Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Clashing Steel  - Page 2 Empty Re: Clashing Steel

Tue Jan 26, 2021 5:23 pm

ポ ス ト を 開 始

“I think this situation warrants a bit of urgency.”

What is Elyss? That’s a good question. Nobody knows the answer though, not even Elyss. It’s something that’ll only be known once she reaches the pinnacle of her growth. Getting Tenmarin back is only a stepping stone to that critical moment. She didn’t think this would happen so soon however. Though, when would it have proved the appropriate time? Better now than never at least. She can start working towards understanding Tenmarin, maybe even fix their relationship and become an actual team. Wishful thinking, huh?

“...Ya know… Nevermind…”

Eh, there was a thought, but she’d rather not let it be known, at least not yet. She’d rather they continued their walk in silence. The quicker this is over with, the better. The hostility is palpable. It’s enough to put a small coy smile on her face, but of course, it doesn’t. If she says the wrong thing, she’ll probably actually get attacked or something. As much as it’d be just another day, getting killed is something everyone would be a bit distressed about.



God of Love
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Clashing Steel  - Page 2 Empty Re: Clashing Steel

Fri Jan 29, 2021 3:27 am
Clashing Steel  - Page 2 F9UjHm5


"Any situation only merits as much agency as you let it merit. I get the feeling you think a lot of situations merit urgency, don't you?"

Of course he was needling her, trying to get under her skin. He wanted her to snap at him, get violent, get angry. Not just to see if she would, of course, but so he had an excuse to beat her pretty little ass. It'd been a long while since he had any chance to really get violent, and the last time he saw this woman Murasaki hadn't even let him out of the sheathe. It was getting tiresome, but he naturally wouldn't blame his daughter for it. He just wanted to spill this girl's blood on the ground, that was all. Ah, Murasaki and Midori would both hate him thinking like that, wouldn't they? How unfortunate.

"I'm awfully curious where you're taking us, you know. Plan to jump me in an alley when I least expect? Pummel me onto the cobblestone?"

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Clashing Steel  - Page 2 Empty Re: Clashing Steel

Sat Jan 30, 2021 11:41 am

ポ ス ト を 開 始

“I had expected you to take the reins by now, Zanpakuto. Ya don’t seem the type to enjoy being led around. Besides. You came for me, after all.”

She’d stop again, turning her attention to Murasaki’s Zanpakuto. Different from earlier, her eyes hoist a coldness that should prove enough to express her lack of amusement with the current situation. It’s always the little details with her. Rarely does she attempt to express herself fully, leaving it up to the interpretation of others to judge her mood and such. However, it is evidently clear that she doesn’t particularly enjoy this man’s presence. She doesn’t dislike him or anything. He had set the hostility between the two from the get go. She simply doesn’t care to quench the fire burning between them.

“Aren’t you here because Murasaki’s busy? Or, maybe, you’re trying to do what’s best for her. Don’t like me? Don’t want me around her? I don’t care really. You told me to come get my Zanpakuto, that’s it. So let’s get this over with already. Throw whatever test you have my way and whatnot, and then, you won’t have to sit here looking at me anymore for a while.”

Her words flow easily, displaying just how professional she can be. She doesn’t care for any niceties between the two. If one party wants to make jabs, the other party shouldn’t be expected to show mercy. They exist in the same space for one reason, and she’d rather their business get completed before something bad happens.



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Clashing Steel  - Page 2 Empty Re: Clashing Steel

Sun Jan 31, 2021 1:04 am
Clashing Steel  - Page 2 F9UjHm5


"Now that's awfully presumptuous of you, I mean really. Accursing your Captain's dad of something like that, I can barely even believe you."

It was all in jest, of course. He had to admit, her attitude was almost endearing. If she did well, maybe he could even change his mind. But that was getting a little ahead of himself. After all, Kagayaku didin't actually expect her to do well.

Drawing the blade at his hip, the whole demeanor of the zanpakuto spirit shifted, his muted bloodlust now apparent even at the briefest glance. The crimson blade in his hands reflected the sunlight almost disconcertingly well, as if to only reinforce the depth of technique it possessed.

"Alright, no more fucking around, then. Let's make this good, Elyss."

With a single step forward, Kagayaku flasdhed toward Elyss' side, his blade swung in a wide arc. It was a blow that could easily kill -- but it was so painfully telegraphed that he already knew she would dodge it. Despite how much he wished to cut her down, he knew that would only make things worse. How disappointing.

