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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Buenos Dias Santa [Tier, Santa] - Page 2 Left_bar_bleue0/0Buenos Dias Santa [Tier, Santa] - Page 2 Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

Buenos Dias Santa [Tier, Santa] - Page 2 Empty Re: Buenos Dias Santa [Tier, Santa]

Tue Aug 29, 2023 8:11 am
Buenos Dias Santa [Tier, Santa] - Page 2 HEADER_sample_63b1bffe267c407a048ff648f4773fd6

Santa paused for just a moment and uh.... kinda began to question her decision. Her soul was incredibly weak after all. But ...wasn't this a bit ... much? Did she really need a Near Death experience to bring her soul up from what it was toward something half decent? True, it was the hollow way of doing things, and she realized that perhaps she should have ...gone to someone else before Tier. And some small...small part of her was hurt at how ...easily and quickly Tier shifted to such a dynamic. That such extreme harm be directed at Santa. But she pushed those thoughts away.

Reaching to her waist, she grasped the hilt of her Zanpaku'to and drew the weapon.

She would not be backing down. Even if it was scary. Even if she doubted Tier in many ways. even if she would once again feel that fear from before. It wasn't going to get in her way. Santa knew fear well enough. She'd had a very long life. Longer than tier most likely.
"I trust you."
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Buenos Dias Santa [Tier, Santa] - Page 2 Left_bar_bleue0/0Buenos Dias Santa [Tier, Santa] - Page 2 Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

Buenos Dias Santa [Tier, Santa] - Page 2 Empty Re: Buenos Dias Santa [Tier, Santa]

Wed Aug 30, 2023 8:25 am
(‘Buenos Dias Santa [Tier, Santa] - Page 2 UGCeMSJ

Tier Harribel | The Shark of Hueco

Tier's wording has always been harsh. That is a fact that may never change, but there is only so much biding one's time will accomplish. If Santa is after quick results, then pushing herself beyond normalcy is her only option. Things are call today, but you cannot say tomorrow will follow. In that case, what other option is there?

However, Tier has become adept at noticing minute details, so she quickly picked up on Santa's hesitancy. Maybe another would have sugarcoated their words, make the process seem smoother than it actually is, but growth isn't accomplished with kind words and a steady pace. Growth is a necessity that strikes when you least expect it, tearing everything around you down because of inadequacy. Santa is only weak because she had no reason to train. It could have been steady then, but time is not on their side now.

"Do not worry, Santa. We will push you to exertion and then push further, but I will not let harm befall you. Not under my watch. Please let me know if you require a break."

She cannot relieve another's worries with words alone, but her eyes had betrayed her hurt for naught a second before they returned stoic. The situation may be urgent, dire even, but she will work at a pace Santa can keep up with. First, though, they must find her limits. To that end, Tier rose her hand, her Reiatsu spiking moments before the ground beneath the two Arrancar's feet trembled and began receding slowly into the sands.

"Santa. Let us turn you into the guardian you wish to be."

END POST | Former Tercera Espada
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Buenos Dias Santa [Tier, Santa] - Page 2 Empty Re: Buenos Dias Santa [Tier, Santa]

Wed Aug 30, 2023 9:31 am
Buenos Dias Santa [Tier, Santa] - Page 2 HEADER_sample_63b1bffe267c407a048ff648f4773fd6

Santa couldn't help but smile softly as Tier offered that comfort. And she knew that once upon a time, she'd have been over the moon to hear it. She brought her weapon up to bear and pointed it toward Tier. "I know. Let's get started." She invited, as her own diminutive spiritual pressure flared within her, and that aura of energy that always crackled around Santa began to hitch in response, expanding outward as she waited for Tier to make the first move.

She probably should have moved in and struck first. But she didn't really have it in there to be the first to attack. She just needed Tier to take the first step so that she could be spurred into action. Memories of that sword. f her resureccion still fresh in her mind. She knew that attacking first was a risky move around Tier's explosive abilities.
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Buenos Dias Santa [Tier, Santa] - Page 2 Left_bar_bleue0/0Buenos Dias Santa [Tier, Santa] - Page 2 Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

Buenos Dias Santa [Tier, Santa] - Page 2 Empty Re: Buenos Dias Santa [Tier, Santa]

Fri Sep 01, 2023 10:39 am
(‘Buenos Dias Santa [Tier, Santa] - Page 2 UGCeMSJ

Tier Harribel | The Shark of Hueco

The ground underneath them continued to fall, gravity pulling them down into the Forest of Menos. Their platform, circular in shape, still proved stable before it crashed onto a formation of trees, stuck in their branches. Light shone down on the two Arrancar, their training platform finally created. Tier wanted no disturbances, hopeful that their position in the trees would ward off any eager creature. Now, it's time to focus on Santa.

