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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Appetizing guest! (Akira/Sabriel) - Page 3 Empty Re: Appetizing guest! (Akira/Sabriel)

Wed Mar 27, 2024 11:20 am
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Akira offered a soft chuckle at Sabriel, though once again finding a shocking silence to an otherwise chattering entity. He wanted this didn’t he? There was no consistency to this infernal thing, always acting in odd moments. Part of him believed it was intentional to ruin his goal to cleansing this corruption, yet why not act out against Safira? Sabriel during their first meeting? Isamu? Zathrusta made no sense! Urgh. it was though her comment which took him offguard, each shoulder rising a little.

."I can often predict many, it is sad to say I am uncertain for this one. There are times it will act in situations of importance and others which earn a level of peace, though it is obvious as we progress that it is doing something. To many, I often get imagery of a…Interesting nature alongside constant whispers.

He glanced at the hand which now was seemingly within his control again.

."Yet for you, it seems more inclined for action whilst being silent. It always wants to come out.


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Appetizing guest! (Akira/Sabriel) - Page 3 Empty Re: Appetizing guest! (Akira/Sabriel)

Wed Mar 27, 2024 4:00 pm
Appetizing guest! (Akira/Sabriel) - Page 3 SsMLBbB


Listening with interest, the Arrancar could not help but feel a touch of curiosity about this individual who lurked within her friend. It appeared to be quite the anomaly and the more devious part of her mind actually wished to see it come to the surface. Why? Well, it was just her natural intrigue more than anything else. This creature needed to be brought to heel, of that she had no doubt but perhaps if it could be understood a little better then maybe that would make the task easier? She did wish to aid her friend in his endeavours and that included his inner turmoil.

“It is silent because I am near? How interesting. I wonder why that is.”

The way she looked at him changed a little and Sabriel released just a touch of her spiritual energy. Her reason for doing so was fairly simple. She was trying to stir his companion from his silent slumber, her intrigue increasing.


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Appetizing guest! (Akira/Sabriel) - Page 3 Empty Re: Appetizing guest! (Akira/Sabriel)

Mon Apr 01, 2024 9:29 am
Appetizing guest! (Akira/Sabriel) - Page 3 I?id=bd83d221d91ee22b041397fdd0519e179cff8148-9181148-images-thumbs&n=13


It was a rather odd situation for Akira, feeling that silence within the confines of his consciousness though as lips parted to speak. Blackness. That minute lull of energy had been responded, sclera shifting rapidly into a brutal abyss of the same shade of the pits of shadow. Golden iris started to twist, a clear aesthetic of emerald and sapphires, blending a little like shattered glass. There was not a huge increase in Akira’s strength, though that was an issue for another day. The lips curling into a grin, such distance between them now vanquished by the being.


His neck cracked, a small rotation from the back of the neck that followed as a confident step forward wished to eradicate any idea of personal space between Zathrusta and Sabriel. The head tilting, heated exhale and inhales which may caress flesh, though an aura of oddity. The voice a little distorted, twisted with a sense of humor but restrained, akin to an animal that wanted to pounce but chained to a wall.

."I’ve waited longer than any could fathom to meet a creature like myself, of course it had to be Desire which sparks me into life. Ehehe….Such beauty, the form you take this time around.,

The speech of familiarity, Zathrusta clearly speaking as if Sabriel had been a companion of eons.


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Appetizing guest! (Akira/Sabriel) - Page 3 Empty Re: Appetizing guest! (Akira/Sabriel)

Mon Apr 01, 2024 1:36 pm
Appetizing guest! (Akira/Sabriel) - Page 3 SsMLBbB


It did not take a genius to tell that there was a new driver in her friend’s body and Sabriel could not help but smile as this new persona approached her and spoke. There was a confident swagger to this beings movements and the dark haired Arrancar did not move an inch as he moved in close, The Hollow, she presumed and from the way in which he was looking at her, a creature that knew what he wanted. Sabriel could most certainly respect that and she made no effort to put him off either, instead she gave him a look, a sultry expression that would reveal that she was anything but frightened.

“Mmm. I wish that I could say that I recall you in the same way but unfortunately I do not. Still, desire is who and what I am, so much so that even though you are in conflict with Akira, I cannot help but ask what yours are. Do you seek to take control of his form permanently? Is that what you want above all else?” Sabriel paused briefly, the sultry look still there. “Or is what you seek more physical in nature? I imagine that it must be incredibly frustrating to find yourself restrained for so much of your existence.”

