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Request a Name

Ame no ko
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Wed Jan 15, 2020 8:59 pm
Request a Name - Page 2 Banner-ichibe

The Monk's Chosen Name

Names for Iori.

» Name in Kanji: 聿画文

» Pronunciation: Ichiemon

» Meaning: Alright, so, roughly speaking this would translate to "the brushstrokes of literature." However, where I think the name shines is in the usage of the kanji 聿 for "brush," specifically. This kanji in particular, while generally used in reference to a brush, can also be used to refer to oneself, which in my opinion makes it far more relevant both as a zanpakuto in general, and to Hime as a character. Additionally, each of the three techniques of this Shikai carry a specific marker related to the concept of 序破急, or jo-ha-kyū, which is a concept applied to art, particularly theater, which describes ideal pacing.

» Name in Kanji: 聿画文序 憂き世絵

» Pronunciation: Ichiemon-Jo: Ukiyo-e

» Meaning: "Ichiemon Beginning/First Act: Pictures of this World of Sorrow," if attempting to convey the intended meaning. The kanji is not the typical spelling used for ukiyo-e art, as that would use the kanji 浮世, "floating world," which refers to red light districts or other such pleasure areas. The "ukiyo" used here, 憂き世, is a Buddhist term referring to the world as a place of suffering and sadness.

» Name in Kanji: 聿画文破 工芦子

» Pronunciation: Ichiemon-Ha: Kuroko

» Meaning: "Ichiemon Break/Second Act: Children Crafted from Reeds." Given the nature of this ability, it seemed very fitting to addend this particular meaning to them. However, the word "kuroko" is a homophone for the phrase 黒子, which is the term used for stagehands in kabuki and noh theater.

» Name in Kanji: 聿画文急 奠記

» Pronunciation: Ichiemon-Kyū: Denki

» Meaning: "Ichiemon Rapid/Third Act: Account of My Choice." Yet another pun which is a play on a term from Japanese arts. In this case, the usual kanji would be 伝記, referring to a biography. In this case, however, the kanji which refers to one's legend or life has been replaced with the kanji 奠, which refers to a decision. I felt this was fitting for Hime, given her attachment to her choices in life.

All the black in this world... is mine
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Wed Jan 15, 2020 9:03 pm

  • Character Name: None
  • Language: jap
  • Translation Request: Related to misfortune
  • Character Description: I kinda want to go with something akin to an angry person with an unfortunate past, having no luck with love because of unfortunate events. Mainly dealing with a random encounter with a black butterfly and some mirrors. Her family is pretty religious
  • Ability Description: N/A
  • Application Link:Still in the concept phase

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Ame no ko
Ame no ko
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Thu Jan 16, 2020 1:00 am
Did you forget about me?
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Thu Jan 16, 2020 12:01 pm
God of Love
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Sun Jan 19, 2020 3:38 pm
Request a Name - Page 2 Banner-ichibe

The Monk's Chosen Name

Names for Ame no Ko.

» Name in Kanji: 落刀

» Pronunciation: Ochitou

» Meaning: Taken literally, it would translate as "falling blade." The kanji used for "blade" here is one that more nebulously refers to the actual sharp part of a weapon, rather than necessarily a sword in itself, which I think evokes more interesting imagery. Additionally, the kanji used with regard to "falling" is specifically the kanji that is used when referring to falling leaves, i.e. when the trees change in autumn.

» Name in Kanji: 幹擁

» Pronunciation: Kanbou

» Meaning: Literally speaking, "tree trunk embrace." More broadly, however, the kanji used here for "tree trunk" is what is generally used to refer not only to the main part of something, but also to refer to a natural talent. Given this as a release ability, I think that would follow suit. The kanji used for "embrace" here is a rather intimate one, which can be translated not only as an embrace or a hug, but to hold onto something within one's heart.

» Name in Kanji: 花粉嵐

» Pronunciation: Kanfunran

» Meaning: The best way to describe this translation would simply be "pollen storm." However, the ordering of the kanji relates it to the term for a sandstorm, rather than a typical thunderstorm or the like, which would in turn naturally evoke the imagery of a great amount of dust.

