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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Buenos Dias Santa [Tier, Santa] - Page 3 Left_bar_bleue0/0Buenos Dias Santa [Tier, Santa] - Page 3 Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

Buenos Dias Santa [Tier, Santa] - Page 3 Empty Re: Buenos Dias Santa [Tier, Santa]

Tue Sep 12, 2023 3:00 am
Buenos Dias Santa [Tier, Santa] - Page 3 HEADER_sample_63b1bffe267c407a048ff648f4773fd6

The impact of her fist with Tier caused a sudden burst of adrenaline through her frame. Eyes widening slightly as she began to pant, her body further amping up as she watched Tier go flying. Her eyes narrowing slightly. The air around them growing heavy as her Garden crawled across the nearest trees. Already limbs and mouths slithered from the growths and began firing on tier once again, though the fire halted as the woman suddenly launched themselves at Santa, The woman's eyes widening slightly as that fist connected with her gut, and promptly, the woman's fist slammed into Santa's guts, promptly puncturing her frame.

After all, physically speaking, Santa was plenty strong,but she was far less durable. Even with her Hierro, that fist punctured her gut, and Santa's eyes narrowed for just an instant, before flashing a grin, as sharp, bony teeth CLAMPED down onto Tier's fist. A jaw fused to her spine growing around the woman's wrist before vicing down with thick chords of muscle as the pair of them slammed into the nearby tree. The bark around them turning red with flesh and blood as hands bloomed around them, claws crackling into existance as they lunged at Tier from all sides, attempting to plunge those pointed clawtips into her frame, aggressively trying to breach the woman's hierro.
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Buenos Dias Santa [Tier, Santa] - Page 3 Left_bar_bleue0/0Buenos Dias Santa [Tier, Santa] - Page 3 Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

Buenos Dias Santa [Tier, Santa] - Page 3 Empty Re: Buenos Dias Santa [Tier, Santa]

Fri Sep 15, 2023 9:55 am
(‘Buenos Dias Santa [Tier, Santa] - Page 3 UGCeMSJ

Tier Harribel | The Shark of Hueco

Santa is plenty resourceful. Her biggest flaw is lacking in the power department. For all the attacks she's landed, none proved enough to dent Tier's Hierro. However, being trapped is an ugly sight, all in all.

"Focus on empowering your attacks. Pour everything into each strike," Tier commented. She wants Santa to exhaust herself. These plans and schemes are excellent, but without anything behind them, all they serve are nuisances. They must force Santa's soul to expel everything. Then it will grow larger and capable of expressing more.

For the time being though, Tier made it known she'll not be easily contained. Her free hand glowed yellow before the two women exploded. Tier would float free from that horrendous embrace of claws after blowing it up with a bala. She expects nothing less than for Santa to have healed herself.

END POST | Former Tercera Espada
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Buenos Dias Santa [Tier, Santa] - Page 3 Left_bar_bleue0/0Buenos Dias Santa [Tier, Santa] - Page 3 Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

Buenos Dias Santa [Tier, Santa] - Page 3 Empty Re: Buenos Dias Santa [Tier, Santa]

Sat Sep 16, 2023 4:26 pm
Buenos Dias Santa [Tier, Santa] - Page 3 HEADER_sample-ed22f43567d2040eb4e1106d90ffcb5f

Empower her attacks? She narrowed her eyes slightly, burning through her ideas as the garden around Tier clamped down, drilling those claws into the woman from all sides, vying to claw their way through those layers of protective energy, though the sudden explosive burst of a Bala caused her to wince, the garden taking the brunt of the attaclk, though Santa was also dent flying, skidding along an invisible floor as her frame smoked. Having already healed by the time she emerged from the smoke, panting softly before narrowing her eyes. Dammit.

She peeled her Zanpaku'to out and thrust the weapon up and into the air, the metal screaming as it collapsed in on itself,and Santa's spiritual energy bloomed within her and the surrounding Garden. "Garra en la tierra." She declared, carapace wrapping around her frame as her spiritual energy coiled around her, a brief spiral of smoke as her spiritual pressure spiked, not particularly potent, but that sudden cascade of energy came with a sudden vicious explosion of energy coursing along her frame as her knuckles and tendons crackled in her hand as she poured her spiritual energy into her fist.

And then, with an aggressive burst of speed, she vanished, closing the distance between herself and Tier, cocking a fist back as bright yellow flames licked along her knuckles and forearm, amping her sheer physical strength, amplified by her release as she aimed to slam her fist with full force into the center of Tier's chest.
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Buenos Dias Santa [Tier, Santa] - Page 3 Left_bar_bleue0/0Buenos Dias Santa [Tier, Santa] - Page 3 Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

Buenos Dias Santa [Tier, Santa] - Page 3 Empty Re: Buenos Dias Santa [Tier, Santa]

Sat Sep 23, 2023 3:14 pm
(‘Buenos Dias Santa [Tier, Santa] - Page 3 UGCeMSJ

Tier Harribel | The Shark of Hueco

Someone's getting serious now.

