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[Revalations Arc: Inner Conflict] The Black Road Empty [Revalations Arc: Inner Conflict] The Black Road

Mon Oct 05, 2015 11:15 am

Artist:Hanz Zimmer - Song: Hoist the colors - Word Count: 2241 -

The catalyst, the ever expansive search for freedom. Coldness turn the hearts of men to do such things that proclaims them as monsters, people who don't feel, but the ideal f feeling was the only thing that drove them. To long for what was lost, to search for the salvation of caring ... and finding it is something beyond words. People like them didn't need to long for stupid things like the existence of want for themselves they strove for the needs ... the needs of their own, the needs of the people, the needs that strove for life ... and death. No man was free from the call of darkness but they chose the path they step, be it the road of this black existence that led to the light despite losing themselves along the way or hiding and refusing to walk the right path and only walk blindly away from that which was right in order to prevent losing the sense of themselves .... they were weak and chose not freedom and a true existence but the easiest path that wouldn't consume them. This was why they had became what they were, the mess that which destroyed everything that once had been great and disregarded the rules of their existence, chaos was brought from being complacent and now they were drawn into a rabble and a mess so destroyed that it was hard to look at.

It was not the idea of destruction that brought this to being it was restoration, the ideal of fixing what was the problem things that had been built and structured as a wall had fallen, and now proclaiming themselves as the true kings and leaders others stepped through that hole taking away everything they had built or ever would. Wolf was the envoy of death, the pure embodiment of the darkness yet he saw the equality of man ... but where equality reigns there could be no way death would not come to their doorstep. The ideal of freedom and equality however couldn't be forced, it was a choice ... and choices come with consequence. There was no man woman or child alive who could state that equality was lasting, men proclaimed themselves rulers they created a way to chain others down, and those who couldn't see true equality .... did not deserve it. The gotei laws were firm they were pure beings and the law was in place to guide them, not hold them as slaves but guide them from becoming that which lost its way, for without it they were blind and allowing others who couldn't encompass the laws was the mistake that brought them here. Equality is a funny thing for a truce between demons and men may hold firm as trying , but a truce with those who encumbered freedom of others and made slaves of those around them where not the kind to deserve equality, supporters of them too deserved the same ... they deserve no freedom. And these people .... they deserved better.

Wolfs gaze wandered to those around him, the man who walked in heel with him, to those who stood staring, some running inside and moving as he and his compatriot continued through these murky waters, these figures of darkness treading the black path. his hand wandered brushing his black hair from his demonic eyes the black and red piercing through this place as he stared to the gates ahead. The men on watch were formalities, they were already choking and terrified as these men wandered forth, the aura of a man who in all eyes was dead, they all couldn't even form the sentences they were taught, hold the gate was their job ... but they knew right now that if they walked this path they would die ... and they would never be free.

His hand touched upon the gate, his eyes closing as his breath fell forth cold in the air around him he could only find solace in the idea that this was what was right. The pitch black shot into the confines of this door infecting the very core of it before ripping it apart to nothingness. And through the hole that was left the man walked through his hands within his pockets as he looked upon the faces of men and women before him all baring their swords ready to fight... but the aura of this man was menacing, familiar ... and it would bring them all to their knees chocking for air his menacing figment walked forwards not even contemplating their need for air. It was torture spreading through the darkness as the figure seemed to disperse from site his eyes glowing a piercing red before ripping open space itself behind him and this fellow figure. and as he tapped the mans chest pushing him back into it he would allow it to take them, where ... simple standing atop the Sōkyoku Hill standing above all these men who where brothers in his eyes ... and hoping they had only gone astray he spoke. His voice dripping through like a slow leaking tap to pierce the silence the booming echo of it touching every part of the seireitei.

"This is the path we tread, if you are brothers to us walk with me. My name is Wolf Lionus ... king of the dark and the one fighting for you ... this is not about taking control ... this is about seeing monsters burn and be taken by death. I intend not to kill those who claim their freedom, those who wish to follow the laws we are guided by. Those who rise up against what has become of the place you and i call our home will forever be free. take back from those who destroyed the very rules and foundation we build upon ... this truce falls today. "



He knew men may not follow, he also knew that those who did would turn this civil and quite home they had built into a war zone of proportions beyond doubts. Be it those who alone once fought alongside wolf or men who believed in his cause, hell even those with doubts to irikos regime were likely to rise. The shifts of power here needed to come, things were in motion and men alike where needed to break the chains they had been trapped under. They didn't intend this they wanted peaceful co existence but the truth was this was not peace, it was quiet... and where the need for true peace came from was simple ... the destruction of their bond.

His hand rose from its confines rising upwards as the darkness imploded upon itself behind him, growing and growing ripping apart those guarding this place behind them, the ripples of dark matter cutting them to pieces as wolfs eyes turned to look at them whispering a simple phrase of i'm sorry to himself as he watched these men who refused to lay down their weapons die, men who opposed them were those who opposed the freedom they needed. from here though the death matter ripped inwards, all before encompassing that which lay as a symbol of hope for those who strove for the world to walk hand in hand as brothers, consumed by the ideal of true freedom .. of following the law that these men had proclaimed so long ago. That which these men had rebuilt after its destruction, the true era of law was formed from the blood it had brought.... the Sōkyoku. The darkness took it encompassing every inch of it as the death matter infected the very core of this symbol of hope and levitated it through the air, wolfs face slightly contorting to a small snarl as his hand shook. The massive executioners blade sat over the seireitei. proclaiming the judgment that Wolf himself voiced outwards for all of them to hear, letting those who raise their blade know that there was no turning back.

"we will be free even if darkness must consume us... i will not abandon you! I sentence those who oppose us to death."

And with the escaping words falling at the end the world around them seemed to stop in time falling deafeningly silent as the only thing touching the seconds was the time it took for the blade to drop. Darkness rose from it as its fiery expanse bred outwards forming into the bird of death so many knew. This thing was beyond the reach of so many the sheer force of the executioners blade alone was something that cause damage beyond what many had seen, and now that death gripped it it was something that would tear apart any and all under its wrath. It fell ripping downwards the air itself splitting and tearing outwards causing a gust storm that ripped through the streets of the soul society even crashing out over the runkongai as ground seem to shake at the weight of what was coming. he intend not to destroy the entire soul society, he sought only the guilty, the true dark guiding these men through waters and drowning them where they walk ... it looked to destroy the entirety of the first and possibly part of the second division. it tore away at everything in its path ripping apart the very molecules beneath it and eating away at them all before it would explode outwards encompassing this place and burying it. The force to stop it was something even wolf couldn't bring forth, the momentum and unbelievable force behind it would need a strength beyond that of monsters .... and even then the casualties would still reach the hundreds with the pure force acting against it creating fissures of pure pressure that would rip apart everything around it .. their was no winning, not here.

