Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Saramanda, ooh ohh! [Calypso/Akira] - Page 2 Left_bar_bleue398349/999999Saramanda, ooh ohh! [Calypso/Akira] - Page 2 Empty_bar_bleue  (398349/999999)

Saramanda, ooh ohh! [Calypso/Akira] - Page 2 Empty Re: Saramanda, ooh ohh! [Calypso/Akira]

Tue Oct 24, 2023 11:29 am

Calypso Gandr| Descendant Of Ao Kuang

"Shaka was born from his mother's womb as all were. Look not at the heights achieved, but at the path they took to get there" She would finish. There didn't seem to be much in the way of wounds to notice. Clearly, if the red skin and talon weren't an indication, she was supernatural.

She would then give him her hand, Immaculately manicured, to shake.

"I am Calypso Gandr, of the Gandr Clan. Dottir ni Ragnar vi Randi" she would state, that Norweigan drawl slipping into her tone as she spoke.

Dragon-Snake | END POST

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Saramanda, ooh ohh! [Calypso/Akira] - Page 2 Empty Re: Saramanda, ooh ohh! [Calypso/Akira]

Tue Oct 24, 2023 1:43 pm
Saramanda, ooh ohh! [Calypso/Akira] - Page 2 Makishima-Shougo-quotes-27


He advanced toward Calypso, offering a slightly sweaty palm to her though a firm handshake nonetheless, providing a confident smile before offering a nod, picking up upon the drawl which came from the northern hemisphere.

"Akira Tairitsu

Before retracting and stretching a little, glancing about the terrain.

"I hope you can keep this place a secret between us, Calypso. This area has a certain charm, more so now I have engaged with someone of insight. Where do you come from? I would be shocked if you didn’t have some form of group or region in Japan


Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Saramanda, ooh ohh! [Calypso/Akira] - Page 2 Left_bar_bleue398349/999999Saramanda, ooh ohh! [Calypso/Akira] - Page 2 Empty_bar_bleue  (398349/999999)

Saramanda, ooh ohh! [Calypso/Akira] - Page 2 Empty Re: Saramanda, ooh ohh! [Calypso/Akira]

Wed Oct 25, 2023 3:53 am

Calypso Gandr| Descendant Of Ao Kuang

Calypso would give him a disapproving stare as he did not mention his mother and father. Still, she would not press it, and just speak.

"My guy, I don't even know where here is. Other than 'Japanese mountainside'. Which you know, narrows it down to about 12,955 places we could possibly be" She'd give him a wave of a hand, dismissing the idea that she was any threat to this place's sanctity.

"As for where I come from, it's Norway. Though I do have a Great-Grandfather who lives here. And a half-brother who frequents here. So Japan is a good vibe spot. Hence, having a real good grasp of the language, yea?"

Dragon-Snake | END POST

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Saramanda, ooh ohh! [Calypso/Akira] - Page 2 Empty Re: Saramanda, ooh ohh! [Calypso/Akira]

Wed Oct 25, 2023 6:26 am
Saramanda, ooh ohh! [Calypso/Akira] - Page 2 Makishima-Shougo-quotes-27


Akira didn’t seem to know their parents, if he did then was aloof to the stare atleast on the surface, behind his hues, taking the current stare with an odd perk of the brow, directing it as him surveying the surrounding landscape. He offered a confident nod at the information offered, chuckling a little at this situation to nobody but himself.

"I see. You speak Japanese as well as a local I suppose? Learning languages hasn’t ever been in my repertoire. You’re a spiritually gifted human aren’t you? Have you ever been hunted by Shinigami by mistake considering your transformation?

The inquiry seemingly on the forefront of his mind.

"Forgive me if that is a little personal, with such anarchy transpiring recently. It’s good to know who is being hunted by who during times like these


Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Saramanda, ooh ohh! [Calypso/Akira] - Page 2 Left_bar_bleue398349/999999Saramanda, ooh ohh! [Calypso/Akira] - Page 2 Empty_bar_bleue  (398349/999999)

Saramanda, ooh ohh! [Calypso/Akira] - Page 2 Empty Re: Saramanda, ooh ohh! [Calypso/Akira]

Wed Oct 25, 2023 7:50 am

Calypso Gandr| Descendant Of Ao Kuang

"Follower of the Wyrd, yes, what they call Tao Chi in China, and Kyoka here" she would nod, before giving a grin when he asked about her transformation.

"I've had that transformation, about two weeks. You are the first person to have seen it outside my family. So are you hunting me, Mr Shinigarman?" Calypso would ask, her grin and little lean forward an echo of her still young mentality.

Dragon-Snake | END POST

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Saramanda, ooh ohh! [Calypso/Akira] - Page 2 Empty Re: Saramanda, ooh ohh! [Calypso/Akira]

Wed Oct 25, 2023 8:28 am
Saramanda, ooh ohh! [Calypso/Akira] - Page 2 Makishima-Shougo-quotes-27


Akira brought both hands up in an innocent nature, offering a brighter smile than prior and a step back, leaning into the playfulness of Calypso with a soft chuckle. It was evident by his nature that every small gesture was often leaving him on edge for those with enough insight into body language, though finally bringing a hand down, gesturing about.

"I’d be a dreadful hunter if I wasn’t even aware of my prey, half the time I feel I’m the one being hunted. I’d like to avoid a tree being slammed across my head, I value my brain you see, furthermore this hair is a nightmare to keep clean.

He playfully claimed with a half serious tone, finger pointing to the snowy locks on his head.