Tricks and tactics are well and good, but nothing beats a good ole fashion brawl. What better way to embrace growth than to ruthlessly bash yourself into it? Though, Tier would never find herself related to such notions. She's a being known for her stoic attitude. Never could a bone in her body be thrust with ruthless abandon.

Though, every now and then, letting loose isn't bad. For that very reason, she unsheathed Tiburon, letting her blade graze Santa's fist as the woman neared. A blow like that would have been an amazing, but you'll never get far without landing first.

Tier's Zanpakuto spun, bringing Santa's momentum down against the blonde. Spinning as she made her way behind her opponent, Tier then moved to slam the pommel of her Zanpakuto into Santa's back. However, yellow energy flicked in the hollow blade of Tiburon.

Completing her spin, she finished by released a slash of Reiryoku directly at Santa, whether the woman let herself be knocked away or not.

END POST | Former Tercera Espada
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Buenos Dias Santa [Tier, Santa] - Page 3 Empty Re: Buenos Dias Santa [Tier, Santa]

Sat Sep 23, 2023 4:04 pm
Buenos Dias Santa [Tier, Santa] - Page 3 HEADER_sample-ed22f43567d2040eb4e1106d90ffcb5f

A wince crept across her face as she felt her fist slamming into that blade and Tier danced around her frame, flicking free from her fist as that pummel slammed into an open fist. One that had burst from Santa's back, her own claws having plunged through her own gut to rip through the other side, providing a wound from which the limb could grow.

But well, as that energy roared up from Tier's weapon, she didn't have much an answer for that,.

That sudden cutting blast would hit Snata squarely, blasting her frame and biting into her release, blood splattering to the ground as she staggered back, a hiss escaping her as the slow crackle of her frame sounded. New limbs cracking into place, thick er carapace wrapping around her frame, and a smooth tone creeping across her skin, slowly changing her. That skin shifting a darker shade as she adapted. A taxing ability, but that was the point of this wasn't it? She shouldn't be holding back.

And so she lunged toward Tier once again, arm cocked back as those bright yellow flames crawled along her clawed fist, a hiss escaping from her as she lunged and aimed another devastating punch aimed for the woman's chest, eyes narrowed as she focused on her target. Another direct attack.
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Buenos Dias Santa [Tier, Santa] - Page 3 Left_bar_bleue0/0Buenos Dias Santa [Tier, Santa] - Page 3 Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

Buenos Dias Santa [Tier, Santa] - Page 3 Empty Re: Buenos Dias Santa [Tier, Santa]

Sat Sep 30, 2023 10:53 am
(‘Buenos Dias Santa [Tier, Santa] - Page 3 UGCeMSJ

Tier Harribel | The Shark of Hueco

That's right. Focus not on persevering yourself, but focus on learning, adapting on the fly, and pushing the boundary of what you can do.

Tier is happy that Santa did not retreat. If this were a game of predator and prey, they'd learn nothing but how to hide and seek. Now, they'll learn the true extent of what they can do. How much power can the shark release before the deer crumples to the ground, lame and unmoving?

Santa struck then, but Tier is aware of the game at hand, coating her own hand with energy as she caught the fist in an open palm. Her Zanpakuto is then launched away at a tree, its edge digging deep. New to even Tier, the woman formed her free hand into a fist, mimicking Santa's approach before striking forward with equal ferocity.

A blow to the face shouldn't hurt too bad.

END POST | Former Tercera Espada
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Buenos Dias Santa [Tier, Santa] - Page 3 Left_bar_bleue0/0Buenos Dias Santa [Tier, Santa] - Page 3 Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

Buenos Dias Santa [Tier, Santa] - Page 3 Empty Re: Buenos Dias Santa [Tier, Santa]

Tue Oct 10, 2023 4:49 pm
Buenos Dias Santa [Tier, Santa] - Page 3 HEADER_sample-ed22f43567d2040eb4e1106d90ffcb5f

A loud bang and a crackle as the two women connected, her fist slamming into Tier's open palm, and Santa's eyes narrowed slightly as Tier's fist roared toward her face. She didn't have the reflexes to catch it, and so she simply threw her arm up to try and block, and in the very same motion as Tier's fist promptly slammed Santa's own forearm into her head, Tier would feel a barbed prickle connect with her ribs.

Her tail having hooked in and aimed to slam into the woman's side following her initial strike, intent on stabbing through the woman's hierro. Even as her forearm fractured and rehardened from the punch she partially blocked, and her forehead bloodied from being bashed into the edge of her own wrist and radius. Wounds that rapidly closed up as her fist flexed. Attempting to open up and then lace her fingers with the open hand of Tier's. Well, that or snap the bones in her hand from the force, and then simply grow new fingers to clamp onto the woman's hand. In either case, attempting to lock the woman in place as energy coiled at the center of her belly where that mouth had grown from the hole Tier had put in her before. A bright golden Cero charging. Aimed squarely at Tier's own side where the Tail had attempted to stab.

