Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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The Essentials of Combat. [Elyss/Magnolia/Open] - Page 2 Left_bar_bleue59000/99999The Essentials of Combat. [Elyss/Magnolia/Open] - Page 2 Empty_bar_bleue  (59000/99999)

The Essentials of Combat. [Elyss/Magnolia/Open] - Page 2 Empty Re: The Essentials of Combat. [Elyss/Magnolia/Open]

Thu Jan 23, 2020 9:32 pm

Magnolia Everfrost

Song: UNKNOWN - Artist: UNKNOWN - Words: 310

”I have to hand it to this one, she isn’t a quitter.”

Raijin’s tenor rumble echoed within Magnolia’s mindscape as she launched forward once more, her toes leaving gouges in the tile as she traversed the sparse distance between them in a few breadths. This time however, she led with her open palm, a thrust attack going towards Elyss’s face in an attempt to knock her backwards once more.

Unlike the other attacks however, this one had been slowed down considerably, to the point that elyss would be capable of discerning to way that magnolia’s body moved, the way that the attack didn’t originate from her arm, but was a continuation of momentum that started from the moment she moved forward, to the very last second of impact.

This thrust would fade into a grab if elyss wasn’t careful. A movement magnolia did on purpose, to hopefully help elyss learn about grappling style attacks, and their utilitarian uses in combat. After that deliberate movement, depending on how elyss had handled them one of three things would have happened.

The first thing that might have happened would be if elyss managed to avoid the palm thrust by merely dodging it, there would be a high likelihood if she had moved inward to try to score a quick hit that magnolia would have grabbed her, pulling her inward to take a body blow to the solar plexus from Magnolia’s knee.

The second thing that might of happened would occur if elyss managed to deflect the palm thrust and avoid the grab. In this case, magnolia would have done a quick fade-step, essentially launching backwards off her toes to gain distance between them, in this case a large grin would adorn her face due to the progress elyss would have shown at that point.

The Third and final thing that might happen would be if elyss managed to utilize the forward momentum of Magnolia’s force against her, in which case the shinigami would have once more disengaged away from her.

Any of these of course would be dictated Elyss’s capacity to react, and anticipate magnolia’s own movements. After which Magnolia would have said in a light, instructing tone.

”You body also must flow when you attack. For example, when you punch, don’t start the punch from your arm, start it from your heel, and use the muscles in your leg and torso to increase the force of that punch until you impact your opponent. This way you will have much more force, and more control of that force.”


The Essentials of Combat. [Elyss/Magnolia/Open] - Page 2 LzZCuy7
The Essentials of Combat. [Elyss/Magnolia/Open] - Page 2 BtXe12b
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The Essentials of Combat. [Elyss/Magnolia/Open] - Page 2 Empty Re: The Essentials of Combat. [Elyss/Magnolia/Open]

Thu Jan 23, 2020 10:10 pm

ポ ス ト を 開 始

Here she comes. Read her movements. Look at her whole body. You understand this Elyss. You’ve seen it before. Her mind recalls the moment when Alex attacked her that one time. His whole body had tensed. The muscles in his leg had carried such power to his arm that came out of his fist in a punch that literally sent her flying. Elyss can see this, the energy traveling up Magnolia’s body as she opened her palm to strike at Elyss. That’s it. That’s the commitment, but there has to be more. Since the start of the match, Magnolia has continuously caught her off guard with her legwork. Not this time.

Elyss does exactly what Magnolia was expecting as she stepped in with her left towards the incoming palm, but then, her right slides forward carrying her body mass to the right allowing her head to slide right past the incoming palm. Watch. The next thing Elyss knows, she’s grabbed, but that’s no problem. She expected something like this, and as Magnolia rose her knee, Elyss’ body shifted again as she tightened her body and shimmied her stomach to the side of the kick absorbing it into her right side with a grunt that is soon followed by her arms attempting to lock around the knee inside her gut.

If successful, Elyss throws away all regard for herself and jerks the top of her head upwards aiming to launch her head right into Magnolia’s jaw as she lifted up with all her might to pick Magnolia off of the ground after disorienting her with the headbutt moving forward using Magnolia’s own pulling action against the blonde to try and fall forward while sliding the leg trapped in her arms through her side hoping to drop Magnolia onto her back in a sort of grappling takedown. However, as they would rise and fall, it becomes obvious that Elyss is purposely pulling back with her strength to not slam Magnolia to hard into the ground, not actually wanting to injure her opponent. And, even then, as they hit the ground, Elyss does not attempt to instantly move into another technique opting to mount Magnolia if not interrupted by raising her upper half up and looks down with a strange smirk. Ow. Her head…

“Was that good?”



