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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Sunny Explorations  [Aiko/Sam]  - Page 2 Empty Re: Sunny Explorations [Aiko/Sam]

Sat Mar 18, 2023 5:55 pm


Enter Aiko's Post

"Gotcha, gotcha. No side trips. I'll keep up with you!"

Seeming more confident and earnest, Aiko was digging the creepy vibes from this place. Everything felt spooky, old, decayed, and something out of a freaky Hollywood set. So it fit her aesthetic just fine, and she wanted to take some pictures of the place, but that would come later once the area was safe or secured in some way or another.

Following close behind Sam, she watched curiously as the woman used some kind of spell and created a makeshift door for the two of them. With a quiet clap, Aiko was impressed with the improvising nature of the other woman. She made things that much easier for them as she followed behind her once the opening was made.

After looking around for a moment, Aiko noticed a bunch of run-down buildings, decay in the streets, and silence in the area. It didn't seem like anyone lived here, and the whole place seemed like it was abandoned. Which, to Aiko, wasn't a big deal. Though, if that was the case, creatures could be lurking in the shadows, but she figured they would have been attacked by now if that was true. But, it wasn't wise to let your guard down regardless of that thought.

So, when Sam called out to her, she promptly responded to show she was paying attention and ready to flee, attack, or defend at a moments notice.

"If you look down the road, you can see a drug store or something. I can maybe fly around the air to see if there are any if you want. If not, we can just go down there and see if there is anything worthwhile in it."

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Sunny Explorations  [Aiko/Sam]  - Page 2 WVMWLOu
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Sunny Explorations  [Aiko/Sam]  - Page 2 Empty Re: Sunny Explorations [Aiko/Sam]

Sun Mar 26, 2023 12:39 pm
Sunny Explorations  [Aiko/Sam]  - Page 2 HEADER_FWBAzJZaAAAqWA0

Sam kept Aiko in the corner of her vision as the girl spoke. The girl's strange manner of speaking still snared a bit in her ears and Sam couldn't help but begin to wonder if perhaps .... no that couldn't be it. She turned to focus on the path ahead of them. There was not even a sound. Not the slightest shifts around them. Over time, anything loose had long ago shifted and spilled down. The place seemed undisturbed, and the silence was still deafening as the pair of them moved. Though as Aiko spoke up about offering to fly up, Sam restrained the sigh that built up inside of her. Since well, Aiko flying up into the air without her to scout ahead pretty much threw the buddy system out the window. Maybe she was expecting a bit too much out of the kid.

"That's fine, Aiko. Looks like we might be all alone out here though..." She murmured and gestured around them. She was still prepared, but well, the eerie silence was a pretty fair tell. As they made their way further down the street, she paused and noticed a store. No idea what kind it was. The letters on the sign were worn down and faded. And so she slowly, and carefully, began to circle the entrance, scanning it for any damage that might make it unstable, before slowly peeling the door open and slipping inside, making sure that Aiko came along with her before crossing the threshold.

"So. Are you a Karakura Citizen or something?" She decided to venture. May as well keep themselves entertained while they were here. Her eyes peeked around. Not quite a pharmacy, just some kinda corner store. But hopefully maybe it had one tucked away at the back. That was close enough right?
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Sunny Explorations  [Aiko/Sam]  - Page 2 Empty Re: Sunny Explorations [Aiko/Sam]

Sun Apr 02, 2023 1:28 pm


Enter Aiko's Post

Dust, dust, and more dust. This place was old, hollowed out, and had some holes in the ceiling. As she looked around and kept close to Sam, Aiko seemed to dig the dark and gloomy atmosphere. So, she took a few quick pictures on her phone before putting it away. And fortunately for them, she didn't have a flash on, so it shouldn't hurt to snap a few pictures. She just wanted cool photos to look back on her exploration with.

Though her ears perked up when Sam asked if she was a citizen of Karakura, she spoke up about her situation after nodding her head to confirm the truth of those words.

"Yeah, I'm a citizen of Karakura, but I don't always stay there. It can sometimes feel...suffocating."

Still following along with Sam, she kept on guard and had a little juice of energy ready to react on a dime if needed.

"It's like you are trapped in a wall and why I've been exploring outside of it lately, training myself and trying to see if I can find out more about myself by trying to gain some independence, y'know?"

After taking a moment to contemplate, she then continued.

"It's why I joined you kind of on a whim, as I just want to experience some new things and see what I discover about myself and the world. It doesn't matter if it's good or bad, either. I want to find myself."

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Sunny Explorations  [Aiko/Sam]  - Page 2 WVMWLOu
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Sunny Explorations  [Aiko/Sam]  - Page 2 Empty Re: Sunny Explorations [Aiko/Sam]

Sat May 06, 2023 1:11 pm
Sunny Explorations  [Aiko/Sam]  - Page 2 HEADER_FWBAzJZaAAAqWA0

Certainly a sentiment she'd heard before. Aiko had all the dressings of a girl her age. Well, maybe a bit younger than that, but it wasn't actually like she was sure how old the girl was. Even so, that seeking of self actualization certainly put a little bit of perspective on things. "You certainly have an interesting way of expressing yourself. Almost a little romantic." She murmured, crouching at one of the shelves and pushing aside some old dusty product. umming at just how much was still here. She'd have thought this place would be more cleaned out, but no , it almost felt like people just ....vanished from the place.

