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[Spirit Class 6] Eliane
Wed Sep 06, 2023 5:34 am
Basic Information
○ Name: Eliane ○ Alias: N/A ○ Age: Functionally 25 ○ Gender: Female. ○ Race: Mongrel [Fullbringer] ○ Affiliation: -South Pacific Logistics Incorporated (Employee) -Vandenreich (On Parole) ○ Alignment: True Neutral ○ Marital Status: Single. ○ Nationality: N/A ○ Sexual Orientation: Ascetic. ○ Special Skill: Swallowing a whole egg. ○ Height: 5’10” ○ Weight: Healthy. ○ Hair Colour: White ○ Eye Colour: Ice Blue |
Psychological Analysis
Eliane wears a relaxed smile at nearly all times, looking for all the world like she’s just come from a very relaxing day at the spa. When she speaks, there is a soft, melodic tone to her words, which might sound comforting if not for the fact that every word she says is so transparently malicious. For lack of a better word, Eliane is a genuine misanthrope, who considers everyone she meets to be worth barely any more than an ant on the sidewalk. The suffering of other people makes her happy in the most fundamental sense, and there are very few things that satisfy her more than seeing other people give into their worst urges. It’s because of this that perhaps her most defining characteristic has arisen, her needling, irritating personality that always aims to incite trouble. She wants people to hurt her, wants them to do something objectively immoral simply because she made them so upset.
However, Eliane is a woman who understands what her nature does to others. She knows how her actions harm people, and she knows that it is fundamentally evil for her to do it. She doesn’t relish that evil, but she isn’t disgusted by it, either. She was made to be that way, after all. If she were a wholly independent creature, one without any attachments, she would be all too willing to simply indulge it as she sees fit, and to push it aside only when it benefits her, for Eliane is a callous and driven woman. But her sisters, who all are genuinely dear to her, have forced her to maintain some awareness of what a truly deplorable creature she is, to deny that singular need.
She doesn’t lament that existence, or find herself pitiable. Indeed, anyone who tried to act like she was some tragic creature would find themselves at the mercy of that very cruelty Eliane is so naturally inclined toward. She simply sees her own nature as something to overcome, to be applied methodically rather than as a default way of being. Even if it would rob her of the one thing that makes her truly happy, Eliane would gladly lose that joy for the sake of those few people who matter to her.
○ Ovide Sisters: Eliane knows that her presence in her sisters’ lives has been one of consistent torment and needless cruelty, that she has never been a particularly positive presence for any of them. She isn’t nearly so idealistic as to think that can change, either, no matter what she does. Eliane allows all of them to maintain whatever distance they would prefer, entering their lives only when it’s absolutely necessary, or when they wish for her to be there. That isn’t often, but she accepts that reality.
○ Claudia Duvalier: Of all the Ovides, Eliane has always been the one closest to their creator. She understands Claudia better than most, and that thought fills Eliane with a level of genuine disdain that she doesn’t feel for anyone else. She understands the exact mentality necessary to have thrown the four of them away like trash, to let them suffer in some cruel game that never really mattered. There’s no greater specter haunting Eliane than the knowledge of just how similar the two of them are.
○ Alastair Eisfluch: The one man Eliane would say that she respects in a genuine fashion. It isn’t because of anything arbitrary, like his refusing her little advances or how strong he is. Rather, she respects him because she knows without any doubt in her mind that he would unflinchingly destroy her if it were necessary. She has staked much on her trust in this man, and for a woman like her, trust is not something that comes easily.
Eliane, much like the rest of her sisters, was born in the laboratories of the Carrington Developmental Institute’s Section 12. “Created” would be more accurate than “born,” admittedly, as while Eliane is genetically a clone of Claudia Duvalier, adjusted just enough to pass more as a daughter, she nevertheless was formed in a tank, forced to maturity at a rate far quicker than a real human would be, and was put to use as a tool. When she and her twin Arlette were made, the two were designed to fundamentally be at odds, conflicting personalities that made up different sides of Claudia’s own mentality so that they would never be able to conspire together. While Arlette received Claudia’s brutal and unforgiving pragmatism, Eliane, instead, was made to share in their mother’s cruelty and misanthropy. It was this nature, and the more deep seated personality that came alongside it, that led Eliane to ultimately be the one who became closer to Claudia.
Of course, she understood what her purpose was. When her mind was forced into endless simulations of the killing fields, made to learn and to die on repeat until she had become a suitable weapon for Claudia’s use, Eliane hated every moment of it. She didn’t hate it for how torturous it was, however, but rather for the fact that she knew it was all fake. That knowledge, if anything, was what made her resilient, what carried her through the thousands of years of training that drove other previous iterations to the breaking point. It was all fake; she simply wanted to hurt real people. Death, mutilation, torture, all manners of training and abuse forced into her mind so that she would learn, and none of it particularly fazed Eliane. Why would it? It wasn’t real, so she could just sit back and think about when she was done here.