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The Essentials of Combat. [Elyss/Magnolia/Open] - Page 2 Left_bar_bleue59000/99999The Essentials of Combat. [Elyss/Magnolia/Open] - Page 2 Empty_bar_bleue  (59000/99999)

The Essentials of Combat. [Elyss/Magnolia/Open] - Page 2 Empty Re: The Essentials of Combat. [Elyss/Magnolia/Open]

Thu Jan 23, 2020 10:32 pm

Magnolia Everfrost

Song: UNKNOWN - Artist: UNKNOWN - Words: 310

”And a quick learner!!” Raijin’s deep voice was seeping satirical whimsy as Magnolia could hear him clapping in some corner of her mindscape. Currently however, she had more pressing matters to attend to after she felt her center of gravity shifting, and especially once she felt elyss’s head smash into her nose, she was in all honesty, a tiny bit irritated. The salty sensation of blood running from her nose to congeal upon her full lips was one that Magnolia hadn’t tasted in awhile, and it brought an almost savage smile to her lips.

A boisterous laugh escaped her mouth as Elyss brought her down in an attempt to smash her into the tile, Magnolia’s free leg would have hooked around her waist, cinching her legs together to cause her to trip. Meanwhile Magnolia’s other arm would wrap around elyss’s neck in a headlock, pulling her down into Magnolia’s chest as she would have tightened her arms enough to begin cutting off the flow of blood to her head.

” Hey, hardhead, wanna tap out yet?”

Magnolia said, her wolfish grin widened even further as she flexed her arm muscles lightly in a teasing manner, to goad elyss to struggling further, after all, she wanted elyss to struggle, learn and try to figure out how to free herself from this predicament.

On a side note, their current position seemed… promiscuous at best, and they had gathered a small crowd of shino academy students that were watching them.


The Essentials of Combat. [Elyss/Magnolia/Open] - Page 2 LzZCuy7
The Essentials of Combat. [Elyss/Magnolia/Open] - Page 2 BtXe12b
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The Essentials of Combat. [Elyss/Magnolia/Open] - Page 2 Empty Re: The Essentials of Combat. [Elyss/Magnolia/Open]

Thu Jan 23, 2020 10:53 pm

ポ ス ト を 開 始

This is going to cause her head to ache later. Actually, this is going to cause her whole upper half to ache later. Elyss felt the leg wrap around her as they fell. In all honesty, she did not expect for her attempt at reigning the situation in to work as well as it did. She caught Magnolia off guard for just a moment with moves that the blonde probably didn’t expect the redhead to make, but it proved useless in the grand scheme of things when one considers the massive gap in skill and power level between the two. That laugh is going to haunt her for a bit, no doubt about that, but right now, she should worry more about her sudden inability to breath.

Bwah. She left her body exposed with her actions allowing for even a novice to take advantage of the opportunity. Oh god. It feels as if her head might pop any second now while trapped in Magnolia’s bearlike embrace. Elyss’ mind flared demanding she make attempts to escape from this dangerous hold. Strangely, despite her position, her face was pressed into Magnolia’s chest making her feel even more awkward and flustered. Oh… These are rather… feminine when compared to the manly grip that is slowly killing her! Ignoring her growing blush which is also being exemplified by her inability to get any oxygen or blood to her brain, she attempts drastically to escape by pushing her hands against the ground to rise, but Magnolia is making it hard to use her upper half with the way her legs are locked around her back.

‘Ugh! There’s no escape!’

Though, she can feel that presence of Tenmarin in her mind goading her to do what she knows she should do in a situation like this. Elyss has never actually tried using this ability in an actual fighting situation, but she’s quickly running out of time and needs that extra bit of strength. Despite the hold, she closes her eyes and stops struggling so hard as she focuses her thoughts on her dying mind asking for Tenmarin to do what it must to unhinge her it and allow her body to respond to her with higher proficiency. It doesn’t happen immediately, but maybe Magnolia will feel Elyss’ muscles flex strangely as veins running down her arms, legs, and head bulge. Soon, Elyss begins to rise slowly, but surely with renewed strength, yet, she only rises a short amount before letting her body fall to the ground once more with Magnolia as a buffer. The redhead has little idea how to escape, so her best bet is to simply try to brute force the blonde off by hoping to cause enough discomforting pain to make Magnolia release her hold.

