Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Healthcare, Amiright? [Giselle, Eiji] Left_bar_bleue0/0Healthcare, Amiright? [Giselle, Eiji] Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

Healthcare, Amiright? [Giselle, Eiji] Empty Healthcare, Amiright? [Giselle, Eiji]

Thu Aug 24, 2023 8:40 pm
Healthcare, Amiright? [Giselle, Eiji] PROFILE_a3fa4cb9b11b2fbef423e782c8907cf6

Visiting her daughter in the hospital didn't put her in the best of spirits. But in her usual manner of being, Giselle was making the best of it. She'd already made a bit of a perst of herself to Candice, and gotten up to a few shenanigans, but in the end, she found herself walking around the hospital, as if looking for something to distract herself from the situation.

Liltotto. Her little girl. Who would get shot in the head and just make a mild annoyed comment of complaint. Was in the hospital. And so despite herself, she started to make her way around. Keeping out of the way of stretchers and other staff. Eventually winding up in the cafeteria, deciding to get herself something to eat, and find herself somewhere to sit. It was weird having to eat these days. So many little inconveniences that no longer being a zombie came with.

After checking out at the register, she looked around, trying to pick out a spot to sit.

The Hybrid King
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Age : 27

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Healthcare, Amiright? [Giselle, Eiji] Left_bar_bleue10015/100000Healthcare, Amiright? [Giselle, Eiji] Empty_bar_bleue  (10015/100000)

Healthcare, Amiright? [Giselle, Eiji] Empty Re: Healthcare, Amiright? [Giselle, Eiji]

Sun Aug 27, 2023 7:46 pm
Healthcare, Amiright? [Giselle, Eiji] TxMkKTL

Neighborhood Brat

Frankly, Eiji had had enough of the hospital. Having just left Natasha's quarters, the young man found himself tucked away in a corner in the Hospital's cafeteria. If it weren't for Natasha, you wouldn't be able to find Eiji within a few miles of the hospital if he had a choice. It wasn't out of fear or anything, really it all came down to his lack of interest in what one could only describe as a factory for the dead. Sure, hospitals were there to help people. Unfortunately, not everyone could be helped.

"The sooner I'm 'outta here, the better."

He groaned to himself, looking at the plate in front of him. Natasha recommended to him the hospital's specialty burger and fries. It was fitting, given her personality. Without hesitation, Eiji started to scarf down anything and everything within sight, only stopping to gulp down small quantities of sprite in the interim of choking his food down and going for more.


Eiji had stopped mid swallow, his eyes meeting a woman who had just turned away from the register in hopes to find a place to eat. Why was it that even on non-busy days, Eiji would draw the short end of the stick and look like an idiot? Par for the course, unfortunately. Quickly turning away and pulling out his cellphone, the man did his best to play off whatever embarrassment that might linger. Fingering around with his device, he felt it was important to shoot off a message to Natsumi to let her know Natasha was doing fine.


Garbled speech through a mouthful of food.

Ain't No Place For A Rat

Healthcare, Amiright? [Giselle, Eiji] FXpoQxJ
Healthcare, Amiright? [Giselle, Eiji] 2Y9rqGk

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Healthcare, Amiright? [Giselle, Eiji] Left_bar_bleue0/0Healthcare, Amiright? [Giselle, Eiji] Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

Healthcare, Amiright? [Giselle, Eiji] Empty Re: Healthcare, Amiright? [Giselle, Eiji]

Sun Aug 27, 2023 8:02 pm
Healthcare, Amiright? [Giselle, Eiji] PROFILE_a3fa4cb9b11b2fbef423e782c8907cf6

Huh, well looky there. It wasn't long before she's walked into the cafeteria that an immediate distraction from her woes took form. A sly smile sliding across her lips as she surveyed the situation. A mouthfull of food, and from the sounds of it, a throatful as well. An immediate bright and friendly grin flashed into place as she beelined straight for the young man. Highly amused with the rather obvious attempt to play off his situation.

