Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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To Kill a Mockingbird (Roman/Elyss) - Page 2 Empty Re: To Kill a Mockingbird (Roman/Elyss)

Sat Aug 19, 2023 7:57 am
To Kill a Mockingbird (Roman/Elyss) - Page 2 UmFgHNH
Elyss Kishimoto | Red

"Same. Same. I wanted to be a hero too, but things didn't work out. I was hot headed, always getting in trouble until I got into something I didn't walk away from."

She spoke as she dodged each shot, allowing some to hit her to show her durability. However, she didn't make any strong attempt to push him back at first, testing just how much she could handle before it became too much. Despite her strength, she should still find her limits at any opportunity.

"But, this world has a way of forcing you to realize the nuances of calling yourself a hero. Don'tcha think?"


God of Love
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To Kill a Mockingbird (Roman/Elyss) - Page 2 Empty Re: To Kill a Mockingbird (Roman/Elyss)

Mon Aug 21, 2023 7:59 am
To Kill a Mockingbird (Roman/Elyss) - Page 2 C7Mz3ZQ

"I never ended up calling myself a hero, so I wouldn't know."

Roman could tell she'd grown since the last time they faced each other on the battlefield. After all, she hadn't handled the thundering shots from Kurzebrand the last time they'd fought. But that didn't change his approach to the fight, and he simply continued to fire, every pull of the trigger as sure as the last.

If she died, she died. She'd made that decision. He simply didn't expect her to.

"What I did for Abalia wasn't heroism, and I never pretended that it was. There's a reason I kept such a high bounty on my head. When you want to protect someone more than anything else, that means you have to throw some things aside. The law, and even the good of other people, are a part of that."

More shots echoed through the air, punctuating his speech.

"You knew perfectly well I'd have killed you that day you came for her. I'd have killed every shinigami in the Gotei if it came to that."

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To Kill a Mockingbird (Roman/Elyss) - Page 2 Empty Re: To Kill a Mockingbird (Roman/Elyss)

Fri Aug 25, 2023 10:28 am
To Kill a Mockingbird (Roman/Elyss) - Page 2 UmFgHNH
Elyss Kishimoto | Red

"I don't know. Even if you killed me then, I wouldn't have died."

Roman's aim is impeccable. If Elyss wasn't as durable, she'd have been swiss cheese by now. Though, she shouldn't let herself just be a target for long. Eventually, those shots will start to get to her. She can already feel some areas growing heavy with bruising.

"I wanted to help Abalia too, but it's ironic how the man I didn't want to kill is the same I'm asking about killing. I don't care about your past Roman. All I care about is what you're doing now, even if it is shooting me. Knowing it's for something as precious as family is enough to have my respect."

Even knowing that Roman could turn against everyone if Abalia so choose to take that path, Elyss could never fault the man's ideals. Someone who's ready to do what they must for what they care for is exactly someone she's ready to look up to. It's that strength she's looking for, the power to carry out her duties with 100% efficiency. She's always held herself back because she wanted to try and understand everyone and everything, but she's become aware that she can't just do that, not when so much is on the line.

"Yeah. I think I'm getting somewhere here."


God of Love
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To Kill a Mockingbird (Roman/Elyss) - Page 2 Empty Re: To Kill a Mockingbird (Roman/Elyss)

Sat Aug 26, 2023 9:35 am
To Kill a Mockingbird (Roman/Elyss) - Page 2 C7Mz3ZQ

"I wouldn't really have cared. Unless you kept following me, anyway."

She seemed to be getting comfortable with his shots, and so Roman decided he ought to oblige her request just a little more. Before, he'd simply been shooting to kill, aiming to riddle her with those thundering golden cracks in the air and cut her to pieces. Now, however, he was more fully committed. Each time he pulled the trigger, that golden energy splintered forward again, but this time it aimed for the same places it had already struck.

Showing weakness was how one got killed, after all.

"I'm glad to hear it. I don't really care much about my past, either. The present is a lot nicer. For me, and for her."

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To Kill a Mockingbird (Roman/Elyss) - Page 2 Empty Re: To Kill a Mockingbird (Roman/Elyss)

Fri Sep 01, 2023 10:19 am
To Kill a Mockingbird (Roman/Elyss) - Page 2 UmFgHNH
Elyss Kishimoto | Red

"But I guess the past's important for some things: a tale for the young, a reminder of what not to do, old injuries that you need to be wary of."

There it is. She noticed his aim's changed. Injured areas are being focused on. Her body's already telling her where his focus is on, and a note's been made. Now she has a better idea of where she should aim her attacks for max efficiency. It only took a second to identify spots on Roman's body that'd quickly incapacitate him or simply kill him out right. Now's the time to try out the art of murder for herself.

"Alright. Hadō #1-"

She stepped her foot back, the ground fractured the next second as she pushed forward through the shots bouncing off her body. Dodging's useless. All that matters is landing her attack, so her finger extended, pointing right at Roman's head. If she's aiming correctly, her shot would hit the middle of his forehead directly. Normally, something like this wouldn't be too bad, but with Elyss' mass of energy and explosive reiryoku, this isn't something one should normally consider tanking.


A force of air, concentrated at the tip of her finger, shot out as she extended her limbs. Even if it missed, Roman would feel that pressure blast past him, ripping through the atmosphere and trees leagues away from the two combatants.