Sealed Power Phase 1: 10% boost to strength and speed



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The Essentials of Combat. [Elyss/Magnolia/Open] - Page 2 Left_bar_bleue59000/99999The Essentials of Combat. [Elyss/Magnolia/Open] - Page 2 Empty_bar_bleue  (59000/99999)

The Essentials of Combat. [Elyss/Magnolia/Open] - Page 2 Empty Re: The Essentials of Combat. [Elyss/Magnolia/Open]

Thu Jan 23, 2020 11:09 pm

Magnolia Everfrost

Song: UNKNOWN - Artist: UNKNOWN - Words: 310

”Hey magpie, are you trying to smother her in your knockers? Or are you actually trying to train her?” Raijin asked rhetorically with that oh-so clever snark of his, but it did it’s job.

A faint blush rose to Magnolia’s cheeks for a single moment, a fact that could be discerned now that her hat had been pushed off and knocked to the wayside, revealing the fair-skinned golden-haired woman beneath. Yet another chuckle left her lips as she’d disengage from her opponent, rolling out from under them, before vaulting back to her feet after a very brief period of time, the smile on her face both amused and frustrated at the same time.

”I feel like i’m being taken advantage of here, but I think you just learned a valuable lesson. Never leave yourself open. Even when attacking”

Magnolia finished as she waited for elyss to regain her bearings, a slightly sadistic tilt now adorning her smile. While she was still wholly invested in training this fledgling shinigami, there was a slightly less professional, and marginally personal vendetta now in the game. Elyss had, unintentionally gotten a face full of boob, which was a fact that had not evaded the Golden haired shinigami.

”Now, once you’ve had time to gather your wits, lets continue. You seem to be making progress.”

Punctuating those words, magnolia had ran her thumb across her nose, wiping the blood that had trailed down her lip and jaw from the headbutt that she had been so lovingly graced with, her head rolling some, faint cracks being elicited as she worked out the kinks in her neck whilst she waited.


The Essentials of Combat. [Elyss/Magnolia/Open] - Page 2 LzZCuy7
The Essentials of Combat. [Elyss/Magnolia/Open] - Page 2 BtXe12b
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The Essentials of Combat. [Elyss/Magnolia/Open] - Page 2 Empty Re: The Essentials of Combat. [Elyss/Magnolia/Open]

Thu Jan 23, 2020 11:34 pm

ポ ス ト を 開 始

Ugh. Freedom. It seems she was graced with another chance. Good. She didn’t quite know much longer she would have lasted without having to get a bit desperate. Of course, she doesn’t immediately rise taking a moment to catch her breath after having the life nearly squeezed from her. Though, she catches Magnolia’s words and couldn’t help but grumble and rub on her face just to keep any coloring from spreading on her cheeks. The last thing she needs is to get anymore flustered about something like that in a situation like this. She can fantasize later or whatever. Right now, she needs to focus.

It doesn’t take long for her to get back to her feet. Her body feels lighter and her lungs are working at a capacity greater than before. As Elyss’ dark eyes focused on Magnolia, that wile smile on the blonde’s face caused Elyss to shiver slightly. It seems someone didn’t like that a piece of their person was touched in such a way, but you can’t blame Elyss for something like that. It was Magnolia’s fault that it occured. This makes her think of those stupid manga where the male protagonist somehow always gets in a situation where he’s groping some woman, and knowing what happened next to the male, Elyss figures she’s about to get a beating worse than before. Ah, whatever. She’ll just deal with it appropriately.

“I’m a bit too jittery to end things here, so yeah… I’m prepared for a bit more.”

Her muscles feel stretched out due to her allowing them to swing more vividly. To be honest, her whole body feels a bit stretched out because of her allowing for her muscles to work just 10% more proficiency than what they’re used to. She can’t just let that go to waste, so she begins rolling her neck and shoulders loosening up the parts of her body that Magnolia abused before retaking the stance she had before preparing yet another attack. Or, Magnolia might tell her to get this rodeo started again. If so, Elyss is already letting ideas flow through her mind about how to approach.



