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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Prelude Of Showdown [Open/Noharu/Ranma] - Page 5 Empty Re: Prelude Of Showdown [Open/Noharu/Ranma]

Thu Aug 31, 2023 8:56 pm
Prelude Of Showdown [Open/Noharu/Ranma] - Page 5 HEADER__panty_panty_stocking_with_garterbelt_drawn_by_kudou_90n__18e7ecb260f4e6d2745dbc0d1e4b7cf6

"Nothing to that, Paul Bunyan? Well alright then." A little disappointed that Shura wasn't getting into the banter, but well, she had the attack to deal with. Alas , unlike before, there wouldn't be much moves to adjust to this time. As Shura lunged forward, and used that same High speed Hoho move AGAIN, Noharu's motions became aggressively less and less strained to react to them. Those dizzying bursts of shunpo smoothed into sharp, quick little half-steps, slipping between those big heavy strikes.

Certainly, Shura's weapons lent themselves to big, unusual, odd-angle attacks. But the size and manner with which she swung them also meant that the attacks were easier to read. And Noharu soon caught onto the way Shura had to move in order to get those big axes to move the way she wanted to. And as Shura seemed to herd her to the spot she wanted, Noharu's brows rose ever so slightly


It was a simple motion, a sudden spike of spiritual energy that crackled through her body, pumping reiryoku through every inch of her frame, as she stood perfectly still for just an instant, before she shot toward Shura. Promptly closing the gap between them once again. Those crossed waves of reiryoku tearing into the wall of the barrier behind her as Noharu thrust her palm into Shura's shoulder and then chopped downward, a hardened blade of reiryoku coating her palm aimed to slice clean from shoulder to hip, intent on carving down that sturdy frame of Shura's, and then carve a clean line through the ground beneath.

"You know, getting a bit ahead of yourself can be dangerous. You already knew that I'm the adaptive and perceptive type. Of course I'd notice an attack aimed for where I'd dodge instead of where I am. You may have caught up with me with speed. But you're underestimating my Hoho and Hakuda. And combined, they rob you of the ground you claimed by releasing. Your Zanpaku'to is certainly a nice tool. But your other skills? They're ass. Between Zanjutsu, Hakuda, Hoho, and Kido. You've only managed to perform well above your average seated officer in one." She lectured the woman, that teacher in her coming to the surface.

She raised a hand, and pointed calmly at the center of Shura's chest.

"Against one fourth of a shinigami, why should I even bother using Shikai?"
Kanji Man
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Prelude Of Showdown [Open/Noharu/Ranma] - Page 5 Empty Re: Prelude Of Showdown [Open/Noharu/Ranma]

Mon Sep 04, 2023 9:04 am

TAGS; - here NOTES; - here WORDS; - here MUSE; - Prelude of Showdown & This is it

Despite Shura switching up tactics mid-battle, her opponent still seemed to read them. Shura would admit that Noharu was fast and battle-wizened, but that would likely be the extent of compliments given to the woman. However it wasn't a level of speed that Shura wasn't used to fighting against, nor were the tactics of Hakuda that she used. For all the preaching she did, Noharu herself was set within the same tactics herself, using her Shunpo to try and blitz forward to dodge her attack yet again.

While the first time had caught her defense lacking, this time it would not as Shura's reaction to her appearing in front of her found the woman using her own Shunpo to once more create distance between them. However rather than following up with her prior attack, Noharu instead decided to try and lecture Shura in a... rather contradictory way. "First you say I have caught up to you in speed, then you say I underestimate your speed and Hakuda. Lets get one thing straight, your Hakuda isn't impressive. By itself it is better than my own I'll grant you that, however compared to those within the Fourth it is lacking beyond what you call 'one fourth' of a Shinigami. Secondly my Kido as you call it is hardly within the realm of what you seem to think it is, and for one of your stature to assume myself simply above average for a seated officer is laughable at best."

