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Exkoizu Mi? Can I get some help? [Shishiyuki, Igen] Left_bar_bleue0/0Exkoizu Mi? Can I get some help? [Shishiyuki, Igen] Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

Exkoizu Mi? Can I get some help? [Shishiyuki, Igen] Empty Exkoizu Mi? Can I get some help? [Shishiyuki, Igen]

Mon May 08, 2023 7:40 pm
Exkoizu Mi? Can I get some help? [Shishiyuki, Igen] HEADER_97131311_p6_master1200

Naturally he'd sent word ahead. A letter addressing the woman and establishing what it was he was looking to her for! Namely that she had been recommended by Lady Ai Sawachika to seek her out for some advice and training. Of course he hadn't specified the particular type of training he was focusing on these days. But it seemed inclusive enough of an address so that she would know what to expect!

And so, the young man had a big, pleased smile on his face as he made his way toward the location she'd designated for them to meet up, Ko following along beside him in her human form. Arms folded across her chest, and with a mild look of intrigue on her face as the pair of them made their way into the seventh division area. Certainly a number of members were well known for .... a variety of reasons. So certainly both of them had their wits about them as they entered.
God of Love
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Exkoizu Mi? Can I get some help? [Shishiyuki, Igen] Empty Re: Exkoizu Mi? Can I get some help? [Shishiyuki, Igen]

Wed May 10, 2023 12:00 am
Exkoizu Mi? Can I get some help? [Shishiyuki, Igen] WXsZTdN

Receiving a letter requesting assistance in training wasn't inherently that surprising for Shishiyuki. She'd already been a teacher at Shino for quite some time now, and people asking for her help had only become all the more common since she'd revealed the scope of her mastery. This, however, was a bit different. A recommendation from Lady Sawachika wasn't something she saw from most, and it perhaps spoke more to the intensity of this particular requester's commitment than anything else.

Well, if someone had gone through that sort of trouble, Shishiyuki was willing to give them her time, as well. Giving a brief farewell and a few words of advice to the unseated member she'd been sparring with previously, she turned to Igen with her usual composed, almost stern expression.

"Mr. Gyakusuma? Lady Sawachika spoke well of you. What can I help you with?"

Right to the point, but not dismissive. After all, Shishiyuki had made her mastery known specifically so that others could grow as well. Being the greatest meant nothing if you had no one else to face meaningfully.


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Exkoizu Mi? Can I get some help? [Shishiyuki, Igen] Empty Re: Exkoizu Mi? Can I get some help? [Shishiyuki, Igen]

Wed May 10, 2023 6:47 pm
Exkoizu Mi? Can I get some help? [Shishiyuki, Igen] HEADER_97131311_p6_master1200

Igen immediately smiled once he spotted the ..OH! He blinked for a moment. A little...surprised! He had certainly met a number of Nobles, and even heard some things about Noble heads, and even a bit about the Koizumi Head. That she was a beautiful woman, nearly flawless. And yea yea, all that simp stuff that a lot of the Academy students traded about Nobles. But he was a bit startled to see that she was riddled with scars and honestly a ...departure from what he'd seen. Even in the Sawachika family, the women were all rather fair. But Shishiyuki looked like a proper warrior!

For just a moment, he was completely silent, before snapping out of it and promptly giving a warm smile. '"It's a pleasure to meet you, Vice Captain! I'm happy to hear she had good things to say about me! Uhhh as for what I needed. I've actually hit a bit of a snag with some of my training." He admitted, rubbing the back of his head.

"I've been trying to break ground on Shunko but ... I've run into some difficulty. I've gotten something that ....I FEEL like it's Shunko. But I don't feel like I'm actually ...doing it. But uh, I'm not actually sure what I'm doing wrong. I only know one person who knows Shunko and uh... she isn't really the type of woman to teach Gotei members." He noted with a rub at the back of his neck. "I had brought it up with Lady Sawachika and she suggested I seek you out."
God of Love
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Exkoizu Mi? Can I get some help? [Shishiyuki, Igen] Empty Re: Exkoizu Mi? Can I get some help? [Shishiyuki, Igen]

Fri May 12, 2023 4:30 am
Exkoizu Mi? Can I get some help? [Shishiyuki, Igen] WXsZTdN

His awkward silence certainly didn't go unnoticed, and Shishiyuki had to wonder if that was a matter of her appearance or simply Igen being scattered. Regardless, she listened as he explained the conundrum he was facing, and rather immediately she understood why Lady Sawachika had sent him here.

"It is a complex technique to utilize, certainly. Complex enough that even I haev not entirely achieved it, even with my own understanding of hakuda and kido both."

Rather than seeming dismissive, however, Shishiyuki's tone suggested she was thinking on the matter, and she crossed her arms almost expectantly as she seemed to study the young man before her.

