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Exkoizu Mi? Can I get some help? [Shishiyuki, Igen] - Page 2 Empty Re: Exkoizu Mi? Can I get some help? [Shishiyuki, Igen]

Sun May 14, 2023 9:31 am
Exkoizu Mi? Can I get some help? [Shishiyuki, Igen] - Page 2 HEADER_22-1_3a-16

Ok yea. He didn't know if this was normal, or if maybe it was just reminding him too much of what Nao had done. But yea he was starting to get nauseous. An urge slowly welling up as he did his best to focus and keep up that flow! IT was difficult, and those kicks almost made him totter slightly as the sensation of his reiryoku being kicked and sloshed around inside him definitely was disorienting. But he doggedly kept himself upright! Huffing softly and thinning his lips as he uhhggghhh allllright that was bad. He blinked rapidly and was starting to sweat just a little. But he remained on his feet, clenching his hands into fists to try and ground himself.

"And you don't...erh... think that ....the new Captain is the task?" He ventured. Certainly he could understand the sentiment. After all he'd worked under Abalia for a s hort while before Murasaki had come in. Combat division certainly was in an odd spot. Hell even Eleventh didn't....quite feel the same with it's new Captain. And well, Fifth division was better, but in a more positive way, it felt like. Yuuto certainly seemed like much more of a proactive force than Shuten had been. It wasn't just strength that made a Captain. But well....Fourth was ... it's own thing. Was the Captain plenty strong? From what he'd heard. But he couldn't help but wonder if that was enough. Especially the way that Lady Ai and shishiyuki seemed to regard it.

"I ...can't help but ask. You only recently...joined the Gotei proper. Why did you join Seventh as a Lieutenant? Your position as a Head of a Noble family and all. You're not weak. You might even be comparable to the new Captain. why did you take a Lieutenant position instead?" After all, SHE had brougt up the subject of leadership. Why hadn't she taken it up herself?
God of Love
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Exkoizu Mi? Can I get some help? [Shishiyuki, Igen] - Page 2 Empty Re: Exkoizu Mi? Can I get some help? [Shishiyuki, Igen]

Sun May 14, 2023 11:01 am
Exkoizu Mi? Can I get some help? [Shishiyuki, Igen] - Page 2 WXsZTdN

"I do not."

Shishiyuki punctuated that very direct statement with a palm heel to Igen's chest, an impact that would certainly have a tad bit more of a spiritual punch compared to the others. Still, it wasn't going to disorient him so badly as to actually injure him, if he was at this stage of learning, so she wasn't worried overmuch about that possibility, and it was still an extreme far cry from any of her actual combative hakuda techniques.

"I did not join as a lieutenant, and it was not a position I requested. I joined simply as any other shinigami, and accepted the position of lieutenant only after it was offered to me by my captain. I believe leadership and authority are matters that ought to be earned by merit, in whatever field may be relevant. Spiritual power, mastery of hakuda, these things alone are not sufficient to declare I ought to be a captain."

Rather than following her first strike with another of equal intensity, she instead changed her approach, focusing only on a single finger and tapping Igen even more lightly than before with it, three times in rapid succession. Her own spiritual energy felt as though it was coming into a stable flow, but she did not feel its externalization or anything similar yet.

"I do not measure up to Captain Zaraki, and would therefore not think to take up that place as a leader until I have reached something even close to that level. To simply join the Gotei again after time away, and immediately request a position of leadership, is an act of unmitigated hubris. If captaincy were offered to me, I would accept it as a matter of course, as I trust my niece's judgement in that regard. But to think to myself that I surely have the knowledge and experience required to lead the Gotei in its current era, without taking the time to understand it and its people? I would never think to be so arrogant."

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Exkoizu Mi? Can I get some help? [Shishiyuki, Igen] - Page 2 Empty Re: Exkoizu Mi? Can I get some help? [Shishiyuki, Igen]

Sun May 14, 2023 11:47 am
Exkoizu Mi? Can I get some help? [Shishiyuki, Igen] - Page 2 HEADER_98892341_p0_master1200


Even without a high step up in potency, the location that had been chosen for that strike still rattled Igen just a little. And on instinct, a slight pulse coursed through his frame, and the woman would feel a little tingle in her own body. A slight pulse of reiryoku that wasn't just shorn from that brace of her own spiritual energy, but rather intentionally flowed into her.