Shura rolled her shoulders for a moment before continuing "Do not simply think yourself grand or superior because of one simple aspect, doing so is beyond arrogant."


made by RR of DD, steal and i will sentence you to the true death!
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Prelude Of Showdown [Open/Noharu/Ranma] - Page 5 Empty Re: Prelude Of Showdown [Open/Noharu/Ranma]

Mon Sep 04, 2023 9:49 am
Prelude Of Showdown [Open/Noharu/Ranma] - Page 5 HEADER__panty_panty_stocking_with_garterbelt_drawn_by_kudou_90n__18e7ecb260f4e6d2745dbc0d1e4b7cf6

Noharu continued to smile as Shura backed off, at the very least managing to evade that cutting strike of hers, and of course, she watched as that mask of focus shifted in response to her words, but ultimately, she didn't notice that anything she said seemed to stick. She really didn't seem to get it, which was a little unfortunate but not unexpected. Though she did feel a slight twitch in her jaw as Shura went so far as to promptly translate 'Hoho and Hakuda' to 'Speed and Hakuda'. As someone who put a lot of effort into the art, that...ooh boy that one irritated her just a little. But she wasn't going to allow that to bother her.

"Oh I'm sure that there's plenty of skill you have that I haven't seen. But I was specifically referring to your performance. THAT is what's lacking. You've been using nothing but your Bankai and some iterations of the same move this entire fight. That dodge just now is one of the few normal shunpo you've used outside of that fancy attack of yours. But your Hakuda? Nonexistent. Kido? Not a spell. Your Hoho? Fancy, but not especially impressive. Youve got a nice trick, but there's a lot of basic things that you aren't doing that even a beginner with Hoho should be doing. I've no doubt that when you're actually being tested on them, that you'd perform well above a seated officer in at least a couple of those categories. But so what? What good is any of that skill doing you?"

She started to walk toward Shura, closing the distance between them as a sly smile crossed her lips. "Hm, don't think I ever went around calling myself grand. Preeeetty sure I just said you suck. If you disagree then you're welcome to prove it." She chimed, smiling as a Fist would promptly slam into Shura's chest dead and Center, seemingly without Noharu having actually made any moves. The Real Noharu only seeming to flicker into view the instant that she executed that strike to the Center of Shura's chest, an attack that was no longer half-assed. A strike executed with such ferocious speed and force amplified by her own reiryoku that even in Shura's Bankai state, Noharu had every intention of cracking Shura's ribs and sending her bodily into the nearest wall without any air in her lungs. All whilst the afterimage Shura had been talking to would stick her tongue out impishly.

After all, it wasn't a normal after image. It was still moving and speaking. A technique that not even many advanced Hoho users would be able to recognize. Something of her own design. Her very own Jester's step. One designed to make it unclear which of her was the real Noharu, even after the step was executed.

"Anywho, let's get back to it shall we?~ The Spar isn't over yet. Unless you'd like to concede." The afterimage chimed, stretching it's arms as the Real Noharu rolled her shoulder.

Technique used:
Kanji Man
Kanji Man
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Prelude Of Showdown [Open/Noharu/Ranma] - Page 5 Empty Re: Prelude Of Showdown [Open/Noharu/Ranma]

Mon Sep 04, 2023 6:50 pm

TAGS; - here NOTES; - here WORDS; - here MUSE; - Prelude of Showdown & This is it

Another lecture, as if they were both in the academy still and, truth be told it was more irritating than most of everything else she'd done. It wasn't necessarily that she was wrong or out of her element with her statements, but in truth the lecturing nature of her statements made Shura less inclined to care or pay much attention to them. However Shura had the inclination that she had other intentions than a simple lecture, such learning came from prior encounters with individuals who had vastly surpassed either of them, though the exact nature of her intent eluded her.

