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Tue Jan 26, 2021 7:17 am
Cross Paths with a Black Cat - Page 2 Yugiri-cat-template

Kitty Cat Yugirin

She flicked her tail one final time as he sealed their deal. Pondering his first question before giving it to her. When he asked her where she was from she cocked her head and shrugged as best she could as a cat.

"I am from the Soul Society. Within the Seireitei."

Did he even know what that was? She couldn't tell while she waited for his response to see what other ten thousand questions would follow in their game of twenty questions.


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The Hybrid King
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Tue Jan 26, 2021 8:28 am
Cross Paths with a Black Cat - Page 2 CrS9XmO

Saisei | The King's Reincarnation

"Alright. Are you a Shinigami? I've never been to the Soul Society. Technically I'm from the Sugiuran Realm but its a lot more complicated than that I guess. Really, I'm from Earth. Not literally but in terms of culture. Y'know? You don't know, but thats fine haha."

What was a relatively long tangent quickly degraded to a mediocre sputter. Saisei may have an infinite well of questions but that didn't keep him from struggling to form phrases without running on and on and on. Shaking his head, the young man returned to his questions without another thought.

"I only know the Soul Society exists because of the books from the Royal Sugiura. They taught me a majority of what I know, comes with growing up with the Royals. What are you doing outsides of the Soul Society? Let alone on Earth. Seems kind of out of the way for a cat."

If Saisei was being entirely honest with himself, he didn't really understand why anyone would find themselves in Europe with a band of... well, whatever you'd call the four of them. Vagabonds? Strangers? He wasn't sure nor would he ever be given their real lack of interaction.

"Do you normally find yourself with a rag tag group of folks or is this a rare occasion for you?"

END POST | The Forgotten Soul Speaks

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Tue Jan 26, 2021 8:40 am
Cross Paths with a Black Cat - Page 2 Yugiri-cat-template

Kitty Cat Yugirin

He really started. It kind of just rolled on from his original question and kept on talking for the sake of talking. Adding in extra context, telling her where he was from and all these thoughts he had for it. Her features in her form didn't really convey much emotion beyond looking like she was just watching him impatiently.

"I'm a shinigami. Yes. I like the scenery. Isn't that enough reason for me to come here? Why are you here?"

Granted, it was way more strange for a cat of all creatures to appear all this way than a humanoid. That was true. She didn't really know how to answer his question. It was more restricted to Erchanhardt, these two were more like the stowaways that had settled in for the ride.

"I guess it's rare for us to be accompanied by a couple of kids. Yes."


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The Hybrid King
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Wed Jan 27, 2021 10:16 pm
Cross Paths with a Black Cat - Page 2 CrS9XmO

Saisei | The King's Reincarnation

"To be fair, I'm not much of 'uh kid."

Saisei was rather blunt with his words when Yugiri mentioned his age. While he may be young and had a plethora of things to learn, he was far more useful for knowledge than the average adult. With a pout, he turned away from the shadowy cat and continued his assault with very little thought in regard to his outpour of words.

"I guess the only reason I found myself here was because I was invited without a real care in the world, it seems. I don't know anyone here let alone where we are. I wanna learn and was given the opportunity. Wouldn't you take it if you were in my shoes, thirsting for knowledge?"

There was little care taken when choosing his words, honesty was a man's best policy he thought. Saisei truly was a carry-on, or in Yugiri's own words, a stowaway. He knew that but it changed nothing in the long run. He would go where knowledge could be found, no ifs ands or buts.

"Besides, all I know about Shinigami is that they're meant to protect Earth. Given their relationships, the Sugiura had very little in regards to info on personal relationships with the Soul Society, probably stowed away in hopes the Sugiura could continue their seclusion. You're also a cat, a Shinigami cat, you'd think there was something important you were tied to if you were anything but the norm, right?"

Honest but true, Saisei knew little about Yugiri and her kind, why would he know whether or not she was important? He could only assume and frankly, most... cat persons are far more than what they seem on the surface. After all, they are cats.

END POST | The Forgotten Soul Speaks

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Fri Jan 29, 2021 7:10 am
Cross Paths with a Black Cat - Page 2 Yugiri-cat-template

Kitty Cat Yugirin

"I disagree, if you're only four and you mentioned being like a kid. I think you're a kid. Well, I think you might be leading me on with this whole being four thing."

When he went on his talk about thirsting for knowledge and presented with something new she laughed, matching his own boyish tone.

"No, didn't your parents ever teach you about strangers? For all you know I might manipulate you and take advantage of you. It's good to have a healthy amount of suspicion towards people."

Yugiri's gaze narrowed on him. He had an almost superhero vision of shinigami by the sounds of it. 'Shinigami are meant to protect Earth', for Yugiri she disagreed with that. Especially given how much they were influenced by the noble families and how the actual wellbeing of Earth specifically wasn't a priority. It was just a piece of a greater system.

