Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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The Hybrid King
Joined : 2011-06-06
Posts : 2654
Age : 26

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Platinum Points:
Kushina Uzumaki Left_bar_bleue10015/100000Kushina Uzumaki Empty_bar_bleue  (10015/100000)

Kushina Uzumaki Empty Kushina Uzumaki

Sat Jun 09, 2012 7:58 pm

Kushina Uzumaki Image4026

Kushina Uzumaki Image4027-1

• Name:
Kushina Uzumaki (クシナ うずまき)
• Titles:
Leader Of The Uzumaki Clan (うずまき一族のリーダー)
• Gender:
Female (女性)
• Appearance Age:
• Age:
7822 Years of Age
• Affiliation/Rank:

• Appearance Description:
(Please Put 1-2 Paragraph's on your character appearance.)

• Appearance Picture:
(If you have one, link a picture of your character.)

Kushina Uzumaki Image4028-1

• Personality:
Tom Boy (トム少年)
As the title implies, Kushina is.. Well, she's a tom boy. She has all the characteristics of a Tom Boy. She perfers to run around, training, beating skulls in, getting dirty, sweating. She hates being girly. Even when she has to respond to someone like her lover, she reacts like a tom boy. Romanticisim is something that flies directly over Kushina's head. Along side that, she enjoys the fights she gets in, fist after fist, nothing excites her more than a fight. Phyiscal Dominance is something she loves to show, no matter the person.

Fearless (勇敢)
Fearless. This is one thing that Kushina will always express, no matter the circumstance. If there was anything that Kushina takes to heart, and is proud of, is her fearlessness. She's a woman, yes, but nothing scares her. Even that of her childhood rival Ieyasu, who, of great strength and capability, fails to scare the woman. Nothing can phase her, nothing can cause her to feel any type of fear or doubt. She is the pure embodiment of "If you want me dead, fucking try!" Besides the fact that nothing scares her, during her birthing of Ketai, her son, she felt nothing but happiness, not worrying of how the child would turn out, not even caring of the world around her.

Verbal Tic (口頭チック)
Kushina as a little.. Verbal Tic that is HIGHLY Noticeable when she's excited or annoyed with someone. Kushina will add the word dattebane to the end of most of her sentences when she's become flustered or annoyed with someone, making for a cute and quiet addition to her now "Yandere-Like" mood. Along side this, during sex, or physical attraction with anyone, her voice rapidly change and her words flow out in a quick manner, making for an even more hilarious situation.

Level-Headed and Cheerful (分別があり陽気です)

• Likes:
-Added In Later-

• Dislikes:
Tailed Beasts! ;D

Kushina Uzumaki Image4030-1

• History:
(You will write about their life on earth, then their history as a shinigami here. 3-4 paragraph's)


Kushina Uzumaki Image4031-1

• Reiatsu Color:
Crimson Red (深紅色の赤)

• Zanpakutô Spirit Name:
Flaky (薄片)

• Zanpakutô Spirit Appearance:
(What does your characters Zanpukto Spirit look like in their inner world? Please write at least 1 paragraph for this.)

• Inner World:
The Inner world of Flaky is that of a firey hell, nothing special, nothing odd, nothing normal.

• Sealed Zanpakutô Apperance :

• Sealed Zanpakutô Abilities:
None have been shown.

• Release:
Launch As An Entirety, Flaky. (おかしな全体として起動します。)

• Shikai Description:

• Shikai Abilities:

Beam Shot (ビーム発射)
Beam shot consists of a sharp, percise blast from her blade during Shikai. The blade itself forms the shot from the end of it, the reiatsu color being a pure black with white surrounding. The beam itself can burn through multiple types of metal, including that of steel, iorn, nickel, and more. The heat that radiates from the beam itself can burn a person skin aswell, the impact most likely causing Third Degree burns, even to spiritual beings. Along with this, the beam itself can go on until it comes into contact with an object. These can be shot off more than once during a post, along with it being able to be sent in a single, large blast if charged for a single post. The beam itself can curve if shot off while moving from either side, and can make tight angle switches if reiatsu is there to force it to the side. The angle itself can only be moved once every two posts and can not be used on any other beams during said post.

Chain Creation (チェーン生成)
Chain Creation is as it sounds, is it not? While using her shikai, Kushina can create a seal that forms on her back, a specialized suit worn during bankai and shikai is used to access this seal. The seal activates when it begins to glow blue. It's activation takes two posts in which after it is activated, no more prep posts will be needed to form the link with her body and her spiritual energy. While activating this seal, Kushina uses Reiatsu to form chains from any part of the seal itself, each chain being able to reach a length of 15 meters, about 16 yards in imperial terms. These chains can be charged with reiatsu to deal extra lashing damage when attacking others with them, but can only be done every two posts. Six chains can be formed from her back which will then shutdown the ability itself after four posts following the sixth chain. The sixth chain is a special chain, the material being made to where each slash inflicts increasing damage, the contacting iorn feeling like it grows heavier and heavier as you are attacked. This ability can be activated twice in a thread, which it can only be deactivated by the Sixth Chain.