So while she prattled on, Shura focused more on what she was doing rather than the words she spoke and moved forward. Shura herself took a half-step backwards as her eyes narrowed, though one might congratulate Noharu on her next trick. It was an attack that was clearly practiced to some extent, one that was only narrowly reduced in intensity by Shura. She couldn't react fast enough to dodge the brunt of the attack that was for sure, and while she was sent flying backwards the blow was lessened only by a small amount with a Shunpo that went backwards after the blow had connected.

However while it lessened the direct impact by at least a small amount, the backwards speed combined with the force that she was hit likely increased the indirect damage caused by hitting the wall behind her. However while she made no movements after hitting the wall, Noharu continued to speak though for a significantly shorter amount of time and only to ask if the spar was to continue or if Shura was to concede. However there was no response from Shura, at least not immediately. "A brat no more. It is time, Shura."

Words within her mind from her Zanpakuto, words of affirmation... But was Noharu deserving or even truly worthy of it? Shura didn't think so. Noharu wanted to see something from Shura... Hakaishin wanted Tenbatsu. "Bakudo no Nijyuroku, Kyokkō" Shura would not do as Hakaishin wanted however, not this time... Such a technique would be wasted upon Noharu who would not see the value in such. So as her Body and Reiatsu faded from view and sense she pried herself from the wall, using her Shunpo to move forward and to the right. Before the spell ended she would ensure Noharu would understand... It was the only way. So whilst hidden from view and sense she would extend out one hand in a cone-shape and speak.

"Ye lord! Mask of flesh and bone, flutter of wings, ye who bears the name of Man! Truth and temperance, upon this sinless wall of dreams unleash but slightly the wrath of your claws. Hadō no Sanjyusan, Sokatsui"

A roar of blue fire erupted forth, to coat the entire area in front of her with a torrential downpour of Reiatsu. Noharu's speed was impressive, but how does one dodge that which covers everything was what Shura was thinking.


made by RR of DD, steal and i will sentence you to the true death!
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Prelude Of Showdown [Open/Noharu/Ranma] - Page 5 Empty Re: Prelude Of Showdown [Open/Noharu/Ranma]

Mon Sep 04, 2023 10:46 pm
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Noharu smirked slightly as she noticed the shift in Shura's reiryoku before that Bakudo was promptly executed, snorting softly and smiling just a bit wider as she snapped her fingers, energy promptly crackling along her frame as the kosode to her shihakusho promptly vanished, unraveling into a mess of string, slowly turning red. Eyes darting around for a moment before that sudden explosive burst of Reiryoku blared out and swallowed Noharu and the training area, slamming into the barrier that had been erected around them and flooding the spot with energy, leaving only a crater... as well as Noharu, brushing herself off, and seeming entirely unharmed, before cracking her neck and sticking her tongue out.

"Damn, Fancy stuff you're putting in there. Not a bad combination either." The visage hummed, sticking her tongue out .

Of course another Noharu was settled a short distance away, her spiritual pressure suppressed as she eyed Shura as her afterimage taunted the woman.That red thread she'd produced finally turning completely red as she watched Shura closely. The moment that Shura had vanished, she'd promptly dipped and left behind an afterimage. And so she had avoided the attack entirely, and since the afterimage wasn't tangible, it didn't need to worry about dodging either. Still, she did silently make note that the woman was puttin in an effort. Mayhaps by abandoning the continued use of her bankai. But well, she was beginning to see why Shura struggled so much. Perhaps she simply had trouble mentally focusing on too much at once. She'd be sure to make a snide remark about it in a moment.
Kanji Man
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Prelude Of Showdown [Open/Noharu/Ranma] - Page 5 Empty Re: Prelude Of Showdown [Open/Noharu/Ranma]

Tue Sep 05, 2023 9:44 am

TAGS; - here NOTES; - here WORDS; - here MUSE; - Prelude of Showdown & This is it