The primal expression on his face was rather alluring in a way and while she was most certainly on her guard, the Arrancar did not show weakness for a moment. She was intrigued, as usual.


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Appetizing guest! (Akira/Sabriel) - Page 3 Empty Re: Appetizing guest! (Akira/Sabriel)

Mon Apr 01, 2024 2:22 pm
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Maybe she did not know him due to time? Had she not reached that yet?

Zathrusta’s smile only grew, a carved cheshire smile as Sabriel offered such intrigue. That was the primordial which fixated his delight, a being which forged hope beyond all logic and reasoning. It was this proximity that elicited the Hollow bound entity to reach out, left hand aiming to wrap around her lithe wrist, to twirl and wrap it around the waist. It was not easy on the flesh either, a pressure with the hope to squeeze and in a way, ragdoll her into his back!

He wanted her closer.

That husky snarl which reached her ears finally releasing softly spoken words, utterly caged and without care for any and all beings. It was beyond confidence. He perceived everything as an object which was his to command one way or another.

."Conflict? No, no, no….Akira believes that because he has yet to acknowledge our vast potential. We are primordials. You, Queen of Desire, Duchess of Delight, Empress of Embrace…All sentient life clamors their hands…Eager…

His tone met with action, right hand alongside digits decidedly wishing to trace against the fabric and more so that glides across flesh from the stomach, traversing unless halted beyond cleavage unto the neck with it aimed to gently squeeze.

."For hope, I am what awaits after…That calm sea which laps against the shore, bit by bit eroding away….King of Contagion, Duke of Decay, Emperor of Entropy….You make them rise and I see them….Fall. My host and I, we have differences but…In due time…There shall be an awakening.


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Appetizing guest! (Akira/Sabriel) - Page 3 Empty Re: Appetizing guest! (Akira/Sabriel)

Tue Apr 02, 2024 8:32 am
Appetizing guest! (Akira/Sabriel) - Page 3 SsMLBbB


For a period of time, she would allow him to manoeuvre her around without a fight, letting him press her back against him while she spoke. He had an intriguing way with words and she listened intently but the more she heard, the darker her expression soon became. The antithesis to her he appeared to be and while in a way it was alluring, there was also a part of her that felt slightly sick. A being whose purpose was to cause the pleasure that she granted others with to wither and die was unappealing, against her nature.

She could feel his hand rise, teasing her body as he did so, feeling a shiver of pleasure travel through her body. It was a slow process and for a while, it appeared as though he was merely teasing but the moment she felt his limb head towards her neck, there was a noticeable change in Sabriel’s body language. Her right hand would shoot up and knock his hand away, followed by her leaving his strange embrace and turning to face him.

“The yin to my yang, mmm? A being who wishes for nothing more than to destroy what I so carefully create. How unfortunate it is that you just so happen to inhabit Akira, a man that I call friend, for if you were in anyone else’s body, I might just react in a way other than words. I am not by nature violent but when faced with a creature who takes joy from shattering my work into pieces then I cannot help but feel a flame within me and not merely a desire for close contact either. Your touch both excites and reviles me, an unusual reaction.”


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Appetizing guest! (Akira/Sabriel) - Page 3 Empty Re: Appetizing guest! (Akira/Sabriel)

Wed Apr 03, 2024 12:28 pm
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There was an enticement to playing predator and prey, though Sabriel’s swift dismiss of the hand only elicited a larger smirk before a glint of frustration leaked through at such commentary. It was clear by the way his reiatsu flared ever so slightly, along with a firm step forward that the entity had several ideas how to respond to this denial? Uncertainty? That much was unclear for him. Once this distance had been closed, unless Sabriel had other plans, a hushed whisper of raw restraint departed soft lips, slightly twisted due to the influence.

."No…Nononono…You misunderstand, I…You…We…Are something more. We are entwined in every living being, I would never in a million years crumble anything you truly build. That? That would be us fighting. If a Goddess touches it, then it is divine intervention. My point was that I represent the aftermath when you’re no longer around.

It was a desperate need for what he viewed as this incarnation for her to understand the broader reality, that their touch was above the others in all matter. To create something by her whim was off limits for him to drag into the depths until time took its course, much like anything he chose to erode into the primordial ooze was not for her to halt and create. She -had- to listen.

.."I-Hrm….You dismissing my hand really does incur a certain feeling. You may revile me, though all desire, the most intense is from the desire to bite into the forbidden.


