Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Lucky 8 [ Rei | Tentou ] - Page 3 Empty Re: Lucky 8 [ Rei | Tentou ]

Tue Feb 06, 2024 1:57 pm
Lucky 8 [ Rei | Tentou ] - Page 3 Cc273a97c03c9b2e584353292e339435

Tentō Zefā | The Unrefined Paragon

Hmmmmm. Eh, true. “Fair enough”, Tento said with a nod. He was the one that asked to start this after all like she said. He should be the one to lead the way given he was the one helping her. He would have liked to get her opinion though. “I do so let's just go get started then”, Tento said in a calm voice.

WIth that Tento would get to moving, walking over to a nearby wall while rotating one of his arms while holding the top of his shoulder. “Follow what I do. I’m gonna start by offering up some modified push ups”, saying this Tento would then turn his back towards the wall before lowering down to a plank. In this position, Tento would back walk till his feet was pressed against the wall. Finally before walking his feet up till he was at a slanted angle while moving his hands back closer to his torso. Once Rei copied him and was all ready, he would start pumping out push ups. “First off a warm up, a couple reps of these till muscle failure”.

Light in the Dark | End Post

Lucky 8 [ Rei | Tentou ] - Page 3 Tentos10
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Lucky 8 [ Rei | Tentou ] - Page 3 Empty Re: Lucky 8 [ Rei | Tentou ]

Sat Feb 10, 2024 7:33 pm
Rei would wait to watch the position he would get unto as she would not. She would roll up her sleeves so that they wouldn't be in the way as she would climb into the same position as the man. She would begin to follow his pace for the push ups as he would notice she is decently fit herself. Her muscles are well toned, but she was beginning to sweat a little already as she would speak out.

"N...not bad."

She would compliment him as she would continue to go. She wasn't sure who would win this little bout here, but she was enjoying this. Working out with someone else was fun, and she wondered why she hadn't worked out with people more.
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Lucky 8 [ Rei | Tentou ] - Page 3 Empty Re: Lucky 8 [ Rei | Tentou ]

Mon Feb 12, 2024 8:57 pm
Lucky 8 [ Rei | Tentou ] - Page 3 Cc273a97c03c9b2e584353292e339435

Tentō Zefā | The Unrefined Paragon

Once the two got started, it would be time to see how well Rei was really physically disciplined. He would do his best to keep perfect form throughout each rep, giving Rei an example view to take and model from. She did quite well, she was definitely in good shape, excellent! And he would let her know just as much. “You’re keeping up great! Ya must have done a lot of work to get where you are now, you should be proud”, he said in a bit of friendly encouragement.

Tento would continue to pump out the elevated push-ups with relative ease. Choosing to not go at full throttle but at a reduced pace to match Rei’s progress. A few sets had been done hopefully at this point together with each number Tento’s voice boomed in a hearty support. Not giving time to rest after a set was completed, jumping right into the next. “Five….ten…fifteen….twenty-five, fifty!!!”.

“Thanks, your far from bad yaself, I hope you are ready for close to muscle failure though. We got through some, now lets drop and get our breaths. Make sure to stretch a little”. His blood flowed and a light tap of sweat coated his brown skin as he let out controlled breaths. Sucking in air from his nose before lightly letting it out from his mouth. Enjoying the bubbling rush of effort and grit rushing through the veins of his body. GUUUUUUTS

Light in the Dark | End Post

Lucky 8 [ Rei | Tentou ] - Page 3 Tentos10
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Lucky 8 [ Rei | Tentou ] - Page 3 Empty Re: Lucky 8 [ Rei | Tentou ]

Wed Feb 14, 2024 5:52 am
Rei would follow close on dropping as she would work on her breathing. She always enjoyed how exercising felt, but it was nice to have someone to work out with. Most of the other shinigami were on other schedules. As she would begin to stretch she would ask a question between her practiced breaths.

"alright, what's next?"
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Lucky 8 [ Rei | Tentou ] - Page 3 Empty Re: Lucky 8 [ Rei | Tentou ]

Sun Feb 18, 2024 8:44 pm
Lucky 8 [ Rei | Tentou ] - Page 3 Cc273a97c03c9b2e584353292e339435

Tentō Zefā | The Unrefined Paragon

“Next is something a bit more tough. But it targets many separate muscles through the routine. I am sure you probably know all the workouts already or can make the just of it. I guess I’ll call them out and we see how that goes?”, he said getting into position. Moving from the upright position he was in to squat down, pushing his body as low as he could in a low plank that was pretty much the low point of a push up. He would then come up in a push off the ground, shifting to stand back on his feet before squatting down before exploding off the ground in a short control hop.

Tento would then land and come back down. Squatting once again while going to his hands in one movement. Getting into a high plank position while bracing his core and keeping his spine in a straight line. He would lift his right hand off the ground and reach back towards his left thigh tapping it with his fingers before returning to a plank then doing the same with his right hand to his left thigh. He would then go to a side plank, turning his torso so that the right side of his abs faced the ground. Legs extended and stacked from hip to feet, knees touching the floor lightly. His right forearm under his shoulder with his left arm extended out straight. With his core tightened he would exhale left his hips and knees off of the floor keeping his torso tight and straight, avoiding any bending or sagging.

