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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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A Home Away From Home(?) Empty A Home Away From Home(?)

Sun Dec 22, 2019 4:38 pm

ポ ス ト を 開 始

Squad seven? Why is she here again? “...” Oh yeah. Arkin had invited her to join his division. Something about her fire being good for the place. Though, she doesn’t really understand how her fire would be good for any division besides the combat division. She must admit, the fact that this is the division that deals the most with Earth is rather appealing due to the fact that she spends a lot of time going back and forth for her own personal reasons. Still, could she commit to this kind of responsibility?

Bleh. Troublesome thoughts are troublesome. Where is she even going anyway? Looking around, she notes… What are those? Tents? Wait. Is she in the right place? This is where she was directed when she asked where she could find the 7th Division. All she can note is Shinigami walking around, in and out of tents, and to an area where it appears some are training. Strange… She didn’t expect this. Though, the training going on intrigues her. She’ll ask a bit more about this area in a bit, but she feels a compelling pull to watch the spars going on. If this is actually where Squad 7 is set up at, she’d like to at least get a feel for the place, and her being so combat minded, of course wants to see if she thinks these guys have any prowess. Arkin is a part of this place, right? That must mean something in terms of skill around here. His skill kind of only seems to extend to punching things hard however. A bit of observation never hurt anyone anyhow, so she’s soon watching the training going on making judgements on if this is a place she could call home.



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A Home Away From Home(?) Empty Re: A Home Away From Home(?)

Tue Dec 24, 2019 2:31 am



There was a very small smile on the 7th Division Captain's face as she watched the training exercises before her. She wouldn't want to step in on this herself, given the gulf in strength between her and the newest recruits. That'd just be stupid, trying to show new people how strong you are. You're the Captain, after all. They already know.

"Alright, good work everyone! Now go take a break, get lunch or somethin'! I'm gonna hand out patrol schedules in an hour, so I expect everyone to be here by then! If you're not here, I'm puttin' ya on the arctic patrol list!"

With a girlish laugh, Murasaki stood from her seiza with surprising ease, leaning down to grab her tea set so that it didn't just sit out in the open. She poured it out, wrapped it up carefully, and went to leave, only to spot a redhead she was pretty sure she hadn't seen before.

"Oh! You must be Elyss, right? Arkin told me all about you, it's nice to meet you finally! C'mon, I've gotta clean these out and get a little paperwork done, but we can talk in my tent."

Taking Elyss' hand in hers without asking, she then began to lead the way over to the largest tent, placed at one end of the clearing in what was rather obviously a central position. She was hoping that Arkin and Alastor would be around, considering they were always pretty reliable about onboarding...

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A Home Away From Home(?) Empty Re: A Home Away From Home(?)

Tue Dec 24, 2019 2:39 am
"Ugh. So much pain..."

His back and torso felt so sore with all the lifting today and training. He had been busy handling some hollow incident and then got roped into helping other squad members and then training. He wished he took it more easy and cut corners but that wasn't his style.

Neither was this asian stuff he was wearing, he wasn't really from the eastern culture sphere and all these traditional eastern clothing was throwing him off a bit. It was loose at least but he tended to stick to his standard shihakusho. It was just easier to wear than anything else, looked pretty cool too compared to other gowns and clothes.

Chicks dug guys in uniform or something like that.

"Hey Captain and uh... Don't recognise you sorry. I'm Alastor, substitute shinigami."

He said it with a pretty chilled out grin, sure people tended to make him a work horse because he was a substitute but he still thought it made him stand out a bit so it was pretty damn cool right?

"Whatcha all doin' anyway?"

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A Home Away From Home(?) Empty Re: A Home Away From Home(?)