• Bankai Description:
Kushina's Zanpakto is now a purified form of Fire, more explaination can be found below in The Seals Of Creation. Along side that, she changes appearance due to the Reiatsu and Kidō levels pushing her past her original state.

• Bankai Abilities:

The Seals Of Creation (生成のシール)
These seals no longer exist against that of a physical object, such as Kushina's back. The Seals Of Creation are used as a "Zanpakto" in Bankai form. These seals can be formed in the air, on water, on a body itself, the ground, or anything that you can imagine with your own mind. The seals themselves are only able to be conjoured by those of the Uzumaki clan, her real Zanpakto has now become a purified form of fire that surrounds her during Bankai. These flames are rapidly moving and are hot enough to burn away most metals. Along with this, the Fire itself can be manipulated by Kushina, having the ability to be shot forward from her vicinity, to be formed around her limbs during her Hakuda, or to be used as shield, solidfying around her when enough Reiatsu has been used to thicken the energy.

Mass Chain Creation (多量チェーン生成)
This ability is just an advanced version of the previous that is shown in Shikai with added additions. The chains that would form from the seal are now amplified in length and quantity. The quantity is now 20, the last five chains being activated act just as the sixth chain did in Shikai. Along with this, they can all reach up to 91.44 meters in any direction, in a straight path. During the use of the chains, Kushina can enhance their strength by inducing a forced Kidō spell into it. The Kidō spell only increases impact force and, if this type of Kidō, will cause explosive impacts. Along with the Kidō force, she can also enhance it via Reiatsu flow. The metal that has formed the chains is called T3 Titanium Alloy and Vibranium. Each of these metals were melted together, reformed into the formation of each chain showing how powerful and quick these chains can be. Along with all of these things already being stated, if charged for two posts, Kushina can launch her Kidō, no matter it's level, from one to all of the chains. This was only achieved through her mastery in Kidō.

Kushina Uzumaki Image4033-1

• PhatomTech:
(Does your character have a PhatomTech brain installed? If so, you'll be able to qualify for upgrade at the Cybermind or add other Cybernetic parts to your character to make them stronger. Click here for more information about Phantom Tech)

• Phantom Tech Abilities:
(What can your character do with his or her's add-ons? This applies to any upgrades your character has gotten from places like The Cybermind as well.)

• Phantom Tech Powers:
(This refers to things outside of Add-ons unlike Abilities. What Phantom Tech Powers are, in a sense, is basically what kind of power did your character gain from having a Cyberbrain? For example, Shadin Yuudeshi gained Imaginary Computation with his Cybernetic upgrades and has the ability to bring tangible things into existence with his computers Quantum Calculations.)


Kushina Uzumaki Image4029-1

General Skills
  • Durability: Master/Advanced/Adept/Beginner
  • General Speed: Master/Advanced/Adept/Beginner
  • Strength: Master/Advanced/Adept/Beginner
  • Weapon Skill: Master/Advanced/Adept/Beginner

Racial Skills
  • Hoho: Master/Advanced/Adept/Beginner
  • Kidō: Master/Advanced/Adept/Beginner
  • Zanjutsu: Master/Advanced/Adept/Beginner
  • Hakuda: Master/Advanced/Adept/Beginner


Kushina Uzumaki Image4032-1

• Roleplay Sample:
(Please show us how you role play by either posting a previous post from another site or creating a new one. We do this so we know your RP skill. If you already have an accepted, you need not do another RP sample)

Last edited by Blade on Fri Aug 03, 2012 11:27 am; edited 1 time in total

Kushina Uzumaki FXpoQxJ
Kushina Uzumaki 2Y9rqGk


Kushina Uzumaki Empty Re: Kushina Uzumaki

Tue Jul 17, 2012 7:38 pm
Kushina Uzumaki C95bf63ad9d59bdb211388149430e581

Rawr face! You'll find this in old WIP~
Ye Olde Guarde
Joined : 2010-07-09
Posts : 3633
Age : 30
Location : Gracemeria

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Platinum Points:
Kushina Uzumaki Left_bar_bleue7380/100Kushina Uzumaki Empty_bar_bleue  (7380/100)

Kushina Uzumaki Empty Re: Kushina Uzumaki

Fri Oct 19, 2012 10:28 am
Archived due to member quitting.

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