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Appetizing guest! (Akira/Sabriel) - Page 2 Empty Re: Appetizing guest! (Akira/Sabriel)

Sat Mar 16, 2024 12:47 pm
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It was a truth that Sabriel was good at reinforcing, Arrancar by core nature often sought conflict alongside their Hollow subjects. These individuals saw the Gotei as their natural predator in the eco-system, a system that needed to be brought under and forge something new. To wallow in such fears would create hesitations, wrinkles, those were the killers. It was hesitation that allowed the Adjucha so long ago to bite into those he considered closest, if this confidence had been found sooner, if that momentum of the tide had followed through quicker. Hrm. Now was not the time for him to be thinking about that.
."You’re correct, all things like this erode with enough time unless their ruler is eternal. It is often the change in leadership that creates a dissolution. It has been on my mind lately, your Kingdom. You. There has to be something you desire out of all this beyond the fall of the Gotei? Not to fulfill my own but truly….Tell me, what is it that you crave? Above all else?

He decided to lean a little against a nearby wall, eyes staring at Sabriel with a curiosity that could not be satiated. It had to be something, an inquiry that she was not asked often maybe? Or was this truly legitimate? Did the Arrancar of desire fulfill others for the sake of thrill and elation? It’s an inquiry atleast that anchored Akiras resolve into finding, many might dismiss it. There was more to her than the beauty, guile and ability to manipulate as easy as she could breathe. Was it malicious? Was it benevolent? That was part of the mystery all in all.

Akira’s lips parted once more with a softer voice, evidently trying not to come across as too prying into Sabriels affairs. It felt a little odd, to ask something so personal though why not? She had indulged him enough for a thousand lifetimes in this ambition. Why not try to repay that?

."If it is something I can achieve, I’d like for you to feel a semblance of the gratitude I have.


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Appetizing guest! (Akira/Sabriel) - Page 2 Empty Re: Appetizing guest! (Akira/Sabriel)

Sun Mar 17, 2024 12:41 pm
Appetizing guest! (Akira/Sabriel) - Page 2 SsMLBbB


The Arrancar appreciated his concern for her own happiness but as she pondered over the questions posed, an answer was not all that forthcoming. Sabriel had lived for so long, seen and felt so much, that even if she had once possessed a desire above all others, it had long since been forgotten. Desire was her need, her passion, her reason for existing. It helped briefly feel the emptiness that her lack of heart had left her with. It was a lifelong want, one that she assumed would never be satiated, no matter how many centuries she lived.

“I do not know. Perhaps once, there was something I desired but for the life of me, I do not know what that is now. All I wish for now is to continue to satiate myself, both with fulfilling not only what I wish for but those I meet as well. It has been over 600 years since I came into being and during that entire time, I have been doing just that. Yet, no matter how many dreams I help others accomplish, I never remain satisfied for long. Pleasure and joy is fleeting, after all, nothing lasts forever.”

In what might have been a rather bizarre motion, Sabriel would remove her right heel, raising her bare foot to show where her hollow hole resided, pondering further before continuing. “I suppose, when I think about it more, what I desire most is to fill this and regain what was lost when I became a Hollow. It is probably something that I will never accomplish but if I cannot then I will spend my days doing what I always have. Making the most of every moment and fulfilling as many desires as I can, regardless of how large and unlikely they might be.”

Returning her heel back to her foot, she would then approach Akira, looking him in the eye. “Bringing an end to the Gotei would likely bring me the greatest amount of satisfaction, more than any other wish I could ever aid in granting. I know that this kingdom of mine will inevitably fall and if that occurs by going to war with the Gotei then so be it. Rebuilding it will only give me another desire of my own to fulfil.”


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Appetizing guest! (Akira/Sabriel) - Page 2 Empty Re: Appetizing guest! (Akira/Sabriel)

Sun Mar 17, 2024 3:24 pm
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There was a few blinks at the way Sabriel shifted in tone, a little alteration but her elaboration did seem to be genuine. Such a lonely reality if one thought about it, a kindred spirit in some form though a brow began to raise as she began to reveal the bare foot. Ah. That. It was an odd thing to hear an Arrancar confess a semblance of desire to revert back to a state of wholeness, something even he did not believe was doable with Kido. To return that would be something transcendent. It would not hurt to keep an eye out on such things though.
."To say I envy that is an understatement of the century, even with this confidence I seem to be finding more obstacles. It’s insane to think how much time I have lost being in that place, wallowing over something that I could have done something about. Your desire though shall be fulfilled. If I can bring you the greatest satisfaction you have ever felt, then I will settle for that. In the serenity of calming waves, shall it be concluded.