Again and again she had hit him with that swirling energy of his own, and he felt his own spirit energy jar and start to twist inside of him every time she disrupted his own. But of course, he wasn't just focusing on the here and the now. The physical. But he was also paying attention. He'd been hit by Nao's own attacks. And so, with his Reikaku, he was feeling around for ..WHATEVER it was that Shishiyuki was doing to him. And he could sense it. That spinning....thing? He didn't fully understand what she was doing, or HOW, but it felt a little like shoving your hand into a pale of water, and then letting the displaced water slosh out. Or something like that. Every time he attempted to keep his flow steady, still, normal. It would just instantly start to go into disarray once she hit him. and it friggin hurt!

He had to struggle to keep pushing himself back into that low energy state. Stability! But ....after a while, as he reeled from the palm to his chest, he could feel his reiryoku rattle. And he considered the metaphor. What if his was already spinning? He was trying to keep his energy stable, subtle. But her own torrent was disrupting the flow. But what if his own energy was moving in more or less the same direction? And the closest thing he could think of was Kaido. She shoved her enegry into his, causing it to rattle and displace. If he could just ...even things out. Would it help? A little like how when healing an individual, he would pour his own Reiryoku into them. Could he do the same?

And so, as she lunged in to prod at his chest. She'd feel a little tug on her energy. Rather than stabilizing the flow, his frame buzzed a little with energy. Keeping up that swirling motion. Trying to, in some small way, emulate that...thing she was doing with hers. And so, when she pushed in, he went with it. And a prompt, sharp flow of energy would pour into her. Attempting to follow the flow of what she was doing. So that rather than her energy shunting into him, both of their energy simply kept a similar flow and mixed. A circular exchange rather than a disruptive shove. Something of course he'd NEVER be able to handle were this an actual spar. If the woman were in a combative state of mind, he might not have even been able to tell what she was doing!

But these small. Pushing, prodding little strikes made it easier for him to sense. And of course, try to adapt.

"I.....can't really argue with that. But who cares ... about hubris?!" He promptly declared with a FIRM expression on his face! Huffing, and somewhat panting from trying to endure those strikes. But he still rose up and straightened himself. "Captaincy isn't just some sticker someone gives you for doing a good job! It's not a laurel, even if some people treat it like one. It's a DUTY. Our Captains haven't been doled out ... because the Commanders want ..guh... to reward people. They do it because we NEED them. Captaincy... is a SERVICE." He insisted! Huffing softly.

"Even if ...I wasn't asked. If I felt that a Squad needed me. And if I felt that I was capable. I would step up and ask to be a Captain in a heartbeat. That sort of thinking....that you should just...sit back and wait for someone to ask you to step up. Is far too passive." He asserted. Perhaps forgetting whom he was speaking with, he WAS very split with what he was paying attention to. And well, also was a little dizzy from those strikes. But he still meant every word, if nothing else.
God of Love
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Exkoizu Mi? Can I get some help? [Shishiyuki, Igen] - Page 2 Empty Re: Exkoizu Mi? Can I get some help? [Shishiyuki, Igen]

Sun May 14, 2023 12:04 pm
Exkoizu Mi? Can I get some help? [Shishiyuki, Igen] - Page 2 WXsZTdN

It wasn't especially hard to discern what the young man was doing as a response to her efforts. Of course, that ebb and flow was the natural state of her own energy, and even when she let the greater extent of her pressure loose, it was more akin to a surge of water than anything else. But it made things easier in a situation like this, and for that, she was at least grateful. As he responded with his own flow, Shishiyuki simply pushed back further, more force behind it.

"Hubris is one of the greatest failings one can have. It is that very avoidance of treating captaincy as a mere badge of accomplishment that prevents me from pursuing it yet. An inexperienced, insufficient captain will only produce insufficient shinigami beneath them. It is a duty, a service, but it is also a responsibility."

Shishiyuki didn't really raise her voice or become more combative in response to Igen's point. After all, she was the head of the Koizumi. She was quite past the point of responding emotionally to a conversation.

"It is as you said. A matter of both necessity and capability. I may be a competent warrior, but I do not believe that I am a capable leader for the Gotei yet. Do not mistake self-restraint and reflection for mere passivity."

