal almost immediately. They also produce a bit of energy as they asborb te death of your cells. To make sure you can keep going." She explained casually enough. No point in letting Hono freak out about it being something more nefarious.

"And of course...." She suddenly FLUNG her weapon, throwing the blade with a flick of her wrist, the blade spinning toward Hono's upper body. At least, at first. And then, mid-flight, the weapon suddenly dropped to her leg-level and slashed at Hono's thigh. Followed immediately by Yuri shunpoing in and aiming a knee into the woman's chest, aiming to knock her back and stagger her with a sudden powerful burst of Reiryoku, a Hakuda strike that would send Hono flying far more forcefully than Yuri would normally be able to muster. And one Hono skidded to a stop, Yuri would close the distance, but not to attack.

She'd simply sigh and shake her head. Disappointed that even after trying to urge Hono to get creative. She STILL only tried direct combat. Not even an attempt at a shunpo.

"This is the power of a shinigami working with her zanpaku'to spirit. A shinigami is never alone. Hono. Even now, there's someone at your side." She explained, and nodded down to the blade in Hono's hands. "You don't have to do everything yourself. Hoho. Hakuda. Kido. You sword. Even your comrades are all things that can help you. Don't you think you've spent enough time ignoring them?"
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