"Have you considered just moving somewhere else? I can understand you wanting a change of pace. But continuing to live in Karakura certainly isn't going to help you much. As far out as you can venture, if you're still living in the same place, you'll still only be surrounded by familiarity.A bit of proper travel might do you some good." She pointed out before standing back up and pausing. She looked toward the dusty windows and into the outside, that is until she turned back and looked deeper into the little place that had once been a shop. Honestly she wasn't even sure if it was what she thought it was. Hm.

"Just don't make a habit of tagging along with strangers. As much as I appreciate the help, it's not a great practice."
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Sunny Explorations  [Aiko/Sam]  - Page 2 Empty Re: Sunny Explorations [Aiko/Sam]

Mon May 15, 2023 12:38 pm


Enter Aiko's Post

"Perhaps a smidgen romantic, but I can't help it. I'm a sucker for that kind of thing."

Aiko nodded and agreed with what Sam said since she agreed with the statement. Sure, her face briefly was red for a moment, but it was better to go with it. So instead, she took time to do some introspection on the notion of moving around or traveling. Staying in a city like Karakura Central can be smothering. It's where many good memories were, but many negative ones can also remain in the same place. So a change of scenery could bring more positive experiences.

"I think...I will. I mean, if I have the nerve to do this, what's the harm of traveling or perhaps living in different places? Can't say there is any place I want to really settle down, but maybe I can rent some places and see how I like them and meet some new people that make me feel happy and stuff."

She nodded, still ensuring to keep her guard up and look around. As it honestly was odd how things were. With Aiko herself having been part of many urban exploration ventures, she is used to people who come across places like this either taking all the good shit, tearing things up, or leaving graffiti or something to leave their mark. But, with was just plain abandoned. Odd.

"I'll make a note not to do that, but, uh, it's weird nobody has been here yet. Like, I explore abandoned buildings a lot, and usually, I'd find either people have stolen a lot of cool stuff, left graffiti, or even find people living in crappy places like this, but it seems...empty. Hm.....weird."

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Sunny Explorations  [Aiko/Sam]  - Page 2 WVMWLOu
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Sunny Explorations  [Aiko/Sam]  - Page 2 Empty Re: Sunny Explorations [Aiko/Sam]

Tue May 16, 2023 10:09 am
Sunny Explorations  [Aiko/Sam]  - Page 2 HEADER_FWBAzJZaAAAqWA0

Sam was almost surprised when the girl seemed to immediately latch onto the idea. "Taking some time to consider might always be a good idea." She added. Certainly the girl seemed awfully....... flaky? She immediately latched onto suggestions without even any sign that she was considering them. Did she not have any impulse control? Certainly a question she'd ask if it weren't such a rude one. But well, that wasn't really her business.

She paused as she got to the end of the little shop and promptly pushed the back door open a little. Peeking out into the alleyway behind it. A pause as she kept an eye out for any signs of life or danger. She didn't sense anything. And so with a gentle tap of her foot, she pushed the door open and slipped out, glancing over her shoulder and only doing so once she was sure Aiko was following her.

"Depends on the area, and what empties a place out. I've seen one or two places like this. But it's definitely not common. Sometimes hollows will prowl an area like this and eat the looters. Especially if they came from a spirit who was killed by looters, or was protective of the area." She noted softly as she peeked about. The whole place smelled of dust. Not even the subtle creak of trash or refuse. Whatever rubble and shit left around had slowly settled over the years. There was almost complete silence as they made their way through. She glanced over her shoulder to check on Aiko. The girl certainly seemed ready to pounce. But sometimes there were no monsters hiding under the bed. Sometimes these places were just flat out dead and deserted. But all the same, at least the girl had her guard up.
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Sunny Explorations  [Aiko/Sam]  - Page 2 Empty Re: Sunny Explorations [Aiko/Sam]

Tue May 16, 2023 11:41 am


Enter Aiko's Post

"Ehhhhhh, it can't hurt to at least take a vacation, right?"

Aiko tapped her chin for a moment and contemplated things a bit. Where would she go? Could she afford such a thing? And what were the dangers of visiting certain countries? Not every place was as safe as Japan, so she seemed lost in her thoughts as her wing slowly twitched.

"I'll figure it out, but I don't have to think about it now. I'll plan something when I get home. I don't want to screw my travel plans up by rushing it and having a crap experience or something."

Perhaps excitement got the better of her? Of course, Aiko was still open to exploring things, but the push-back made her consider at least having something more concrete planned rather than just winging it.