"Most I can offer is a friendly exchange of blade and fists. Or words. I’m rather good with the latter in regards to a battle. I’m honored to see your transformation though, I think it’s rather exquisite and to be frank new.


Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Saramanda, ooh ohh! [Calypso/Akira] - Page 2 Left_bar_bleue398349/999999Saramanda, ooh ohh! [Calypso/Akira] - Page 2 Empty_bar_bleue  (398349/999999)

Saramanda, ooh ohh! [Calypso/Akira] - Page 2 Empty Re: Saramanda, ooh ohh! [Calypso/Akira]

Wed Oct 25, 2023 8:35 am

Calypso Gandr| Descendant Of Ao Kuang

He was very on edge. The urge to go 'boo!' and see what happened was strong here. But she didn't want to just cause him to enter into a fight reflex of fight or flight. And so simply shook her head and flicked out her hair.

"There is no need to push yourself into something you aren't comfortable with. I understand that introverted Vizards can be fragile because the only person they've got to speak with is not really their friend. But you should get that sorted. It won't go away by being ignored, and will get worse. Hvit is wandering the world, looking for people to help. I can give you her number if you want, or maybe...Yuuto? I dunno how good he s at anything like this. He's just the only Shinigami I know.

Failing that, Minatumi Harbour is a mixer of all the races. I am sure you can find some support for yourself there"

Dragon-Snake | END POST

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Saramanda, ooh ohh! [Calypso/Akira] - Page 2 Empty Re: Saramanda, ooh ohh! [Calypso/Akira]

Wed Oct 25, 2023 8:47 am
Saramanda, ooh ohh! [Calypso/Akira] - Page 2 Makishima-Shougo-quotes-27


There was a raise of the brow at her commentary, lips parting though expression showing an array of emotions, though finally shrugging at the whole ordeal. The name Yuuto was something that did garner a reaction, more so at the statement of him being a Shinigami.

"The Harbor was home. It was during that time I felt most comfortable at being what I am, I appreciate it though the only individual there who could support my infection has been missing for sometime. That Yuuto though? Pass. To be candid with you, anyone and anything to do with the Gotei is something I’ll actively avoid.

Akira stated sternly, though moving to lean against a tree.

"I don’t know who this Hvit is though, maybe they’re an avenue I’ll consider but I am curious. You’ve only just met me, I genuinely do not dismiss the idea of kindness but offering all of this for the sake of an individual you just encountered, is this personal? Like an experience which you have dealt with?

The man watched her closely for any tell tale signs of lying or otherwise indications of some uncomfortably.


Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Saramanda, ooh ohh! [Calypso/Akira] - Page 2 Left_bar_bleue398349/999999Saramanda, ooh ohh! [Calypso/Akira] - Page 2 Empty_bar_bleue  (398349/999999)

Saramanda, ooh ohh! [Calypso/Akira] - Page 2 Empty Re: Saramanda, ooh ohh! [Calypso/Akira]

Wed Oct 25, 2023 9:35 am

Calypso Gandr| Descendant Of Ao Kuang

"Ha! Yea, I can understand wanting to avoid the morbid dooshnozzle. We had a fight once so he could show off what he could do. And part way through was like 'ohh, by the way, I can instant regenerate any damage you do to me and don't feel pain or something'. It..soured the mood"

Calypso would scowl at the memory, and then look back to Akira.

"Were this just your normal stuff, I'd let you deal with it. But, Hollows are... other things. The manifestation of your dark thoughts and emotions. You don't get to take your time and face it when you are ready. Because it has it's own face, and faces you regardless of if you are ready or not. And so to offer support to a person in a state not of their own doing is a move all should make.

Hvit is Ulv's Inner Hollow. The other half of the title of Inferno Vizard Queen. How and why the two seperated, and the circumstances around Ulv's disappearance, she will not say. But helping another Vizard is on her dock, if only because your Hollows suffers as much as you do in the current situation"

Dragon-Snake | END POST

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Saramanda, ooh ohh! [Calypso/Akira] - Page 2 Empty Re: Saramanda, ooh ohh! [Calypso/Akira]

Wed Oct 25, 2023 9:47 am
Saramanda, ooh ohh! [Calypso/Akira] - Page 2 Makishima-Shougo-quotes-27


Akira blinked a little at the elaboration of both Hvits and Yuuto, eyelids rapidly closing and re-opening at such insight into all things. Hvits separated from the host? How. That was something he ever considered, a softer exhale of contemplating following through with a thousand yard stare into the distance, remarkable though a risky mo-


He let out a pained exhale which brought him back into reality, a soft murmur that tickled that periphery of his earlobe, a growl and laced malevolence which uttered unseen threats should Akira believe himself in a position to even humor the thought.

"Ah. Apologies. This is…Good information, I wasn’t aware such could come about but your outlook is appreciated. You see, if I can be a little forthright, I believe myself to be a bit of a coward in this regard. Inaction does cause many issues, to confront one's own negative emotion made manifest is…Haunting. You know you have to do something, everything in your body shrieks that you must do something. Yet you find yourself in the countryside, recycling the same tricks. Sob story central, I dislike wallowing in a cage of my own making.

There was a brief pause.

"As for your combat engagement, I find that rather detrimental. Isn’t pain meant to push the body further? Shouldn’t the threat of death or major injury sharpen the senses? These things forge the foundation to one breaking the barrier of limitations. How did a Shinigami regenerate? Shikai, Kaido or?.


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