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Forging a Finer Blade [Private | Serenity] - Page 3 Empty Re: Forging a Finer Blade [Private | Serenity]

Wed Dec 27, 2017 3:50 pm



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Naturally Erika stopped her course, she turned to face Midori just as the woman got up and said it wasn't a waste of time. The solemn girl listened obediently to the captain, she did hate when people pulled her flaws out into the open and made her look at them but she couldn't deny Midori's logic and reasoning, in fact she could only respect those honourable qualities about her which made it that much harder to be mad at the woman.

She seemed to hesitate for a moment, arguing with herself and her thoughts before finally conceding and moving back to sit down opposite the captain again ready to continue about their little talk if Midori wanted to.

"Can... we not talk about all the ghosts in my past.. please?"

She found the topic a sensitive one and it wasn't something she wanted to describe in full to her, Erika hoped maybe just knowledge of the problem would be enough but waited silently for another question or conversation to arise, looking for her own questions to ask Midori that might take the heat off her and drive the conversation elsewhere.

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The Gotei 13 Advocate
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Forging a Finer Blade [Private | Serenity] - Page 3 Empty Re: Forging a Finer Blade [Private | Serenity]

Wed Dec 27, 2017 4:10 pm
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Midori Hayashi

Captain of the Second Division

Midori didn't expect Erika to sit back down and was rather impressed she did. It was strange. This girl was so lost in so many ways. Midori could only see a young child needing guidance, but Midori never thought herself a good guide. She was more the "big sister" type than anything else. She was the one that told you how it was whether you liked it or not, rolled her eyes when you fucked up, and called you out on your bullshit. She wasn't the one to hug and say it was okay. And she definitely wasn't the one to baby anyone.

"What else is there to talk about?" Midori sat back down at the table, her arm propping her head up by the chin, "You don't like talking about your past, the present has been talked about enough, romance had you freaking out, so... future? What exactly are you going to do now that Tsubine is back? Are you two going to return to the force?" Midori was speaking of the Gotei in this matter. There had been quite a few changes in the Gotei recently. Going from the Gotei 13 to the Gotei United was not a change that Midori was fond of, so she had a disapproving tone when she asked Erika about it.

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Forging a Finer Blade [Private | Serenity] - Page 3 Empty Re: Forging a Finer Blade [Private | Serenity]

Wed Dec 27, 2017 4:32 pm



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She watched the older woman sit down, pleased that Midori still was happy to be in her presence as she looked a little thoughtful towards the garden whilst trying to come up with a topic of conversation. The future being brought up was a little hard to explain, honestly Erika couldn't answer that very well she could tell that Midori shared her thoughts on the Gotei changing, Erika found it rather confronting to come back to. She did want to stay with Tsubine but... she bit her lip for a moment as she wondered if she should talk about it with Midori. There would likely be no promises again but Midori did just have that way of making Erika want to open up to her.

"I wanna stay with Tsubine... if she stays with this place then I'll stay, if she wanders then I'll wander. At least, that's what I want to do. I don't know Midori. Ever since Tsubine came back, she feels different and less like the woman that I knew or I thought I knew beforehand. I don't hate her and I forgave her when she came back because I wanted her back more than anything but she seems different. Is that just me being stupid?"

She looked up at Midori questioningly, waiting to see if it was truly just her own opinion or Midori felt the same way. She knew it was possible for the words to get back to Tsubine but she didn't care so much with this part. It wasn't something she thought they should keep buried forever.

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The Gotei 13 Advocate
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Forging a Finer Blade [Private | Serenity] - Page 3 Empty Re: Forging a Finer Blade [Private | Serenity]

Wed Dec 27, 2017 4:51 pm
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Midori Hayashi

Captain of the Second Division

"Erika." Midori spoke sternly, intending to make this young girl understand something, "Tsubine is different. The woman you knew before had never fallen in love. The woman we have now has. The woman before, hadn't experienced the loss of love. She has now fallen in love and had that important part of her completely ripped away. What she had gone through is something that neither you or I can relate to. What she feels is not going to go away easily. In fact, it is possible that the kind of loss that Tsubine has experienced will never go away. She will probably have that forever be a dark space in her heart. The only thing that you and I can do is make sure that we bring the light back to it, making that dark space smaller and smaller. And the only way we can do that is by being supportive, staying by her side, and making sure she continues to smile. Making sure to do those things is the only way the Tsubine you're used to might come back. Even with that effort, there is no guarantee. No matter what, however, she's still Tsubine. Understood?"