"Hey there! Man they have burgers? I didn't even notice. The menu's a lot bigger than I expected for a hospital." She chuckled, making no attempt to bring to attention the little bit of struggle going on with the man's food. She sat herself across from him and set her own tray down. Nothing too fancy. A bit of chicken fingers and a slice of pizza. All rounded out with a little salad. Not exactly a fully balance meal probably, but she wasn't exactly here to follow some kinda diet.

"Name's Giselle bye the way. Pleasure to meet ya." A hand extended along with that calm smile.
The Hybrid King
Joined : 2011-06-06
Posts : 2654
Age : 27

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Healthcare, Amiright? [Giselle, Eiji] Left_bar_bleue10015/100000Healthcare, Amiright? [Giselle, Eiji] Empty_bar_bleue  (10015/100000)

Healthcare, Amiright? [Giselle, Eiji] Empty Re: Healthcare, Amiright? [Giselle, Eiji]

Sun Aug 27, 2023 8:14 pm
Healthcare, Amiright? [Giselle, Eiji] TxMkKTL

Neighborhood Brat

As if god had ordained it, Eiji seemed to not be the only one who noticed the other. The woman had, for lack of a better word, bolted her way to his table with hesitation. Even with his face buried in his phone, she clearly lacked any concern to whatever it was the young man had just experienced. Eiji rolled his eyes and put his phone down before abruptly pulling his sprite closer to his face and gulping the rest of it down.

"I only know 'cause one of the patients told me to ask for it. Apparently they only give it to the people who are in the 'know', y'know?"

It'd be rude to sit in silence, Eiji thought. Best to get on with whatever conversation the lady was interested in before he made a bad name for Natasha. Though, he couldn't lie, this lady seemed to have the taste of a child. Eiji couldn't tell if it was cute or concerning, maybe both? Shaking his head, he took her hand and offered a quick shake, retreating back to himself.

"I'm Eiji, nice to meetcha' too."

Fed up with his food a bit at this point, Eiji fiddled around in his seat before trying to strike up conversation.

"What're you doin' here on a day like today? Ain't many people 'round, was kinda pleasant havin' a visit without all the prying eyes."

Ain't No Place For A Rat

Healthcare, Amiright? [Giselle, Eiji] FXpoQxJ
Healthcare, Amiright? [Giselle, Eiji] 2Y9rqGk

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Healthcare, Amiright? [Giselle, Eiji] Empty Re: Healthcare, Amiright? [Giselle, Eiji]

Tue Aug 29, 2023 6:45 am
Healthcare, Amiright? [Giselle, Eiji] PROFILE_a3fa4cb9b11b2fbef423e782c8907cf6

"Pleasure's all mine!"

Giselle was pleased when he gave her a nice little handshake, promptly parking herself across from the man as she took a moment to go for a bit of her pizza, before raising her brows as he promptly initiated conversation. Oh! She had almost expected she'd need to just sortof weedle bits of conversation outta this guy, but he seemed perfectly sociable it seemed! She set the pizza back down and put on a little grin.

"Well you know as much as I enjoy the atmosphere, I admit, I'm really just here to visit some family. They're in the Vandenreich and uh... got caught up in that business going on in Africa. I admit it's...kinda unexpected." She noted with a sheepish little chuckle her fingers drumming a bit as she glanced off to the side. HEr thoughts drifting to Liltotto for just a moment. This was definitely not how Giselle usually was. As much as she might have liked to crack a few jokes, maybe mess with this guy. She was a bit distracted by the reason she was actually here. And the worry that came with that.

"How about yourself? Here to visit someone as well?"
The Hybrid King
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Posts : 2654
Age : 27

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Healthcare, Amiright? [Giselle, Eiji] Left_bar_bleue10015/100000Healthcare, Amiright? [Giselle, Eiji] Empty_bar_bleue  (10015/100000)

Healthcare, Amiright? [Giselle, Eiji] Empty Re: Healthcare, Amiright? [Giselle, Eiji]

Wed Aug 30, 2023 9:08 pm
Healthcare, Amiright? [Giselle, Eiji] TxMkKTL

Neighborhood Brat

"I guess we're both here for family then, huh?"

