Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Home Remedies Empty Home Remedies

Wed Oct 21, 2020 10:14 am

ポ ス ト を 開 始

Ow. This is actually starting to get bothersome, her right side that is. It became all too evident after that spar and other bout that she’s been pushing her body far too rigorously. When was the last time she’s had a checkup or something? Hollow after Hollow, spar after spar. Of course, eventually, her body would begin to wear itself out. Naturally healing is one thing, but naturally healing can only get you so far. Yeah, it seems she’s grown stronger from it, but it seems her body requires a bit more to reach 100% again. She knows a person with supernatural healing capabilities in this supernatural world. That’s why she has her mind set on returning home quickly for a quick checkup, and then, off she goes again to probably get messed up some more.

However, in grandiose fashion, she has gotten herself lost. One way goes home, the other to… someplace else. She’s unsure. The walksways of the Gotei are always so confusing from time to time. Each turn looks the same. They should really put up more signs. What makes things worse is that no one seems to be walking these streets. It is kind of early. The night patrols would just be coming back and the morning patrols would just be waking up. Should she chance it and risk getting more lost. How annoying. Passively, she reached and started scratching at her right arm gingerly. Someone ought to be coming by soon. She should just wait and rest and tend to her arm a bit. It’s starting to act up again. So, she takes a seat against the wall and closes her eyes while taking the bandages off of her arm.




Home Remedies Empty Re: Home Remedies

Wed Oct 21, 2020 12:29 pm

Home Remedies 6EdIfMt


Artist: Carrotwine - Song: Dark Side Of The Road

His shift had come to a close, well for now as a Vice-Captain duty called. He'd passed all his academy tests with flying colors. Top of his class and even better in the sense that he put in the work. But something bothered Takehiko as he carried his medical pack.

He always seemed to just go through the phases now, his uncle was distant. Everything had changed, Captain Liana had been extremely busy. Nothing left for him to do anymore. He couldn't progress over the wall he'd encountered. He was honored to be kept as a Vice-Captain.

As he began his journey he noticed someone familiar. She'd been in his office once before, requiring medical aid. She'd fought a brawny large man and had her body battered. She looked in rough shape, to say the least. Walking over towards her figure he looked at her.

His cerulean eyes carefully examining her up and down as he looked at her. This wasn't serious in the sense that it was last time. But she was wounded as he crouched down. It was like coming across a blood eviscerated puppy. Well nothing to do but take care of her.

"You seem to be having trouble again, Elyss-san." He said his tone was stoic and respectful. Many things had changed since they'd last seen one another. Both of them had grown, though he'd hit a ceiling. Unable to go past his present limitations.

His Zanpakuto besides it being the use of blood in his body. It was a costly tool that required a large amount of time. His teacher taught him a Kido to enhance his physical body. This allowed him to empower himself and use his weapon. But it still didn't help him over the wall. Everything compounded before he went through the motions.

He set his pack down quietly and removed it looking over her injuries now. Gently resting his palm down a green glow began to form under it. Giving birth to a lantern that slowly came out. Opening the greenish lantern, he took the flame upon his hand. It's flickering warmth easy to see.

Slowly he released the green flame upon Elyss. It starting down at her legs burning in a green flickering flame. It was deali9ng with injuries and working it's way up her body. This Kaido spell was one of his, Takehiko had gotten rather good at them.

The flame engulfed her feet looking like real flames, but only carrying a warmth as it treated her. "I'll treat your injuries unless you are opposed to it."

He pulled bandages and other materials out of his bag. Small things to help him administer treatment. The bandages she had didn't look promising and in need of some changes. So getting them done by the healer who worked out of the Gotei was a good thing.

He'd begun to understand his duty far more as he grew in this world. He was a member of the Kuchiki house. It meant hard work had to come from him especially. But other things were required. Things he'd not grasped entirely yet as he worked.

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Home Remedies Empty Re: Home Remedies

Thu Oct 22, 2020 10:39 am

ポ ス ト を 開 始

Slowly her bandages are pulled taunt, her hand rolling around her arm as the white material is pulled off. It didn’t particularly hurt. There is just a slight tingling sensation like someone has her arm completely covered by fur, tickling her skin ever so gently. Of course, that is but a way for the body to react to pain. She knows if she were to flex her arm aggressively, it would cause that tickling sensation to blossom into prickling pain, akin to being stabbed through every pore on her body. She has only herself to blame. Flexing her fingers is proving somewhat difficult. Maybe she should just head towards the Second Division instead of taking the gate home. That would prove a more immediate solution. However, her desire to take a break away from The Gotei compels her still.