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Exkoizu Mi? Can I get some help? [Shishiyuki, Igen] - Page 2 Empty Re: Exkoizu Mi? Can I get some help? [Shishiyuki, Igen]

Sun May 14, 2023 12:40 pm
Exkoizu Mi? Can I get some help? [Shishiyuki, Igen] - Page 2 HEADER_98892341_p0_master1200

This was... a weird sensation. To be sure. And as she increased that force in response to his own reaction, he of course responded with a bit of his own force! A steady escalation of his own flow, emulating ...whatever it was that she was attempting to do. And he felt .... something a bit familiar? Something he'd touched on just a little in his fight with Lady Ai. But not quite. It was a little....different, and as she bore down on that flow of energy, he continued to go with it, struggling to match it's intensity, but still trying! And as he did so, his breath fogged just a little as the temperature dropped slightly around him. The soft tint of frost tinging his uniform.

"If you weren't comfortable with a leadership position, then why did you accept the position of Vice Captain?" He ventured, his tone becoming more ...curious now. "I certainly know that ghhh... it's not the same as being a Captain. But especially for Seventh Division, thats still a fair bit of leadership required! I'm not .. even a Lieutenant and I still have to be a leader and not just because of my division being First." He pointed out with a slight furrowing his brows.

"A Lieutenant is not a simple position. If at any point something happens to the current Captain, You'll be the Acting Captain. You say that you don't consider yourself ready for the position. But I'd say that being a Lieutenant is pretty much putting your foot in the door!" He pointed out. Certainly, ESPECIALLY with the ...unpredictability around Elyss. She had been something of an unsuual woman. Even just hearing about how she behaved from those he knew in the division, stability wasn't exactly what came to mind when he thought of her. In fact, from what he'd heard, she had a VERY long history of almost getting herself killed. which only made Shishiyuki's current position a very likely potential foray into captaincy.

"If nothing else, a Lieutenant should be willing and prepared to take up the duties of the Captain. Not just if anything happens, but if for some reason the Captain is injured or unable to attend to their duties. Don't you think? even if you don't feel yourself ready to be a Captain. At least on SOME level, it seems you think you can handle it." He reasoned.
God of Love
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Exkoizu Mi? Can I get some help? [Shishiyuki, Igen] - Page 2 Empty Re: Exkoizu Mi? Can I get some help? [Shishiyuki, Igen]

Wed May 17, 2023 11:17 am
Exkoizu Mi? Can I get some help? [Shishiyuki, Igen] - Page 2 WXsZTdN

"A Vice Captain certainly must be prepared to lead when their Captain cannot, yes, and I am prepared to do so without question. But there is a difference between serving temporarily in the absence of the Captain, and being the Captain, making every decision in the long term. I know how to lead, but I do not yet know how to lead as a Captain. Vice Captaincy is the way in which I intend to learn."

Another breath inward, and Shishiyuki could feel her energy beginning to become stable in its flow, coursing through her system and breaching the surface here or there. It was just as well that she wore little more than a dogi and a hakama, or she would have been slightly annoyed by the fact that she could feel water trickling down her back, humidity quickly rising around her.

"I am indeed willing to serve as the Captain if it is required of me. Without any hesitation. But that does not mean I will simply declare to the world that I consider myself ready to hold the position entirely on my own."

Shishiyuki threw out another few taps to the center of Igen's chest, though this time each one left a bit of a damp spot on his attire as water continued to surface at the extremities of her spiritual focus. Well, she was certainly close, at least.

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Exkoizu Mi? Can I get some help? [Shishiyuki, Igen] - Page 2 Empty Re: Exkoizu Mi? Can I get some help? [Shishiyuki, Igen]

Wed May 17, 2023 8:41 pm
Exkoizu Mi? Can I get some help? [Shishiyuki, Igen] - Page 2 HEADER_98892341_p0_master1200


Ow ow.


It was difficult to focus on the conversation as Shishiyuki weathered him with those jarring strikes! Huffing through it all as he focused more and more onf keeping that flow! He could feel it now! He just had to keep up with her flow and he could weather this! And as he went, in his attempts to keep up with that flow she repeatedly subjected him to. He coincidentally, began to emulate the flow of her reiryoku. And soon that pale frost began to creep across the ground, Those wet spots jabbed into his chest soon falling to the ground in a soft crinkle of ice chips as he gritted his teeth! Pushing himself more and more.

The air around him began to chill as he attempted to keep up and anticipate her own increasing flow. Adjusting. shifting. Keeping up with what he could sense from her body. Even as the Vice Captain got herself soaked, he remained entirely focused on the task! The area round them was slowly beginning to saturate. Around Shishiyuki, the air grew damp and the ground wet. While frost crept across the ground behind Igen as little flakes of freezing moisture started to fall around them. As the two of them slowly amped up, their effect on the area continued to escalate as well.

