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From His Hand Protect Them (Event Evacuation Thread) Empty From His Hand Protect Them (Event Evacuation Thread)

Fri Feb 12, 2021 3:26 pm

From His Hand Protect Them (Event Evacuation Thread) 6EdIfMt


Artist: Carrotwine - Song: Dark Side Of The Road

The scope of the situation was dire, he arrived and knew why he'd been given the clear. He was fast, faster than most, and could successfully relocate those here. The first order of business was setting up an evacuation zone, that was a safe distance. No sooner had he finished his previous deployment and this came.

He knew the risks involved now, it was a dangerous job. Not as dangerous as the other, but they were here to save lives. This would be tiring work, he didn't wear his weighted clothing for this. Having left it behind since speed was going to be key. here. The information was for Captains and Vice-Captains only. He could take two or more at a time. If he took the weight off them, making them light he could carry multiple.

His eyes looked at the city in the distance, this should have been a good enough ways away. Sometimes the greatest duty was this one, getting people to safety. They were here to protect people, he was Abalia's shield and sword. So those she wished protected he would protect.

Those she wished defeated, he would defeat. That was the simple as he took his first step. His highest speed used at this moment sent him past multiple things. Before landing where a woman and child were. He brought his arms around them and they appeared back at the place he set up.

"I'll be bringing everyone from your city here, so I ask that you please head to safety. I've taken you out of the city, I'm sorry I can't stay here..and explain everything going on.."

Like that with another step gone, bringing people in and out quickly. As he moved from place to place. He would need to pick this up faster and faster. By the time he'd gotten down, he'd taken twenty people out in a matter of five minutes. The distance and speed at which he was relocating them were impressive. But it was too slow, this city had so many other things.

" enough, going to have to go faster if I want them all safe. Someone else will come soon, I know it..The Gotei won't stand silent, standby or not...We must protect their lives." He said softly to his spirits inside him. Bakagiri couldn't help him not here. Unless he brought those chains around multiple people. Vait on the other hand could let him record steps and actions. Allowing him to go back and forth even faster.

He felt air rise in his nostrils as he turned to face the twenty thus far. He'd been at work with, he could save more if he didn't have to stop and explain. He rubbed the back of his neck, they were scared.

"Listen, I understand your fear. But right now if you can explain to the people coming here, that this is a safe distance..I'm bringing people as quickly as I can and encounter them...I'll be picking up my pace soon. I won't stop until I get as many of them out as possible...If things look like they are coming this way, you need to start heading away. I'll buy you as much time as I possibly can."

He resolved himself before getting ready, bringing a hand up to his face this wouldn't be a short trip. So much for vacation and taking Hime to that Sweet's convention, though he imagined she'd agree this was more important.

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Fri Feb 12, 2021 6:30 pm
From His Hand Protect Them (Event Evacuation Thread) Unknown

Uriel Sancroix | Knight of Two

He never forgot the sight of the air turning to poison in his home, of the acid rain which littered his nation.

So long ago he was but a mere soldier, a proud Vastimian who answered the call of duty. Whatever his nation asked of him, he did it without pause. Because within his heart of hearts he knew that this nation brought together under one man, would be the future of the world. That they could throw back anything so long as he guided them. It was a truth written in the stars that Desmond Hayden was the King of Vastime, but beyond that he was a symbol.

'The King has fallen.'

A protocol which was embedded into his brain upon his graduation from the legionary corps, a bulwark against the terror humanity on the dawn of World War IV. Men and women who subjected themselves to the harshest training, picked from the most elite units, and turned into something more than human. Soldiers whom held a direct connection to the King, soldiers whom where supposed to be his protectors. Joshua Palliser, in his soul, felt a moment of agony in which no pain he ever faced compared.