With a sigh, her eyes closed, only to open again soon after, a new person in her view. Though, she could hardly consider this male so. Takehiko? Well, it seems her day has grown a tad bit more merciful. There seemed to be little pause between his greeting and the administration of that familiar healing technique that was used before. She didn’t make much of a move at first, her thoughts occupied by the suddenness of the situation. However, her plain expression began to lighten as she shrugged and turned her head away.

“Leave the medical aid for someone else. Those bandages are wasted on me. Everything else is okay, just use your fire whatever and get it over with.”

She seemed hesitant to ask for any form of physical help. His Kido will do enough for her. Besides, the only part of her that she is concerned about is her right arm, despite it not looking too bad. The issue is her muscles and bones underneath the skin. Bandages or anything else won’t do her any good now. That’s why she was removing the one that was already wrapped around her.

“What brings you through here?”

She’d resume the conversation, leaving the male little time to question her about whatever is wrong. The warmth washing over her lower half is already starting to prove annoying and invasive. Maybe that’s just her loner personality bothering her again. She’s never been the one to ask for help in that manner, always one to shoulder things alone. How hypocritical of her, but that just shows how distant she is to people she’s not particularly close to.




Home Remedies Empty Re: Home Remedies

Thu Oct 22, 2020 12:47 pm

Home Remedies 6EdIfMt


Artist: Carrotwine - Song: Dark Side Of The Road

She was as he remembered, though, and not willing to lean on others. A trait that he didn't share, but wished he did. When she rejected the bandages and other things. Outside of the fire spell working it's way up slowly treating injuries. His eyes moved to hers when she asked what brought him this way.

"Obligations, with my family and duties to deliver some paperwork. "
He said stoically, it wasn't anything impressive. The Kuchiki hadn't been in combat or fights lately. He was just sort of in a rut going from place to place. The essence of it came down to was he'd been stuck for a while.

But her injuries seemed to have added up, his eyes were used to many injuries. Her main one seemed to be bone and muscle-related higher up. He knew that, but he let the fire slowly treat even the minor injuries at the bottom. Because it seemed like she and he both needed something.

They were both tired and just as unsure about many aspects of their lives. This was just how this fight they were in went. Life seemed to want to batter and beat people up. "So, guessing by the injuries this isn't from the bald guy."

Takehiko sat next to her and leaned against the wall, his posture was neat. But something about him felt tired like he'd walked through life pounded by cold hard rain. Those eyes were the ones he lived with currently.

But he created this rain on himself, he brought it on himself that was how it was for Takehiko. Sometimes the worse enemy you had was yourself. The question was what did Elyss-san want most at this time?

"So were you heading somewhere, you looked very tired. If you want you can rest at my office. Nobody there and nobody would bother you. Being a Vice-Captain has some perks like that."

His voice still contained a stoic form, something he'd been picking up as he got older. His Kuchiki mannerisms were starting to show through. He'd made a vow to his uncle to no longer cause trouble.

His aunt as well, meaning all that was left was for him to cease being a burden or trouble maker for them. After spending several days working on his cousin he'd been silent and mostly going from task to task.

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Home Remedies Empty Re: Home Remedies

Mon Oct 26, 2020 10:06 am

ポ ス ト を 開 始

“Your eyes are different, more detached, lacking any spunk.”

She didn’t waste any time with niceties, straight to the thought that popped up in her head. She couldn’t help but wonder what all had occurred in this man’s life to kill the light that used to shine in his eyes. He’s always been a polite individual, but he had a quirkiness about him that had set him apart from other stoic people. It had even set him apart from her. Eh, guess life has been hard. It does that every now and then, getting extraordinarily difficult to the point where one feels like giving up on it all. She can relate, but she’d also rather not get too involved. Everyone is on their own journey. She’s learned not to try to shoulder too many burdens alongside her own.

Deciding not to go into detail about her knack for getting injured, she’d shift and look up to the sky with a shrug. “I was just heading home.” Now, however, she doesn’t have much of a reason to head back besides her own desire to. She doesn’t want to take a rest anywhere either. Rest is the last thought in her head. What she really wants to do…

“Let’s go get something to eat. You look like you could use something.” She’d rise and start stretching. Then, she’d remember that she has no idea which way would lead to the Rukongai from here. She has a particular place she wants to stop by. “Oi. Which way leads out of here?” She’d question while pointing at the two diverging routes.




Home Remedies Empty Re: Home Remedies

Sun Nov 01, 2020 9:03 pm

Home Remedies 6EdIfMt


Artist: Carrotwine - Song: Dark Side Of The Road

His lips pulled into a smile, the older Takehiko. Someone who'd been sleeping ever since the incidents. He'd been through the wringer more often than he could remember. His body ached from lack of sleep and his eyes lost that light.