All the black in this world... is mine
Ame no ko
Ame no ko
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Thu Jan 23, 2020 5:29 am
Thank you. I like those names and the meanings. Really cool
Lord of the Understream
Lord of the Understream
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Fri Jan 24, 2020 1:45 am
Liana Kido Repertoire [Inc]

Character Name: Liana Unohana
Language: Nipponese
Translation Request: None
Character Description: Kido Corps Captain, thematic is judgement, empathy, and balance
Ability Description: Here we fucking go, rawk.
  • Kido 2: changes the shape of a surface, can be used to grow spikes from the ground or form a hole in the wall, or even transform it to creates cuffs and trap someone pinned to a wall or something
  • Kido 9: The user conjures innumerable swords around them through energy, rotating around their position or target enough to blur into looking like just a solid wall. Walking through naturally invites being cut up.
  • Kido 10: similar concept as Kido 9, but offensive. The swords gather together and fly towards the target at speeds equal to a shunpo, sometimes rotating, retracting, or changing the angle of their blade like the mouth of a leatherback turtle readying to eat its prey.
  • Kido 14: user conjures a sort of shikigami, typically in the shape of a small rodent. The rodent is like an extension of the user's senses, including spiritual senses, and any information the shikigami gathers can be relayed back to the user
  • Kido 15: the user conjures a much larger shikigami as a defensive tool. It's akin to a golem, being able to go up to 10 metres in height. Different specific shikigami summoned can offer different skillsets, sometimes even more offensive abilities, or elemental properties. The user can maintain up to 5 shikigami simultaneously at Elite, 8 at Master, 12 at Grand Master. They can sustain the max amount of shikigami up to 4 posts at Elite, 7 posts at Master, and 10 posts at Grand Master. All the shikigami can be immediately put out of service if their horns are broken.
  • 15 A Series: blue shikigami with humanoid appearances. This series has more unique thematic based around copying something from their user or target. [Left to Right]

  • A-1: Shikigami can cast any kido the user can at a kido proficiency level one step below. it functions as a separate entity with independent mobility, just adding an extra body for kido casting.
  • A-2: A vanguard shikigami with an unorthodox sword shape (long handle). and their movements are adapted to whatever they're fighting. The types of physical moves they perform, even physical techniques like shunpo or possessive movement, if that kind of movement can be replicated by using energy, the shikigami can use it. the shikigami does not remember any techniques past the battle. This shikigami is extremely mobile.
  • A-3: one of the most obscure shikigami, A-3 copies the colours of the kido the user is using. A-3 matches the colour of the kido to the colour of another object within their range, and either has the kido sent out becoming homing if the targeted colour is another person or their clothing/body/item intrinsically attached to them, or they can transport the effect of the kido to be sent out from the targeted object itself with the corresponding colour.
  • A-4: The towering shikigami, as its appearance might suggest, is exceptionally focused on defense. Both its durability and strength are one tier below the user's kido skill, capping at elite. The shikigami can copy the user's damage taken and halve the user's damage taken. For example, of the user ends up being stabbed in the side, half the depth or size of the stab wound will be transferred to the shikigami in the same areainstead, but given the shikigami's size, it can endure a considerable amount of abuse.
  • A-5: the most dangerous but difficult to use shikigami of the A series. It has very little mobility (untrained), and its effects have a radial range. Within that range, sources that inflict damage on the user will have the damage replicated on them. Outside of that range, no damage is copied and reflected.

  • Kido 1: spell thins the atmosphere of energy and air, reducing buoyancy, inhibiting sound, air resistance, and ability to breath
  • Kido 3: temporarily removes the effects of gravity or shifts the direction of gravity. doesn't do much against beings that can flight, but even against them it can provide a sort of pressure

  • Kido 13: User conjures an ice construct to surround an area. This kido is best used in high humidity, as the cold propagates to turn the water in the atmosphere into actual liquid, and promptly freeze that water. The ice construct thereon expands on its own, though the user can control the direction in which the ice expands. If the construct is broken, unless its melted down entirely, the humidity of the environment is severely lowered, or the overall temperature of the environment is raised substantially, the construct will continue growing.

