Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Sun Dec 17, 2023 9:19 pm
Spoiled Milk (Shiro/Rukia) BBmGen2

He knocked on the door, knuckles against wood. Hopefully she's home. The hour's late, late enough where those not on night shift have already turned in. The last they talked, he had told her to take it easy. Shiro hope she put his words to practice. If she had, the likelihood of her answering her door is better than none. However, he won't hold his breath forever. She's a hard worker after all.

If or when she comes to answer her door, she'll find Shiro there, dressed casually. His usual attire's become refined thanks to her, so he appeared put together, but she'd see that his eyes lack their usual cunning charm. He's not been brushing his hair or shaving either, tangled locks and light stubble tarnishing his good looks. The worst part though is the small frown on his face, a clear sign that something's wrong.

God of Love
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Spoiled Milk (Shiro/Rukia) Empty Re: Spoiled Milk (Shiro/Rukia)

Wed Dec 20, 2023 10:26 pm
Spoiled Milk (Shiro/Rukia) VzuVhEj


One of the only days she'd had off recently, and that was only because her ever-chipper vice captain had been insistant that she could handle things on her own for a day. Rukia wasn't opposed to that, though she'd be lying if she said that she felt great about the situation. Rubbing her eyes as she slipped on a nemaki, her eyes brightened slightly as she saw Shiro, though that expression seemed to darken just as quickly as she realized how he looked.

"Hey. Something wrong?"

She gestured for him to come inside, figuring it was better to talk about whatever was wrong inside, rather than here at the door. Besides, she didn't need to say that much to invite him in, he knew he was welcome by now.


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Fri Dec 22, 2023 3:08 pm
Spoiled Milk (Shiro/Rukia) BBmGen2

He didn't say anything at first when she opened the door. Noticing her pajama's, his frown deepened. He had disturbed her sleep, and he had known he would have, but seeing her actually open the door for him still upset his stomach. There are only a few reasons to keep a person up late at night, and he's unsure if he's here for any of them.

"Sorry to bother you. You going to work in the morning?" He started, stepping into her abode. His eyes flicked here and there, recognizing his surroundings. It has been a while since he's been in here, huh? But, that's besides the point. Rukia's probably wondering why he's here so late, and probably why he looks worse for wear, and where's he's been lately. The last question part probably didn't need an explanation, with how busy everything's been.

"I had a nightmare," He'd spit out though while crashing on her couch, slumped. His eyes didn't focus on her because saying some pussy shit like having a nightmare sounded lame. "And it's been a while..." He'd end with, letting a bit of his pent up frustration with their situation reveal itself as well. His bros would probably call him a female for this, but hey. He has a girlfriend, and they don't. What's the point if he can't be vulnerable sometimes?

God of Love
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Spoiled Milk (Shiro/Rukia) Left_bar_bleue16000/1Spoiled Milk (Shiro/Rukia) Empty_bar_bleue  (16000/1)

Spoiled Milk (Shiro/Rukia) Empty Re: Spoiled Milk (Shiro/Rukia)

Fri Dec 29, 2023 9:36 am
Spoiled Milk (Shiro/Rukia) VzuVhEj

"It's not bothering me at all. And no, Mizu's made sure I don't work myself to death."

Rukia didn't mind him coming this late, and it wasn't like she'd been in bed yet. Despite her exhaustion lately, she still had other things on her mind, things she'd rather do than simply get in bed early and sleep until the late morning. As Shiro collapsed onto the couch, Rukia laid atop him, quite aware that she wasn't much weight to make it uncomfortable.

"Do you want to talk about it?"

If he didn't, they could leave it at that. Rukia wasn't one to push on things like that, and she knew he was right. The whole situation lately hadn't left them with much time to themselves. She hated that, but she wasn't someone who could just ignore it all and focus on herself. Never had been.

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Sun Dec 31, 2023 3:20 pm
Spoiled Milk (Shiro/Rukia) BBmGen2

He didn't mind the extra weight, but he did feel awkward about being a cushion out of the blue. Their time a part has left him feeling a bit deprived, so her sudden intimacy didn't help his wayward thoughts. That's why he kept his eyes canted to the side.

A playboy reduced to a good Samaritan, huh? Life has a way of flipping the script on a person, and it always employs a monkey to do so. Shiro's existence is a tragic comedy if you think about it. There are the highs and lows, and whoever is watching over that balance needs to be fired. Everything's been a steady decline as of late. His inability to sleep without reliving his past is enough proof.