Obviously, with the anxiety the woman showed before, Tier did not expect Santa to simply make the first move. However, there aren't many moves that are allowed that wouldn't leave Santa in a bit of a ditzy. Well, then this should do.

The air was sucked, a blipping noise before Tier vanished.


Could Santa keep up? That's to be seen. Either way, Tier would appear behind Santa, her hand extending to the woman's back. With just her palm, she exerted energy forward. The next moment for Santa would not be gentle as that energy slammed into her like a muddied wall, pushing her towards the edge of the makeshift arena, threatening to push her off if she could not keep up with Tier's movements. This felt a simple idea of how to start off their fight and show their position as mentor and mentee.

END POST | Former Tercera Espada
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Buenos Dias Santa [Tier, Santa] - Page 2 Left_bar_bleue0/0Buenos Dias Santa [Tier, Santa] - Page 2 Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

Buenos Dias Santa [Tier, Santa] - Page 2 Empty Re: Buenos Dias Santa [Tier, Santa]

Sat Sep 02, 2023 4:35 pm
Buenos Dias Santa [Tier, Santa] - Page 2 HEADER_sample_63b1bffe267c407a048ff648f4773fd6

Santa's eyes widened slightly as she sensed that tingle, the sudden jarring shift of motion before her eyes. Buit Tier would indeed notice a difference from when they had last trained. When they had trained before, Santa had not even been able to register the woman's movement. But in this instant, her eyes shifted in response to the Sonido, and she twisted ever so slightly.

Alas she still wasn't able to stop that hand aiming toward her back. And as Tier unleashed that sudden blast from her palm, she'd slam straight into Santa's frame! And Santa skidded a few inches. She'd also become much physically stronger. Santa was always the type of woman who was a bit on the physically strong side, especially with how she hefted Tier around. But the extent would become abundantly clear as the woman's frame budged far less than it would have back the last time they'd tussled. Eyes snapping over her shoulder as Tier would then feel a sharp stab toward her ankles.

The garden surging from the platform they were on. Flesh, muscle, and bone slicing upward, aiming to jab into Tier's ankles, only to try and grow up the length of the woman's legs as Santa twisted about and aimed to SLAM her fist into the center of the woman's chest. Her frame flexing as her energy coursed through her frame, amping up her own speed and strength in an attempt to catch her off guard and deliver a vicious punch to the Espada, with enough force to send Tier through one of the nearby trees! A strike that would also likely snap her wrist and crack the bones in her wrist and knuckles in the process. But those were injuries that would heal as quickly as they formed.
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Buenos Dias Santa [Tier, Santa] - Page 2 Left_bar_bleue0/0Buenos Dias Santa [Tier, Santa] - Page 2 Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

Buenos Dias Santa [Tier, Santa] - Page 2 Empty Re: Buenos Dias Santa [Tier, Santa]

Mon Sep 04, 2023 12:02 pm
(‘Buenos Dias Santa [Tier, Santa] - Page 2 UGCeMSJ

Tier Harribel | The Shark of Hueco

It seems she miscalculated how much effort she should have put in her attack. The next time will have more oomph. Though, as she tried to move to prepare her next attack, she found her ankle pierced. Something had taken hold of her. Tier knows what it is from the last confrontation between the two. She did not need to look to know she's been captured by Santa's garden. The forged mass of tissue and bone could not penetrate Tier's Hierro, but it gave Santa enough time to deliver her devastating punch.

Tier felt her body impacted, but she only felt that. Even as she flew, she understood she'd take no damage from the quick interaction. It was easy to stop her flight by stopping herself in mid-air. However, as one of the trees fell after she crashed through he, she began flying through the forest, circling the platform.

Energy blossoming in her hand, yellow in color. Tactically, she began belittling the arena with an array of Cero, balls of energy crashing around Santa. None of them are particularly aimed at the blonde, but standing still will leave one eventually hit, and Tier has increased volatility as Santa has shown come ability to handle a bit more.

END POST | Former Tercera Espada
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Buenos Dias Santa [Tier, Santa] - Page 2 Left_bar_bleue0/0Buenos Dias Santa [Tier, Santa] - Page 2 Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

Buenos Dias Santa [Tier, Santa] - Page 2 Empty Re: Buenos Dias Santa [Tier, Santa]

Mon Sep 04, 2023 5:27 pm
Buenos Dias Santa [Tier, Santa] - Page 2 HEADER_sample_63b1bffe267c407a048ff648f4773fd6

A hit!
Satisfaction crackled across her mind as she felt the woman's frame get slung from the platform following her attack! A sudden budding well of pride coursing through her frame as her hand instantly recovered from the strike, and she watched as Tier suddenly shot around the arena. Fast, but she had no issues tracking her as she shot about, eyes narrowing as that sharp focus caught the gleam of Cero. The sudden barrage causing her to shoot up into the air! Away from surfaces where those cero could detonate and catch her in a blast. Though as those bursts peppered the forest. Santa's garden spread across the surfaces enriched by the blasts. Flesh and bone weaving aggressively as Santa circled, flying straight up, aiming to draw Tier's attention as several skeletal hands pointed in the woman's direction. Loud crackles sounding as Bala were promptly fired from her garden, peppering Tier with fast, rapid bursts from the surrounding garden. Nothing that would actually even hurt as much as that punch. But it would be harder to move around while being pelted from all sides, not to mention harder to track Santa amidst all the fire.

