Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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The Clash for the Second Division - Page 2 Empty Re: The Clash for the Second Division

Fri Apr 07, 2017 6:23 am

Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: 1097

Izanagis eyes focused on the man as his spiritual presence began to shoot up more and more. The two syllables that escaped the Captains mouth were ‘Ban’ and ‘Kai’. Abruptly, Izanagi appeared a little disinterested; his sight focused on his opponent as the Bankai transformation rapidly initiated. Red energy flowed from the Captain like a light blood pool; it was quiet a sight but whether it was all for show would soon be seen.

“My, my… he resulted to Bankai so soon?... Well I guess that doesn’t leave much for me to leave to my imagination. Better wrap it up.”

Suddenly, the world around Izanagi began to slow. Now, you may be thinking he utilised some sort of power to slow the world in his immediate proximity; you would be wrong to think that. Over the years as a Shinigami, Izanagi not only honed his Kido but also his speed. To some extent the speed at which his mind processed information was something he prided himself on. Not only that but his entire body could move at speeds nearing Mach 4 to Mach 4.5 without the aid of Hoho. Up until now, Izanagi had been relaxed in the fight and didn’t see a reason to utilise his abilities as he wanted the Captain to show his true potential.

However, now that the Captain had released the Bankai, there wasn’t much more room for improvement for the crimson clad man. As a result, Izanagis perception of time slowed and everything around him began moving at a rather slow pace compared to his own movement. Naturally, Izanagi fixed his gaze on the small red orb that was approaching. He had two options here, one was to attempt to evade the technique, while the other was to simply counter it.

Izanagi dug his Zanpakuto into the ground, releasing his spiritual presence into the blade to increase its length. The zanpakuto resided in the orbs trajectory; it would receive the blow from the orb while Izanagi hopped back, creating a distance between himself and his newly release opponent. Upon collision with the Zanpakuto, the small orb of energy began releasing spiritual presence across the blade, but it didn’t faze Izanagi all too much.

Izanagis spiritual presence began to increase, to a point where his spiritual pressure began roaring into the surroundings. He only increased his spiritual presence to an extent where it would match the presence of the Captain who was in Bankai form. Izanagi could quiet easily release the full extent of his spiritual presence, but it would be rather difficult to protect the squad members that were on the other side of the barrier, if that was to take place.

Up until now, to some extent, Izanagi was taking it easy on the Captain as his true intentions were not to acquire the Captaincy but to test the man’s skill in battle. However, after seeing how soon the man released his Bankai, Izanagi come to question the man’s suitability for Captaincy and thus decided to attack with his true strength.

As Izanagi created the distance between himself and the Captain, he slapped his hands together, creating no sound what so ever because of the Captains suppression of sound. In a split second, energy would be released around Izanagis body. The energy would combine itself with the abundance of Reishi within the spiritual energy, decomposing the ground and buildings alike to form a large skull like figure. The soul society was the perfect place to utilise this technique because of the abundance of Reishi within the realm. In the meantime, his body would distribute additional power to the barrier that protected the over lookers from the wrath of the two beasts.

“Tengoku katakata kimono”

With the formation of the skill, the ground around Izanagi would be decomposed for energy to power the technique. Reishi from the surrounding buildings would ooze off to the skull like creation. But, the technique didn’t draw any energy from the barrier that surrounded the compound. As a matter of fact, the barrier that surrounded the compound would be the deciding factor in this battle. The skull would come to form skin, a body and legs; becoming more full-fledged with every ounce of energy that it received.

As the energy shook the surroundings, Izanagi would wait for the Captain to attack before releasing the technique that had been assimilating the Reishi in the proximity of the duo. The longer the Captain waited, the more energy the technique would accrue thus making it more destructive. Originally, the technique has destructive capabilities even only with Izanagis energy as the only source of power; however out here in the Soul Society, everything can power the technique, making it ever so much more dangerous.

The instant the Captain moved a muscle, the skull would erupt engulfing everything within the constraints of the barrier in its destructive energy. The technique acted as a large-scale incinerator, however because the individuals were in a barrier the technique would explode out, engulfing everything within the barrier. Its true destructive capabilities would soon be evident as the barracks as well as the clear majority of the body of the Captain of the Second Division would be incinerated by the technique.

The technique would fill every corner and every crack within the barrier, ensuring that everything is destroyed thoroughly. The technique was often compared to the Itto Kaso Kido, because of its devastating impact; however, it came from Izanagis very personal collection of kido that only he knew. The twist that accompanied the kido was that it contained a combination of Yin and Yang, the very energies that govern life and death. With every person that the technique met, the Yin and Yang energy would be distributed into their body, causing an imbalance within their natural cycle of Yin and Yang.

This in turn made it difficult for individuals to utilise spiritual energy and spiritual attacks alike. In addition, the individual would come to face mental and physical imbalance as the imbalance of the very core energies of life would disrupt the niche within the mans body.

From where Izanagi stood, the Captain had two choices. He could attempt to destroy the barrier that had kept them within the battle ground, escaping but allowing the technique to incinerate all of his squad members or he could attempt to kill Izanagi in the seconds leading up to the explosion, with the hopes that the skull disperses with the death of the Shinsui Clan Leader. Either way, the man had a rather difficult challenge before him…

Template Coding By: [THEFROST] | Graphics Part By: Ulqui
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The Clash for the Second Division - Page 2 Empty Re: The Clash for the Second Division

Fri Apr 07, 2017 7:05 am
Zen felt quite unstable. He could feel his core make up shift as this, thing, formed. He had to do something. This thing was consuming the very make up of the soul society to fuel itself, it was going to be a big explosion.

The instant Zen moved it went off, along with the explosion there was a loud base note. In an instnat the explosion was contained in a large sphere of sound.