But it end not there for wolf foot crashed into the ground air erupting under the massive force but this was not his intent. For from his foot more of his black pools of energy shot out ripping towards the barrier surrounding the gotei, the molecular bonds twisting and taking in the death matter twisting and spreading till the man had finished infusing it with the very energy of the Sekkiseki dome, this once clear barrier that showed the sky above was once more covered in this familiar black consuming darkness many knew from the demonic incursion, The same barrier he once bore as a symbol of defiance now bought back to them. rot was an interesting thing one that would show its teeth if one came to close to this barrier ripping at a persons body making them sick and even decomposing them if they have to much contact with the barrier, along with this upon simply touching the barrier a small explosion with enough force to send someone flying backwards would make it impossible to just run from this fight, or to interfere. the drips of blackness too came back and took to this world he once held dear, the explosive rain brought back into this place making it a hell zone once more. One single spark would ignite and cause small scale explosions around that spark, its rotting touch attacking those within here as wolf stare at what he had created closing his eyes as the death matter touched his body, the only man truly safe from its touch. This signaled to the brothers of this cause that he was with them, his message clear ... he was with them, and he was real, the king of death would not fall under the veil of death, he would rip it apart and wield it as his own. These men deserved their freedom, but those against them deserved their death ... and it would come swiftly.



Even as wolf allowed this to happen his eyes searched the distance, no remorse sat in his eyes, no searching or longing just a frown and the look of solidarity. The fangs were not free not awaiting its next meal, he wanted this to end quickly without killing those whose death was unneeded. But the man who clad himself in the shadows letting that cackle stream forth, a hysteria that even brought wolfs dark gaze at him was not so worried for the ones proclaiming themselves their kin and rising against those once called their brothers. The encroaching laugh pierced the veil of shadows this figure stood in his sharp teeth and stench of blood wavering to be a true match for the king of death the man who at times was beyond saving ... these two were both born from darkness ... and both were a type of monster. But even wolf saw the ideals of this darkness growing in his soul, becoming something much more terrifying than ever before.

"Your losing yourself you know that? ... are you ready for what comes next? Cause its time to begin."

His eyes turned from the man as he crossed his arms waiting, the world would come down around them soon, hopefully those of his kin would raise their blades for him instead of against him, but he knew the consequence of coming here.. and the frown on his face showed that this man who was consumed by death was ready for it to come ... for who was the question though, a question that was soon to be answered.

Last edited by lionus on Fri Feb 22, 2019 1:02 pm; edited 1 time in total

[Revalations Arc: Inner Conflict] The Black Road M9rTQZk

Rower of Rock. And Souls.
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[Revalations Arc: Inner Conflict] The Black Road Empty Re: [Revalations Arc: Inner Conflict] The Black Road

Mon Oct 05, 2015 1:12 pm

Iriko Crow
The Dragon of the North, Seiryuu
His brush slowly crafted the figures, his elegant script flowing across the page as Iriko Crow slowly sat back, looking at the two documents that were laying on the desk before him. One of them he handed to the Hell Butterfly that was on the edge of his desk, and before his eyes it split off into twenty different parts, before scattering away before his gaze. Meanwhile, his hands slowly wrapped around the second piece of parchment, slowly closing it and sealing it, taking out his ink as he slowly ran the brush along the length of the note.

To the next person who sits at this desk…

As his pen came back from it, his eyes slowly narrowed, the muscles in his right hand clenching as the brush he held snapped into pieces, the splinters driving through his skin as he brought his bloodied thumb down, pressing the print down into the lower right hand corner, his pointer finger slowly drawing two characters next to it.


Drawing the bloody hand back, he slowly eased into his chair, looking up at the clock. "...And you're certain?" He asked, as before his gaze a blue cloaked figure appeared, the mouth beneath its hood moving as it spoke. "Absolutely. He is here. And he desires to free your people…" Those words were slowly spoken, as Iriko sighed, his arms reaching back as his Zanpakutō faded, his hands reaching down into the sleeves of the white cloak, drawing it over his body as its weight pressed down on his shoulders.

"… There is only one person who cannot sit here… only one person… I have to make sure… that no matter what… this office never falls in his hands…"

* * * * *

The Captain Commander's feet pressed down into the dirt, his face looking directly forwards. No others knew where he was. He had used his element of Disgust to prevent any from observing him… at least, those who usually would not think about something like that being used as a form of denial. He knew who could see him, and who was watching.

With his eyes facing outwards, his hands gripped around the bubble blower around his neck. He could see that his hands were quivering, and he closed his eyes, taking in deep breaths before releasing. As he did so, his hands reached out, a single bubble emerging before him as it expanded outwards from his body, before it began to expand even further. As he held his arms, that bubble surged behind him, and his eyes began to glow as he spoke.

"Bubaru 5. Saishū-bushi."

And so it was that this bubble continued to expand, driving into the ground as its back portion vanished, covering behind Iriko's body, his own walking forwards as the Bubaru he had cast continued to expand. At the end, it covered the entirety of the Seireitei, and anything that had been inside was now, temporarily at least, trapped. Iriko had placed the entire society within a bubble. Oh, the irony…

His feet continued to step forwards as around his body and beneath his cloak, ever more bubbles began to emerge, flowing outwards as they surrounded the entirety of the gate, his eyes slowly closing as he heard the explosion. So it begins… And with that simple thought in his mind, he began to walk forwards, his captain's cloak drifting in the wind behind him…

His steps each echoed along the path as the destructive waves of negative energy smashed into the field of bubbles he had created, being destroyed by them as Iriko himself continued to walk directly past, his eyes looking directly ahead as he looked at Wolf. "Greetings, you brave soul…" The words left his mouth, before his feet slowly stepped downwards, his sandals clacking down on the ground as a bit of the death energy shot past his face, catching the outside of his hairline as a shine of gold emerged, burning away the energy but leaving Iriko's hairline with a massive gash in it.

"If you are determined to kill a man today, Wolf, allow me to volunteer. All that I ask in return.. Is that you allow me to speak until I fall silent in exchange for this assistance. After all, what better to kill than the one who most represents the fact which needs to change…?" Iriko said, his arms opened wide as he smiled at Wolf, an absolutely eerie sight. After all… how often was Iriko known to smile? "I am a failure. All I can do for our home is to keep it running. But you must understand, Wolf. You must understand why we reached this point. You must." He stated, slowly taking the bubble blower out from the necklace he wore, the bubble blade expanding from it as Iriko's Zanpakutō emerged, his hand tipping back as the blade struck down, gouging into the left side of his head with such force that a massive spurt of blood spat out, landing on one of the bubbles that were still emerging from him as his mouth opened in pain and shock.

But… golden energy flooded from the wound, and it wrapped around his head, and in just a few moments he was able to see again, though a large scar-like gash remained where he had been struck. "We are certainly prisoners, Wolf. We had to fight a Goddess. And we lost. We lost terribly. And yet we were not all destroyed. That was all I could do. That was all that my strength could do." The Poet explained, his arms falling down his sides as the bubble in the blower popped, his right arm slowly changing, the flesh totally flowing away as it left only pale white bone. "You could see me, Wolf. Can you still? Can you still see me, trapped in this body? Can you kill me? I have never had many defenses, but now I've lost even my balance of death. And when I die, my soul will likely be claimed and be damned forever. What am I to do, Wolf? The Soul Society is not ideal. But it is performing its function. We were able to do that!"