A pathetic attack at her energy levels. But she wasn't worrying about that. She was simply looking to bombard the woman with as much force as possible. To try and wear down that hierro little by little. To try and manage SOME modicum of damage to the woman.

Because after all, that was a step she simply had barely managed in the past. The barest of cuts or bruises. The smallest slights. Never had she really managed a solid injury on the woman. And so, it was what she was focused on. What she was desperately working toward. To pose SOME sort of threat to the woman.
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Buenos Dias Santa [Tier, Santa] - Page 3 Left_bar_bleue0/0Buenos Dias Santa [Tier, Santa] - Page 3 Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

Buenos Dias Santa [Tier, Santa] - Page 3 Empty Re: Buenos Dias Santa [Tier, Santa]

Sat Nov 25, 2023 6:38 pm
(‘Buenos Dias Santa [Tier, Santa] - Page 3 UGCeMSJ

Tier Harribel | The Shark of Hueco

Energy went off, blasting Tier at their close range. In a real fight, Tier would have attempted to harden her Hierro by focusing all her energy in a protective manner, but in this bout, she allowed her natural defenses to work on their own. However, the mere fact that Santa wasn't a real enemy left Tier's strength nerfed. The focused attack on her midsection proved enough to wear away at what little protected her, giving Santa that satisfaction she desired: an expression of injury on Tier's stomach, a bruise of darkened skin from the energy released.

Despite this, Tier barely seemed to recognize what had happened as she quickly snapped her arm back, uncaring for taking Santa's hand with her and spinning, a violent roundhouse kick sent straight for Santa's side.

END POST | Former Tercera Espada
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Buenos Dias Santa [Tier, Santa] - Page 3 Empty Re: Buenos Dias Santa [Tier, Santa]

Sun Dec 03, 2023 5:25 pm
Buenos Dias Santa [Tier, Santa] - Page 3 HEADER_sample-980e8c2fe1998cef5db5ddc2e0ad12fc

"Ohmygosh I DID IT!" Almost instantly as that injury was inflicted on Tier, a look of sheer shock, surprise broke out across Santa's face! Her eyes shining and sparkling as she noticed the damage she'd managed to inflict! Soemthing like joy and pride boiling up to fill the woman's chest as she had, somehow, managed to wear down the woman's defense! Of course that soon shifted to a look of surprise. Watching as Tier suddenly yanked her forward, spinning her as that leg hooked in and SLAMMED open maw.

The mouth that had formed along Santa's chest cracked open wider, so that that limb slammed into a fleshy mess of teeth! Teeth which snapped and cracked from the force of that vicious kick, only to mend and then CLENCH down around Tier's leg to lock it in place! A look of sudden concentration on Santa's face! Her cheeks puffing slightly as steam suddenly billowed from her entire body! Her body heat amping up slightly as she pumped spiritual energy into her frame. Amplifying her strength with what little energy she had. She was already starting to sweat. After all, she'd used that Cero, had to regenerate a fair ammount of her body, and of course ressurecting. Her free hand lunged in to try and clamp around Tier's neck. A sly grin spreading across her face as she attempted to use her own brutish strength to lift Tier clean up off her feet and then SLAM her into a thick sheet of concentrated Reiryoku, as if throwing her through a table, and then the chunk of Tree that was behind the woman.

Probably not the best attack. If she were concentrating more, she'd have continued attacking the spot she'd already focused on before. But she was running on fumes. At this point she was just fighting off instinct more than anything. Trying to get in some last licks before she succumbed to exhaustion.
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Buenos Dias Santa [Tier, Santa] - Page 3 Left_bar_bleue0/0Buenos Dias Santa [Tier, Santa] - Page 3 Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

Buenos Dias Santa [Tier, Santa] - Page 3 Empty Re: Buenos Dias Santa [Tier, Santa]

Thu Dec 14, 2023 10:58 pm
(‘Buenos Dias Santa [Tier, Santa] - Page 3 UGCeMSJ

Tier Harribel | The Shark of Hueco

The ability to simply morph one's body is terrifying indeed. If Santa boasted more power, she'd be a force to reckon with for the average combatant. Tier's careless abandonment of tactic to help the blonde train allowed for Santa to express her capabilities, but at this point, Tier had come to expect certain things to happen. That doesn't mean she planned on countering as she should.

After attacking Santa's torso so many times and falling prey to the same trap, some would have changed up their attack pattern, but Tier wanted to see how often this could go on. Santa looks haggard, but the woman's ability to push herself is admirable. A a reward, Tier sat still and let herself be thrown into the tree behind her. Still stuck, she stared at Santa, moving a hand to grab at the wrist at her neck.

END POST | Former Tercera Espada
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