"It's funny watching you try and figure things out. So what makes a talking cat so special? You know animals have souls as well, no reason why your little household pet can't go up and develop spiritual power."

A funny image. Perhaps rare if not entirely implausible.


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The Hybrid King
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Mon Feb 01, 2021 6:05 am
Cross Paths with a Black Cat - Page 2 OPv3wcV

Saisei | The King's Reawakening

"Four by earth years. I don't know much about it outside what I was told by the Royal Sugiura and my adoptive family."

Straight and to the point, Saisei turned towards the sun and shielded his eyes, gazing silently into its endless light. Earth wasn't much different from the Sugiura realm, there was little time spent not learning when it came to venturing around the world. That was part of the reason Saisei was so willing to come along with an entire group of strangers across the open sea.

"Everyone is a stranger until you actively change that, right? Everyone can be bad. I was taught and believe that everyone has 'uh chance to do good. Thats what I think, anyways."

Despite how strong he felt about his convictions, Saisei knew the words that came out of his mouth were naive at best. He knew better than to spout something with no care in the world, that didn't keep him from feeling so strongly about the world however. A soft sigh and a turn of his head led him back to the focus of the conversation, knowledge.

"It isn't that you're a cat, I guess. Everyone needs a second to adjust to somethin' they aren't used to. I ain't used to animals being a part of what I'd consider the spiritual world, not in your capacity."

With the ability to only learn so much, Saisei was lacking in the 'real world' department, as expected. Yugiri wasn't normal to him, making him attempt to learn what her normal was.

"I grew up around people that looked like me, spoke like me and were significantly stronger than me. Give me a break."

Waving off her concern and chuckling, he continued his assauklt.

"You can't answer questions with more questions, I'm the one tryna' learn here. Do I have a reason to be suspicious of you? I don't think so."

Better safe than sorry, he thought. She spoke of suspicious so he wasn't entirely sure of her intentions now.

END POST | The Coming Of An Era

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Fri Feb 05, 2021 9:49 am
Cross Paths with a Black Cat - Page 2 Yugiri-cat-template

Kitty Cat Yugirin

Ah, that was a cute conviction. Almost reminsicent of a little Shihoin girl that had similar ideas, when she could walk everyone would treat her like she was normal. Even though that was not the case and made her a bitter and spiteful person. Would the same befall him if he was exposed to such harsh realities? It bounced aound her head a little. Wanting to imagine if Saisei could really hold onto these naive beliefs of his when presented with the worst of the world.

"Well, you are allowed to think what you want. It's not like I'm going to try and change your mind or anything."

She assured. He was free to make his own choices and live with his own consequences.

"Oh? Do you think I'm not that strong because I'm a cat now? I think I speak like you, I guess the only thing different is that I don't look like you right?"

Jumping down from her perch and sitting in front of him with her head cocked. Yugiri tried to make herself a little intimidating for her short and harmless stature. It didn't really work unless her words had any effect. As far as one could tell her voice almost made her sound younger than he did, would a cat that sounded like a twelve year old boy really be that scary?

"Not really. I'm not going to hurt you or murder you in your sleep, so don't stress. I like you, you say funny things and are amusing. If you ask me really nicely I might even tell you a secret, or give you a spar."

She baited, flicking her tail back and forth so it appeared off to her sides on an rhythmic interval. .


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The Hybrid King
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Sun Feb 07, 2021 9:20 pm
Cross Paths with a Black Cat - Page 2 3RcZfCm

Saisei | The Vandenreich Frontline

Saisei jumped, his arms thrown to the sky in defense as the mild-mannered feline spoke to him. She was blunt and forward with her words. Not only that that, her misinterpretation created tension for the young boy. Normally he tried his best to stay neutral. Words were picked carefully in order to avoid conflict. It seemed this time around, that wasn't the case. Letting out a sigh of disappointment, Saisei turned his head away from the ground beneath him.

"My intention wasn't to say you were weak. Cats on their own are associated with being sly and mischievous. In this case, I meant your every day feline. In your case, you would be far from that. Sorry."

While he wasn't necessarily backing down from his previous statement, Saisei didn't want its meaning to be misconstrued. It was more important than most his age could ever understand. A person's word was always important to uphold. No matter the circumstances, being able to mean what you say and say what you mean. That was the key to living a good life, thats what the boy was taught at least.

"I didn't mean to give you a poor impression. After what you said I figured it was better safe than sorry to ask, right?"

He turned back, casually pressing his thumb against the bridge of his nose. This whole interaction thing was a lot harder than he remembered. The Sugiura were understanding. It wasn't that Yugiri wasn't, it was that Yugiri didn't have the pressure of the boy's parents constantly at the edge of her throat. It explained both his upbringing and actions throughout life pretty well. Saisei knew better than question someone who seemed significantly more worldly than himself, he was at least taught common sense as a boy.