So it would seem she made her movement before the Kido had come out, understandable. However Shura's hand had remained held up even after the blast had subsided and the results revealed, how long could either of them keep this up she wondered. "What are you waiting for?" "For once? For you to shut the fuck up." She muttered to herself, moving her attention now to where Noharu had settled. "Bakudo no Yon, Hainawa" A yellow line of Reiatsu formed across the blade of her Zanpakuto, which was promptly brought into a downwards arc, releasing the slithering snake-like rope with the intent to wrap around Noharu. "Even should I be unable to beat you with my speed, everything has a limit and I will find yours. Hadō no Yon, Byakurai" A significantly faster Kido both in cast and travel speed, as the blue line erupted from her fingertips. She understood the matchup, truth be told she had for awhile now.


made by RR of DD, steal and i will sentence you to the true death!
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Prelude Of Showdown [Open/Noharu/Ranma] - Page 5 Empty Re: Prelude Of Showdown [Open/Noharu/Ranma]

Tue Sep 05, 2023 10:23 am
Prelude Of Showdown [Open/Noharu/Ranma] - Page 5 EADER___panty_panty_stocking_with_garterbelt_drawn_by_silverwing__sample-675f1d19996833d23208ea99320ef8c9

A smile flashed across Noharu's features. "Attagirl! Look at you go! HAHA! " She barked out in laughter, her body blurring as she waited for that slim chain of energy to start lunging toward her, rapidly bursting past it, zig-zagging to muddy the Kido's ability to track before simply shooting past it, dodging the Bakudo as the smile widened across her features. A sweat having finally developed on her brow as she noted that spike in energy. " Much better! Better tactics, better positioning! Now lets bring the house down" She called out, encouraging Shura as she watched the startup for that Byakurai.

And as Shura fired that bright beam of energy her way, her body swiveled, a blur of Shunpo jarring her out of that speedy path, a bright hissing burn searing it's way across her hip, marking a solid impact and injury. Noharu's brows perking as she felt pain tear along her frame, a sensation that was subdued, but that was no less exhilarating.

Shura had managed to hit her.

And the very next thing Shura saw would be the bright glow of reiryoku in Noharu's eyes as she promptly seemed to appear in in Shura's personal space.

Taki: Mizore. (Waterfall: Sleet)

A sudden and explosive burst of strength burned along Noharu's frame as for just an instant, her speed and strength was amplified well beyond normal with Hakuda, beyond the level that had been keeping pace with Shura in bankai. And then her frame vanished, and Shura would get to suddenly see two of Noharu blitzing at her from the front, executing a sudden and dizzying flurry of vicious strikes, pummeling Sura's throat, knees, and wrists. A flurry meant not only to overwhelm the woman with strikes, but to aggressively shut down Shura's ability to respond. Targeting her throat to prevent her from uttering Kido. Wearing down the wrists to hamper the use of that bankai, and slicing at those knees to bear down and whittle down Shura's ability to move or use Hoho.

What Shura likely WOULDN'T see was the real Noharu. While two tangible speed clones, slow enough compared to the real Noharu for Shura to track charged her from the front, the real Noharu executed three vicious strikes from behind, one aimed to each side of Shura's head, before a final whip-kick aimed between the woman's shoulder blades. Aiming to stun the woman into that flurry of attacks from her clones. And whilst her clones promptly would follow up with that cascade of strikes, that red thread that had once been her kosode finally congealed into a blade at the real Noharu's hip.

"Pull at the Seams. Kamiito Konton."

And with that muttered release phrase, Noharu executed a swift diagonal slash aimed straight down Shura's back. Nothing lethal, but instead targeting core muscles that would rob the woman of the ability to stand or use her arms.

Abilities used:
Kanji Man
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Prelude Of Showdown [Open/Noharu/Ranma] - Page 5 Empty Re: Prelude Of Showdown [Open/Noharu/Ranma]

Tue Sep 05, 2023 11:37 am

TAGS; - here NOTES; - here WORDS; - here MUSE; - Prelude of Showdown & This is it

Shura made sure to keep her eyes firmly locked onto Noharu as she began to move, the first move made to resemble a zig-zag pattern, intent on avoiding the binding. While fast enough to dodge it, the hit to the hips from the Byakurai was noted. When Noharu blitzed forward and reappeared in front of her, it was only nature for her instincts were to immediately Shunpo away. While this did give her space, the one that had appeared also vanished and was instead replaced by two Noharu's.