Losing the beginning phases of what made life so much easier. His hand raised pointing towards the right. A path that would lead them towards the gateway and to the Rukongai. He spent less time there now, covering for his Captain. But there was more the Head of the Shihouin passed away.

The man gave him courage now he sat idle in his office and wore this badge. He'd gone back and not only aced but gotten top marks in the Academy. Showing that nobles make mistakes. But in the end, it had a long road that came ahead.

The bridge between him and Ulv Auber wasn't just burned she made it evident and clear. She hated his guts and it showed in every interaction. From when she beat him to near death. When he naively wanted to learn things, but he was beginning to realize something.

Why did he reach out to others, what purpose did that serve? Relying on others hadn't brought him success or joy. If anything it was a path dredged in sorrow and broken trust. It meant so little to him these days, Minatumi Harbor was now a black spot on the map.

Somewhere he wasn't welcome, but that was his own doing for always coming with hands extended. But he began to understand more and more. The simple fact of the matter was, Ulv Auber, didn't like him ever since they met. But no point dwelling on her opinion.

At the end to him it held less and less meaning, he began walking towards the direction of a meal. His eyes revealing exhaustion from overwork and constantly being up late. Practicing his kido and teaching younger people in the Division.

"I suppose so, it's been a long road. My spirit has certainly been tested as of late."

He said not meekly but as a matter of fact, his hand running across the seal on his Vice-Captain's badge.

"A good friend lost her fight to her Inner Hollow and thus became one who lost her body. Not that you asked, so I suppose in the long run it doesn't matter." He didn't sigh or anything his tone was even about everything. Not bringing up everything else, but Abigail's outcome troubled him. Ulv had burned the negativity out of him.

So he was no longer at risk of that, but was that such a good thing? His emotions held a pessimistic view of the world and everything. He didn't see hope or anything on the horizon.

What he saw was the world was nothing but honor and codes. The Kuchiki name and practices made it difficult. But he did his best in order to train and live up to the idles.

Protect the law, for the Soul Society, everything else was irrelevant or unimportant. Their way of life was the most important thing after all.

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Home Remedies Empty Re: Home Remedies

Tue Nov 03, 2020 12:27 pm

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Right. That’s the way they shall go then. Elyss wants her mind clear of burden, at least for a while. She has a while to think and reassess her situation. Why bother about such things everyday? There is a time for constructive activities and time for relaxation and fun. Elyss’ mind wishes to only remain on enjoying this time she has for herself. That means making sure Takehiko doesn’t become a bother to the rest of her day. Sad things happen all the time. It sucks, but getting lost in those thoughts is unhealthy. Elyss knows that much. She hopes the medical professional knows as much as well.

“Bad things happen all the time, some we can help, others we cannot. Don’t get too stuck, Takehiko. There are people that are still here that require your attention. Keep growing and save everyone that you can along the way.”

Abigail, huh? Elyss knows that woman, but she doesn’t know about the ivory woman’s fate. It is better that way though, less guilt on her shoulders, even if it is ignorant bliss. She goes on her way then, down the right road that’d lead them to the gates. The Rukongai is before them soon enough and Elyss wastes no time leaving the organization behind for the evolving civilian area. Ever since the Captain Commander began her change of how the Gotei fundamentally worked, The Rukongai has been growing into a more civilized area. Even the outer areas are becoming better thanks to the reformations. By allowing the citizens to have more say in how they are governed, slowly, they are beginning to worry about the state of the world around them and are trying to better it for everyone. Of course, it will be a slow process, for not everyone desires a change. The bandits, criminals, and worse will fight the evolving system to continue their dirty deeds, but there are good people closing in on them. It’s nice to see things changing for the better.

“I’m going to take you to a place I used to frequent in the past, Takehiko. You need a nice strong drink to alleviate a bit of that stress. Don’t worry about paying either. I’ll take care of everything so prepare yourself to relax.”




Home Remedies Empty Re: Home Remedies

Tue Nov 03, 2020 12:46 pm

Home Remedies 6EdIfMt


Artist: Carrotwine - Song: Dark Side Of The Road

It was true what she said, despair could cling like glue. It had the properties of that and sometimes it drowned you. You could feel yourself sinking into the depths of it slowly but surely. Takehiko could best describe it as cold water. Slowly going up to your throat, sinking you to drown. That was the way he felt and described it himself. As a large hole inside himself.

