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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Mon Jan 18, 2021 5:32 pm

ポ ス ト を 開 始

“It’s just a scratch.”

Her pitiful protest would go unheeded however which simply annoyed her more than anything. However, this sorrowful routine she is being forced to go through is all but the redhead’s fault. If Elyss had shown more care during her patrol, none of this would have proved necessary. It was her fault that she had gotten jumped by a group of Hollows, but it was also her duty to make sure that the young child that had run out of the forest had made it back home safely. She never did learn why he was out there, but such information was never needed for her to jump right into the thick of things. Her reward for it however? Well, she’s having to sit and get her armed wrapped. It’s not her only wound, but it’s the severist. Calling it just a scratch just goes to show how careless she is about her own health.

At least she didn’t have to travel all the way to the medical building and was allowed to stay around the Seventh Division. The operating table is just a simple crate that she decided to sit on while her body is looked over. It’s been a while since she had returned to the Gotei, and since then, she had done nothing but work herself. The difference from last time though is that she’s actually taking breaks. They’re not much, but a trip to the springs here and a little extra time off to catch up on sleep there, goes a long way. Some may question why she’s back to her old antics of working so hard anyway after it had caused problems last time. She doesn’t really give them a direct answer and just leaves it as vague as possible. The fact she had caused problems before is the reason that she’s working the way she is now. She has to make it up to everyone, carry her own weight. Her Zanpakuto was taken from her. She’s not strong enough for it. The only way to get strong enough is to keep working.

It’s a cycle that she can’t break, but she won’t let it, no. She won’t let it keep her burdened down. Her eyes would move to the Shinigami besides her as he finishes wrapping her arm. He soon takes his leave, but she’d remain sitting on the crate, lost in thought and thinking about what to do next. She doesn’t have patrol duty for the rest of the night after she was ambushed. Maybe someone else requires assistance with a task. Though, they’d probably just tell her to go rest. Everyone already knows how hard she works for no apparent reason. Some had taken advantage of it in the past, but the Seventh Division has become her family, and they care about her more than she likes. They already know not to let her openly push herself. How annoying. But, now, she’s just stuck on what to do with what remains of her day. Just her on this dumb crate, kicking her legs.



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Clashing Steel  Empty Re: Clashing Steel

Mon Jan 18, 2021 5:52 pm
Clashing Steel  F9UjHm5


Typically, Murasaki would have been the one to offer a warm greeting to anyone staying within the Seventh Division's grounds. Even moreso when it was someone who had spent a good deal of time among the division, who was even considered family. But in these days, Murasaki was a busy woman, more than perhaps ever before. And in these busy days, it was crucial that she rested whenever possible. This, of course, meant that sometimes matters needed to be attended to by someone else, someone who was not nearly as burdened by stress.

Of course, he was also someone who simply had a vested interest in the Captain's well-being.

It was rare in the extreme that Kagayaku was ever seen functioning alone, away from Murasaki. He, of course, generally worked to aid her, but in times such as these, it was always best for a father to intervene. For her benefit, of course. He knew that handling this woman might have been too much for Murasaki right now, whether or not she personally believed that about herself, and as such he strode purposefully through the barracks. His hair trailed behind him with what might best be called a feminine grace, his whole demeanor confident and collected as he approached one lonely woman atop a crate.

"Evening, Miss Kishimoto. Been a while since I've seen you around these parts."


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Clashing Steel  Empty Re: Clashing Steel

Mon Jan 18, 2021 6:40 pm

The Odinson

With the austere conditions the Seventh lived in, they often had people moving around the tents with various objectives. However among the tents they did have some sorta central area set up, where they could conduct meetings or more commonly train. Although with Arkin, training was more akin to having various shinigami come to fight the viking and him fending them off. It was good fun in his eyes, and for the shinigami a chance to fight a captain level individual.

In this current moment Arkin was currently in the midst of a throw down with three veterans of the division, in something of a friendly bout. He didn't even draw Leviathan, instead allowing himself to handicap himself for their benefit. The man had just finished with them, and Arkin promptly excused himself to the medical area.

His jaw was currently dislocated, and he would need some help setting it right. The burly man would walk into the medical area of the tents, his hand cupping his slack jaw without immediately noticing the two. Instead a regular of the area would come to him, smacking his hands away, as they gripped his jaw. In a short loud crack his jaw would be set, Arkin grunting frowning. He'd open and close his mouth a few times, about to thank the person, before noticing the Captain's Zan and Elyss.

His blue eyes positively lit up.

"Ah this is surprise!"