"You said secret? Sparring is one thing,, secrets are forever. What do you need from me?"

Ears perked like a puppy, he loomed closer to the cat without question. Fighting always led to training which in turn leads to knowledge. A secret, however? Not everyone knows a secret. Not everyone can know a secret. Saisei refused to let this opportunity slip away.

END POST | America's Line Of Defense

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Mon Feb 15, 2021 5:49 am
Cross Paths with a Black Cat - Page 2 Another-banner


Yes, a secret. Even though Erchanhardt was well aware of this secret but as far as any of their companions needed to know. Yugiri was just Erchanhardt's cat. Maybe it was something about the way she finished off as the only thing she mentioned was that she didn't look like him but she talked like him so she'd let him on a little secret about Erchanhardt's cat.

He was so eager, a little cock of her head like she was contemplating whether or not to actually show him and just leave him held in a state of suspension and disappointment did give her some kind of amusement. A nice lesson in not trusting people but the reaction she expected would be far funnier.

"Yeah. Just don't tell anyone or I'll kill you, okay?"

He didn't really ask but he did offer. Maybe she should've exploited him for something like getting her food. It was pretty tempting to lord this 'secret' over him. That wasn't able to match her enjoyment of shocking him though.

With a flash of light and her excessively long hair being manipulated through her own creation of a kido spell which wrapped around her more private bits because he wasn't privy to that sight. She wasn't here to exhibit her naked form specifically, just the fact she could take the form of a human girl. Did that mean the cat turned into a human though or the human turned into a cat? What a way to torment the poor boy.

Speaking of, wasn't he a bit close to her groin. Leaning over a small cat and now she was standing well over him. He wasn't allowed to be that close to when she's naked and her foot came up to send him back against the tree.

"Hey personal space, kid. Jeez."

She sounded very much more feminine now than her boyish tone from before, but her arms reached up and settled behind her head but she wobbled a bit on her feet. It had been a while since she had left cat form since this trip to America had started. She didn't feel as stable, it'd pass though.

"Now give me your shirt or I'll kick your butt if you think I'm just going to stand here like this for you to gawk at all day."


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The Hybrid King
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Tue Feb 16, 2021 11:54 pm
Cross Paths with a Black Cat - Page 2 3RcZfCm

Saisei | The Vandenreich Frontline

Saisei offered his very body and soul to learn of Yugiri's potential secret. To her it was just another thing she knew, to Saisei it felt like something unique and impossible to obtain. A secret was far from easy to learn from your every day cat, let alone humans. People were fond of their secrets and information, he knew that all too well. Frankly, the fact Yugiri was even remotely interested in entertaining him meant the secret was well worth the effort to obtain it. That is, he thought it was worth the effort.

With a flash of light and spreading of hair, Yugiri turned from what was a slick black feline to what one could only describe as a dark-skin toned woman. Not only that but she was clearly a human. Or, well, something humanoid, he thought. It was sudden and far too abrupt for him to really comprehend at first glance. Soon after however he was entirely sure of himself now.

"What the hell?!"

He was at a loss for words, her form taking him by shock. She was a cat, then a human. A human then a cat? He wasn't entirely sure, her spiritual energy didn't change much, it still seemed to be the Yugiri who knew. Despite that, her womanly shape and gentle, feminine voice was clearly different from her previous form. It took a moment but the boy finally realized what he was truly looking at.


The boy yelled, a quick stutter followed with frantic tearing at his shirt. Yugiri was naked, significantly more naked than your average person. Tossing his clearly too big shirt her way, Saisei turned away for the moment to give her time to return to decency. After all, she sure was naked.

"What kind of d-damn secret is that? Y'don't just go and surprise a boy with something like br-"

The words stopped flowing, Saisei's rare filter finally setting in when he realized he nearly muttered something or another about her breasts. Kicking at the ground and shuffling away in the meantime, Saisei returned to his prior statement with a bit more care this time.

"What are you, a simple Shinigami or somethin' more? I ain't never heard'uh any cats that turn in to humans. You can't just drop such an important secret like I ain't gonna get confused. Which is it, huh? And if its a secret, you're tellin' me just about everyone else doesn't know?"

Saisei was beyond confused, this terrible secret Yugiri held seemed way simpler now that he knew. Maybe not simple, maybe he felt it wasn't as dangerous as he thought before. Now, it seemed relatively tame in terms of forbidden knowledge. So what she was more than a cat? Saisei was sure she didn't engage in human activities often is this was a secret for her.

"You aren't really human often, huh? That's my guess at least."

Yeah, thats right. No way Yugiri did human stuff, right? Like hangin' around boys, kissin' dudes and eatin' chicken. Saisei thought to himself while she dressed, all of the ideas running through his mind about the girl's day to day actions. She probably slept naked as a human too, he thought. Cats can't stop doing what they do best, right?

END POST | America's Line Of Defense

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