This wasn't something he tried to fill or change. She was right that was true, obviously. He had people who needed his skills still. Takehiko was the best medic in the Gotei at the moment. His skills were well trained and extremely capable. That was just the way of it. HIs mentor Liana was missing and all that remained was this.

This pathway to somewhere maybe, someplace he could go and be someone useful to everyone. But there was another side to saving lives. Even with all the power, he had gained. All the growth he'd gotten, some people still couldn't be saved. They were lost adrift the avenue of souls.

People whom he couldn't save easily or with help even. These were the manner of curses he held inside. So a place she used to frequent, it seemed promising to him. A place to maybe numb the feeling inside for a moment. He couldn't easily hide, not here or anywhere in the world. Being a Kuchiki had pressures that were outstanding. They weighed on him like boulders that pressured his body.

"That sounds good, it's..been some time since I enjoyed a drink."

It was the truth, when last did he taste the allure of liquor or rice wine? He couldn't tell anyone truthfully, that the Kuchiki Vice-Captain. Had simply not been the strongest or bravest. As a matter of fact, he was anything but. He wasn't strong enough to save one girl; from her inner demons.

That was what it came down too and it weighed on his mind. Worried him if he could save the people who needed him most.

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Home Remedies Empty Re: Home Remedies

Wed Nov 04, 2020 12:06 pm

ポ ス ト を 開 始

A drink is nice every now and then. That’s why Elyss is taking the lad someplace nice. She knows that much for a fact. Though, she didn’t seem too involved in any conversation. Her eyes are glued forward as they walk, ignoring everyone else around the two. Takehiko will find himself having a long time to himself and his thoughts before the redhead spoke up again. When she did, it was more of a grunt than an actual word followed by her hand moving into his chest to stop him from moving forward.

They stand before a calmly looking place, old and worn with time; a wooden infrastructure that resembles a western saloon. Elyss sighs with familiarity before moving towards the door and opening it for the both of them. Inside, it is much like a trip back into the past as the wooden circular tables are lined up all around with a rowdy crowd within. There is even a bar with glasses lined up behind it on the shelves to show off the product with a kind looking old man working behind it. His old eyes seemed to move by instinct to the door, and as he saw the red haired woman step in, he seemed to light up like the young man he used to be.

“Ah, it’s nice to be back.” Elyss would relate as she stepped through the hustle and bustle towards the bar and took a seat down. The old man and her shared a knowing glance as she waited for Takehiko to join her. Then, a glass of whiskey would be placed before her without a word even being said between the two. “It’s nice to see you once again, Elyss.” The old man’s voice would say, and Elyss’ only response is to nod, both of the two turning their gaze to Takehiko. He does have to order after all.




Home Remedies Empty Re: Home Remedies

Wed Nov 04, 2020 7:33 pm

Home Remedies 6EdIfMt


Artist: Carrotwine - Song: Dark Side Of The Road

Takehiko's eyes looked around marveling at the place. The location was something straight out of a film. It felt different to him almost new in every single aspect. Had it not been in the Gotei he'd sworn he'd gone to Earth. This felt like a brand new experience something he could rarely have. He didn't know what to order, truthfully he was a rather weak-willed one when it came to spirits. Just a single cup of sake made him entirely hammered.

It was a beverage that didn't sit well with him. In the literal sense that it went into his stomach and simply made him less able to hold down his pride. He let his frame sit down next to Elyss, as he looked at her beverage. Surely she'd order something safe, that was for sure.

"I'll have the same." He took the beverage and didn't think anything of it. Surely she'd be drinking a sensible beverage. Something to relax and not get overly stimulated by. There are moments in his life where he'd been wrong. So very wrong about many things in this world. Ulv, Arianda, that Lady who tried to heal fuck him. And this most certainly came in the top five.

As the liquid hit his lips and went down. A rosy tint came to his cheeks as his head fell forward. Slamming into the object in front of him as a soft hiccup left his lips. His eyes looked dazed as a smile came across his face. His body becoming more wobbly as he brought a hand to his mouth.

"I'll, have what...cowboy, that was.." He was a very poor drinker and his speech had slurred. Takehiko didn't know where he was, but any inhibitions he had were lowering faster than they formed. This was going to haunt his nightmares.

"Elyss, you should marry me and join the Kuchiki Clan..We've got moody smelly old people.." There wasn't a straight face, on him, his frame chuckled at his own words. Even though normally he'd not say this within twelve thousand years.

"I still don't see what...the is..about the...waterbufflo woman." He said hitting the table again with his head as he laid there still for a moment. Breathing heavily, as the beverage had taken more out of him. "

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