His imposing visage stood within his armor, as he walked around the snowy ground of Vastime. He didn't even both to ask why it snowed, his eyes didn't even care for the blackened sky. As he arrived via portal to these lands which where his home, in his eyes was a deep pain. The usually firm shoulders of the hybrid sagged ever so much as the words of his King was heard. He had mobilized with the first of the Vandenreich, even having to drag along Maria. He gave her no time to ask questions, only that he had to depart immediately. Something which she seemed insisting on coming.

It didn't matter really. For as he walked towards the capital, moving past the gates, the words of Desmond Hayden struck him. The hardened exterior and discipline of the soldier cracking. For perhaps the first time in some years, a wetness stained the cheeks of the giant. As the fading voice of his true king spoke outward, even if it wasn't too him personally, he felt the weight of responsibility fall upon him. Upon every single denizen within these lands, a great warrior-king had left them with the task to carry on the torch which he laid for them.

As his teeth grit themselves, and his eyes closed, he didn't care who same him. Hands turned into fists shaking as the metal which surrounded them cracked. As he took a deep breath he drew his head upward, allowing himself a moment to grieve, before opening his eyes. Bloodshot and firm in their resolve. Joshua Palliser, Uriel Sancroix, had a duty to the people of these lands. To this world, imposed upon him by perhaps one of the greatest martyrs in their short history. He would not sit here and mourn, when there was work to be done.

He took a stride towards he began to insert himself into the effort of removing people, a literal knight in shining armor who began to shout and direct people in a way which seemed all too familiar with the area. In no time at all, he'd find his way towards some Gotei operatives. He gave himself not a moment of peace as he spoke, the over seven feet tall soldier annoucning himself.

"I'm Uriel Sancroix, of the Vandenreich relief team. We need to organize this quickly, what's your name?" He'd ask the Gotei operative, as he had managed to gather a number of operatives from Lux, Vastime, Vandenreich, and now the Gotei. "We can task out duties to individual teams, no telling what is going to happen. But our best bet is to get them towards the western gates, it'll be the quickest evac point." He'd tell Yoshitsune.

"We need a team to direct people, guide people, and escort them to the safe point. What do you think you can do best?"

END POST | My Nation Aflame

From His Hand Protect Them (Event Evacuation Thread) JfH75kA
From His Hand Protect Them (Event Evacuation Thread) H8Tyk70
Resident Black Woman
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From His Hand Protect Them (Event Evacuation Thread) Empty Re: From His Hand Protect Them (Event Evacuation Thread)

Fri Feb 12, 2021 7:21 pm

Song: Zayn x Sia - Word Count: --

"I don't know what to do..."

Maria felt conflicted, she never really cared to pay attention to Vastime, or any of its operations really. To see the urgency stressed look in Uriel's bright, bright eyes, however, made her feel like she was going to drown if she didn't go right then and there, no resistance put up. Besides, it didn't mean the King's words didn't hit soft spot in her too. It may not be the same, but it brought back memories of the orphanage and her family there, of the owners wishing them goodbye because they couldn't keep afloat and wishing them the best. It hurt to remember. But this wasn't about her. This was about Vastime, its people and their fallen King. Just because she didn't care, didn't mean someone else couldn't.

Contrary to her chatty and bratty attitude, Mimi stayed uncharacteristically quiet, choosing to instead give her partner his moment as she took this time to hide her horns, to not frighten the people in this civilian area. The caring side of her wanted to reach out and take him into her arms so he could let all his emotions out without shame. You know, men and their weird pride thing. Gross. But anyway.

Once he seemed to feel a bit better, or so it seemed, the white haired woman perked up again and watched him stride towards the hurricane of people and it clicked that that's what was gonna happen here, they're evacuating people. Oh, she could totally do that. As he rushed to the middle of the chaos, Mimi went a bit to the side, persuading children who were alone and crying to join the horde. Not many would guess she was good with kids, or even liked them for that matter, but that ain't their business anyhow. She was still grabbing lonesome kids and helping some elderly when Uriel moved to talk to some weird lookin' dude. The pale woman squinted...was that a shinigami? Gross. But judging from his back, the blonde seemed to know what he was doing, and definitely looked more in charge than that guy anyway. Shifting the kid in her arms, "Uriel! I'll be trying to move some stranglers, you call me if you need me! I'll be here."