Akira glanced about a little, letting out a soft exhale. Was this friendship? It felt like it? Then again, Sabriel was a woman who fulfilled others desires. It was the foundation of everything she was built on. Why did his first thought have to be of faith? In a time like this? The tuff of white hair fluffed about as he shook his head, one may aswell breach these subjects. Now better than any. He began to trail a little around the chamber, admiring certain aspects of it before uttering the following sentence with reluctance.

."If another's desire conflict with my own, well…How do you choose? I imagine that to satiate every desire comes at the cost of another. Is it an inevitable outcome for our friendship? I would rather be aware of that, so neither of us get hurt in the process. I hope this does not come across as disrespectful?


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Appetizing guest! (Akira/Sabriel) - Page 2 Empty Re: Appetizing guest! (Akira/Sabriel)

Mon Mar 18, 2024 4:19 pm
Appetizing guest! (Akira/Sabriel) - Page 2 SsMLBbB


There it was. The inevitable question that was bound to come up sooner or later. Given the scale of his plans and the secrecy required, Sabriel was hardly surprised by it although it did receive a fair amount of thought from the Arrancar. It was not a question that could be answered without proper consideration and she was well aware of what a poor answer could do to their blossoming friendship. Still, honesty was important when it came to such things, no? Deceiving would not do anything at this stage, nothing good anyway.

“I would have to weigh the situation on my scales of desire, so to speak, before following the path that will gain the most from it. Your desire is a great one and more often than not, it will put you in good stead against another but there may be a time one day where I encounter someone with equal ambition. If that happens then I may end up revealing information that may harm the bond we have. It will not be done out of maliciousness or malice but you must be aware that it may happen. That being said, the odds of me confessing to a Shinigami would be awfully low. My own desires have an effect too on the scales.”


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Appetizing guest! (Akira/Sabriel) - Page 2 Empty Re: Appetizing guest! (Akira/Sabriel)

Fri Mar 22, 2024 11:23 am
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There it was, both a brutal truth but a blissful one at the sametime. It was not like him to think beyond a mere business arrangement though for briefest of moments, Akira could forget that Sabriel truly wished to fulfill desire on the fullest part. All of them. It was a difficult laughter, barely stifled though a shake of the head came to follow suit. It was better to have someone whom would stick to their conviction than ignore them, an odd enjoyment came from such a thought. Then did he turn around to face her once again, a smile still gracing his lips as usual.

."Your honesty is valued beyond anything else, others would even in this situation stipulate that such would not transpire during such a complicated scheme. The fact I am being told that should such a being followsuit is in itself admirable. I do not think you a woman of malice, merely nature.!

He understood her reasoning nor did his tone provide any indication that he was angry regarding it. It was best to be reminded of the very real nature of their bond.

."What if someone desired to die but another wanted them to live?


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Appetizing guest! (Akira/Sabriel) - Page 2 Empty Re: Appetizing guest! (Akira/Sabriel)

Sat Mar 23, 2024 10:06 am
Appetizing guest! (Akira/Sabriel) - Page 2 SsMLBbB


It was pleasing to hear that he understood her reasoning and honestly, she would not have blamed him if he considered her words traitorous. Yet, he had always been a rather calm soul and it seemed to take an awful lot to cause him to lose his cool. That was one of the reasons why Sabriel was fond of him, she supposed. The Arrancar felt that she could be perfectly frank with him and he would not demean or insult her for it. It was a pleasant sensation and not one she felt all that often, only with a select few.

“On the road that we are travelling on, it is important that we are able to be completely candid with one another.” She replied, a small smile forming upon her face. “What you have your heart set upon is a desire that will be filled with nothing but obstacles, after all and you cannot afford to underestimate anyone, regardless of how you feel about them."

He then posed a question to her which she spent a few moments considering before offering an answer. “I would handle it in the same way as any other clash of desires. Both sides would be judged and the one with the greatest desire would be the side I aid. In terms of life and death though, it can be rather difficult as sometimes having someone live a life they despise will only end up hurting both in the end, which is a rather upsetting result for me.”


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Appetizing guest! (Akira/Sabriel) - Page 2 Empty Re: Appetizing guest! (Akira/Sabriel)

Sun Mar 24, 2024 9:53 am
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Where have you been all my life?