"I mean..I guess? " He really didn't have much to say about that. It was a fair reasoning and even though he somewhat questioned the Gotei's ability to Replace Elyss if something DID happen to her, it wasn't like that was an immediate worry. And truth be told, he had enough worries as it were these days. "Fine, so mentioned The Captain of Fourth. What about your own Captain?" He ventured. Changing the subject. After all, she'd been pretty liberal in her assessment of Kanae. What did she think about Captain Kishimoto?
God of Love
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Fri May 19, 2023 1:57 pm
Exkoizu Mi? Can I get some help? [Shishiyuki, Igen] - Page 2 WXsZTdN

Shishiyuki could tell even without the spreading cold and gradual creeping frost that Igen was making decent progress with regard to actually attaining a shunko. Her own was nearly there, and so she began pushing the both of them along more aggressively now. Her strikes were now aimed toward Igen's extremities, those ends of the flow in the arms where a sharp turnaround was necessary. If he couldn't maintain flow there, then he wouldn't be able to maintain a shunko at all. Besides, if he lost control, it wouldn't burst out from his body, it would simply jettison out through his reiatsu vents.

"I respect my captain, and believe she is suitable for her role, as my niece was before her. Her familiarity with the Earth is excellent, and her combat ability is more than sufficient to handle the matters expected of her. She is volatile, certainly, and I bear that in mind as I imagine many do. But I have worked alongside her, and spoken with her, enough that I have the fullest confidence in her as a captain."

That was distinct, Shishiyuki knew, from confidence in her in other capacities. Not that Shishiyuki expected the worst of her, of course. She simply had a suspicion that her captain allowed much of her personal well-being to fall by the wayside in favor of continuing to function as a captain.

As Shishiyuki made another strike, she tensed her body, feeling energy breach through her back for a few brief moments, a spray of water shooting back in a momentary fascimile of proper shunko. Very close now, it seemed.

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Exkoizu Mi? Can I get some help? [Shishiyuki, Igen] - Page 2 Empty Re: Exkoizu Mi? Can I get some help? [Shishiyuki, Igen]

Fri May 19, 2023 7:19 pm
Exkoizu Mi? Can I get some help? [Shishiyuki, Igen] - Page 2 HEADER_98892341_p0_master1200

Was this it?

He was feeling something, more than just the sharp slams of reiryoku into his own system. He was keeping up, at least as far as Shishiyuki was pushing him. And those jabs though jarring, weren't as awful as they had been when they had started. His breath coming in quick little huffs, and yet controlled, even despite their rapid pace. As that sudden geyser of water erupted from the woman's back, it was a shower of hail that came back down as the pair of them shifted. Igen tensed, focusing on his defense as Shishiyuki continued to strike at him. Adjusting. Pushing. Increasing that rotational energy! And of course, as she began to attack those extremities, he felt a jarring tension, as for just a moment, he almost dropped the ball. He almost lost focus as he found himself fighting to keep the flow at those sharp points.

You really are something.


That energy ROARED through him. That focus suddenly tightened as it poured through his frame! All at once, bright blue reiryoku surged from his back, unhindered by any cloth as frost flashed out behind him, the crackling hiss of the ground freezing beneath his feet shrill through the air as Shishiyuki's hand struck him, only to meet a twisting barrier of freezing wind. The reiryoku itself billowing around his body looked like flames, despite it all, protecting Igen, at least partially, from that infringing spike of reiryoku that twisted around his body. Those bright pink eyes glowing through that twisting veil as black stripes crawled along his body.
God of Love
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Sun May 21, 2023 9:27 am
Exkoizu Mi? Can I get some help? [Shishiyuki, Igen] - Page 2 WXsZTdN

Immediately as Igen pushed back, every fiber of Shishiyuki's being tensed, and she felt the energy course through her in a single motion, like the flow of the tide. That was what she had been seeking, and this time, as she felt it breach her back, she maintained the flow, that spiralling water behind her quickly becoming consistent.

But even if her own control was sufficient, she still would ensure that Igen's was as well, and of course that she could genuinely utilize it. One more strike, or rather two more now, aimed at both of Igen's arms this time, the water of her shunko atop the technique. Each vital extremity of the reiryoku's flow was now being put to the test, and with the proximity of the vents, it would certainly be easy for it to all fall apart.

For her own part, Shishiyuki understood immediately the depth of complexity and intensity of this technique. Even having accomplished it, maintaining it was not so simple as letting it go on its course. She could still tell that, were she to let herself lose control, it would have quite unfortunate consequences on her body.

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