Meaningless really. As if Tier actually needed to worry about her hierro being worn down. But Santa didn't care. After all, this was about growing. About fighting. About wearing herself down to the bone, right? And yes, perhaps Santa in her simple mindset also wanted to prove to Tier that she wasn't QUITE the same helpless woman she'd been before. That if nothing else, Tier wasn't wasting her time. That Santa had potential worth cultivating.
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Buenos Dias Santa [Tier, Santa] - Page 2 Empty Re: Buenos Dias Santa [Tier, Santa]

Mon Sep 04, 2023 7:54 pm
(‘Buenos Dias Santa [Tier, Santa] - Page 2 UGCeMSJ

Tier Harribel | The Shark of Hueco

Quick. Santa's grown faster.

Tier focused her attention upward, preparing to follow, but her head snapped back down as she noticed the surge of energy from the arena. That garden is a pesky ability. It's capabilities are troublesome, but it'd find no purchase against Tier's Hierro. Testing Santa's strength isn't a tactful way of doing things, but tasting the blonde's attacks is the best way to gauge power. It's job was probably just to distract her though. Tier knew she took the bait.

Amidst all the commotion, Tier had lost Santa. She had gotten annoyed of the constant barrage of bala and had left the main arena in an attempt to refocus. She had wanted their fight to stay condensed in one area, but that was hopeful wishing.

Well, anyway.

After a few seconds, she found purchase on a random branch, looking around the forest. It's hard to pinpoint exact Hollow in the forest. This underground world is a jungle gym of differing energies intermingling. It's perfect for laying traps.

Now, where could her blonde friend be?

END POST | Former Tercera Espada
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Buenos Dias Santa [Tier, Santa] - Page 2 Empty Re: Buenos Dias Santa [Tier, Santa]

Mon Sep 04, 2023 9:32 pm
Buenos Dias Santa [Tier, Santa] - Page 2 HEADER_sample_63b1bffe267c407a048ff648f4773fd6

Her ploy had worked! Being peppered with Bala, no matter how incapable they were of seriously injuring her, no doubt STILL were not pleasant to endure, and as Tier promptly shot out from the main area they had begun their fight, Santa pursued. Keeping high up, as her garden spread out. Giving Tier's senses a number of avenues from which Santa's spiritual pressure was radiating, muddying her ability to figure out where the woman was. And with a sudden sonido, she promptly shot in behind the woman, arm cocked back, energy coiling along the back of her elbow, charging before BLARING out. A massive, wide area Cero, but not one that was focused on damage. But rather, like a rocket, the recoil of the blast adding force behind Santa's fist. Sharp bony armor covering her arm now.

Santa's regeneration after all, wasn't normal. Rather than healing as it was. Her physiology had grown along with a slither of bone covering her knuckles. Sharp points reinforced with her spiritual energy. Not enough to puncture Tier. But enough to hurt, as that Cero rocketed her fist straight into Tier's shoulder.
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Buenos Dias Santa [Tier, Santa] - Page 2 Empty Re: Buenos Dias Santa [Tier, Santa]

Sat Sep 09, 2023 11:01 pm
(‘Buenos Dias Santa [Tier, Santa] - Page 2 UGCeMSJ

Tier Harribel | The Shark of Hueco

Even if her senses are being twisted by Santa's forest, Tier isn't a being easily approached. It didn't matter if she's surrounded, she must simply react when something nears her. It wasn't difficult for her to twist her body around as she sensed something behind her. However, she kept herself calm and steady as Santa prepared and enacted her explosive attack.

Blocking was easy. Tier put her hand up, its open palm catching the brunt of Santa's punch. In that moment, Tier made note of the sharp bones protruding from Santa's arm. She could feel how something had tried to penetrate her hand despite the normal bluntness a punch should have. If Santa was anywhere near Tier's level, the Shark understood that she'd find this fight increasingly more irritating.

Either way, Santa did the same as last, the concussive blow pushing Tier downwards through the forest. This time, things went a bit differently as Tier caught herself, spinning until her feet found purchase on the air. Her body had bend itself, her form crouched before she launched back upwards.

Mimicking Santa, Tier curled her fingers into a fist. She attempted to punch the other arrancar, aiming for the woman's gut with the same amount of force Santa had been attacking with. It's not difficult for Tier to reach Santa's level, but her fine control is what'll help make sure she doesn't overdo it.

END POST | Former Tercera Espada
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