Regardless, she still wanted to keep her guard up as she just kept expecting something to pop out. At least from her time doing urban exploration, she certainly ran into a few crazies, homeless people, and weak hollows or criminals.

However, something caught her attention: what DID make this place empty? From what Aiko is aware of, this was a populated place before the war. But, afterward, it seemed to...fall off the map. Did the demons or hollows slaughter everyone here? Did the citizens move inland? Or did something else make these people...vanish? It caused Aiko to look back at Sam with a more concerned expression.

"Now I'm worried about what exactly drove these people out...."

After a nervous cough left her mouth, she squinted her eyes and looked around again to see if anything else was there; but she couldn't sense anything. So, she turned back to Sam and asked a question.

"...what do you think might've made these people flee or disappear? I honestly couldn't find much information about it, and it wasn't really on the news since there was so much happening at the time."

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Sunny Explorations  [Aiko/Sam]  - Page 2 WVMWLOu
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Sunny Explorations  [Aiko/Sam]  - Page 2 Empty Re: Sunny Explorations [Aiko/Sam]

Wed May 17, 2023 8:21 pm
Sunny Explorations  [Aiko/Sam]  - Page 2 HEADER__yorha_no_2_type_b_nier_and_1_more_drawn_by_hungry_clicker__bbab0fd61a0592648d10ae5ae1489e97

Samantha raised a brow slightly and sighed, a little smile forming on her lips as the girl really didn't seem to grasp her suggestion. Maybe that was for the best. The girl could go on her little vacation, and maybe feel like she'd seen a bit more of the world. But well, that wasn't really her problem nor her business. "you most certainly can." She murmured, glancing up and pausing as she noticed .... shapes? Ah. A body. She paused where she was as she noticed them. Four......eight? All of them were ....thin slim shapes. Not bones, but dried out husks. She stayed where she was, eyeing them carefully from their spot in the alleyway.

She held a hand out, indicating for Aiko to stay back as she circled the nearst couple of slumped forms. The bodies weren't damaged or anything. They had simply ....slumped to the ground and seemingly died. It didn't even look like any animals or bugs had picked them clean. She looked over her shoulder and .... narrowed her eyes, taking a moment to look to Aiko, before sniffing the air. Hm.

"Let's get back to the main street. I want to check something."
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Sunny Explorations  [Aiko/Sam]  - Page 2 Empty Re: Sunny Explorations [Aiko/Sam]

Thu May 18, 2023 4:13 pm


Enter Aiko's Post

Hmmmmm. Something about her tone and expression told Aiko that Sam was withholding information, but it was not super important for the time being. Thus, the woman rolled her shoulders and hoped she wasn't being a nuisance or anything; it was hard to tell with Sam at the moment.

Though, when she paused, Aiko noticed and had a small amount of her blood leave her crimson halo to extend her perception of things. In doing so, she saw those "bodies" and seemed somewhat disturbed. Not at the bodies themselves; she's seen enough gore before in her life not to be unnerved by that. No, she seemed more concerned that something could be lurking around possibly and was on high alert.

"Yeah, I think that's for the best. Something about this is giving me the chills."

Not protesting, Aiko didn't waste and quickly went back to the main street, making sure to be hyper-aware of her surroundings and having a small drop of blood observe Sam to ensure she didn't get attacked.

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Sunny Explorations  [Aiko/Sam]  - Page 2 WVMWLOu
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Sunny Explorations  [Aiko/Sam]  - Page 2 Empty Re: Sunny Explorations [Aiko/Sam]

Mon May 29, 2023 9:34 am
Sunny Explorations  [Aiko/Sam]  - Page 2 HEADER__yorha_no_2_type_b_nier_and_1_more_drawn_by_hungry_clicker__bbab0fd61a0592648d10ae5ae1489e97

Samantha was largely unaware of Aiko's extended perception, and so she simply led the girl out of the alleyway, taking a moment to survey the area before she spotted what it was she was looking for. A sewer cap. A pause was given, and she kept her distance. She reached up and gently drew a symbol over her own cheek. Spirit Filter. Reiryoku spilled out and wrapped around her face, solidifying into a sort of mask over her face, firmly clasping to her features before she made her way over to Aiko.

"Hold still, you're going to need this." She stated, before reaching up and madking the girl's cheek with the same symbold, producing a similar sort of filter to their features. IT had been quite a while since she'd used this particular spell, but thankfuly she wasn't rusty. It was one of the most essential spells in some cases back when she was with the Police Department. It certainly saved a lot of money on equipment. Once both of their spiritwoven masks was secure, she made her way over to the hub cap.

Crouching down, she very carefully inspected the thing, It seemed simple enough. Peeling the cap open so very slowly, before peeking down and taking a moment to look down. Bone dry. But all the same, she gestured for Aiko to follow before slipping down into the tunnel. It was small. Cramped. Not at all like what you saw of sewers in the movies. The pair of them would have to crouch down, but all the same, Sam looked around. The sewage had long since been reduced to dry dust, and just as above, it was deathly quiet down there.
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