With that, his body slowly began to change, a wave of pure energy flowing out of his body as the power that laid dormant within his body was brought to the surface, his eyes shining gold as pulsations of sapphire force echoed outwards, blowing away Wolf's pools of death energy as his eyes rolled back into his head, six large baggy objects appearing behind him as they curved upwards, stabbing into the air as Iriko began to scream. The pain was returning. The eternal pain. The pain that was his own soul being fractured, being forced to remain in one piece despite being shattered. Horns began driving out of his hair as his body thinned, the pointed ears and teeth on his head becoming more pronounced as pure spiritual energy began flowing through him, the buildings around them and even the remains of the gate dispersing into nothingness as their energy began to flow around Iriko, as if he were a black hole.

Even if Wolf's entrance had not been noticed, this action certainly would be. At last, Iriko's screams of pain came to an end, as his mental fortitude overcame the feeling of dying in the worst manner possible every millisecond. His eyes clenched down as he slowly tipped forwards, and out of his back finally tore two wings, reaching outwards as around his hands and feet, ice formations began to appear, claws of frost emerging as he shuddered, one eye opening as he looked directly at Wolf.

"...So tell me, Wolf… are you able to take on this burden…? Can you take the pain of retribution, of keeping our function active while suffering? Can you encourage all of Soul Society to take on that pain, and what will you do if it falls? What will you do if you face someone who you cannot overcome, who is able to hold your life in their hands and a grip in your mind, one you cannot tear out even with the full force of your will? I'm free to think, but my body should not be alive. I am dead, Wolf. A dying, screaming husk, grotesque in every way. Are you able to kill this body of mine, flailing and crying, disgusting? Can you?"

Iriko asked, his shining blue eye staring into Wolf's red, as he lowered both of his arms down to his side. "So martyr me. But not here. Kill me within an inch of my life, and then take me somewhere else. Then she will come. If you can convince her to never come back here ag---" Iriko was cut off as a wave of sheer terror shot through his mind, his right hand clawing into his face as he drove his head back, his mouth opening in a voiceless scream. He began to hyperventilate, forcing his spine back into alignment as the ice began to drip from his fingers, forming words in the air.

Here again! Because this place only brings her pain! But if she were to destroy it, then it would be the same as destroying herself, because she has to respect your will! You have to show her!

As the last of the words faded, Iriko's legs gave out, his teeth clenching as he slowly drove his head back, and opened his eyes once again, blood dripping from the left as the other's clear blue pupil emerged once again. Pain, fear… but beneath all of that was hope.

Perhaps Wolf could cure the disease of this land. But Iriko wanted him to do it the proper way… and to not have to harm the Shinigami to do it. He could not fracture them. Therefore… only if Iriko himself was seen as wrong, as a unifying death… that was the only way for it to end. "Finally, there is one other man you have… to kill…" Iriko choked out, his torso falling downwards as another wave, this time of pure anger, shot through him, his right hand reaching up before being thrown downwards, stopping a milimeter above the ground. A wave of pure force echoed outwards, crashing into the bubble behind his body as it nearly broke from the released force, the outside pieces of the wall that remained being blown away.

"Sunshine… Asthavon…! Never… let them back… here…!"

* * * * *

The sky slowly darkened outside the window's of the Captain Commander's office. The trees stopped blowing about in the wind, becoming completely still, as the shadows they cast into the room came to a halt. The oak desk sat there in the center of the room, the high backed chair behind it the only observer to the small folded letter sitting on the desk. The author of this piece of writing did not know who his perspective audience would be. He had used no poetry. He had used no symbolism, no irony, no ethos, pathos, or logos. He had simply… written words…

To the next person who sits at this desk…

I, Iriko Crow, am a traitor to the Shinigami people. I have been infected by demons, and all of my ways and innovations have been failures that have weakened the Soul Society. I fully admit to each of these crimes, and request that my name and likeness be scoured from history, turned into only a cautionary tale of the danger of our enemies…

And as such… each of my works from the Shinigami Archives must be burned. Each and every one. Order must be restored. I have been insane. Maybe just this once, I can receive some small ticket of redemption. All I ask… is that those Captains who stood by me in my insanity… are never indicted for wrongdoing in my affairs. Each of them did only their duty… and did it well.

Thank you.

Core Elements Devised by Aivee

Believe nothing, no matter where you read it or who has said it, not even if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.
- Buddha
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[Revalations Arc: Inner Conflict] The Black Road Empty Re: [Revalations Arc: Inner Conflict] The Black Road

Sat Oct 10, 2015 8:51 am

Artist: ???????? - Song: ???????- Words: 1,500

[OOC NOTE: For reference to those reading this post now...Khala is emerging outside the Seireitei and bursting a hole in the bubble in order to reach them. I also won't bother with attire as she is wearing what appears in her template.]


Nothing was relevant but the heartbeat of the fading Captain Commander. This stampede of a inane individual whom proclaimed to wield kingship over death was utterly irrelevant and invalid to her. Indeed, that was the perception of the Goddess of Demon Kind: Khala Asthavon.

The instant that Iriko's life force began fading towards the cold abyss of the void, the chains of hell itself unleashed her rotted embodiment from its grasp. No longer would she remain inactive from her long, frigid sleep in the embers of her divine tomb. Nay. Action was taken and she'd ascend from the final layer of itself, bridge the gap between dimensions and rip open a spacial tear between the boundaries of existence itself separating their two worlds.

This Goddess cared not if she disrupted the order. Nor did this Goddess give one single care if there would be those who were opposed to her action. And this Lone Goddess certainly didn't care for any other living being that walked among this group of people. The only creature she was here for -- was her beloved. And if anyone stood in between? She'd slaughter them.

For as the heavens themselves began to buckle and gave off, a shine of absolute gold -- and shadow black filled the atmosphere. It was if heaven and hell themselves were intermixed in the center of her being. Sparks of blood, sunshine and darkness itself overflowed from this deity's being as her absolute power crushed the lands beneath her feet. While in the air around, screams of the most accursed souls of hell itself screeched, cried and moaned through the skies above.

Yet, in the center of this wall of salvation and savagery, the being of Khala stood placid and calm. Her body and it's internal instinct to this peril placed back in that turbulent and fierceness state it once was when she waged utter holy war against this realm so long ago. It seemed as if it was only yesterday when she brought this land on the cusp of annihilation, but yet -- nothing as has changed. They've rebuilt this accursed space, but the absolute soul of this domain has all but dried up; pushed on the verge of death. And now, it's once glorious splendider is retreating within the heart of it's former Captain Commander: The Semi-Divine Slug -- Iriko.

What. A. Shame.

That beauty and love which filled these lands was gone and nothing but emptiness remained. So as a wall of its people stood against the Demonic God's path, she simply shook her head and remained calm, but lethal. Mortal's were not allowed to stand in the path of a divine will; that is what Khala's true essence whispered into her mind and what guided her down this path of bloodshed.