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Clashing Steel  - Page 2 Empty Re: Clashing Steel

Mon Feb 01, 2021 9:42 am

ポ ス ト を 開 始

Dad? Zanpakuto? Wait a minute? Dad Zanpakuto?! Well, that actually caught Elyss off guard. She did not expect Murasaki’s Zanpakuto to call itself her dad. Does Murasaki have a dad? Surely everyone does, yeah? Maybe there’s some weird connection between the two that have them claiming their bond as a parental one. If only the redhead listened to the gossip and understood just how severe that claim actually proved. Though, her sudden confusion would prove futile in distracting her from what’s to come.

She’s in her own head, a poor attempt at understanding the meaning of the Zanpakuto. She did not take note of his shift from pleasant to murderous until the sound of his sword being unsheathed echoed within her head. Her body did not react immediately, pausing as the sword swung. However, near the last second before her body would be cut asunder, her upper half would bend backwards towards the ground, her hands shooting down behind her as his steel cut through the wisps of her red hair. The next moment, she’d find herself flipped backwards, creating distance from the two and landing on her feet, any confusion that had twisted her features gone and replaced by an unamused scowl.

“Rather cutthroat, huh?”

Though, it’s not like she’s any different when it comes to fighting. A sword versus her fists. Well, that’s unfair, but she won’t complain. Her fists clenched, her body moved itself into a simple boxing stance, her feet bouncing on the ground as a quick way to loosen up her muscles. Her gaze would harden further as the outside world became more a haze than reality, her focus entirely on her opponent. It’s been a while.



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Clashing Steel  - Page 2 Empty Re: Clashing Steel

Mon Feb 01, 2021 10:25 pm
Clashing Steel  - Page 2 6PjqdFN


"I'm a sword, after all."

There was a decently casual attitude to his response, even despite his murderous intentions. To him, killing was no different from breathing, from thinking. Not because he was some jaded killer, or some poor soul who thought they were hot shit for being off in the head. To be a weapon meant to kill. No matter what they said about it, every Zanpakuto knew that on some level.

It was almost cute to Kagayaku how resolutely Elyss simply took up a boxing stance without a second thought. He was sure a great many shinigami could match him with their bare hands, but could she? He certainly hoped so, for his own sake far more than hers.

Another blinding flash step, white light filling the area as he moved, and Kagayaku was directly in front of her. Not the most advantageous position, of course, but it was one which served his purpose. He wanted to push her, drive her over the edge. He swung upward at her chest, almost lackadaisical this time in his stance. He was not even trying, and he wanted her to see it, to feel it.

"Killing is what I'm made to do. But I've heard talk you're not too different."

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Clashing Steel  - Page 2 Empty Re: Clashing Steel

Tue Feb 02, 2021 4:55 pm

ポ ス ト を 開 始

A killing machine. Yeah. He is a sword after all. That’s what she wanted to hear. Despite not knowing how he would have responded, the totality of his statement made her realize just how matter of fact the situation is. She doesn’t harbor any anger towards him for being attacked. In fact, she had expected things to turn out this way. In what manner is a Zanpakuto supposed to test a Shinigami, especially one as volatile as her? Is this how Tenmarin would see it? She had always berated Elyss for being too soft, for showing too much mercy, trying to act homely when everyone knows that Elyss is a rather brutal woman.

An epiphany? Is that what just coursed through her head? No. Elyss has always known Tenmarin. It is her Zanpakuto. The problem came with accepting that fact. Kagayaku is right. Elyss isn’t too different. However, that only makes this fight more entertaining to the red head, a naught pleasure of hers. With speed in her already bouncing feet, it doesn’t take much for her to simply take a step back as Kagayaku’s blade rises upwards. He’s holding back. It’s all too evident. That won’t do.

One step back, but that step is soon followed by that same foot pressing down on the ground, the blocks under them cracking slightly from the pressure of her step. Forward: she moves without hesitation, taking notice of his purposeful sloppiness, her mercy lost as her right arm pulled back. Like a bullet, her fist shot forward, a classic boxing technique as the rest of her upper body tilted towards the left with her punch. His chin is her target, a one hit KO her objective. It didn’t matter if she taps it or hits it head on. All she had to do was graze him and rattle his skull. That’ll teach him not to act silly, especially when actions spoke louder than words.