"The principles are relatively straightforward, when one studies it. The difficulty comes in the magnitude of the accomplishment, and how taxing it is on one's body and spirit both. You understand the fundamentals of hakuda, of course. The intense empowerment of the body for the briefest of moments, through the use of specific and rigid technique. This is what makes it far more efficient than raw empowerment through one's own reiryoku, but also makes it much more rigid, and leads to the development of schools of martial arts surrounding it. By contrast, shunko much more closely resembles that very same empowerment through reiryoku, a constant flooding of the body's spiritual pathways. This is why one needs not only an exceptional grasp of hakuda, to understand one's own flow of reiryoku, but also of kido, so as to control such an intense flow. Controlling it demands an ability to adapt in the moment, and to prevent it from simply bursting out of the body and crippling oneself."

Stepping into he center of the sparring ring, Shishiyuki gestured for Igen to follow, before taking up the stance of Kyokushuretsu Kongou Ken, hands forward and open, ready to adapt to any change in the flow of battle.

"If Lady Sawachika has recommended you to me, then it means that she believes you would have done well in the 11th Division of old. I, then, will train you as I would have a fellow member in those days. Do not focus on besting me. Focus on your body, every pathway of the reiyroku flowing through it, and on maintaining that flow. I will disrupt that flow. Brace for it. Adapt to it. This training will not end until your understanding is sufficient to achieve even a rudimentary shunko, or you fall unconscious."

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Exkoizu Mi? Can I get some help? [Shishiyuki, Igen] Empty Re: Exkoizu Mi? Can I get some help? [Shishiyuki, Igen]

Fri May 12, 2023 6:49 pm
Exkoizu Mi? Can I get some help? [Shishiyuki, Igen] HEADER_97131311_p6_master1200

Igen nodded slowly and listened as the woman went into her explanation f Shunko. Though a small face was made as she started to go into the minutia. "The texts kinda seem to ....differ a lot on the subject. There's a good number of texts talking about it. But very few of them are actually people who were capable of it. And even the ones who did seem to disagree about a lot of stuff." He sighed and shook his head. Maybe it was the fact that it had been independently developed by two different people? even if the result was the same, it was likely that they had reached that peak in different ways. And well. Combined that with the ....MANNER in which those two progenitors plausibly would have trained any successors and ....

He paused and looked toward Shishiyuki thoughtfully. Perking up as she gestured for him to follow her in- OH! He perked up and was a bit surprised, hurriedly following her into the sparring ring.

"Of old?" He parroted for a moment, bruefly wondering what exactly that meant. After all, the 11th, now the 4th had uh... certainly been through a lot of phases. Even so, he took up a steady stance as the Lieutenant promptly squared up. Uh... right. He took up a stance and ...... did pause for a moment as he considered what to do. After all, he had cycled through a number of different.... attempts at performing Shunko. Each of them having produced a slightly different result. His initial attempt at simply channeling a kido spell through his body had left him with electrical burns. Later he'd attempted to modify and channel a Kido spell through his body by meshing it with hakuda. But that still had been a painful experience, but it had more been like brief flashes of hakuda with kido mixed in, hardly the sustained product he'd looked for. And that hadn't even been the end of it. Which of them had been the closest? Which should he focus on?

Well, no piont in dallying. May as well just try them all, but for now she seemed to have a very specific training regiment in mind. Taking a slow, steady breath, he lowered himself ever so slightly to the ground and watched the woman closely. Reiryoku promptly began flowing through his body, nothing fancy, not even really trying anything. Just controlling and focusing on the flow of his own reiryoku, all whilst locking his gaze onto the woman. Vaguely remembering Nao's strange attack on his body.
He really hoped it wouldn't be that bad.
God of Love
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Exkoizu Mi? Can I get some help? [Shishiyuki, Igen] Empty Re: Exkoizu Mi? Can I get some help? [Shishiyuki, Igen]

Fri May 12, 2023 9:16 pm
Exkoizu Mi? Can I get some help? [Shishiyuki, Igen] WXsZTdN

Taking a breath inward, Shishiyuki focused on the flow of her own reiryoku. The constant rotation, the flow which had been displayed extensively in her bout with Elyss--she was close, certainly. She waited until it seemed as though Igen had grown stable, and then stepped forward in the blink of an eye.

Her hand flew toward Igen's right arm, her reiryoku spiralling like a whirlpool as it made contact. Shishiyuki kept the intensity as low as she could, her intention not to actually harm Igen but simply to disrupt the otherwise stable flow he was maintaining.

"Of old, yes. The days of Zaraki, rather than the current era, where the combat division resembles little more than a collection of amateurs."

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Exkoizu Mi? Can I get some help? [Shishiyuki, Igen] Empty Re: Exkoizu Mi? Can I get some help? [Shishiyuki, Igen]

Fri May 12, 2023 10:00 pm
Exkoizu Mi? Can I get some help? [Shishiyuki, Igen] HEADER_100599456_p3_master1200

The sensation was .... jarring. Familiar? No it wad quite distinct the sensation that he was feeling as she promptly connected! GRITTING his teeth and hissing as that forceful impact promptly threw his flow into disarray! And brifly he staggered, almost instinctively striking back before remembering that this wasn't really a spar. This was training! And so, despite the impact against his frame and sou, he let out a hist through his teeth and attempted to tame the sudden jarring feeling of energy through his body.