Now hold for a bout sixty seconds”, Tento would say with Rei hopefully following behind before he would start a slow count. “One thousand and one. One thousand and two…”, at which point when sixty seconds occurred. He would start from the beginning all over again but repeating this phase with his left hand. This would go on and on for a few sets.

Light in the Dark | End Post

Lucky 8 [ Rei | Tentou ] - Page 3 Tentos10
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Lucky 8 [ Rei | Tentou ] - Page 3 Empty Re: Lucky 8 [ Rei | Tentou ]

Sat Feb 24, 2024 6:11 am
Rei was familiar with what he was telling to do, but she would still do her best to copy what he was doing. She didn't want to look like an idiot while she was trying to do this. So she would strive for form as she didn't think her own form was very good usually. She didn't think it was terrible, but it wasn't where it probably should be. Her muscles would fail a bit faster than tentos, and she would let it happen as she remembered her talk with Hannah and not hurting herself to the point of needing days to recover. In her newest failure she would sigh as she laid on the ground waiting for his set to be over as she would speak.

", how long have you been working out? Like did you start when you were young?"
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Lucky 8 [ Rei | Tentou ] - Page 3 Empty Re: Lucky 8 [ Rei | Tentou ]

Thu Feb 29, 2024 2:56 pm
Lucky 8 [ Rei | Tentou ] - Page 3 Cc273a97c03c9b2e584353292e339435

Tentō Zefā | The Unrefined Paragon

Feeling the burn start to build up. Tento was quite happy with how the progress of their workout was going. Rei was doing an excellent job coping and going at her own pace. She was getting a good amount of it from what he could hear. It was kicking her into high gear. Pieces of times he would give a word of affirmation or point out a shift in her form that would hopefully help her out. Regardless she had a decent form and would get better with it in all due time.

When she asked him a question he shifted his head. Continuing the sequence of the workout, but slowed down a bit to give more focus to listening to her words. “Hmmm, always I would guess. At least I feel like it. Been at it since…around thirteen years old. Got into it as a side effect of trying to play basketball and doing martial arts”, Tento would speak while working out.

Finishing out a last one before starting to feel his body shake. Choosing to at that point let his body fall in a slow descent flat on his butt. A long satisfied sigh coming from his voice. “So about twenty one years give or take. But how about you? How long have you been at it now?”.

Light in the Dark | End Post

Lucky 8 [ Rei | Tentou ] - Page 3 Tentos10
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Lucky 8 [ Rei | Tentou ] - Page 3 Empty Re: Lucky 8 [ Rei | Tentou ]

Wed Mar 13, 2024 3:14 am
"I tried to keep my work out routine when I passed over here. I don't remember a whole lot about being alive, but I was fit back then. However, I let myself go for awhile out in the rukongai..Had more too worry about than working out there."

Rei would speak about her life in the rukonĝai as she would try to remember. She does know she decided to start fully training, and trying to hone her body about 10nor 15 years ago? Time was weird in the soul society so she wasn't completely sure

"I think.ive been training regularly for the last 10 maybe 15 years?"
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Lucky 8 [ Rei | Tentou ] - Page 3 Empty Re: Lucky 8 [ Rei | Tentou ]

Mon Mar 18, 2024 9:24 pm
Lucky 8 [ Rei | Tentou ] - Page 3 Cc273a97c03c9b2e584353292e339435

Tentō Zefā | The Unrefined Paragon

Since when he was thirteen. My such a long time ago and yet short in the grand scheme of it to be truthful. What was that, twenty something years now? And even then he was so much more now than he was at his peak back in the world of the living. The teachers and fighters here had a galaxy of difference in his eyes. The championship fights were…nothing. “I dont have much over you then. It has been a total of….about twelve to fifteen years give or take a few”.

“That tends to be the case when we come over. Reincarnation in the soul cycle and all that”, Tento said with a soft gesture of his hand. AH to not remember one old life. At times Tento thought that was such a blessing. “I can get that yeah. Stress and confusion even though we know about it now adays. Even more so when you still gotta figure everything out once you get here”, Tento began turning his head to the sky. “Do you need to eat or not. Where you are assigned to leave. Where you will try to live. What do you do now. WHO are you now. Just so much to deal with. For the ones that have an easy answer its magical”. Tento said watching sweat drop down his cheek as he spotted a rather funny looking cloud.

“Either way”, he said turning his head back to Rei. “You found yourself a place now within the Gotei United. Back in the grind and got your routine down again”. Tento would say as he got up from his feet and rolled his shoulders. “Not too bad I would say, a lot could be worse”.

Light in the Dark | End Post

Lucky 8 [ Rei | Tentou ] - Page 3 Tentos10
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Lucky 8 [ Rei | Tentou ] - Page 3 Empty Re: Lucky 8 [ Rei | Tentou ]

Wed Mar 27, 2024 11:30 pm
"I'm not really concerned about my health anymore. It's the sister that I met here that I work for mainly. I like helping the people in the rukongai by making food and what not, but my main priority is making sure she's able to eat and live here easily. I don't really want her to join up, and risk her life but I think she's going to end up doing it."

Rei would speak about her worries as she has pretty much fully taken a break. She had her arms on her knees with her towel wrapped around her shoulders. She would let her hair fall down as she would take a deep breath.

"I don't think I should limit what she wants to do though. I just don't want to see her get hurt ya know? I think if I told her not to join it would just make her want to even more."
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