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A Visit To The Second Empty A Visit To The Second

Fri Sep 29, 2023 1:22 am
A Visit To The Second Y7Ia3Xg

The First's Dog


Junko mumbled to herself, the click of her heels echoing throughout the Second Division's halls. The girl was a bit lost in thought as she found herself looking around a corner. Quietly, she turned back towards the way she originally came. The afternoon sun filtered through the hall windows as she moved along. Frankly, Shunko would rather be sitting behind her desk and doing what she did best, writing paperwork up and down for the afternoon. No, instead, she found herself in the grasps of the Second, the current plan at hand seemed to be something she abhorred.

Junko was here to get a secondary slip from a member in the division by the name of Kokoko. Who? She wasn't exactly being disrespectful, Junko just didn't have any inclination of who this person was. Sure, their name had been listed as part of the division for quite some time now. Unfortunately, she wasn't the type that went out of her way to meet the newest faces around. Nonetheless, the continued click of her heels meant she was going to do her job appropriately.

Turning yet another corner, Junko came face to face with a relatively large room that consisted of tables lining the walls. Seemed as if this was a mess of sorts, she wouldn't be doing anything of the sorts when it came to food. Continuing without any real thought, the girl fiddled around each table, looking from her paper to each table and grazing her eyes along each of the members of the Second. No luck, no one seemed to match the description of the woman she was looking for. Unfortunate.

Coughing, Junko cleared her throat and let out the softest yell imaginable.

"Is there a Kokoko... Koizumi here? A Kokoko Koizumi."

The members of the Second Division looked at the small girl, shook their heads and moved back to their food. A look of irritation filled Junko's face before she let out yet another sigh, her feet digging expectedly into the ground. As if she were standing her ground against the Second, the thin girl spoke up yet again.

"Surely someone knows where the girl might be? I need her to handle business with the first."

She was louder, even if it still seemed like a mouse spoke. Hopefully the girl would materialize she thought. Why couldn't the other divisions be as prim and proper as her beloved First was? Sigh.

The Takeuchi's Last Daughter

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A Visit To The Second Empty Re: A Visit To The Second

Sat Sep 30, 2023 8:35 pm
Kokoko had taken an extended vacation some time ago, and a few weeks ago she was back at the Gotei. Having been one of the few healers prior to her leaving, her position was wholly reinstated on her return. Not only that, they had decided to start running a general clinic which would be open to shinigami and plus alike, though still entirely based in the Seireitei. It was small and low funded, meaning that it was essentially run out of a shack close to the second division. Word was that it was previously allocated to an older division of an older time, but was mothballed for years until recently. The days were slow and boring, but it was the fate Kokoko was condemned to.

That was, until today where something unusual happened. Word was sent out that someone was looking for Kokoko, which was rare. Her mind wasn't really racing with possibilities though, it sort of being stuck in the bored mindset it usually was in. So, she figured it would be another patient that had just liked what Kokoko had done for them. Begrudgingly, she got up from behind her desk and made her way towards the main building of 2nd division.

It would be about 20 minutes between Junko's arrival and Kokoko's, with the latter taking her sweet time making her way from point A to B. In reality, if she was walking fast she could have made it in 10, but oh well. Approaching the desk, Kokoko made her presence known to her squadmate. "Someone was looking for me?" There was a nod and a finger pointed in Junko's direction. Being the only face she didn't recognize, Kokoko approached and immediately started going through her checklist of things she has to ask at the clinic.

"Hi, I'm Kokoko, I'm with the Gotei Clinic... but you already knew that. Uh, I specialize in more practical methods so don't worry about any magic words or glowing hands from me." She stopped talking to let out a yawn, her eyelids heavy from work. "So what brings you to us today? Any sensitive information you would like to indulge somewhere more..." The end of the sentence trailed off as the implications were directed towards the very full barracks they were currently standing in.