Those words were hollered with the utmost of rage, but they fell on death ears. These men were not in a position of power to command so much as a single threat against the power she wielded. So, with one finger in the air, she would declare her one and only warning:

"My name is Khala and I am the Goddess of Khalaism and Demon Kind. In the name of my lordship, cease your blasphemy...or seek total oblivion. I've arrived only for what is mine and if any stand in my way....I will annihilate you without hesitation."

This message was echoed throughout the four walls of the Seireitei and beyond; announcing the arrival of the Satanic God to the domain of The Soul Society as a whole. Hence, at this point of escalation, she cared not if brother heard her cries. If he understood the circumstance, then he to would now why her presence was needed. If not -- she couldn't give a damn anymore.

As the hordes of thousands of Shinigami dared to defile her will, the fury within came, but The Goddess's face remained unmoved. Instead, action was taken.

"Śud'dha karanā"


Tap, tap, tap, tap.

Splat, splat, splat.

That's all that was heard as the world grew silent in the wake of her march towards the Seireitei. And with each passing footstep, beings turned to mush and blood. Seas and seas of blood flooded everywhere and the spirits of those who once so boldly stood against her -- were sent back to the Nirvana of Hell. As, even with the amount of hate brewing within her heart, the kindness and compassion within still battled and sought to give those damned souls their happiness.

"May your souls rest in peace."

Voice dry and stiff as rigor mortis itself, the empty tone of Khala was all that left to be heard in the wake of such a simplistic, but fatal onslaught. No mental functions were to be wasted on them, as the pressing matter at hand was tearing down that which halted The Godling from seeing her beloved warmth. With her presence having kept his body alive, even after so much time had passed since their clash, it was only natural to assume this dome would beckon, quiver and submit to the will of The Demon Goddess. Failing that, she would vaporize the very molecules of existence which compromised the object to make a single tear large enough for her -- and her alone -- to fit.

If her miracle was brought to existence, there would be not a single mortal thing left to cutoff her path towards Iriko Crow. So, in a flash of light, she was gone. Flying through particles of light itself, the supreme movement of the immortal guided her like a gale of gust through the barren and rotted fields of the first division. No matter what was awaiting for her, the divine aura of Khala's energy would see to it that her sacred space remained undefiled. With the utmost of enriched energy, the destabilizing presence of The Godling's essence served as a wall of protection between her, Iriko and Wolf.

"That which beats my heart cannot die. You whom changed my path are not allowed to perish. If you so wish to seek death, I will be your guide to the afterlife and carry you to the pits of nirvana to stay with me on the wings of devotion. I love you with all my heart and nothing will change that. Even if you so choose to walk a naive and foolish path, I will be there to watch over you and embrace you with the same warmth you gave me to move on as Godling. That is the promise you gave to me and it is one I will ensure you eternally keep."

The cycle of abandonment and lost would not play out once again. Not here. Not with her will. With a wave of her hand, a sphere of golden light was meant to be forged over Iriko's body. In it, the most otherworldly of healings were meant to be induced upon his body. Reverting it, restoring it and mending it back to proper form to keep him alive and with her in this place.

"I am selfish a being, I make no lies with such a statement. But, I will ensure those who make such beautiful pledges to me -- remain loyal. I love you, like I said, but I cannot tolerate further decay of the thigns I hold dear."

Breathe in, breathe out.

That is what followed after those raspy words. As with her feelings addressed, there was still the elephant in the room to deal with. And that elephant -- was The Lionus Child.

Turning a cold stare back to the male, Khala gave him only a single mention:

"Take this land back. Free it's people. Do what you may. But impede my grasp of this alluring soul, and I will see to it you have a meeting with the true embodiment of death."

And, much like to the men she so informally disposed of, that would be Wolf's first -- and last warning from her.

All she desired was the warmth overflowing from Iriko's body -- and an escape from this void within her heart. Thus, her objective here was to come for Iriko and make her leave. If they should make a battle out of it? She would give them an unstoppable massacre to finish the job she once started with Demonic Incursion. That was the Will of The Demon God's Heart.

[Revalations Arc: Inner Conflict] The Black Road WVMWLOu
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[Revalations Arc: Inner Conflict] The Black Road Empty Re: [Revalations Arc: Inner Conflict] The Black Road

Tue Oct 13, 2015 12:57 am

Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: 1446

Free. A word that can't begin to define a world's problematic nature. No one was truly free, everyone knew for a fact that the world was without freedom. Every nation, every town, every person was without the right to their own will. At least, that's what others seemed to want. Others wanted people to not have their own wills, their own rights and the ability to live in a world that meant a future for those around them. Oh well, right? It was beautiful really, the Husk had no feelings whatsoever for those that were currently residing within the World. Whether that meant something or not, mattered not. The Husk, Azure's broken and torn mind, didn't care. Letting a small smile form along his lips, the Husk clicked his teeth, cackling as the world around him, and his ally, shifted.

The bright blue sky that previously sat among the Soul Society's sky was quietly shifting from left to right. The world was growing darker and darker as the time passed ever so quickly. It was a bit tiresome to the Husk, his mentality entirely positioned towards to not giving a shit of any of those around him. Azure, however, was stuck within yet again, slamming against the erected walls of his own mind in order to try to regain control yet again. There was little to think of, to the Husk however. Azure was doing this all for naught, being allied with Wolf himself was something that had previously been established. The Husk only acted on ideas that were within the man's own mind previously. Azure did not see the Gotei as a powerful ally, not an ally at all really. The Gotei were weak and distorted, broken and pathetic. Whether it was an extreme or not, The Husk knew that Azure had wanted this. In the end, it was something always previously there.

Letting a soft sigh escape his lips, the Husk cackled, the sky above both Wolf and himself growing entirely black as blood stank the air as if thousands had died. It was a disgusting smell that completely radiated around this broken world. Whether others wished to smell it was their choice, the stench wouldn't be wafting anywhere. Azure shadowed the male completely, stepping against his own steps as he walked. Step, step, step, the Husk watched the world around them as the gate that once kept both Wolf and himself out was outright gone. The man's... dark ooze, whatever it may had been, dissolved the gate entirely. Nothing stood before the two men now, the Gotei was not entirely at fault here. The Husk knew this to be an exact fact. Iriko, the Captain Commander, was one of the ones at fault, if not the one who was entirely faulted for this pathetic excuse of a group of people. Though, those that were alongside him were not any better. Tsubasa, an ally that the Husk knew of Azure's, was also one of those that could be blamed. He sat by and did nothing. He was pathetic, just as Iriko was. Just as those who couldn't abide by being a true Shinigami. They were all small, pathetic souls. Who cares, right?