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Appetizing guest! (Akira/Sabriel) - Page 3 Empty Re: Appetizing guest! (Akira/Sabriel)

Wed Apr 03, 2024 2:02 pm
Appetizing guest! (Akira/Sabriel) - Page 3 SsMLBbB


Holding back her more aggressive instincts, Sabriel would do him the courtesy of at least hearing him out. She remained where she was when he stepped in although any attempt at touching her would be treated with perhaps a touch more caution on her part. The Arrancar was not going to have him suddenly try and throttle her in the middle of her own kingdom. That being said, his words were not quite as poisonous as before and her shoulders relaxed a touch as he kept speaking.

“If your words are genuine and my creations are left as they are then perhaps there is a chance of some measure of understanding between us. Yet, if it appears that you are playing me for a fool, you will realise rather swiftly as to how moronic of a move that is to attempt. You are most certainly an intriguing character and while you both excite and disgust me in ways I cannot quite grasp, I would be lying if I said that there was not a connection there. One rather different from your host and I.”

His last words in particular caused her to raise an eyebrow and even though she was unsure of his intent, she would ask regardless.

“A feeling of what? What is it that my rejection stirs within you? Anger? Excitement? Want?”


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Appetizing guest! (Akira/Sabriel) - Page 3 Empty Re: Appetizing guest! (Akira/Sabriel)

Thu Apr 04, 2024 2:59 pm
Appetizing guest! (Akira/Sabriel) - Page 3 I?id=bd83d221d91ee22b041397fdd0519e179cff8148-9181148-images-thumbs&n=13


.There was a grand look of satisfaction as Sabriel seemingly became more aware of their unified role within this cycle, each arm following suit to reach out in a welcoming gesture! Yes! She was there. To be candid, such a threat leaving her lips did not elicit any reaction of hostility, only amusement but her quips would be noted. Maybe he could take out some irritation on her body? Maybe. It was a soft hum, a swift step ahead once more, predator following prey as the words left his lips in a sense of bewilderment.

."I believe all of the above, yes. You see my dearest, there is a rush of excitement in your dismissal, like hunting prey or watching hypocrites succumb to their own truths as we push them to embrace their most core aspects. Want to touch, feel and lull whimpers of submission from those pretty lips….Then comes…Anger….To match your flesh with the same hue as those perfect eyes.

He flared his reiatsu a little again, feeling more like a chained animal but that was due to the body. Akira had not adapted to the lifeblood of Undeath, so his symbiosis had been a slow process. No matter. The creature watching his own hands once more, letting each digit flex into an outward motion before scrunching into a balled fist, a feral snarl releasing from him again.

."Tell me, Sabriel. What shall you do? Which desire shall you follow? That rush of excitement from being within my presence, knowing there is a being which perceives reality exactly as you do. Or shall it be revulsion? Action does speak louder than any word.


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Appetizing guest! (Akira/Sabriel) - Page 3 Empty Re: Appetizing guest! (Akira/Sabriel)

Sat Apr 06, 2024 6:47 am
Appetizing guest! (Akira/Sabriel) - Page 3 SsMLBbB


His question was a fair one and Sabriel took some time in musing about what action to take. They were in her domain, the centre of her kingdom and should her spiritual energy flicker, she knew that her subjects would be all too eager to lunge for the being before her, arriving in their droves. Yet, combat had never truly been in her nature, despite the obvious role that the Hollows had in the world. Even as a regular Hollow, she had always been a toyer, a binder, a teaser rather than a brute. With this individual though? A creature who she both reviled and adored at the same time? It was a far more tantalising thought.

“Indeed it does and yet I find myself having difficulty figuring out just how to balance this situation. I sense that rush of emotions within you and it tantalises me. I desire to both explore and strike you at the same time, in a way that I have not felt towards anyone. A curious state of being indeed and one that I cannot remain in for too long, as it will drive me completely and utterly mad.” The Arrancar eventually replied, in a momentary state of seeming mental flux.

Unwilling to remain so beyond that though, she would step forward towards him and place a soft hand on his right cheek. “How about I provide you with an example of both and we see which you prefer, hmm?”

Leaning in, she would press her lips briefly against his, taking the opportunity to do what she so far had yet to do with Akira’s form. He may not have been at home, so to speak but it was something to tick off of her bucket list nonetheless.

It was blissful in its own way but once they parted, the look in Sabriel’s eyes would change, as the right hand that she had stroked his cheek with would suddenly sway back briefly, before coming towards his face at a far quicker pace. Physicality was not her strongest suit but she could tee off with a good slap if she felt like it.


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