End | The Immortal


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Clashing Steel  Empty Re: Clashing Steel

Mon Jan 18, 2021 9:49 pm
Clashing Steel  Chidori-is-back


Honestly, going into this thing Chidori expected parenthood to be way worse, but right now she was killing it. Or perhaps they were killing each other.

"Nakano! Stop choking your brother! Yushiro! Stop letting your sister choke you." Chidori started prying one child out of the other's arms. You're probably wondering: why is Chidori here with two babies? That's simple really. It was her turn to babysit and maternal leave had just run out so she was due to the barracks once again. So what the hell? What's the worse that could happen?

Surprisingly, people seemed to be pretty chill with the kids being around. That might partly be because her captain was nowhere to be seen and nobody was going to tell the Shihoin what to do, but that's beside the point. As long as people were friendly and safe, most of the other members got along with Nakano and Yushiro, despite the fact that both of them seemed to not get along with each other. It was something Chidori was trying to fix, but it was hard teaching empathy and being on the job at the same time.

Right now she was placed on the sidelines of the central area, having watched Arkin train with some of the other better members. It served for good practice, watching 4 big burly men duke it out for the sake of sport. Reminded her of back when she and Sol were just business partners. Anyways, as she finally got Nakano and Yushiro separated, she looked up to find that Arkin had finished and was now conversating with some other members. Eager to get to know some more people, Chidori made her way over, a child in either arm.

"Yo, what's going on over here?" It was said with a slightly curious and friendly tone. Looking past Arkin she could see a woman with long red hair and a man that looked vaguely familiar. "More members, huh? New or old?"


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Clashing Steel  Empty Re: Clashing Steel

Mon Jan 18, 2021 10:17 pm

ポ ス ト を 開 始

“One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight nine, ten.”

Starting from her pinky, Elyss had started counting her fingers over and over, returning to her pinky every time she reached her thumb. Ah, she’s at thirty now. 31, 32, 33, 34. And then some weirdo had to come along and ruin her concentration by calling out her name. Eh? Raising her eyes from her hand, she’d come to look at this new jackass who thought it okay to mess up her little counting session. She had half the mind to tell him to fuck off and bother someone else just because she was so engrossed in her counting. However, her face remained as stoic as always as her eyes showed no interest or disinterest, just a blank stare. Oh wait. Is she supposed to know this guy? He’s speaking to her like their colleagues or something, but she can’t recall his face at all.

“Cut the Miss stuff. It’s just Elyss. Who are you and what do ya want?”

She’s straight to the point, ignorant enough to not even attempt to feel out the man in any form or fashion. She sees no need to, but her attitude would have probably lightened a tidbit if she did. Her eyes would fall back down to her fingers, preparing to count and listen while doing so, but there came another voice that’d pierce through her mind like an iron stake being hammered into a railroad track. A small twist of her head, and Arkin’s literally standing right there. Great. Now the big oaf is coming to distract her. Her face still doesn't show her annoyance, but her eyes did narrow slightly. Her eyes would fall back to her fingers. Where was she again? 35? 36? 37?

And then, there’s another. Her eyes shot up to stare at this new woman who also has two kids with her. What? Oh great, now Ulv and the demon spawn just flashed into her mind. Looking back down to her fingers, she’d try to remember where she had stopped, but it would seem she can’t remember the last number. Great. Fucking great. Well, guess her little moment of peace was ruined. She had hated it anyway, but she had tried to make the most out of it. What did it bring her? Just annoyance. Yeah. That’s it. Funnily enough, she just looks perfectly uncaring about the situation still, the only indication of peeved state being a single twitch of her eye.

“A party all of a sudden, huh?”

She doesn’t reward Chidori’s curiosity with a real answer and begins scratching at her bandaged arm, pulling on the bandages and loosening some. Probably the only other indication of how unsettling the situation just became for her. She’s definitely an antisocial person when it comes to idle talk.



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Clashing Steel  Empty Re: Clashing Steel

Tue Jan 19, 2021 11:01 am
Clashing Steel  F9UjHm5


There was no small degree of cold indifference in Kagayaku's eyes as he glanced over at the other visitors. They weren't his concern, and if he had things his way, he would have simply ignored them entirely. Unfortunately, that would also have irritated his daughter to no small degree, and the entire purpose of his operating independently like this was to keep her from being overly stressed.

"Seems like only you recognize me, eh, Lieutenant? Well, maybe that's not too surprising."

His voice was tranquil, almost serene, a stark contrast to the disgust that lay beneath the surface. He did not like this woman for the stress she had put upon his daughter, naturally, but beyond that he simply did not think very highly of her. She was weak of spirit, so far as he could see. Someone who could not control their most base temper, who would repeatedly drive themselves toward destruction. A child, in a word.