Nevertheless, the anger and resentment that sat within the Husk's mind slowly waded away as the skies grew into a previously unseen state, a state that only notified the world of the future that may soon be coming. Wolf went on with the plan that he had previously informed both Azure and the Husk of. The Gotei would fall to their knees, not because they were meant harm. No, on the contrary. Wolf came to free his people, to make clear that the Shinigami were not true to their word anymore. Bastards that caused such a thing would suffer consequences, as would the demons that wished to bring forth the change that the Shinigami had undergone. Disgusting, to see the enemy work with an ally. Demons, at least a majority of them, hid behind a facade of religion to justify their actions. At least, that's how it looked to the Husk. Shaking his head, Wolf commenced with the plan. Though, was abruptly interrupted by a sulking and... rather pathetic, Iriko.

Talk about a pathetic and broken sight. The Husk was in no real position to talk, given his own host seemed to be just as pathetic. Yet, this man that spoke of being broken, being torn to pieces under a weight that could not be fathomed. Heh, he was talking out of his ass, thought The Husk. He was a pathetic excuse for a being in power. A poor example of a Shinigami, one that only looked as if he deserved the very death he had wished for. He went on and on, wishing to make a statement. Showing that he was truly and deeply forsaken due to the past transgressions of the Gotei. Blah blah blah blah, Iriko continued as the Husk simply cackled within the background. They were so pathetic. Broken his ass. The Husk smirked and watched the disgusting Shinigami stretch, an enveloping light beginning to shadow over both Wolf and Azure. It was quite a... sad sight. He was so very sad.

To the Husk, this was a game of horse shit. This pathetic being did nothing to secure his life, but neither did those that may oppose Wolf and himself. Stepping forward, Azure stood beside Wolf, The Husk moving the man's hands into his pocket. Taking a final look at the broken Shinigami, the Husk glared, sighing as he began to speak.

"Absolutely Pathetic."

A broad smile warped the man's face, his eyes growing wide as he began to bellow laughter at the Shinigami that only continued to make a fool of himself. Oh the joy that the Husk felt to see such a man stoop so, so low. It was so beautiful to see him torn and broken. Wonderful. Joyous. Something the Husk nearly took pleasure in.

"Your death is useless. Martyr my ass. You wouldn't mean a thing to those here that may understand for our intrusion. You, are beyond pathetic. A sorry excuse for a Captain Commander that only brought his people to the lowest of low. You are a disgusting example for those that may wish to join the Gotei. Absolutely Pathetic, Iriko Crow. Beyond useless."[/b]

Amidst the words that spewed from the blood ridden Husk came laughter and exuberant flashes of his arms and hands. Among the waves of energy that Iriko bounded outward, The Husk took joy in the pathetic show of power. He was only growing more and more entertained as he wished to make his words heard. Oh what a beautiful day it was to control someone that was oh so broken.

Though, his words ended quickly. As per the usual, someone always came to defend a pathetic person. Whether it was something that was expected or not, The Husk knew of this girl only in connection to another, broken girl that he had interacted with previously. The Goddess, if she could even be considered that, waded her way into the area, watching as the event simply occurred. She kept quiet for some time, that is, until she decided it was time to profuse her... love?


The Husk couldn't catch a break, his quiet laughter growing once again into a reverberating bellow, filling the ears of those who may hear the event around the Gotei. Oh man oh man, The Husk was only having the best time of his life now. Shaking his head once more, the 'Goddess' finished her useless spewing as well. Taking a look at her and what could only be considered a shell of Iriko, he turned to Wolf and spoke once more.

"At this point, I could care less if she takes the pathetic Shinigami. His death would have been fun to cause, but if it saves time then it saves time. Why not just give the little girl what she wants and be on with the plan, eh?"

Despite the insanity that the Husk indeed had, he wasn't entirely stupid. Wolf may not agree to such a request, but if Khala really wished for the boy, then let her have him. No use having a shell around anyways.

Looking away from Wolf, the Husk watched both Khala and Iriko now, his own plans and thoughts flowing quickly through the shattered mind of Azure iramasha.

Template By: [THEFROST]

[Revalations Arc: Inner Conflict] The Black Road FXpoQxJ
[Revalations Arc: Inner Conflict] The Black Road 2Y9rqGk

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[Revalations Arc: Inner Conflict] The Black Road Empty Re: [Revalations Arc: Inner Conflict] The Black Road

Thu Oct 15, 2015 9:53 am


Artist: N/A - Song: OSt The Last Witch Hunter - Word Count: 3500 -

That darkness, the ever reaching chains that drag one to their level and make it lay there questioning the fate they would come to behold. These chains never seemed to let go, shackled and forever tormented by the light ahead of them, the only choice was to gnaw at your own leg to keep going or to wait for those chains to decay and Wolf was not waiting. He heard the sound of the masses scrambling, he could sense powers that be running and hiding trying to find comfort from the tides screams and roars filled the gotei, regardless of the decisions made it was within the hands of those bellow that would matter most. Wolf looked out over sokyoku hill staring to the blank sunset as it dissipated under his darkness, all glimpses of light shattered from the world. All until the ripples of change came crashing forth.

The falling black bird of death crushed into the ground, even with all these emerging sources of power, not a single one even attempted to stop its fall ... cowards. The blast rocked the entire first and second division people where encompassed in the ensuing blast their bodies torn apart as they cried out, the guilty under the reign of a hopeless fool romanticizing the ideal of some form of truce. Their bodies turned black skin tearing away ground leveling until nothing was left, the first division was to be buried within the blast all pieces of being torn away as fissures erupted out allowing the entirety of it to fall within destroyed and crumbling, the traitors under the grasp all souls wolf wished to save now souls he must take. It brought him no joy as he knelt down mumbling something as he tore some grass from the dirt holding it within his grasp as the saddened look crossed his face, brothers and sister dying for a man who cared so little for their souls that he dare not even fight ... instead he sit behind wolf with some pathetic greeting like he was a mere child walking through irikos garden, he was blind ... and he would die for this.

Wolfs hand unlatched the gust taking the grass with it drifting away as voices echoed in his mind. His eyes tuned to Iriko as he knelt their his hands coming together in front of him, the indifference to this man within his eyes were clear, he was perceived as a child playing with lives like toys and now he had brought this upon them the scowl that lingered dare not escape him no matter how much this man tried to proclaim himself as a good being Wolf cared little for his undignified flailing, he wailed and cried out like some child trying to fix a problem by shouting at it. Wolf rose up the dome covered in black contorting the world around them as the rain from above began to fall, black drops like blood that burned at flesh, the indicator of how dull a mood this poor poet seemed to bring. Wolf fingers snapped as he stood, the bones breaking in multiple places in each deforming them beyond belief as he looked at iriko, the words trailing forth were mere rabble of discontent and all it allowed was the mans capacity for empathy to grow ... empathy for those this mans actions had gotten killed. How he wished iriko could feel what those bodies bellow felt in their last moment, burning away as their skin rotted from them praying that someone would help them and then succumbing to the loneliness. His fingers continued snapping before cracking back into place, the sheer will behind breaking his own fingers was a trying task, and it allowed his anger for this man to flow to encompass him as each crack interrupted his worthless words, like a game being played to show Iriko that no-one was remotely concerned with his ideals, dogs barking would be construed more clearly.