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The Hybrid King
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A Visit To The Second Empty Re: A Visit To The Second

Mon Oct 02, 2023 8:00 pm
A Visit To The Second Y7Ia3Xg

The First's Dog

Junko's interest in this Kokoko girl had entirely dissolved over the minutes she spent rummaging around the Second Division. It seemed impossible to find her, let alone anyone who knew where she was. For being one of the very few healers the Gotei had laying around, Junko seemed rather unimpressed. Finding herself at a loss for words, the small girl ruffled her own hair in an attempt to console herself. What a waste of time, she thought.


Though quiet, Junko's audible confusion had been clear. There before her, bright as day, was Kokoko Koizumi. The fair-skinned and dark-haired woman had descended from what felt like nowhere, a look of annoyance finding its way onto Junko's face. Unfortunately, that look of annoyance had lasted mere seconds before the woman reminded her of her station here in the Gotei. It had been so long since she had taken her leave of absence that Junko entirely forgot about the Clinic. That explains the struggle to find her.

Straightening her rather strange looking Shihakushō, she coughed aggressively as if trying her best to seem like the professional she was. "Right, that would explain why it was such a struggle to find you. Apologies, I completely forgot about the Clinic." An honest mistake, her time with the First rarely saw her interacting with extracurricular areas of expertise among the divisions. Nonetheless, she continued. "No worries, I'm not exactly interested in treatment. Though, if you'd like, taking this to the Clinic would probably make things alot easier on my part."

Junko skipped away from the woman a short distance, tapping her hand against the stack of papers she was presently carrying. Best to get things like this out of the way quickly.

"Lead the way. I just have a few things I need to get squared away in regards to paperwork with the Second. I was told my best option as of right now was you. So, do you mind?"

Despite her prompt and serious tone, Junko seemed kind and soft-spoken. Odd, given her position with the First.

The Takeuchi's Last Daughter

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Thicc Boi
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A Visit To The Second Empty Re: A Visit To The Second

Tue Oct 03, 2023 9:40 am
“Don’t worry, most people forget about the Clinic until they… y’know, need the Clinic.” Kokoko said this with a smile on her face. While she hated her job, she was slowly starting to find a focus and a purpose outside of her family. Almost like she was becoming her own person or something…

Anyways, as Junko made the reason for their visit clear, there was a pang of sadness inside of her. It wasn’t work-related, it was work-related. While on one hand it made sense that Kokoko was getting paperwork since she was the most ingrained of the clinic, on the other hand she felt as if someone higher up would be more suited towards the responsibility than her and her unseated designation. Regardless, she was going to have to fill these out whether or not she could escape from Junko. She thought about it.

“Ugh, fine.” A hand was extended towards Junko to receive the stack of papers. The golem version of her former captain had decided during this time to make herself known as well, crawling up Kokoko and sitting on her shoulder, extending her small little hands out as well, as if she could carry the entire stack herself. Kokoko saw this and couldn’t help but let out a stifled laugh, finding her companions confidence endearing and adorable.

Once she received the stack, if she was given it, Kokoko would begin to flip through the papers and see what she was so crucial for. Walking without saying a word, the young shinigami assumed her colleague would just follow along. “So, I haven’t seen you around before, which can be a good thing all things considered…Where are you coming from?”

Coded by Slayer

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The Hybrid King
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A Visit To The Second Empty Re: A Visit To The Second

Wed Oct 18, 2023 5:35 pm
A Visit To The Second Y7Ia3Xg

The First's Dog

Junko couldn't help but feel a bit off in the presence of the girl. Whether it was the lack of interaction the two had had up until this point or her newly earned freedom, it seemed like her time here in the Gotei would be filled with more frustration than she bargained for. Nonetheless, the continued support of her colleagues and other divisions was all she really requested. Without much thought, Junko responded in kind and handed the girl the stack of papers.

"Apologies. I try my best to keep up with the inner workings of other divisions but as of late, I've found myself buried under a mountain of paperwork. With everything going on outside of the Soul Society and the recent bombing, the First are quite busy."

Following as best as she could, the young girl crossed her hands behind her back and spoke freely.