  • Kido 11: more of a trap than just a seal. THe kido doesn't target the victim's body so much as their energy. The kido is first laid out within an area, locking down the spiritual energy within that area. Nothing influences or changes the energy in the area, just puts it in stillness. If someone walks into that area, or sends their energy into it, the spell freezes their energy as well. If the being is largely made of energy or their mobility is a result of tehir energy, then naturally they are frozen as well. Otherwise, it just inhibits the use of their energy externally. They can still use their energy internally.
  • Kido 12: similar to Kido 11, this actually targets internal energy and inhibits any effects of abilities based on energy afflicting the user's own body, or any internal processes. For example, if an arrancar within the area uses a bala, it's successfully sent out. But the effects of their hierro or regeneration are impeded within the zone of the kido. Kido 12's area of influence cannot overlap with Kido 11's.

  • Kido 4: Coats the arms in an orange veil of fire. The fire isn't hot or doesn't burn, but it leaves behind a trace of the fire that can always be sensed and seen, even in complete darkness, by the user. Anything the fire touches, it sticks to it.
  • Kido 5: Strikes, even small finger strikes, release shockwaves. Smaller strikes produce smaller shockwaves. A finger strike could probably produce shockwaves that ruptures the organs of an ordinary human or medium sized animal (antelope). Powerful full fist punches could produce shockwaves that collapse buildings or lethally rupture massive animals (like a sperm whale or giant squid)
  • Kido 6: Coats the body in an orange veil of fire. It looks a lot like Kido 4, except full body, and this enhancement increases the user's resistance to heat. At full power, the user could walk through lava for up to 3 posts before the veil vanishes, and when the veil vanishes, the protection immediately vanishes
  • Kido 7: coats the body in a blue veil of fire. It looks identical to Kido 6. This enhancement protects the user from extreme cold, enabling them to be in environments of very cold even -100 Celcius. Like Kido 6, after 2 posts elapses, the veil fades and the protection immediately vanishes. The suer will immediately be impacted by the harsh cold of the environment.
  • Kido 8: enhances blood flow in the target's body, using their user's own energy as the fuel to accelrate the blood flow and produce the necessary components that run the body, essentially artificially accelerating all the processes that occur through blood flow. quicker healing, higher awareness and mental clarity, in general similar to just having a large boost of adrenaline, except healthy and sustainable. The enhancement can go for as long as the user is in contact with the target, and after losing contact with them, it can go on for up to three posts.

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Fri Feb 07, 2020 7:54 pm
Ame no ko
Ame no ko
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Sat Feb 15, 2020 9:24 am

  • Character Name: Hanako Yamada
  • Language: Japanese
  • Translation Request:
    In my last request you came up with the following for an ability:

    » Name in Kanji: 花粉嵐

    » Pronunciation: Kanfunran

    » Meaning: The best way to describe this translation would simply be "pollen storm." However, the ordering of the kanji relates it to the term for a sandstorm, rather than a typical thunderstorm or the like, which would in turn naturally evoke the imagery of a great amount of dust.

    Could you take this name and translate a version that refers to a smaller amount of dust? Lika Kanfunran is the Bankai-ability, a pollen storm. And the same for a shikai, only smaller. Like a pollen wind.

    Also an ability I have forgotten last time:

    Brilliant Finale: Display of Rebirth - Lotus Burial

    In short: this is the final ability of a bankai. Everyone affected and killed by it gets kind of swallowed by a big lotus flower on a huge tree and then will be reborn as seeds that grow from the tree, but the reborn are completely "blank" souls that have lost all memories and abilities they once posessed.

    Thank you.

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Wed Mar 11, 2020 12:37 pm

Last edited by Henrex on Wed Dec 28, 2022 12:17 pm; edited 2 times in total
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