Wolfs eyes shifted to the shell that once was claimed by Azure Iramasaha, a being warped and jaded... he was no longer the thing that had agreed to this allegiance, a mere empty conscious willing to do things that the being he was would not, he was broken maybe even more so than wolf...perhaps that's why he like him so much, after all he was nothing but the amalgamation of darkness that azure perceived he was the mind coaxing the body to become something ... different, and how could Wolf not relate to that. For a time wolf to sat with those worms crawling beneath the skin never coming free despite how much you dug, clawing at your ears wanting the voices to stop, and as your body breaks against you you fall into the utter depth of destruction ... this was this thing he held as a brother was, a man he called his kin, but in truth was probably seen as nothing but a tool, an extension of his essence .. a hatchet that brought death with each swing.

The crimson pupils shifted from being to being watching every movement every shake and twitch these men made, the ringing in his ears was present but not a single word slipped by him, even with each crack he made breaking apart the sound of voices. This was nothing unexpected, a traitor walking forth trying to spare the lives he condemned ... he was laying down like a mutt rather than standing and facing the true fate he deserved, even in his final moments of wanting he was nothing more than a weak individual. and the only thing that dar let his scowl twist into something of pure rage was not this being who deserved nothing but his death but another. His face twitch as he stood there shaking anger and a smile battling across his face as he stared down muttering under his breath his fists clenching and releasing repeditly as his knucles went a shade of white... she was here.



The voice echoed through these walls calling like a taunt, labeling herself a godess and divinity incarnate she who proclaimed herself god yet touched the ideal of something so stupid as want, beings like them need nothing yet she took and took ... she wasn't the victim of blasphemy she was blasphemy incarnate. Wolds body twitched turning to walk outwards towards the cliff side looking to those bellow as his lips trembled his left arm spasming uncontrollably as it lay straight and unbending at his side, he grabbed the upper arm shaking as he gripped letting out a resounding animalistic grunt of anger and death like some sort of caged lion finally chewing through its captors corpse, the world around him shaking from his pure spiritual presence, death matter clutching through the dirt and shaking the seriete itself as he felt those they swore to protect, who stood for something and refused to yield even against a thing like this ... she was no goddess she was a coward afraid of what these people were. his voice trailed out over them fading to nothing in the blackness ... and then he became still, his face twisting once more from the gripping anger to the scowl and disdain he felt, his cold aura was dark and dense, being near him was like standing in acid, the skin peeling away beneath your skin every bit of corruption ripping you apart, the once quaking body of wolf was disturbingly still unmoved swaying only slightly with the wind itself , each foot step drawing him back. His head remain down that black hair hanging there as he hear her.

The words almost seemed to fall at his feet, dropping like some pathetic joke that he could discern no punchline from. This girl was professing such a meaningless thoughts and wolfs eyes showed no sign of worry in fact at her mockery of a speech he could only force out a disappointed smile chuckling at the sorry excuse for a godling. They all seemed to speak breaking confines of silence to give their words, even the shell forced through his happy statement something that earned a bit of a happily surprised look from wolf opening his hands with a bit of a shrug and intrigue. His voice came out much more defined than before, cracked like a mirror and enunciating each word with a delicate taste of callousness, he did not stutter and he would not fall short of words, he was precise and cold in every small syllable ... even with that smile on his face.

"Interesting ... His death is not just about fun. its about sending the message. if you're scared of her and wish not to defy her that's your prerogative. But whimpering bout stupid shit like saving time? don't lie... you wanna bury her and him more than even i, efficiency is pointless if you don't do it right the first time.... correct? "

The Words were not meant as a mark it was the truth, this deity that proclaimed herself worthy stood within the grounds of something far more dangerous than monsters .... these were the roads where true embodiment of darkness lay their heads. The man she so whimsically proclaimed her beloved was the butchered lamb awaiting the teeth of a messiah to sink within it, she looked to take that bite but the truth was Wolf didn't give her permission ... there were only 2 beings here one may consider on the path of gods ... and neither was Khala. His head tilted as he stare into the eyes of Iriko a silence gripping them as like a bird staring at a worm his head shifted examining this flesh that bore before him , an existence that didn't belong must be controlled, quelled and the broken where those whose souls where lost and waiting divination or judgment ... to give those souls nirvana was like giving the crippled cancer .... she was breaking them even more ... this was the god that people worshiped? this was the being that even the strong where wary of? with a turn of his head slightly towards her the man would rise back a bit collecting saliva within his mouth before spitting at her feet all before turning back to Iriko to address the man not giving a cent of notice to the girl.

"I wont tell your whore, I shall show her. I will string you up where all may see. I will cut your liars tongue from that mouth you hold so dear poet, and then i will take that heart that beats for her as her's does for you, and i will crush it. All this before i carve traitor into your spineless back, and you will know .... this pound of flesh she owes will be taken from you... this is the fate i condemn you to."



These words were the last ever meant for Iriko wolf would utter, it was not a taunt or a provocation for the girl and her pet, it was a promise, a promise he intended to keep. his hands opened wide as he swiveled his gaze staring to the girl almost extending out a discordant sort of greeting, like she had finally through this shifting silence earned his attention but still somehow it was wrong like she was some sort of wanderer tapping o his door ... why would he answer? she was not a figure he cared for and no amount of insight into the mind of this man could explain just why he'd even acknowledged her ... the truth was he didn't care in the slightest for her she was playing in fields she shouldn't even dare walk as though they were hers. This place had been broken by what she was tormented by the ideals and fascist reforms, she was claiming something she had no claim to ... and he would make her see that

His eyes sparked, a genuine envoy of the encasing black that sat within him, he was death and each tapping footstep ringing in his ears the embodiment of death was this man, he defined what death was and the darkness that ran through his veins and conformed what he was was simply the touch of a true god ... and he too toke the place of the essence, he was death ... as death was eternal. Death was not the benefactor to life like Deveta or the presence that once established itself as control like truth ... he was the officiator of darkness the solemn idol of the end ... these gods stood trying each to over take one another giving their form to beings like this and it took everything from the darkness, it enslaved the idea of disruption and change ... they took what was his by right and he pushed back by giving his own little creation of sin.... Wolf was not like Khala ... he was more, he was death.

The presence around her forced by this presence shield was something intended to stop him? he was no mere child playing at the gates of beasts waiting for them to one day bite his hand off .. he walked into that cage and killed the beast before its fangs ever bared at him. His steps set right through her barrier ripping apart his skin and tearing his body from him. His face torn away the bones exposed as black faded from it rippling in the air, his flesh disintegrated crushed away as bones snapped ... but he never stopped walking, his body was vanishing into the blackness as merely bones and this essence off death were in front of her his skin torn away completely ruptures in all his bone contorting it beyond belief and ripping away from him and as his chest opened everything gone but the contents inside it would be clear ... that black still heart sat there ... he was different to them all.