"I appreciate the cooperation. As I said, I'm from the First. I know we haven't had any interaction up until now but going forward, that will likely change. I hope you don't mind."

Prompt and to the point, Junko was clear with her intentions. After all, now that she had her own freedom it was within her power to actually interact with everyone at large. Hell, if the girl wanted to, a stroll along the innards of the Seireitei was no longer out of the question. Anyways, without much thought, Junko continued to spill her thoughts with glee.

"I'm not exactly well known given my unseated position within the First. I hope to change that at some point or another. Nevertheless, the point of the paperwork was just to clarify your recent vacation and the ongoings of your time during it. They're just curious about what you did with the time and how it might effect your position as a member of the Second. Nothing serious, I'd say."

She smiled, the white of her hair fluttering awkwardly with each bounce of her feet. This was going relatively smoothly, great.

The Takeuchi's Last Daughter

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Thicc Boi
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A Visit To The Second Empty Re: A Visit To The Second

Sat Oct 28, 2023 3:24 pm
Kokoko made a face of disgust as she realized that Junko essentially misunderstood what she had said. It was fair, but Kokoko gleamed that the girl was much more work-oriented than developed in her social skills. "Yeah, no, I know you're from the first. Only division out here with any reason to hound people for paperwork. Did you think I thought you were from combat?" A sly grin found its way onto her face as she made herself laugh with that thought. This was already going swimmingly and at this point she figured to mess with the girl. It'd make Kokoko's morning go by a little faster.

"What I was asking was how did you end up her, with this job of all things. Everyone's got a place they come from, some of us better or worse than others. Oh- like for example..." She trailed off into silence as she walked past a coworker of hers. He was a taller fellow with messy black hair and a determined look on his face. He waved to Kokoko as they passed but didn't say anything. Kokoko didn't respond at all, and just kept walking. Once she expected Junko to match her pace again she continued the conversation. "That was Atushi, another unseated here. Like, Atushi is in this division because he wants ascend to some sort of legendary status as a kido user. Talking, he wants to be as well known as Unohana." She paused to let it sink in. "And Tessai. Big dreams on this guy. But, he also comes from a minor noble family so he is also a pompous dickhead. Nobody likes him, but he's actually pretty good. His job all day? Just walk around. He doesn't get assigned anything because nobody wants to work with him, but we can't let him leave just in case. Worst part? He likes it."

"That's what I mean. What's your deal, how'd you get stuck with paper hound, hm?" Kokoko was being nice to the girl, but at the same time she was just sticking her nose in other people's business because she wanted. The mind on the young Koizumi was inquisitive sometimes, and today it was allowed to indulge. Since her return from her vacation she's stopped worrying about how other people see her. She was happy as was, and the worry just added unnecessary stress. "Oh. And what's your name? That might be ae good start."

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The Hybrid King
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A Visit To The Second Empty Re: A Visit To The Second

Sat Oct 28, 2023 7:59 pm
A Visit To The Second Y7Ia3Xg

The First's Dog

Though the Clinic wasn't exactly a massive mansion of a building, it sure was taking quite the time to find their way through it. Kokoko and Junko continued to round corners and pass Clinic workers, her comment on her status as a first division member being... confusing, at the least. She wasn't exactly fond of joking, though from time to time it was healthy to find a laugh here and there. Her face remaining relatively blank, Junko scrunched her nose and sighed as they passed some patients.

"I'm not necessarily following."

Junko was, unfortunately, a bit straightforward with her statements. Kokoko's words weren't necessarily misunderstood, nor were they confusing. It was just that Kokoko's question wasn't something she could answer without just simply depressing her, maybe even causing a scene. Thinking little of it, she continued to match step and spoke freely.

"Atushi may have a great amount of interest in his own future, I unfortunately don't share his passion. I'm with the First, and the Gotei, because of my Father. Consider it the sins of a father."