When compared to the time she’d been subjected to in the lab, Eliane found real work much more exhilarating. It was easier, by far. The average corporate assassin was barely a challenge to someone who had been made like she had, and any time she needed to handle a business matter, she could easily have someone dancing in the palm of her hand. It was easy, when you knew how to make people squirm, and that was something she could cause for more than one reason. But it being easy didn’t matter, when it was real. The suffering of other people made Eliane feel content with life, fulfilled for at least that little bit of time where she could still relish in the pain she was causing. It was nice, and she wouldn’t have minded it continuing forever.
But then Claudia decided there should be more of them. Eliane had, personally, not been in favor of the second generation of Ovides. She didn’t see the point, and the idea of two more of Arlette to complain about her methods didn’t sound pleasant. But Arlette had supported it, and Claudia had already been in favor to begin with, so Eliane suddenly found herself with two younger sisters.
They were more like her than she’d expected. Cruel, vicious, and yet, at the same time, she could see that they were also far more normal. Not that they were even close to typical people, of course, but they had a genuine bond with one another that she and Arlette had never come close to. More jarring, however, was how the two of them both seemed to gravitate toward their older sisters. Eliane and Arlette had never acted like anything other than fellow employees, two women who happened to share the same DNA. But Antonetta and Wolfina hadn’t been made that way. They saw the matter of the Ovide name as familial, and Claudia, by any metric, clearly condoned that outlook. Eliane saw it for what it was; manipulation. Even in spite of that, though, she couldn’t deny some degree of fondness for the newer Ovides, and she opted to indulge their little fantasy of being a family. No, it wasn’t just indulgence; she wanted to be a part of it, too, even if the only way she knew how was through cruelty. However, she understood what a second generation meant. In time, there would likely be a third, and by then she and Arlette would be obsolete. That wasn’t Antonetta and Wolfina’s fault, but it was something Eliane naturally had to prepare for.
She took more proactive work in the wastelands, taking work that was, by all accounts, typical Duvalier subsidiary business. Establishing shell companies, selling arms on the black market to guerillas, and generally causing problems. Eliane tended to die in the crossfire of firefights, or be caught in terrorist bombings, but she had always been reckless with her life. That was why no one thought much of it, and why she was able to pay one particular group a small fortune to collect each and every one of her corpses. These were kept in cold storage at a small encampment, every one of them being treated as a depository of parts rather than anything really valuable.
Eliane had been ready for the day she reincarnated into that patchwork body she was building, the day she was deemed obsolete and no new Eliane came from Carrington’s vats. What she’d been less ready for was Claudia’s plan to upgrade her and Arlette, to make them up to par with the second generation. Eliane accepted, obviously, because why would she care? But Arlette refused, all trace of her lineage except the human burned away from her soul and leaving her crippled. Eliane thought that was pretty stupid, but not half as stupid as the decision to suddenly disappear. For all their disdain toward one another, for every fight they’d ever had and every time Arlette had ever killed her, Eliane knew that there wasn’t a single person who understood her better than Arlette. Claudia knew how she operated, knew her from a utilitarian standpoint. But Arlette knew what made her tick, and now, she’d lost one of the only people with whom she could hold a genuine conversation. That bothered her, and it bothered her more that she cared about that.
Suddenly, the remaining three sisters were being watched. Bomb collars were kept affixed, and Claudia seemed to lose a great deal of faith in them. No, that wasn’t right. Eliane knew she’d never actually had any “faith” in them. They had always just been useful tools, and now their use was in question. She didn’t want any part of this. Neither, it seemed, did her sisters. It was the one thing that they could genuinely connect over. A mutual disdain for the situation they were in, for the sister that had caused it, and that genuine connection once again ate a hole in Eliane’s mentality. Her sisters were already suffering; she didn’t need to do anything to them. She was content, without any need or outlet to hurt others, and she realized then that there was a fundamental difference between herself and her sisters. They all wanted more out of their situation. They wanted to be free. To do something else. Why had Eliane been made not to care? Even the spare body she’d prepared in the wastes wasn’t for any need to find some bright new future; it was just so she could continue in the same way she always had.
Her life, she realized, had no value. It never had, with how little she had thrown it aside. She had two choices with that knowledge. To fall into obsolescence, be erased, or to simply brute force her way into a life that would only make her unhappy. A life where she would protect, at the very least, those three lives that meant anything to her, and which she knew had value in relation to her own. So Eliane went off to the wastelands, and allowed the bomb collar on her neck to blow. She didn’t wait to reincarnate this time, however; with the help of the very same spiritual surgeon who had put the body together, she forced her soul into that patchwork creation. A painful experience, and a painful existence; but that was what her sisters were already living, right? She was thankful that she could at least experience it too.