God of Love
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To Kill a Mockingbird (Roman/Elyss) - Page 2 Empty Re: To Kill a Mockingbird (Roman/Elyss)

Wed Sep 06, 2023 3:34 am
To Kill a Mockingbird (Roman/Elyss) - Page 2 C7Mz3ZQ

Most combatants wouldn't have been ready for something like that, but Roman? He'd seen plenty of battlefields, fought plenty of opponents. He made the barest minimum movement to avoid the kido that blasted toward him, his head bobbing to the side as his body turned into a duelist's posture. Three more shots rang out, but he felt things were coming to a head.

"That's new. I like it."

The old mercenary smiled, not giving up just yet. But this had never really been a "fight" in the first place, had it? No, this had always just been testing, pushing limits. It was nice to see.

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To Kill a Mockingbird (Roman/Elyss) - Page 2 Empty Re: To Kill a Mockingbird (Roman/Elyss)

Fri Sep 08, 2023 7:07 pm
To Kill a Mockingbird (Roman/Elyss) - Page 2 UmFgHNH
Elyss Kishimoto | Red

Her eye twitched.

It seems his bullets are actually starting to reach her a bit. That's what she gets for taking so many of them, but she's not going to slow down just yet. Maybe if she can distract him, she can land a blow. He may be skilled, but she can probably throw something out there not even he'll be entirely prepared for.

"Hadō #31. Shakkahō," Elyss muttered, stepping closer to Roman.

The ball of energy flared to life in her hand, its power weakened without an incantation, but she's not using it to attack anyway. It's fiery nature flared a dark crimson before she brought her hand up and down. This should do.

The fiery bulb of Reiryoku flared to life as it hit the ground, a pillar of flames suddenly erupting under their feet. Roman should be capable of dodging that much, but Elyss stood in the fire's embrace, almost appreciating the way it licked and singed her skin. However, she's not done.

"Hadō #1. Shō!"

Pointing her finger even as she felt the skin bristling and popping, she fired off multiple thrusts of wind at Roman, each shot seemingly enhanced by Elyss Shakkahō, red energy painting those bullets of air a dark red.


God of Love
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To Kill a Mockingbird (Roman/Elyss) - Page 2 Empty Re: To Kill a Mockingbird (Roman/Elyss)

Sat Sep 16, 2023 10:46 am
To Kill a Mockingbird (Roman/Elyss) - Page 2 C7Mz3ZQ

Clever. The points of flame pierced into Roman well, faint blood dripping from the wounds, though they were more or less cauterized by the heat of each shot. Most men would have fallen over from such wounds, or even outright died. Roman was only partially one of those men. His arm had raised toward Elyss gun at the ready, when those piercing wounds shot through him, and the life left his eyes as they did. It was quiet, then.

But, it did not stay quiet. Golden energy spilled from the wounds, filling them as Roman simply returned to action, pulling the trigger several more times to maintain the assault on Elyss even now.

"Kill me again. I can handle it."

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To Kill a Mockingbird (Roman/Elyss) - Page 2 Empty Re: To Kill a Mockingbird (Roman/Elyss)

Sat Sep 23, 2023 11:38 am
To Kill a Mockingbird (Roman/Elyss) - Page 2 UmFgHNH
Elyss Kishimoto | Red

Kill? She killed him.

Elyss' gaze had gone vacant, concern twisting her features. She watched the life leave his eyes, his body vacant of a soul, but then he simply came back. She's unsure of what his powers even do, but the very idea that she had killed him just like that had left her dumbfounded. She felt bad. She hated that he had died and that it was her fault.

However, she had won a fight. The thrill of victory became a toxic elixir. She felt her hands sweat, her body trembling. For as much as she had hated killing Roman, she had enjoyed the fact that her efforts had prevailed.

"Huh... So that's what it feels like," She muttered as she felt those shots finally blow skin off her flesh, blood dripping to the ground.

That's it then. She now knows how it feels. Killing isn't anything special. If anything, it's just confirmation that you've won, a momentary douse of dopamine that fades as quickly as it comes. The only thing that lasts is Roman's praise, the notion that she's closer to being someone who's able to do what she has to do to protect everyone.

Maybe that's what Tenmarin meant by becoming a monster. It feels as natural as a glove, scaringly enough, but there are more important things to contend with. Her words were drowned by gunfire, but Roman would see Elyss' hand take on a similar red glow as before. Elyss, for all she is as a person, did the exact same thing, charging the black man with. Her fist was thrown, a punching animation as she released another Shakkahō. However, her mouth didn't stop moving as her other fist glowed.

Shakkahō. Shakkahō. Shakkahō.

Each punch was enhanced with scorching flames that scarred her knuckles and the Earth, but her aim is clear. She needs more. She has to learn more. She... wants to kill him. He can handle it. He said he can.

Elyss doesn't want to hold back anymore.


God of Love
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To Kill a Mockingbird (Roman/Elyss) - Page 2 Empty Re: To Kill a Mockingbird (Roman/Elyss)

Sat Sep 30, 2023 8:28 am
To Kill a Mockingbird (Roman/Elyss) - Page 2 C7Mz3ZQ

Returning from the dead wasn't anything new to Roman, and simply returning to the natural flow of a fight was easy for him. Even in that brief moment of hesitation, Roman had only maintained his offensive, and as every Shakkaho barreled toward him, he met it with another thundering crack of golden energy splintering from the barrel of his guns. Those he couldn't meet, he simply allowed to punch through him, new wounds opening and bleeding even as the ones he'd taken before that first death were filled in with golden energy.

The time for words was over now, that much Roman knew, as he felt life once again fade from his body, only to simply return again. That was two, but in the end, he wasn't really using them to their utmost. Unlike him, she hadn't done near enough killing to be dulled to it. If she needed a few more corpses to keep walking the path she'd chosen, Roman didn't mind letting them be his own.

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