Doing his best to keep eye contact, Eiji reached back for his sprite and quietly listened to Giselle. It seemed like life was quite the mess for most folks these days, didn't it? He guessed that despite appearances he wasn't the only one suffering through things alone from time to time. There were curveballs every which way you looked.

"Sorry to hear that. I know that some stuff happened but I ain't really got any clue about what or why. Kinda new around here, let alone to the whole... 'everyone is kinda strong' side of the world."

Flipping at the straw of his soda, thoughts drifting quietly back to the day he really experienced what it meant to hold power against the hollows, Eiji sighed. The face that filled with concern for his future lit up almost instantly at Giselle's question.

With a bright smile, he leaned forward just the tiniest bit.

"Yeah, actually. She isn't my mom or anything, I guess. I don't know, it's complicated. I was here to visit my caretaker, yeah. Nice lady. Is your family alright?"

Eiji cocked his head, hoping for the best for Giselle and her family. No one enjoyed struggling, after all.

Ain't No Place For A Rat

Healthcare, Amiright? [Giselle, Eiji] FXpoQxJ
Healthcare, Amiright? [Giselle, Eiji] 2Y9rqGk

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Healthcare, Amiright? [Giselle, Eiji] Empty Re: Healthcare, Amiright? [Giselle, Eiji]

Wed Aug 30, 2023 9:38 pm
Healthcare, Amiright? [Giselle, Eiji] PROFILE_a3fa4cb9b11b2fbef423e782c8907cf6

Giselle couldn't help but chuckle softly. "I guess 'strong' is subjective. There's plenty of citizenry who are powerless. And at the moment, I'm practically in that category as well. The person I'm here for is my daughter. And she's definitely strong. Just not as strong as she'd like to be." She sighed softly, pausing for a moment to give a quirk of her brow.

"Really huh? I used to be in the Vandenreich myself. Who ya here for, maybe I know her?" She ventured, intrigue certainly starting to make it's way in. Mom? But not quite mom? A few....potentials came to mind. Liltotto. Reida. Natasha. ....Sophia? No that was a bit much. She wasn't sure she had that vibe.

"She's gonna be alright. Physically at least. Thank goodnes." She assured the young man. She almost wen a bit further but well....she didn't know what to think about how Liltotto was DOING doing. She was worried, and she'd offered to help her train. But some small part of her did still worry about her .. mental well being. She had that Dorian boy. But ....was he even around during all this? But she kept such worries to herself.... for now. Who knew, maybe she'd run into Dorian, surely he'd come visit Lil in the hospital...right?
The Hybrid King
Joined : 2011-06-06
Posts : 2654
Age : 27

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Healthcare, Amiright? [Giselle, Eiji] Left_bar_bleue10015/100000Healthcare, Amiright? [Giselle, Eiji] Empty_bar_bleue  (10015/100000)

Healthcare, Amiright? [Giselle, Eiji] Empty Re: Healthcare, Amiright? [Giselle, Eiji]

Wed Aug 30, 2023 10:09 pm
Healthcare, Amiright? [Giselle, Eiji] TxMkKTL

Neighborhood Brat

"Look, I guess everyone just looks a bit stronger when you're as weak as the guy that walks through the door huh? I'm use to it by now though. Not like it's 'uh bad thing. Just, got an eyeful recently."

The boy reached for his chest instinctively, tracing the fingerprints the hollow had left burnt into his flesh. Eiji was but a fish in an ocean that, frankly, was big. Really, really big. Nevertheless, lessons were learned and life moved on. Giselle was Vandenreich at some point? Natasha hadn't told him anything about who she worked for really, aside from the fact she worked and really cared for it. She was passionate, that was obvious.

Eiji leaned back, crossing his arms.

"Her name's Natasha. I'm surprised you're Ex-Vandenreich, I haven't really met anyone other than Natasha from it. Still kind'of new to me, really. I just know Natasha does alotta good. I think, at least. She seems to really like it."

The thought of his caretaker enjoying her time protecting people was something Eiji took a lot of pride in. While he couldn't do anything himself, it was clear that he was making relationships with people that cared to make a difference. It only meant that his future was bright, yeah?

"I'm glad. Well, I guess that might not mean much. But still, it's always good to know things are going well for others huh?"