She went to the City of Lights, knowing perfectly well her sister was there, knowing perfectly well that the one man her creator had considered even moderately interesting was there, and knowing above all that her two remaining sisters in captivity would be there soon to handle Arlette. She intercepted; it was the only thing she could do. She didn’t relish being moved from one captivity to another, but it was only a process.
Her reunion with her sisters was not what could be called pleasant. She had known that would be the case. But she had, even so, been able to bond with Wolfina for the first time in her life. Even allowed herself to speak honestly to Arlette, despite how fundamentally opposed to her own existence such a thing was. Now, seeking to work with her sisters, and to force herself to create a better life, she finds herself under the employ of Arlette’s South Pacific Logistics Incorporated, a subsidiary of the Vandenreich and operating, in many ways, as she always has. Though she would never say it, she knows that in itself is an act of kindness on Arlette’s behalf, and she is genuinely overjoyed, in her own way, to put her propensity for boundless cruelty into work that still does good.
○ Genetic Augmentation: Having been made as a superhuman bodyguard for one of the wealthiest people on the planet, Eliane is far from a normal human being. Her body has been tailor-made for physical prowess, allowing her to accomplish feats well beyond what a typical human being could hope to accomplish. The average defensive fortification has little impact if Eliane wishes to get through; bullets fail to pierce her skin, and even the thickest vault doors can be pierced by a well-placed punch from her. Fleeing is no easy task, either, for while she can hardly keep up with jet engines, a typical car is well within her grasp to simply hunt down and crush with a single heel kick.
○ Simulated Experience: Eliane, like her sisters, has undergone extensive training by way of having her brain directly connected to simulations. This has allowed for a dilated sense of time over the course of her training on the battlefield, and so while the woman known as “Eliane” has only existed for roughly 5 years, she has experienced several decades worth of time on assorted battlefields from throughout history. These simulations have covered nearly every circumstance that one might be able to imagine, and Eliane has mastered each and every one of them to such a degree that it would be difficult to find a circumstance where she feels truly out of her element. Whether it be the deepest killing fields of the Southeast Asian jungles, the bleak winters of Russia, or the scalding wastes of the Middle Eastern deserts, Eliane will not only succeed in combat, but will actively thrive, utilizing the environment to the fullest and surviving as if she were a native.
○ Analytic Dissection: Few, upon meeting her, would be inclined to call Eliane an “academic” in any sense of the word. She isn’t one to read for fun, and she isn’t one who is inclined toward scientific theory. However, she is a woman who is capable of rapidly taking in any information she deems important, or even entertaining. Rarely does she simply absorb this information holistically; instead, she tends to go out of her way to understand all of the smallest intricacies of whatever it is she’s studying, be it a process or another person. While it makes her exceedingly adept at solving problems, it tends to make her invariably come across as something of a creep, as she tends to laser in on the way other people “tick” so to speak. This information rarely leaves her mind after she’s committed it to memory; as such, Eliane is very likely to be able to repair a firearm she’s only ever read the manual for once, just as easily as she could needle at the deepest insecurities of someone she met in passing at a party several years ago.
○ Torturer: As a woman who relishes in the suffering of others, it is no surprise that Eliane understands the human body's weakest points to an unsettling degree. She knows where it is easiest to break, what points would kill a man the fastest, and of course, what would cause the most agony. One should never wonder whether or not Eliane is capable of killing someone with her bare hands; indeed, she could slaughter whole squads without breaking a sweat. Rather, the question one should ask is how long she will take to do so, and how much agony she will force her victims to endure in the process.
○ CQC Expert: While all of the Ovide siblings are trained in combat excellence, Eliane in particular has rigorously worked to be the best of the four at close-quarters, hand-to-hand combat. Its visceral nature and immediate feedback is naturally in line with her own methodology, and she gravitates well to it in nearly all styles. However, at its core, Eliane’s style is not simply one of straightforward beating or martial technique. Rather, Eliane’s style is one of cruel efficiency, unwilling to abide by any notions of what could be called fair, safe, or ethical combat. Her vast knowledge of the human body is put to use through a style that combines the savage striking power of muay thai with the grappling and groundwork of combat sambo, resulting in an approach to violence that is capable of both swift lethality and prolonged torture. Her elbows are not simply capable of breaking bones, but of often slashing through limbs entirely, and she can shatter joints easily with little more than one hand.