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Clashing Steel  - Page 2 Empty Re: Clashing Steel

Fri Feb 05, 2021 12:27 am
Clashing Steel  - Page 2 6PjqdFN


Oho, now she was putting the work in, wasn't she? That was one quick hit, and most people might've had a whole lot of trouble getting out of the way. Hell, even he had a little trouble. The shockwave that followed the blow was enough to at least rattle him a bit, and that smug grin on his face grew just a little wider at the effort.

"Good start, good start. You think it would be unfair to use Bankai against an unarmed opponent, by the way? Asking for a friend."

He probably hadn't had such a fun target for his needling in a couple hundred years now, if he was really thinking about it. She definitely couldn't compare to his old lady, of course, but it was definitely nice to watch those gears turn in her head. Well, he ought to put that fancy footwork of hers to the test, otherwise it was all just dancing, really.

"So how about we spice things up? I'll even give you a nice little warning, just to see if that helps. I'm sure you've heard of this one. Senmaioroshi - Thousand-Page Wholesale."

Stepping only the barest minimum into Elyss' reach, Kagayaku swung his sword with such a speed that most could not hope to match it. One thousand slashes in fractions of a second. Idly, he hoped Murasaki didn't actually mind using it on the kid. Hm.

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Clashing Steel  - Page 2 Empty Re: Clashing Steel

Fri Feb 05, 2021 9:47 am

ポ ス ト を 開 始

Resilient bastard, eh? Though, that’s how this fight should go, at least. If she were against a normal person, that hit would have probably paralyzed them for a second or two. For him, it just put a smile on his face. That just shows the gap between the two, the difference between the strong and weak. She almost felt the need to smile back at him, but she’ll not allow him that satisfaction just yet. This fight doesn’t feel just right just yet.

“Fair? Unfair? I thought ya would have lived by that saying, eh, all is fair in love and war, yeah?”

How many opponents have she battled on unfair terms? How many Hollows have she broken with just her bare hands? The battles she’s warred against those triple her strength? Fair? Unfair? Those terms are lost to her. A fight is a fight, whether one has the power to win or not. All that matters is that you give it your all. She’s always lived her life like that. That’s why she’ll match whatever he throws at her with as much as she can muster. That’s why she didn’t move out of his technique.

Swords hurt. It doesn’t take a genius to know that. Getting cut a thousand times hurts. Again, you don’t have to be smart to know that. It’d be plain stupid to take his attack head on however, but what could she hope to achieve against it? All she’s capable of putting up her arms in hopes of protecting her more vital areas from the multitude of slashes dicing her into cheddar. One step, another slash. One more step, one more slash. Miraculous as it is, she is able to dodge a few of his slashes just because she’s moving in general, but afterwards, he will see her: her arms marked like he just played tic-tac-toe, her clothing marred and left hanging from her body, thin lines of blood pooling beneath her; her durability alone saving her from a lame death.

“Tch... That's it?”

Dropping her arms to her side, her steely eyes would stare him down, lacking any hint of regret. She’s just as serious as she was before. Why should she look scared or anything but prepared to die? They are both weapons after all. Death is just a fact of life.



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Clashing Steel  - Page 2 Empty Re: Clashing Steel

Sat Feb 06, 2021 3:44 pm
Clashing Steel  - Page 2 6PjqdFN


Look at her, talking back to him with that fire in her eyes. He could see how his little girl had gotten so attached, she'd always been the type to look after stray cats. Ugh, how troublesome. Well, this little dervish probably wasn't gonna last if he even blew on her. Laughing quietly to himself, he rested his blade on his shoulder, totally unconcerned with Elyss' blood dripping onto his clothes.

"You're right. I'm not one who's super concerned about fighting fair. If I had it my way, every fight'd be to the death. No honor, no feelings, just killing. God, I sound like such a tool."

Pointing his sword at Elyss, his smug grin fell, and he clearly wasn't fond of this turn of events.

"You know Murasaki's not gonna let me kill you, yeah? She's got a lot of faith in you. Dunno why, but I oughta at least help my daughter out. Try talking to her about all your violent tendencies. Personally, I couldn't care less if you go out and get yourself stabbed in the head or what have you, but she'd be real upset."

Sheathing his blade, Kagayaku stepped up to her, his cocky demeanor still all too apparent. He figured she'd probably hit him, but that was whatever.

"You oughta get that fixed up. Let's go. I'll tell Murasaki you're probably fine to get your zanpakuto back."

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