Then came the flurry, an attempt at overwhelming Shura. Such tactics were nothing new to Shura, she understood the value of tactics involving such things. "Bakudo no Nijyuichi, Sekienton" First a smokescreen that swiftly erupted to encapsulate the area she was in and the area the clones were entering, she knew it wouldn't distract them for long however. So with a quick Shunpo to the right she- fell right into the feint. Three swift strikes aimed at her head, all of which connecting with a fourth and final strike aimed for the center of her back.

However whilst it would hit, Shura's prior Shunpo hadn't carried everything with it, a chain led from her to the red smoke cloud and as she was launched forward, Shura gave it a hard yank to pull the axe left in there back towards her in a tight arc "Hadō no Ichijyuichi, Tsuzuri Raiden." With any luck, chain that now had lightning racing down it would wrap around the twin clones charging towards her, both binding and electrocuting them.


made by RR of DD, steal and i will sentence you to the true death!
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Prelude Of Showdown [Open/Noharu/Ranma] - Page 5 Empty Re: Prelude Of Showdown [Open/Noharu/Ranma]

Tue Sep 05, 2023 11:48 am
Prelude Of Showdown [Open/Noharu/Ranma] - Page 5 HEADER__panty_panty_stocking_with_garterbelt_drawn_by_kudou_90n__18e7ecb260f4e6d2745dbc0d1e4b7cf6

She'd hit. Seeing Shura's head being thwacked around certainly had it's own sense of satisfaction. And the final strike slashing down the woman's back was more or less an intended finisher. Stubbornness and perhaps a few other things might come into play to allow her to keep fighting, but Noharu had intended the strike to more or less end the fight.

And so, when that chain lashed out, she was surprised to see that weapon slipping around her Clones. The visages of Noharu letting out startled swears and curses as they were slammed together, only for that electrical energy to blitz through them and promptly cause them to shatter, dissolving on the spot as Shura promptly took down the duo, leaving the real Noharu to flash a lopsided smile at the woman.

"Well look at that. Now that was an actual fight. Once you stopped relying on your Bankai for anything you were quite the handful. You could still do with some practice using other stuff as well. Maybe a bit of Hakuda. Kido is nice and all, but Hakuda is a lot more useful to use on demand when you really need it without opening yourself up for an attack or giving your enemy too much notice." She noted calmly enough, glancing down at the burn that Byakurai had put on her and letting out a light hum.

"Alright. Time for a trip to Second Division. And I won't be taking lip this time." She insisted, holding out her hand for Shura to take.
Kanji Man
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Prelude Of Showdown [Open/Noharu/Ranma] - Page 5 Empty Re: Prelude Of Showdown [Open/Noharu/Ranma]

Tue Sep 05, 2023 12:06 pm

TAGS; - here NOTES; - here WORDS; - here MUSE; - Prelude of Showdown & This is it

It worked... good. With that being said it wasn't hard to see she was winded at a minimum, and heavily damaged at worse. Shura flicked the chain once more once the clones shattered, pulling the axe back to her hand before hanging the chain over her shoulder. Her head was hung low, her hair somewhat matted from her exertions. She at least seemed to listen while Noharu spoke, even if she wasn't looking at the woman. However as she walked up to her and spoke of the fight ending, as well as extending her hand... Shura's free hand moved upwards grasping Noharu's, and gripping down with all her strength.

This was either the brightest move in the world, or the dumbest decision ever made. Her other hand dropped the axe it was holding as Shura spoke but a few, brief words "Hadō no Sanjyusan, Sokatsui" A bright flash of blue energy erupted from her hand, intent on striking Noharu point blank with Shura's hand acting to hold her there and nullify her speed advantage entirely.


made by RR of DD, steal and i will sentence you to the true death!
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