Fri Dec 27, 2019 12:35 pm

ポ ス ト を 開 始

At some point of watching everything going on, Elyss’ mind had dozed off. It wasn’t as if she had fallen asleep, but her eyes are clearly vacant and ignorant of the world as she receded into her thoughts accompanied by her Zanpakuto in mild conversation. Their talk was a bit strange and sporadic in direction, but it was a way to pass the time which Elyss didn’t even wish for in the first place. She was to simply watch the training sessions for a bit before heading off to find the captain of the division. Luckily, her folly didn’t come with any consequences, for her time with her Zanpakuto was cut short by the appearance of a woman that stirred her from her meditation.

Onyx eyes blink open groggily as if she had been asleep the whole time Her name? Arkin? Things moved a tad too quickly for her, still faraway, mind to comprehend at first. Though, without even a response from her, she’s snatched like a child waiting for their parents. She just blinks a bit more until finally registering the white haori around this green haired female. Realization struck her. The captain of the seventh division! Wait! Elyss is already known by this woman? Oh damn. She’s tall! As tall as Ulv it seems. Still too confused by the sudden situation, Elyss simply follows behind quietly as another’s voice picks up around the captain and her.

Huh? Another person? His hair is red much like hers, but it seems more apple than scarlet. Elyss still doesn’t have much of a response to anything occurring to her against her will, but she does notice the large tent. She’s smart enough to know that that is where they are most likely heading, but it’s at that realization that she’s being pulled into things just a tad too fast for her liking that finally gets her out of her stupor.

“Whoa! Hey! Wait…” She cries out as her feet press against the ground firmly to get her capturer to stop. “Hey. What the… Let’s take things a bit slower please.” Not to disturb the captain’s urgency and need to clean her set and such, but Elyss isn’t one for getting bullied around like this. However, calling this enthusiasm a form of bullying is too harsh. Still, cut the short redhead some slack! Some better understanding of this situation is needed.



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A Home Away From Home(?) Empty Re: A Home Away From Home(?)

Mon Dec 30, 2019 12:48 am



"Oh, perfect! Alastor, this is Elyss, that girl Arkin told us about!"

Murasaki was still all smiles, even as Elyss made a noble attempt to get her to stop. Still, just for the sake of being nice, she did actually stop as requested, tilting her head slightly to one side with a quizzical expression on her face.

"How much slower do you mean? Arkin told me you'd be coming here to join, so I figured if you were here, you were looking to join. Ya like tea? I always make tea for new members."

There was actually a method to Murasaki's hyperactivity, seeing as she wasn't normally this energetic (as anyone who had been in the division for a while would know). It wasn't exactly a test, per se, but she was genuinely curious how Elyss would react. 7th Division was, after all, a pretty high-stress division. It demanded a lot out of you to be on constant patrol down on Earth, and you were pretty much on call 24/7 in case of an emergency. Murasaki wasn't really what you'd call a harsh Captain, but she knew what mattered, and she didn't want to see people getting hurt because they weren't ready for this sort of job.

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Mon Dec 30, 2019 2:04 am
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"Eh? Somethin' wrong?"

His question was of course directed at his fellow ginger. When Murasaki brought up that he should know of her from Arkin he scratched his head before shaking it.

"Sorry Capt'n, I don't recall that conversation at all"

He probably was told about this but it got lost in the abyss that was his brain while trying to juggle all his duties. It was a small division after all, he didn't have time to keep all these tiny tidbits in his head.

"Anyway yeah she makes pretty good tea. You should try some."

Nodding in approval at all the occasional teas he had consumed from her offer.

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A Home Away From Home(?) Empty Re: A Home Away From Home(?)

Tue Dec 31, 2019 9:20 am

ポ ス ト を 開 始

Arkin has a big mouth and said too much for his own good, or for Elyss’ own good in this situation. The redhead didn’t plan on joining the squad on this day particularly. This day was meant to simply check out this division. Though, in all honesty, joining probably would have occurred today as well if she found the place to her liking. However, being dragged into something she wasn’t entirely sure about left a bad taste in her mouth. She did try to hide her growing attitude by biting her inner jaw lightly. After a moment while the other man spoke, Elyss put together a better response in her head than annoyed grumbling and sighed lightly.