With a burst of pure scaling energy the Godlings essence that was being externalized as this barrier would be ripped apart the molecules of every bit of spiritual essence seeping off her morphing corrupting and changing to his infecting to darkness and becoming a part of wolf ... and then it would happen from this beast of black and bone, twisted beyond recognition of even a human skeleton the fading black imploded inwards ripping around his body twirling cracking the bones to place forming layers of flesh pigment changing and adapting and completely remaking the man as though nothing had even happened ... and from here stood in front of her, the death matter still rippling as it seemed to materialize upon his forehead forming at two points, as horns of black abyssal matter contorted to his head and leaning inwards wings tore from his back like a mighty eagle about to take flight, expanding outwards as they cast a shadow over these beings that were so flawed. His voice came forth not like before cold but .. different, he was more demonic more encompassed by low growl each word gave, the tone cutting the light this girl tried to shed to pieces showing her she was nothing.

"I am the omega to your alpha, i am the end... the stain of death. threaten me with meeting death, yet i am the only one who knows what he truly is ... I am his heart, the embodiment of death and the guide of his will ... that soul belongs to me."

With another step the darkness burst to life around him, four points all swirling together to create what seemed to be dogs ... but their fangs protruding like monsters black as the encompassing void of all, they were morphed twisted and bigger than any mutts one might ever see, they bound towards their prey at speeds ridiculous to some breaking apart the wind with each step. They were lethal not just for those teeth but for the fact they were bombs of pure destruction, upon touching something the death matter within them would erupt outwards splitting apart any matter they encompassed tearing into its wounds and infecting it changing it to what it was and if it couldn't achieve this? it would tear at it injecting corruption to it util it decayed under the weight of it. And these mutts headed for Khala, if she ran they would merely turn and run towards the coward that soiled this place with death erupting regardless of if they hit their mark or not making anything within thirty meters at the mercy of its destruction.

Wolf himself however was not done, he mummer something simple under his breath, the words lost within the noise .... but what came next would never be lost or forgotten. his mouth opened a green smog emerging from it miasma that began spreading began infecting all around it. Disease was this mists nature and it would take all who adamantly stayed to fight, it spread to a fifty meter margin at a slowly progressing rate the radius around them becoming encased in this rich gaseous smog that now merged with the very oxygen of the air , the effects within it where simple ... disease tears everything apart. It would tear apart at ones inner systems the toxins infecting through both respiratory and skin contact and effect would come fast and true. Wolf did not stop there though expanding out his closed hand the death matter would form ripping forth to take the shape of a simple black blade, his sword of behemoths , and in his other hand an orb that held destabilized death matter cackling out like energy as it grew .... and then he would bring them together.

The burst of pressure would flow outwards like an unstoppable force presuring back all around him, even tearing apart the ground at his heels ripping it apart as he unleashed it. But instead of just a bomb of immeasurable preparations it formed something new, the unstable matter clinged to the sword lashing off it like a spark from a socket, this blade was not anything he had ever made before ... its power was controlled and unbending. Upon touching anything it'd not only cut, but also create a mass implosion drawing in the matter around it like a magnet to expand its force then destabilize it and send it ripping outwards with the force of something equivalent to a very very minor scale supernova, destroying and deconstructing matter ... and infecting it and using what it can in its short time as fuel. If he were to hit something sure it'd only be a small implosion of twenty meters at most but within that space its rip everything it touched apart ... it was the end and the beginning.



"You know i envy them, they have .... heart? ... I feel your heart beat too ... its fast, erratic.... whats that like? whats is like to have fear, loneliness ... love. what does it feel like to know it shall stop one day and that flutter will cease.Do you rebuke what i am child? Are you... afraid? of what i am?... Because you should be."

His voice drifted forth as the mans feet pressured into the ground launching him like a jet at the being of Iriko his sword twisting as both hands attached it, swinging in an arc at the man his speed maybe beyond what Iriko could react to, and the basic factor being if he even tried to block this he'd be torn apart beyond comprehension and in-sighting its eruption. and the truth was Wolf didn't think he would move anyway .. he was broken he awaited death and he deserved it. Within wolfs head he knew doing this sort of thing was to taxing to create again his power was fading fast and his expenditure was huge, taxing to his body to the point he could feel his hands shaking slightly as the death matter became weaker and more spread harder to control even .. but he needed it to maintain, and hell if this girl wanted to protect her precious thing so much she may just save him wasting this or even better ... taking it in his place.

And as he reached his point of impact it wouldn't matter anyway for with a glint in his eye the matter that encased his bones forming his skin sparked taking the properties of literal electricity ... and that my friends was enough to ignite this rain sending a burn of energy ripping outwards taking over the entire top of the sokyoku hill erupting with tons of pressure within the explosion .... you don't play with monsters who light matches whilst your covered in gasoline ... hopefully they learnt that lesson now.

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Last edited by lionus on Tue Mar 02, 2021 11:54 pm; edited 1 time in total

[Revalations Arc: Inner Conflict] The Black Road M9rTQZk

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[Revalations Arc: Inner Conflict] The Black Road Empty Re: [Revalations Arc: Inner Conflict] The Black Road

Fri Oct 23, 2015 10:10 am

Iriko Crow
The Dragon of the North, Seiryuu

Iriko roared, throwing his blade to the side as his head turned to the sky, seeing the blazing darkness as at last he noticed the malicious intent. "NO!" He roared, as around his body an intense amount of energy emerging, firing outwards as it smashed into Wolf's attack, descending towards his people as it poured the energy outwards, overwhelming it with raw power as Hadō 88 devastated around Wolf's attack just yards from the ground, his eyes closing before opening again as he looked at the devastation in the sky. "Not again… never again…" Iriko spat, his teeth clenched as his eyes shone, taking deep breaths. "You will NOT regain control of the Soul Society the same way it was lost. That's useless beyond any explanation!"

As he panted, Iriko tried to calm himself once more, before feeling the presence of another having emerged...


Slowly, the darkened hues of the man looked to the side, looking at the man who had appeared. ...So what? Was the only thought that Iriko had. He had never cared what any single other person had thought about him in his entire life.

Well, that was a lie.

But it was a lie he had to have.

It was what kept him sane…

"Probably, yes. Probably, yes. You're right. Yes, I am. Yes, I am, and I have. Yes, I am. Yes, it is. Yes, it is."

With each statement, Iriko only nodded, before softly closing his eyes. "But that's how it's always been, how it would have been from the beginning. You can spit on it, stomp it, burn it… but the rose will still bloom again." With those words, Iriko's eyes returned to Wolf… before widening.

"…" His eyes widened, before they began to shift rapidly from side to side, his hand going up to his head. "She's… here…?..." And he could feel it… what Wolf did not understand was that yes… the large scale tragedies within the Soul Society…? Iriko truly could feel them. He could feel them as Khala left nothing but terror and devastation in their wake, the emotions of the Shinigami as they were slain. "…"

He could feel her tearing through the bubble. It would be almost impossible to have prevented her from doing so. ...I tried… The male thought to himself, his hands clenching into his palms as blood became drawn, his eyes raising as he looked directly at Khala, fighting the sudden surge emotion that coursed through his body. "Yes, I know." He told her, his eyes closing once again. "But… you know… I cannot take that…!" His words, strained as they were by the state he was in, still made it out into the world. "...I remember my promise… But… I also promised to stay here… Demon Goddess… I know where the end of my line goes." He told her, looking at the golden orb that was forming around his body.