Eiji's smile turned abit somber, knowing that he wasn't the only one with pained family. Life was only getting harder for everyone.

Ain't No Place For A Rat

Healthcare, Amiright? [Giselle, Eiji] FXpoQxJ
Healthcare, Amiright? [Giselle, Eiji] 2Y9rqGk

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Healthcare, Amiright? [Giselle, Eiji] Empty Re: Healthcare, Amiright? [Giselle, Eiji]

Sat Sep 02, 2023 5:46 pm
Healthcare, Amiright? [Giselle, Eiji] PROFILE_a3fa4cb9b11b2fbef423e782c8907cf6

Giselle raised a brow ever so slightly. She knew the look on the kid's face. Seemed he'd gotten into a little scuffle recently. That was to be expected these days, but it suddenly became VERY clear when he revealed the motherly figure that had entered in his life. and Giselle BARKED out in a sharp laugh, covering her mouth before clearing her throat.

"Ahah.....guh...ahem... Sorry didn't mean that. Ahah, just uh. Natasha definitely has a very strong Mom vibe, so uh, hearin ya refer to her like that was just kinda funny." She chuckled, shaking her head before humming. "Still, thats pretty fine of ya! Natasha's got a good eye, so if she decided to take you in, you're okay in my book. I myself was a membr up until recently. Got real hurt defending some of my fellow Ritters. Lost all my powers too. But I'm wokin on fixin that." She noted with a lopsided smile. A pause as she watched the young man closely, before that smile widened slowly.

"I like you kid. You got a nice vibe goin. Is getting stronger something you see yourself doin in the future? Doin the same kinda work your Mom does?" She ventured, clear and present interest in her expression.
The Hybrid King
Joined : 2011-06-06
Posts : 2654
Age : 27

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Healthcare, Amiright? [Giselle, Eiji] Left_bar_bleue10015/100000Healthcare, Amiright? [Giselle, Eiji] Empty_bar_bleue  (10015/100000)

Healthcare, Amiright? [Giselle, Eiji] Empty Re: Healthcare, Amiright? [Giselle, Eiji]

Sat Sep 02, 2023 6:29 pm
Healthcare, Amiright? [Giselle, Eiji] TxMkKTL

Neighborhood Brat

He was taken aback. Flabbergasted. Disturbed. Who in their right mind would just... laugh like that? Eiji didn't know if he needed to be angrier or if he needed to be happy. Confused? Surprised? The young man really couldn't recognize was this feeling was that Giselle was giving him, all he knew was... he didn't like it? His face turning to a pout, Eiji crossed his arms and gave Giselle a stern stare. A 'what do you mean you're laughing at me?' kind of stare. Childish, really.

Of course, before he could really express his distaste for Giselle's bellowing laughter, he was shown how sadly mistaken he was. The pout quickly turned to rosy cheeks and hands pushing firmly against the table they sat at. Embarrassed now, Eiji coughed abruptly, doing his best to take a deep breath.

"I-I didn't mean like an actual Mom. I-I just ain't really had anything to call my own, I was a brat. A bad kid, I guess. This is my first time feelin' at home somewhere."

Trying to defend himself, Eiji felt cornered now that he had said something so silly about Natasha. Nevertheless, Giselle's interest in whether or not he sought power was interesting to say the least. Did he want to be stronger? Eiji didn't know. With power came more fun, more fun meant more people to help to make amends. Conversely, more power meant more pain. Was he ready for that?

"I... Don't know."

He slumped back, crumpling in his chair to a degree. As if closing off to the woman, he fiddled with his fingers and sighed.

"I'd like to see the world for what it really is. I also don't got'uh clue in what that might mean. I don't know if I'm ready for what power might bring. Not to mention, Natasha might kill me if I find myself in some kind o' trouble without her by my side."

To him, Eiji felt that maybe he relied too much on the woman. It felt wrong.

"I just don't know, I guess..."

Ain't No Place For A Rat

Healthcare, Amiright? [Giselle, Eiji] FXpoQxJ
Healthcare, Amiright? [Giselle, Eiji] 2Y9rqGk

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