"I've come regarding your swords. I'll be overseeing their return to your hands."

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Clashing Steel  Empty Re: Clashing Steel

Mon Jan 25, 2021 12:12 am

ポ ス ト を 開 始

Did she hear that correctly? For a moment, her mute expression would falter, her eyes widening with surprise. But, in the next moment, her expression had returned to normal, blank and seemingly uncaring. Finding this situation somewhat unbelievable, her eyes would move away from the man and towards Arkin. Of course, the big oaf would prove useless as he had vanished to resume his medical treatment. It seems that the other woman had decided to take her leave with him. That just leaves her alone with this man.

So, y'all finally think me mentally sound or something, or am I going to be put on a leash, chained and all that crap to ensure my safety and the safety of others?”

She speaks in a matter of fact tone, no humor or sarcasm in her voice. As her eyes would move back to the man, her curiosity would grow. He has to be someone with that authority, yeah? Though, why him and not the Captain herself? Well, curiosity did kill the cat, and Elyss had put herself into enough deadly situations to warrant a bit of caution. Yet, her ignorance is astonishing, for, even now, she doesn’t utilize the most basic of techniques to discover this man’s identity. Instead, she goes about it in a more classical manner, one that’ll probably cause the man a bit of exasperation.

”Ya never did answer me on who you are. Expecting me to guess or something?”



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Clashing Steel  Empty Re: Clashing Steel

Mon Jan 25, 2021 1:39 pm
Clashing Steel  F9UjHm5


"That's what we're here to check on."

Kagayaku had keen eyes, perhaps unsurprisingly. He saw the faint look of surprise inher eyes, and it didn't take much of a genius to understand why she would feel that way. She'd left on pretty awful terms, hadn't she? Well, that wasn't ultimately for Kagayaku to decide. How tragic.

"My daughter would normally have come to do this check, but I didn't want to put any more stress on her. You understand, don't you?"

Murasaki's parentage was no particular secret, of course. Anyone in 7th Division knew what her father was, and he simply allowed himself a small grin as he stared into Elyss' eyes. Paternal fury was clear in his gaze, and he still was far from happy about what Murasaki had put herself through worrying about this woman. If he was lucky, she would fail here, and that would be the end of it. Ah, but Murasaki wouldn't be happy with him, would she?

Such a conundrum.

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Clashing Steel  Empty Re: Clashing Steel

Tue Jan 26, 2021 1:44 am

ポ ス ト を 開 始

“Oh. That’s who you are.”

Her understanding of the situation mattered little. The only thing here that she should focus on is the fact that she’s about to be thrusted into some sort of test. If she were to voice her honest opinion, she would have stated how accustomed she has become to using only her fists. However, to simply turn down what is to come seemed cowardly. Even if Tenmarin would prove as troublesome as before, hasn’t all she’s gone through, both physically and mentally, be for naught if she doesn’t gain full utility of herself? She dreads this situation, but it’s an eventuality that she knew was unavoidable.

“You should really work on hiding your emotions. Ya might scare someone.”

Her bleak gaze would linger in his fury, embracing it in a way. Though, expecting anything but her usual poker face would leave one disappointed. How many times has she stared into the raging sea now? She seems to have made a habit of pissing off things that could kill her, not like she cares. Jumping off of the crate she had found a suitable seat, she’d simply moved past Murasaki’s Zanpakuto, moving herself a few feet away before tilting her head back towards him over her shoulder.

“Well, let’s go. Might as well get this over with.”



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Clashing Steel  Empty Re: Clashing Steel

Tue Jan 26, 2021 3:06 pm
Clashing Steel  F9UjHm5


Kagayaku didn't bother to hide his laugh as Elyss suggested he try and hide his emotions. In fact, he found it unbelievably funny for any number of reasons, probably too many to list for her in a conversation. Especially when one considered that, after all, he just didn't want to talk to her at all.

"If I wanted to hide it, I would."

It was a wonder his daughter worried so much about this girl. For all he could tell, she was just a catastrophe waiting to happen, whether to herself or to others. Then again, that was almost endearing in some sick sort of way. He could admire the confidence in it, if nothing else.

"Don't be so impatient, Elyss. Hasn't anyone ever told you to enjoy the quiet in life? I'm sure Murasaki's said that to everyone by now."

Well, he wasn't his daughter, and he kept pace with Elyss rather easily. He was meant to kill, and that was all he wanted to do. Taking in the little things in life just wasn't for him.

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