"I ..ghhh...I admit. Uh...I don't think I've really... read up on what Eleventh Division was Was it really so different?" He ventured, earnest curiosity shining through even as he struggled. He was, after all earnestly curious. What WAS the aspect of 11th that she so yearned for? After all, there was a sense of loss. So many Captains and old members of the Gotei had retired or left. And some part of Igen couldn't help but mourn the loss of such individuals. So it stood to reason. Though he was definitely aware of what ha driven them away. Why had so many stayed away? What was there in the past that was missing now?
God of Love
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Exkoizu Mi? Can I get some help? [Shishiyuki, Igen] Empty Re: Exkoizu Mi? Can I get some help? [Shishiyuki, Igen]

Fri May 12, 2023 10:43 pm
Exkoizu Mi? Can I get some help? [Shishiyuki, Igen] WXsZTdN

Maintaining his form was good. Shishiyuki followed that first strike up with another to his opposite arm, her pacing relatively slow and her force minimal. These were strikes that would typically lead to little more than a light bruise, as anything stronger might well have been disastrous when training a technique like this.

"It was. Not only in atmosphere, but in strength. A band of those who wished to grow stronger together, to push one another to more exceptional heights to find greater battles. You have met Lady Sawachika, and surely you understand that mentality already through her. She has faced you, and sent you to me to grow further. Seeing a worthy opponent rise to become even stronger is the ultimate thrill for anyone who truly wishes to test their own limits."

She punctuated that with another strike, the cadence of her speech remarkably calm, even rhythmic, as she used it as a grounding measure to regulate the flow of her own reiryoku.

"We did not simply fight, we drank together, lived together. We fought as comrades, and under a leader such as Zaraki, we shared a pinnacle to aspire to, a pinnacle which wished to see us grow to provide him a worthy challenge in turn. Why should anyone join this modern division, by comparison, with a captain no more impressive than the others? It is not combat, merely killing. Shi, indeed."

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Exkoizu Mi? Can I get some help? [Shishiyuki, Igen] Empty Re: Exkoizu Mi? Can I get some help? [Shishiyuki, Igen]

Sat May 13, 2023 8:10 am
Exkoizu Mi? Can I get some help? [Shishiyuki, Igen] HEADER_100599456_p3_master1200

Another jarring hit. His vision quaked slightly and he felt a tension course through his body as that second strike was soon followed up by another. He almost HUNCHED over as he felt that sudden twisting nausea of his energy being riled around inside of him! He struggled. Focusing, panting for just a few seconds to try and regain his composure as he did all he could to still his energy. Of course that was easy, but trying to focus on the flow was the hard part. Thankfully she was taking these gentle taps, and he was adapting to ...whatever it was she was doing with these strikes.

But he frowned slightly all the same. "So it's...weaker. I admit, it probably ..nghh.. doesn't match up to Zaraki. But..." His expression was clear. He was not a man who hid his emotions, and from someone as perceptive as the Koizumi head, it would be apparent. That it somewhat irritated Igen to hear a division of the gotei spoken of in such a way. Sure, it was perhaps unrefined. But it didn't have to stay that way. "If you truly feel that way. Then you shouldn't be too ..concerned." He huffed out, bracing himself for another blow as a smirk crossed his features.

"I cannot speak for the divison as a whole. But I know two members of that division rather well. One of whom is the new Lieutenant. I'll admit, I don't really kow much about it's new Captain. But Moe and Rio are te type of shinigami who are quite a bit like myself when it comes to pushing themselves and others to be stronger. It may take time. But I'm sure it wouldn't be hard to guide the Fourth Division to the squad you once were a part of." He stated firmly.
God of Love
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Exkoizu Mi? Can I get some help? [Shishiyuki, Igen] Empty Re: Exkoizu Mi? Can I get some help? [Shishiyuki, Igen]

Sun May 14, 2023 9:15 am
Exkoizu Mi? Can I get some help? [Shishiyuki, Igen] WXsZTdN

"I wonder about that."

Pausing to collect her focus, Shishiyuki struck out again, this time bringing her leg up in a kick that had much the same minor impact as her other strikes so far. The disruption to his spiritual flow would likely be at least a touch greater, but it still wasn't intended to actually bring him any harm. Just to raise the intensity for the sake of this training.

"It is not simply a matter of individual members. I keep up with the notable combatants of every division, watch for developments that may prove interesting. Every division has its worthwhile fighters, those who would likely have been drawn to the 11th in its prime. But the question, instead, is why they choose not to go there."

Shishiyuki followed up that kick with another, the pace of her strikes gradually beginning to pick up as she continued.

"That leadership is everything. The members may make up a division, but its captain defines it."

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