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Forging a Finer Blade [Private | Serenity] - Page 3 Empty Re: Forging a Finer Blade [Private | Serenity]

Wed Dec 27, 2017 5:05 pm



Forging a Finer Blade [Private | Serenity] - Page 3 6EdIfMt

Erika listened to Midori explain, there was... a lot of information for her to try to absorb, understand and take in. Erika had forgiven Tsubine but not the man that she loved. She still hated him, not for making Tsubine happy like the way he did - she actually was pleased that someone could make her mother happy in a romantic sense as little as she understood about it. No she hated him for the fact that he made her choose, he asked her knowing full well about Erika and all the people in Tsubine's life. That is what she hated about him, Midori would probably see a glimpse of it on her face but given the lack of context it was unlikely she'd figure out exactly the cause of it.

"Midori... can you explain Tsubine's story to me? She briefly told me when I found her but I didn't listen and can't remember all of it and... I want to know."

She looked up shyly, obviously Erika had heard or knew it from their previous encounter but she was a crying and emotional mess during it. All she really remembered was "you didn't belong there", fell in love with what's his name, he asked me to run away. She wanted to know the full story and not just the brief one even though doing so would likely open up a few old but fairly new wounds for her. She got up and moved to sit next to Midori and wait.

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Forging a Finer Blade [Private | Serenity] - Page 3 Empty Re: Forging a Finer Blade [Private | Serenity]

Wed Dec 27, 2017 5:34 pm
Forging a Finer Blade [Private | Serenity] - Page 3 6EdIfMt

Midori Hayashi

Captain of the Second Division

Trying to explain Tsubine's story was a hard one. In reality, Midori only knew the small bit that Tsubine had told her. It was just a brief explanation of the events that occurred and not much else. Midori hadn't pushed since then because she didn't want to bring up those memories for Tsubine just yet. It was hard to lose someone, so reminding them of such a horror was not good for anyone. Midori felt that Tsubine really just needed some time to be home.

Taking a deep breath, Midori just shook her head. "Hun... I honestly don't know." Midori said, a slightly confused look in her eyes, "I haven't really pressed, but... Tsubine fell in love, left with the man she chose, and then one day things went very, very bad. A beast he thought he could handle took him down, killed him, and Tsubine wasn't able to help him." Midori explained to the best of her knowledge. It was obvious by the look in her eyes that she was upset for Tsubine. She couldn't imagine how Tsubine must feel after that.

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Forging a Finer Blade [Private | Serenity] - Page 3 Empty Re: Forging a Finer Blade [Private | Serenity]

Thu Dec 28, 2017 5:30 am



Forging a Finer Blade [Private | Serenity] - Page 3 6EdIfMt

Her eyes gazed over the other woman as she tried to explain, it was simple and short but Midori's obvious pain at retelling her friend's story made Erika not want to press for details. There was a little bit of confusion for her though, how could Tsubine not have been able to help him? Her mother was fast, like super fast as in, could probably cross a few kilometres in a matter of seconds with shunpo alone. She thought on it a little more but couldn't figure it out.


She stretched and trailed off, looking back at Midori before leaning over and hug her to comfort her. the woman had such high empathy and sympathy for her mother, she felt like a bitch that she couldn't feel the same that Midori did as she laid against the taller woman's shoulder.

"I'm sorry I asked that, it was wrong for me. I should be asking Tsubine not you."

For a moment she hugged the woman a little more before pulling away and looking up at her. She stood up and dusted herself off while looking around, she had lost track of time. She wondered how long they had been talking and she politely bowed.

"Thank you Midori. I'm sorry I bothered you but it was a good talk, I should stop keeping you from your work. I don't want to get you in trouble. Until I see you again I suppose."

Once she said her farewell Erika would turn and head back to her room, she was a little worried about if Midori would tell Tsubine the secret she spilled but either way, she couldn't be mad at Midori for actually giving genuine care towards it so one way or another she'd go to her room and try to relax while thinking of what she might say to her mother if the topic came up.

Coding Altered From: [THEFROST]'s
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