"…" And slowly, while the damage that Wolf had inflicted upon him began to fade, the orb itself began to shatter apart, the gold bits becoming black as they faded away, revealing Iriko's body once again as he looked sadly into Khala's eyes. You know why it does that. The thought passed from Shinigami to Demoness, through the bond she had inflicted upon him. It was the truth; the 'pain', the 'damage' that was revealed in this form was the result of the method she had used to keep him alive, despite the shattering of his soul. That was a wound that could not be healed by its very nature, and not even her power was enough to rejuvenate that so long as Iriko retained his own grip on his soul.

The power still exuded from his body, before he looked directly at her, before looking back at Wolf. "Wolf, do you know what happens if someone attacks you right now?" Iriko asked him, before looking back at Azure. Indeed, if Azure was receiving any kind of holy energy from the Soul King or reishi from the outside area… he would have noticed that this had stopped.

"...Wolf, you will be harmed." Iriko said at last, his eyes lowering slightly as his six tail slowly rose. "And your rebellion is a lie, so long as you would have willed to destroy the people who live here." Iriko told him, his arms laying at his sides. "The Gotei is not this place, Wolf! The Gotei are the people inside of it! And if you attack them… then you are attacking the Gotei, the same as I have done with the changes that I thought would help them." Iriko explained, his hands now beginning to shake, though not from the soul-shattering pain that he was enduring.

Iriko watched as Wolf began to walk through the barrier that Khala had created, his eyes looking at Wolf as sorrow slowly bled into his gaze. ...Wolf… why…? He wondered, watching the change that the man underwent, as Iriko slowly gained a conviction. ...This… no longer… is this necessary… instead of taking the branch towards progress… Wolf is walking… down the path of hate… the same path… as she once walked… The words echoed within his mind, watching the attacks that he was dropping as Bakudo began to emerge, yellow shields of lights emerging as the energy collided with them, before being sucked into black-hole like appearances, vanishing completely as they ate the dogs whole, his body slowly shifting as he looked at Khala. "...Is he too far… gone…?" He asked Khala, his hands widening as around Wolf's body a bubble began to emerge, cloaked with a golden substance as it held in the entirety of the emerging gas, which was then compressed, flitting away as a bubble as it then vanished, the contents of the bubble having been sent to Hueco Mundo.

However, as Iriko looked at the blade that Wolf was wielding, his eyes narrowed. ...That isn't… his Zanpakutō… Khala… let me answer that... The male thought to himself, hearing Wolf's words as he replied to them. "Wolf… what did you do with your humanity…?" Iriko asked, watching Wolf leap towards him in what appeared to be slow motion to the man, his thoughts moving like lightning inside of his mind.

You are correct, Wolf Lionus. If you had true intentions and wanted peace for the Soul Society… I would have stayed where I was and waited for the death that you would bring. But… you do not wish for peace. You wish for a world where the weak are unable to stay. The Konso…

That single thought radiated through the connection that had been established between Iriko and Wolf through the sixth tail on Iriko's back. Looking directly into Wolf's eyes, Iriko pointed a single finger outwards, seeing the man who he had once been a captain with running towards him. "Even if you cannot die… death is not necessary." The man spoke, as his eyes shone, before a wave of pure energy flowed out from his body.

Flowing outwards, this energy wrapped around the space around Iriko's body, and all around Wolf's body the water molecules in the air began to shift and change. Transforming into ice, spiritual power flowed through them, transforming into more ice as layer after layer after layer began to appear around Wolf's body. "Absolute… Zero." Iriko stated, closing his eyes as in front of his gaze and around Wolf's body, a colossal pillar of ice formed. Using Wolf's body as its core, the ice shot outwards, the temperature within changing to absolutely zero as it froze the very molecules around Wolf's body, preventing his 'death energy' from even having anywhere to move as it continued to spread outwards, surging and increasing as layer after layer after layer of pure ice emerged on Sokyoku Hill.

Rising high into the sky, the ice continued to build, as Iriko slowly raised up an arm. "Whether you can break out of it or not… I do not know… but…! You need… to cool your head." Iriko decided, raising up his right hand as all around the gigantic pillar, similar sized spears made out of ice appeared, swiveling about with extraordinarily sharp tips. "I will seal you as a Shinigami… and nothing else…!" Iriko declared as his shining blue hair of his Shikokai blew about his face, his hand closing as the great spears descended, smashing into where Wolf's body was located as each of the eight pillars pierced into the colossal structure from a different angle, passing halfway through it with tremendous force as Iriko slowly allowed for his arm to fall to his side, looking sadly at the man that was likely trapped in the ice.

"...Wolf… we were never weak… Never… And the only way… for that ice to allow you to emerge… is for you to abandon the notion that you need to kill our comrades. That is the defeatist's way out. That's the easy way. DO YOU HEAR ME? THAT'S THE FUCKING EASY WAY!" Iriko shouted, actual anger creeping onto his features before breathing out, his mouth becoming a smaller line as he turned his head to The Husk.

"Now, what are you doing here?" The Former Captain Commander asked, his right hand still shaking slightly from the level of the attack that he used against Wolf. "I do not have to keep my vow to fight as a Shinigami against you. I am nearly certain that I could break you back into the man that you are supposed to be. So what will you do…?" Iriko asked, raising up a hand to his forehead as he cringed, finally turning back to look at Khala.

"...Once these two have stopped… massacring my people…! Then we can leave…" Iriko said, before above his body a Hadō began to trigger. High in the sky, a mile above Sokyoku Hill, a great bird of fire began to emerge, created from the Hadō Sokatsui. The bird's wings expanded, reaching outwards as it could be seen from every point in the Gotei 13, its beak widening as it thrashed about, before it began to fly off, with the mission to complete one revolution around the Gotei before returning to nothingness.

"…" At last, Iriko closed his eyes, his arms folding around his body as he continued to endure the pain inflicted from being in this form, gently feeling the presence of each and ever Shinigami within the Gotei, and knowing that any damage that they took would be redirected back to his body, thanks to the third tail on his back. ...Iriko. A voice said within him, as Iriko nodded. After this… I shall have to return. After all… this is my home…

I understand… after today… I will not have the right to call myself Shinigami, any longer… He replied, as on the outside he sadly smiled, a single tear falling from his cheek as he reflected on that fact. And that fact was the last thing to go through his mind as he awaited to see whether or not his action had worked, and whether or not Wolf Lionus would be trapped within that ice that nearly prohibited the movement of anything outside the top layer of Wolf's own body...

Core Elements Devised by Aivee

The Barracks!


Believe nothing, no matter where you read it or who has said it, not even if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.
- Buddha
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