"I'm seeing them again, Ruk," Shiro started, not putting up any resistance to sharing his trauma. "My old crew, our captors, and my victims. I think all this crap's getting to me."

His nose crinkled as mentioning the past brought back vivid flashbacks.

God of Love
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Spoiled Milk (Shiro/Rukia) Empty Re: Spoiled Milk (Shiro/Rukia)

Wed Jan 17, 2024 3:18 pm
Spoiled Milk (Shiro/Rukia) VzuVhEj

Rukia had been seeing a lot of the past too, lately. It wasn't pleasant, though she knew it was probably more pleasant than what Shiro was seeing. Maybe that was just because she'd had more time to get over it, though. Either way, she wasn't here to think about her own problems. She did that enough as it was.

"Things are rough right now. I guess you probably don't want to ruminate on that for too long, so don't force yourself to think about it. Alright?"

Some people might say she was telling him to run away from the problem, or ignore it, but it wasn't that simple for Rukia. She knew exactly how trauma could weigh on you, and she knew that the only way to continue your life was to do just that; continue. She didn't want to see someone she cared about so much get caught up in the past.

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Spoiled Milk (Shiro/Rukia) Empty Re: Spoiled Milk (Shiro/Rukia)

Sun Jan 21, 2024 10:42 pm
Spoiled Milk (Shiro/Rukia) BBmGen2

"If only it was that easy. I wouldn't be here if it was," He muttered, sighing as he laid his head back on the couch. "But, hey. An excuse to see my gal is an excuse."

Though, his mind's going back to his talk with Hisana. All that talk about chilling out really didn't help, and he was the one who gave the advice, but who'd have imagined that he'd start having nightmares... He shouldn't have started drinking more... Not like he's going to share that little detail.

God of Love
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Spoiled Milk (Shiro/Rukia) Empty Re: Spoiled Milk (Shiro/Rukia)

Thu Feb 15, 2024 2:12 am
Spoiled Milk (Shiro/Rukia) VzuVhEj

"I know. Believe me, I know."

Rukia, after all, was no stranger to haunted nights of dark thoughts. She was no stranger to seeing her friends in the middle of the night, and waking up in no small agony from the thought that maybe they were still there. Sure, those days had been mostly behind her, but now she'd had to see a friend she thought long dead. If anything, she'd have preferred he was to the truth.

"I've missed you. I know I'm always busy lately."

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Spoiled Milk (Shiro/Rukia) Empty Re: Spoiled Milk (Shiro/Rukia)

Sat Feb 17, 2024 3:17 pm
Spoiled Milk (Shiro/Rukia) BBmGen2

He hesitated.

"...I've missed you too."

Yet his voice didn't have his heart in it. There's only one thing good about being alone, and it's the fact you have time to think. When you can think without interruption, you get to plan, and when you plan, you act. These last few weeks have been filled with nothing but rumination and planning. The nightmares have only worsened his need to get his butt moving. There's just one big issue, and it involves the woman laying on him.

"I'm going to start training again, Rukia," He started. "I know you're busy, so it's mostly going to be solo training."

He wondered if she'd insist on helping, but then she'd have to take away time from working or getting her needed rest. For a guy who does nothing but work and play, he could never pull her away from actually important business.

"They say that training with your Zanpakuto helps you look into yourself, so that's what I'm going to do. If these nightmares are bothering me, then that means I've got something on my mind, and who better to help with that than the person in my sword?"

That is their function after all, a mirror into the soul.

God of Love
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Spoiled Milk (Shiro/Rukia) Empty Re: Spoiled Milk (Shiro/Rukia)

Thu Feb 22, 2024 9:35 pm
Spoiled Milk (Shiro/Rukia) VzuVhEj

"That's a good idea."

Rukia wasn't one to intrude on something personal like this, and besides, she could tell that this was something he had to deal with. She would have liked to step in and help, to offer a hand wherever or whenever he needed it, but that probably wasn't what he needed right now, or even what he wanted. Besides, she hardly had time to help.

"But keep me updated, okay? I'll get worried otherwise."

Though she said it in a lightly chiding tone, Rukia meant that pretty seriously. However that process went, she'd want to hear about it.

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