○ CBT Grand Master: Eliane is, perhaps, the single greatest practitioner of this particular skillset on Earth. Is this helpful in combat? It can be, certainly.
○ Fullbring Name: Patch the Good Luck
○ Fullbring Appearance: Eliane’s Fullbring takes the form of the patchwork body she currently inhabits, made from pieces of previous iterations of herself. When activated, its changes are highly variable, based on the current parts and genetic material most active.
○ Fullbring Abilities: Eliane’s Fullbring is a highly unusual one, tied to not only her own versatility but to the nature of her body. By default, Eliane has no Racial Skills apart from Fullbring Affinity. Her remaining three Racial Skills are Variable Racial Skills, which can be modified by Eliane using a series of surgeries, blood transfusions, and injectors to align her body more closely to one of the many races that make up her lineage. The skills available for her Variable Racial Slots are those from Humans (High-Spec, Fullbringer, and Quincy), Hollows (including Arrancar), and Shinigami (including Vizards). These Variable Racial Skills each have their own skill rank, which is maintained regardless of the skill currently using that skill slot.
Naturally, such a radical modification of one’s own body does not come without limitations. Most immediately, Eliane’s Variable Racial Skill slots may never be of a skill level higher than her current rank in Fullbring Affinity, as they are naturally limited by her understanding of the body that comprises the Fullbring itself. Additionally, these Variable Racial Skills are wholly inactive if Eliane has not released Patch the Good Luck; she is incapable of using the three skills she currently has if she is not released.
Skills which require an object for the purposes of use, such as Zanjutsu or Kreuzen, still require Eliane to have access to the relevant object in question, and if she does not, then she cannot utilize the skills in any meaningful way, regardless of her skill level. Similarly, even if she has the requisite skill level for a release, Eliane is not assumed to have access to any release by default, even Resurreccion should she utilize Hollow Nucleus, and all releases, as well as any techniques which apply fusions of multiple skills (such as shunko), require Eliane to learn them through training and submission of an upgrade. Finally, due to over-muddling of spiritual types leading to power growing weaker, Eliane cannot use the abilities of more than two races at once in her Variable Racial Skills.
Upon learning any releases or other techniques reliant on skill level, Eliane will always maintain knowledge of these abilities, even should she replace the skill in question. She is naturally incapable of utilizing the ability without the requisite skill, but she is not required to relearn the techniques upon returning the skill to her active Variable Racial Skills.
While the process of modifying her body in this way is not necessarily traumatic (at least not for a woman like Eliane), it is nevertheless very involved. As such, any changes to her Variable Racial Skills cannot simply be decided in the course of a thread, or even at the start of it, but rather must be submitted as an upgrade to her application and approved by staff.
When activated, Patch the Good Luck allows Eliane to actually utilize her three Variable Racial Skills. Additionally, the boost from her Fullbring applies to her body itself and her physical capabilities, as well as to utilizations of those three skills.
General Skills
- Durability: C
- Speed: C
- Strength: C
- Soul: D
Racial Skills
- Fullbring Affinity: Master
- Hollow Factor: Beginner
- Physical Augmentation: Adept
- Spiritual Adaptation: Adept
Will Skills
- Willpower: Elite
- Deduction: Advanced
- Focus: Advanced
Great Attribute Update
-Attributes brought to modern system
- GammaVeteran Member
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Re: [Spirit Class 6] Eliane
Sat Dec 23, 2023 7:53 am
[adm]Approved 1/2.
- Initial Check:
○ Spirit Class: 6
○ Durability: Adept
○ Speed: Adept
○ Strength: Advanced
○ Martial Skill: Elite
○ Willpower: Elite
○ Deduction: Advanced
○ Focus: Advanced
○ Fullbring Affinity: Master
○ Hollow Factor: Beginner
○ Physical Augmentation: Adept
○ Spiritual Adaption: Adept
I've also assigned three skills for racial placeholders for the following reasons:
Hollow Factor: A physical component that can be cultivated rather than something necessarily trained; her fullbring status and vizard ancestry support some traces.
Physical Augmentation: A strong human foundation and also a component of Elaine's primary approach to combat. Her fullbring is directly tied to her body and so it compliments the skill which would normally be complimented by Power Control for a standard human.
Spiritual Adaption: Being made of so many races, her whole life on Earth, dealing with spiritual nonsense, and just being comprised of many races can justify some level of resilience towards these.
You may have these to fill the skill sheet until Eliane develops beyond them, or continues to develop them.
"A fake could never surpass the original."
- A king once said.
- LillianVeteran Member
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Re: [Spirit Class 6] Eliane
Sat Dec 23, 2023 10:12 am
All checks out to me!
Approval 2/2[/mod]
All checks out to me!
Approval 2/2[/mod]
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