Akira could not help but feel that tug at his core of affection, a terrifying emotion that had been all but smothered by some form of self preservation instinct. It did not assist anyone though for him to be so attached, a humorous concept that he seemingly had a thing for individuals that were not in the grand scheme…Healthy…For one reason or another. The smile did not falter as her response, glancing once more about though finally did his eyes fall onto her. He groaned a little, a minor noise to naught but himself.

It was then that the words began choking in his throat, a sudden difficulty to speak as whatever the Shinigami wanted to say felt weighted around the neck. The soft sputters and coughs fading into a gentle lull, finally getting it out.

."I’m a Vizard, Sabriel…Every waking moment is contending with something whose desires could only be described as profane for all around me. It is hard for me to even verbalise being such a thing, -It- speaks so much but those moments of peace worry me…As if I am….Satiating it somehow.

His eyes narrowed to her, firmly.

."My desire is if you feel I am succumbing to it….Kill me.


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Appetizing guest! (Akira/Sabriel) - Page 2 Empty Re: Appetizing guest! (Akira/Sabriel)

Mon Mar 25, 2024 10:34 am
Appetizing guest! (Akira/Sabriel) - Page 2 SsMLBbB


The conversation took a rather unpleasant turn and Sabriel found herself moving across the large hall and stopping a couple of feet from him. What he was suggesting was not only somewhat of a shock but also an unappealing request for the dark haired woman to fulfil. She knew of his race and the difficulties that came with it but to hear him speak so poorly of himself was rather eye opening. He had spoken with such confidence and ambition up until now and to suddenly see this other side was rather revealing.

“I confess that what you ask is not something I particularly wish to do. This passenger is nothing more than another obstacle, no? One that you need to overcome in order to achieve what you truly desire. I just said that the road ahead of us will be difficult and you will need to harden your resolve in order to follow it. This inner hollow of yours must be brought into line, if you truly wish to see the Gotei burn.”

Sighing, her lavender eyes would soften a touch.

“That being said, if you find yourself in a situation where all hope is lost then I will do as you wish.”


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Appetizing guest! (Akira/Sabriel) - Page 2 Empty Re: Appetizing guest! (Akira/Sabriel)

Tue Mar 26, 2024 1:46 pm
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Akira blinked a little at the softening of her lavender hues, a smile resting upon his features whilst contemplating the words which reached ears. Sabriel was right. It and always shall be an obstacle, was asking such too much or even dare he say? Cowardly? It felt wrong to ask this of her, yet willing to go as far as this to embrace that concept of Desire. It was then did the left hand swiftly intercept his own right that aimed for Sabriel’s hand. The faintest glance of veins about the wrist which seemed to constrict and bulge slightly.

."Thank you, I have soured this reunion with some heavy topics and that isn’t my intent. You do not deserve that sort of burden, so do not fret. It is an obstacle that I’ll have to overcome someday, must be rather sad to see someone as confident as me show that.

There was a gentle laughter, feeling his own arm return to his own control as the man rotated his wrist with an audible crack coming from it. It was an exhausting job, Kizuna was entertainment for Zathrusta yet why was he so adamant right now? Concerning.

."Has anything transpired with you that I require to know or concerns you?


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Appetizing guest! (Akira/Sabriel) - Page 2 Empty Re: Appetizing guest! (Akira/Sabriel)

Wed Mar 27, 2024 9:35 am
Appetizing guest! (Akira/Sabriel) - Page 2 SsMLBbB


There was a moment where Sabriel was rather concerned. His sudden reaching out for her was rather uncharacteristic of him and she was sharp enough to see the unusual appearance of his hand. That was troubling and the dark haired Arrancar could not help but ponder about just how much power Akira had over this passenger of his. Judging from his momentary lack of control, it appeared that it was not an awful lot. That would need to be dealt with, sooner rather than later. What if his inner Hollow decided to make an appearance during their quest against the Gotei? When it was most vital that he be in complete control of himself. It was an unpleasant thought.

“Nothing that I feel will affect our plans.” She replied with a slight shrug. “My little kingdom has continued to grow and newcomers arrive all the time. Of course, some require a slightly firmer hand but overall, I have few problems keeping everything moving in a positive direction.”

With his question answered, she would refer back to what she had just seen. “It appears to me as though any potential troubles may come from your guest, Akira. Do they desire to reveal themselves now?”


Last edited by Ashaiya on Wed Mar 27, 2024 2:39 pm; edited 1 time in total
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