Zen could be seen, extending both arms, holding his intricate, gold conductor's baton towards the explosion. He could be heard panting as sound returned to the world, keeping this explosion at pay taking incredible focus. He knew he couldn't hold it forever, something as strong as at least a Hadō #96 was something that he couldn't stand up against it. He could possibly survive the explosion with some quick thinking, but somewhere deep inside of him told him he had to prove himself to Izanagi.

He felt that it could be very difficult to use his spiritual techniques, but he had to do something to stop this thing! He felt the strong explosion push against his sound, it becoming larger as the seconds passed by. Then he had an idea.

"Oh chains of the ocean! Encase my foes and snuff out their light! Drown them with your waters!" As he was saying the incantation blue ribbons of water started to cover the contained explosion. They interlocked and wrapped around the orb, forming a light blue orb around it. Zen had decided to combine three kido together. #63 Sajo Sabaku, #73 Tozansho, and his own special Kido Coral Maelstrom. This would create an orb of water that would try and clamp down on the explosion, trying to contain it. Holding concentration on both of them ex extremely taxing, Izanagi could feel the Captains spiritual pressure start to waver as all the effects started to drain him.

Eventually something was going to give. Hopefully he had weakened the explosion.
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The Clash for the Second Division - Page 2 Empty Re: The Clash for the Second Division

Fri Apr 07, 2017 7:20 am

Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: 1097

The instant that Izanagi saw the Captain raise his arms and attempt to contain the explosion, he knew that it was all over. As the energy from the explosion danced within the constraints of sound that the man had created, Izanagi utilised the Hoho technique, collecting his Zanpakuto on his way to the body of the Captain.

In an instant, he would be upon him, the blade of his Zanpakuto swinging in a diagonal motion, going from the Captains left shoulder down to his right hip bone. Naturally, the world was still in a decelerated state for Izanagis perception. He quickly manoeuvred the blade to cut through the Captains right arm, completely axing the limb from his body. His attempt at stopping the explosion was heroic, but Izanagi doubted that he would be able to do anything with one arm to contain an explosion of such high calibre.

As sound returned to the area, Izanagi eyed the man, asking one quick question with his cold and deep tone… “Do you surrender?”

In that instant, that explosion would roar across the land, making the very foundations of the Seireitei shake in response to the levels of energy that were being released. The Captain didn’t have a lot of time to respond to Izanagi, if he failed to respond in time, his body would be rapidly incinerated by the quickly approaching Kido. Naturally, if his response was no, he would feel the wrath of the Kido.

Template Coding By: [THEFROST] | Graphics Part By: Ulqui
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The Clash for the Second Division - Page 2 Empty Re: The Clash for the Second Division

Fri Apr 07, 2017 7:23 am
"Yes, I surrender"
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The Clash for the Second Division - Page 2 Empty Re: The Clash for the Second Division

Fri Apr 07, 2017 7:38 am

Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: 461

The instant the word yes escaped the mans mouth, Izanagi placed his left hand onto the mans head, tossing him over his shoulder as he shot toward the barrier that was about to be filled with the explosion. As he shot forth, the explosion that he had released was on his tail, however as he approached the barrier, the barrier became more and more compressed.

In the matter of seconds, an area of the barrier liquified and Izanagi shot out with the Captain over his shoulder, just in time for the barrier to solidify and contain the explosion. A strong earth quake was sent across the immediate proximity. Izanagi couldn’t help but think that that other Captains of the Gotei wouldn’t take kindly to the level of disruption that the technique had utilised.

Izanagi landed, and the members of the Second Division promptly gathered in front of him. Everyone had their attention set on their now former Captain, as he laid armless on Izanagis shoulder. Sweat began forming on Izanagis forehead as he fully pushed his body to Mach 4 to escape the rapid advance of the explosion.

As the earth stopped shaking, the barrier that contained the fight, slowly cracked and shattered. Izanagi looked up, as the shards of turquoise and navy flew. The spiritual energy that powered the barrier was wrecked. It began dispersing as Izanagis focus turned to the Shinigami; many of the Shinigami that specialised in medicinal healing wanted to approach and aid their Captain but instead they all stood as blood trailed down Izanagis attire.

Izanagi gently knelt, placing the Captain of the Second Division, Zen, onto the ground. He placed his left palm against the shoulder of the severed arm and light began displacing from the immediate vicinity. The photons from the light began powering a tertiary ability that began regenerating the mans arm into its previous state. In a matter of seconds, the arm of the second division Captain would have reformed.

In the meantime, Izanagi eyed the Shinigami of the Second Division. “Well. It appears I am your new Captain. ” his sight would shift down to Zen as he spoke directly at him. “However, your previous Captain, Zen will retain his position and be the 2nd Captain of the Second Division… now er—I need to go get the cleaning crew. The barracks are a mess.” Izanagi would wink at Zen and laugh jokingly at the other Shinigami before vanishing.

As Izanagi vanished, he suppressed his spiritual presence and re-appeared a few hundred meters from his previous location. He came to an abrupt stop, taking several deep breaths as sweat began trailing down his fore head. “Mach four really did it’s number on me…”

[Exit Thread]

Template Coding By: [THEFROST] | Graphics Part By: Ulqui
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The Clash for the Second Division - Page 2 Empty Re: The Clash for the Second Division

Fri Apr 07, 2017 7:48 am
Zen chuckled a little as he was laid down on the floor and his arm was regenerated. "That was the best fight I have had in centuries" he said panting a little.

He summoned his Zanpakuto to his newly formed right hand. Luckly it was small enough to not be completely obliterated from the explosion, but it was badly damaged. "Looks like you are going to need a break too arent you Tenmei"

He chuckled once more as he said "I guess we will be sleeping outside for a while" he said before passing out

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