“Joining wasn’t exactly my exact reason for coming here, but it’s a thought process. I might. I might not. I’m just kind of… looking around, but I guess the fact I was expected is… nice.”

Nice? Yeah. Annoying and neat at the same time. Her day took an unexpected turn, but this turn is still heading in the same direction. Well, hopefully she’ll end up where she originally thought she would. Either way, it’d be foolish to turn down an invitation like this. It seems so many enjoy tea. Elyss doesn’t quite get it, but she hasn’t had any bad tasting tea yet, so she has no real complaints on the matter.

“But, yeah. I’m alright with this I suppose. I was heading here anyway. Just didn’t expect to get dragged like this is all.”



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A Home Away From Home(?) Empty Re: A Home Away From Home(?)

Wed Jan 01, 2020 2:00 am



"Hmmm. 'Alright with this,' huh?"

Murasaki finally stopped, and released Elyss' hand. Of course, that didn't mean she had lost interest, rather the opposite in fact. She walked around the much shorter girl slowly, her eyes obviously quite focused now. She wasn't menacing, per se, since Murasaki didn't really have "menacing" in her common list of expressions, but she was definitely serious.

"Look, I don't wanna tell ya just to go away, because I always like to have new people come aboard. But this is a hard division to be in. I don't want ya to just join on a whim."

The captain nodded sagely at that, a decently mature statement having been made, even if it had still been in a girlish manner.

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A Home Away From Home(?) Empty Re: A Home Away From Home(?)

Wed Jan 01, 2020 9:31 am

ポ ス ト を 開 始

Great. She’s being looked at like a painting on display. Why is this so nerve wracking? The captain's words hardly scared her however. Hard? Elyss has already been in enough hard situations already. What’s a couple more? However, the way it was put sort of irked Elyss a bit. Tell her to go away? Elyss’ initial plan wasn’t to jump into this without any idea of what’s in store for her, but she doubts she doesn’t have the guts to deal with whatever is thrown her way. She knows she can power through whatever is thrown at her, and maybe that fact is proof that she may not be the best in a team setting. Would she rush into danger and subsequently harm others who depends on her or vice versa? On the other hand, when hasn’t Elyss acted on a whim? Isn’t that the source of her issues? Her sporadicness? When was the last time she didn’t jump headfirst into something new without any hesitation or thought for the future?

“I appreciate the concern, but after the many experiences in my short afterlife, something like this feels rather tame. The fact I wished to learn more about your division, Captain, instead of just joining on a whim feels like proof enough to me that I’ve grown into someone capable of handling whatever is thrown her way. I think Arkin and a few others would agree that I’m a persistent hard worker. My sensei would probably think me having something like this as beneficial than anything potentially harmful.”

Great. She sort of convinced herself that she’s joining this division. Maybe it’s the fact that she was told she may not be able to handle it. Such a statement has surely poked at her self esteem, and now, she simply wants to show that she has the ability to actually add on to this division and not be a hindrance. Still, it is up to the green haired Captain. Elyss just knows that being turned away would simply cause her to work harder to be accepted into these ranks.



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A Home Away From Home(?) Empty Re: A Home Away From Home(?)

Wed Jan 01, 2020 2:01 pm



Hmmm. Murasaki thought about that answer for a moment or two, then nodded sagely once more, as if she were an old man saying "aa, sou desu." She liked that answer, and her smile returned to its cheerful state as she once more began to head toward her tent.

"Fair enough. Well, c'mon then, there's lots to talk about if you wanna know about the 7th. We go on patrol all the time down on Earth, so if ya don't know the lay of the land down there, you definitely will before long. 'Course, that does mean you'll be on your own a lot too, so there's a lotta personal responsibility!"

She wasn't yelling, more just emphasizing what she considered a really important part of the job. As the girlish captain opened the door to her yurt, she naturally made sure to slip off her boots before she moved over to the small sink to one side. She set her teaset into the water, letting it soak of course, before heading over to her desk.

"Okay! So, what else ya wanna know?"

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