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The Essentials of Combat. [Elyss/Magnolia/Open] - Page 2 Empty Re: The Essentials of Combat. [Elyss/Magnolia/Open]

Sat Jan 25, 2020 4:45 pm

Magnolia Everfrost

Song: UNKNOWN - Artist: UNKNOWN - Words: 310

”Then let’s go “

Magnolia’s words were accompanied by her body rapidly closing the distance between her and elise. Her first movement was her fist moving forward toward Elyss’s face. However, if one judged the minute shift in body posture, favoring her rear facing foot rather than the fist that rapidly moved towards elyss’s face, it wouldn’t become hard to deduce that she was actually going to fake elyss out. The true attack instead was her front leg rising to kick out at elyss’s shin as her fist faded back, the force probably striking squarely at elyss’s front legs calf muscle, causing damage that would hinder her motion. Of course, again, none of this would be potent enough to break her opponents bones, instead it would cause bruises that would impede movement.

”Focus on reading my blows, and countering them. Feel the rythm, then focus on breaking it.”

Her words were coupled by a rapid series of blows that would inevitably follow. The first blow came from magnolia using the moment after the low kick to launch in rapidly, her left should scything around to allow her left eblow to collide with her sternum with enough force to cause a gust of wind to blow past Elyss’s body. The second movement in this chain was her forearm snapping forward afterward, the eblow flow extending into a backhand strike that would smash into the bridge of elyss’s nose. The third strike came as the womans legs rapidly switched, her left leg and right leg moving positions as her opposite leg now came crashing into elyss’s side, the force enough to send her tumbling.

Following this, the centrifugal force of that blow allowed magnolia to rotate through the air after her opponent, her leg scything around in a crescent to impact elyss’s shoulder as she spun through the air. This blow would most likely send her crashing into the ground as Magnolia’s feet once more touched the ground. This would be a split second opening that could be potentially exploited to trip the shinigami up, but at the same time it was bait, one hopefully that elyss would take to rush her.

None of her blows would be lethal, but they would hurt quite a bit, and were meant to rile her opponent up, so she would continue to fight harder and harder, until they wrung every last bit of potential out of them.


The Essentials of Combat. [Elyss/Magnolia/Open] - Page 2 LzZCuy7
The Essentials of Combat. [Elyss/Magnolia/Open] - Page 2 BtXe12b
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The Essentials of Combat. [Elyss/Magnolia/Open] - Page 2 Empty Re: The Essentials of Combat. [Elyss/Magnolia/Open]

Mon Jan 27, 2020 8:15 am

ポ ス ト を 開 始

She’s not going to be that easy, not after everything that’s already happened. Magnolia is either being predictable on purpose simply expecting Elyss to not be aware of the woman’s repetitive attacks on her legs and feet. Though, of course, Elyss moves to guard her face backing her body up with a step with her right sliding that foot back. However, once the feint has been shown, the redhead lifts her left foot as Magnolia’s tries to kick her shit allowing her toes to bend and buffer the kick only causing minor discomfort as her foot lands back on the ground. Then comes Magnolia’s assault on her body.

Focus? She’s trying to do just that! With Elyss’ arms still being up, she quickly lowers her left catching the elbow aiming for her chest; her hand instantly burning from the force of that attack which causes her to flinch, but inevitably, that causes the blow to her nose to connect with a loud smack that has her reeling back but catching herself solidifying her stance. Yet, even after regaining her stance quickly, the pain in her face has caused her eyes to close momentarily causing her to catch sight of Magnolia spinning, but all she could do was buffer that attack with her guard causing her already wobbly stance to break and send her stumbling more.

Dammit. Time to improvise or something. She can’t let herself get bullied around like this. She only has this one chance however to actually do something rather than protect and take a beating. With a deep breath as she’s stumbling, she grits her teeth and slams her foot hard on the ground forcing herself to stop moving and bends herself backwards with said sudden stop just in time to dodge the kick that was coming for her. Though, immediately after, she falls onto her back with a grunt and rubs at her nose missing her chance to actually launch a counter at Magnolia. Looking at her hand, she notes the light trail of blood. Payback from earlier, huh?