Though Kokoko might not understand the problems tied to her upbringing, it was clear as day that she didn't choose the life she held. Nevertheless, she continued to walk along side the woman with a simple smile. Her job was her job, she had accepted it for awhile now. If anything, things could have been much worse off. With Murasaki as Captain Commander now she was effectively free. It was nice.

"I do the job I do because it's expected of me. It can be tiresome but that doesn't stop me from continuing. Also, I'm Junko. Junko Takeuchi."

That was that. To the point, it seemed.

The Takeuchi's Last Daughter

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Thicc Boi
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A Visit To The Second Empty Re: A Visit To The Second

Sat Oct 28, 2023 9:29 pm
"You had me at father." Kokoko knew that feeling all to well. It seemed to be sort of a running theme, power-tripping men. Also dickhead parents. Maybe there was a correlation there? Something in the water perhaps. Anyways, it didn't take them long after that statement to arrive at the Clinic, in which Kokoko promptly opened the door and led the young girl into her office towards the back of the building. It was a small little room that couldn't fit more that a desk, two chair, and a shell that was nailed into the wall behind the desk. There was a simple gesture for Junko to take a seat.

"So, my vacation. What do they want to know? Like what I was doing or...?" Kokoko was expecting them to come around at some point. Even if it was approved beforehand, she expected there to be questions about where she's been for the better part of a year. There was a part of it as well where she thought people didn't really care about the details but rather just wanted to know what happened to her. It was one of the more interesting happenings in the 2nd division so rumors were only bound to spread.

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The Hybrid King
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A Visit To The Second Empty Re: A Visit To The Second

Sat Oct 28, 2023 10:06 pm
A Visit To The Second Y7Ia3Xg

The First's Dog

Following Kokoko into her office, finally, Junko gave a small sigh at the mention of her father. The old man was far from important to him, even further away from being a real father. Nevertheless, she was reminded constantly of her position being solely forced by him. It was a mess, really. One that she would prefer to forget. Taking a seat across from Kokoko, Junko gave her a small smile and started to list off a number of things related to her paperwork.

Pressing her index finger against the one of her left, she started. "Firstly, standard procedure as you know. They just want full documentation on what the time was spent doing and if it would interfere with anything currently going on within the Seireitei. Secondly -" Folding over her middle finger now, the small girl continued. " - It seems like the circumstances of your vacation weren't necessarily normal from what I was told. I'm not exactly in the know as you might assume but I was told that they'd like to know if anything... extracurricular was a part of your vacation. Also a form of procedure, I guess."

That being said, Junko was curious herself. It seemed that people were far more interested in the latter when it came to Kokoko, not the former. Her vacation was second to whatever it may have been taking place alongside it. Quietly overlapping her hands in her lap, the girl did her best to look presentable for the Second Division member, that same soft smile filling her lips once more.

"I imagine this could actually be dealt with promptly, no?"

The Takeuchi's Last Daughter

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A Visit To The Second Empty Re: A Visit To The Second

Wed Nov 01, 2023 11:05 am
"Well..." Here's the thing: in theory, it should be an easy answer. Just write down what she's been and what she's been up to, but unfortunately her vacation was a little more than just a normal break. There were also some family matters that had occurred in the past year or so, something that she would like to avoid mentioning at all costs. As she started to fill it out, her eyes bounced back and forth between Junko and the paper, wondering what she could and couldn't get away with hiding from the government. At some point, after a short silence, some rustling could be heard as a small person crawled out from underneath her desk and stumbled its way onto the top of it. Kokoko didn't pay her any mind, though the tiny person noticed Junko and waved. It sort of stood there and just stared at her, waiting for some kind of response. Then, she stopped writing.

"So what exactly would you consider extracurricular?" Her tone of voice shifted from playful to serious, though her mannerisms were still the same. She didn't make any eye contact with Junko, but expected an answer promptly. While waiting for Junko to respond, the pen in her fingers started to wag back and forth, a tap every time it went down and bounced against the desk. Anyone who could read people could sense the nervousness radiating off of her while she tried her best to mask it.

Coded by Slayer

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