With slightly grumbling, she rises and turns to Magnolia licking the blood on her lips and spits it out on the ground next to her. She’s hurting, but she knows that charging in recklessly will just end up like every other time. Maybe that’s what Elyss should do though. Improvise? Nah… Magnolia seems too trained to continue falling for dumb tactics that only work by suprising the opponent. Once is probably enough to make sure it never works again. Elyss simply takes a deep breath and retakes her stance. Her mind is aching to do something right in this fight.



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The Essentials of Combat. [Elyss/Magnolia/Open] - Page 2 Empty Re: The Essentials of Combat. [Elyss/Magnolia/Open]

Mon Jan 27, 2020 9:43 pm

Magnolia Everfrost

Song: UNKNOWN - Artist: UNKNOWN - Words: 310

A sigh escaped Magnolia’s lips as her eyes studied Elyss, scrutinizing the finite tells in her stance and movements. Then Magnolia dropped her guard entirely and waved her hand to signal that they were taking a break from the bout.

”Alright, I think anymore combat will rather than helping you, just lead to needless frustration. You did well, very few people are capable of surprising me. You should be proud of that feat.”

Magnolia was not harsh, nor unfair to those under her tutelage, and thus she gave the fledgling shinigami credit where she truly deserved it, her golden eyes luminous as she made her way over to Elyss, stopping right infront of her as she’d then shift her legs out shoulder width apart. Then Magnolia would have bent her knees, only stopping when they were at a perfect 90 degree angle.

”Mimic this stance.”

Magnolia spoke slowly, as she held the stance perfectly, waiting until elyss got into it before she would stand back up, walking past and behind her until she laid her hands on the womans shoulders, beginning to push down on her.

”When I push down, can you feel how your center of gravity shifts? How it becomes harder to maintain this stance without falling backwards?”

Magnolia did not relent with her pressure, but rather continued to increase it, seeking to cause the girls quadracept and calf muscles to burn in exertion so she could remember the feeling of doing the stance properly.

”I want you to resist this pressure solely using your quadriceps and calf muscles. You wanted to about my footwork, and I will be guiding you through how to do it. But first, we are going to need to work on showing you a series of exercises that will not only strengthen your core, but help you perfect your balance. “

Magnolia then slowly began to exert more force down upon Elyss’s shoulders, stopping at about 30% of her maximum strength, enough that if elyss had been standing on a weaker substance such as asphault or concrete, it would have most likely shattered.

”I want you to sear the feeling of your muscles burning into your mind, because that sensation is what lets you know you are doing the stance properly. It’s not meant to be fun, but rather meant to strengthen your lower body.”


The Essentials of Combat. [Elyss/Magnolia/Open] - Page 2 LzZCuy7
The Essentials of Combat. [Elyss/Magnolia/Open] - Page 2 BtXe12b
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The Essentials of Combat. [Elyss/Magnolia/Open] - Page 2 Empty Re: The Essentials of Combat. [Elyss/Magnolia/Open]

Tue Jan 28, 2020 12:54 pm

ポ ス ト を 開 始

None of what Elyss did appeared clean. She was simply reacting to what she could and failing at it. Counterattacking proved impossible, and it did frustrate her. What frustrated her more however was Magnolia deciding to end their bout. That means the blonde figured Elyss wouldn’t get any better at the rate things were going. A blossoming disappointment emerges in Elyss’ chest as the other nears. At least she did one thing right this whole fight, even if it was because nothing else was working.

Though, with the sudden adjustments made to her body, she felt awkward. She’s obviously not used to standing like this, but allows for Magnolia to do as she pleases. Learning more about how to fight never hurts even if she must swallow her hurt pride a bit. She’s not new to losing, but she’d have preferred if Magnolia had just continued beating her up over pausing in front of the onlookers like this. It’s a bit embarrassing. However, she has little time to voice her opinion as pressure is pushed down on her causing her legs to scream out randomly as she did as told and flexed her muscles to keep herself from falling.

Oh yeah. Her muscles are searing an image into her mind alright. Magnolia has a lot of strength that Elyss wasn’t particularly prepared for, and the redhead could barely contain her silent cursings at the excruciating pain shooting through her body from her legs. She tries her best however. She has failed at one task, but she still has time to succeed at others. She just hopes Magnolia doesn’t end up causing her legs to snap from under her.



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