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From His Hand Protect Them (Event Evacuation Thread) Empty Re: From His Hand Protect Them (Event Evacuation Thread)

Sat Feb 13, 2021 3:52 pm


Before today, the small village on the very edge of the Sahara had been totally unremarkable. Simple farmers lived out their days in relative peace under the protection of the Vastime military, selling their produce to the many great metropolises of the nation.

That all changed when Death awoke in the streets of Roran

Hollows and Shinigami clashed over the the earthworks, Cero and Kido flying in every direction. "Daln! Get over here!"Laskt roared over the sounds of battle, beheading a trio of bird-like Hollows with a mighty sweep of his blade. The knight's second in command raised his katana in acknowledgment, shoving his way through the tumult with blade and fist until he was back to back with his Officer, the two of them guarding each other's backs even as they spoke. "Captain Yoshitsune has ordered me to ze capital! Vastime is having a difficult time evacuating ze noncombatants with ze level of power being thrown around!" Laskt shouted, "You have command! Hold until ze villagers are evacuated and then fall back and continue with ze disaster relief. I will return as soon as I am able!" Daln acknowledged the order with a nod and a grunt, letting loose a war cry even as Laskt Flash Stepped off into the distance.

It was a tired Laskt that arrived next to his Captain, the man taking deep gulps of air to try and catch his breath. " for now Captain." He said in-between pants, managing to get his breathing under control after a minute or so. He eyed the two strangers, listening to the knight explain his plan. "My name is Laskt Matiche, it is good to meet you Monsieur Sancroix. I wish it could be under better circumstances."

The knight grimaced as he felt the unholy amount of power emanating from the citadel, the sheer gravity of the Spiritual energy feeling like it was warping reality itself. "I will of course defer to Captain Yoshitsune but I believe zat I should be capable of taking a team to most mid range targets and pulling ze people trapped zere out of ze danger zone." Laskt stated, his breath still coming fast.

"It might be best to have subsidiary teams standing by at a few locations, made up of operatives lacking ze speed to move in and out of ze danger zone quickly. Zey can zen gazer and organize ze refugees and take zem out of ze city as you describe. If ze situation in ze Citadel deteriorates, iit might be difficult for zose wiz low Spiritual Pressure to survive proximity to...whatever is going on up zere." Laskt proposed, "Captain Yoshitsune and our stronger fighters should be ze ones performing rescues closest to ze Citadel, as zey will have ze best chance of survival if zings go south."

Despite his lacking Reiatsu, Laskt was an old, experienced soul, and no stranger to cleaning up while the big powers threw their weight around. It was all he allowed himself to do for for a long time....

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Last edited by Laskt on Sun Feb 14, 2021 12:44 pm; edited 1 time in total
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From His Hand Protect Them (Event Evacuation Thread) Empty Re: From His Hand Protect Them (Event Evacuation Thread)

Sat Feb 13, 2021 4:28 pm

The Soldier Quincy

Jonathan Weber

From His Hand Protect Them (Event Evacuation Thread) 6EdIfMt

Artist: Teminite - Song: Ascent - Word Count: NA

Jonathan Weber drew the mask tighter across his face, picking his way across the flaming rubble with superhuman grace and speed. The former soldier may be little above a child when it came to the more esoteric uses of Reishi, but harnessing it to improve his speed and sense of balance was well within even his lacking talents.

The soldier sprang over a tattered chain link fence, arriving at the small house to which he had been assigned. Unfortunately, the sturdy door yielded to neither a turn of the doorknob nor gentle persuasion by way of his booted foot. It seemed he would need to be a tad more creative if he wanted to rescue these poor souls.

The cloaked man tossed his cigarrette to the ground, putting it out with his boot heel. Jonathan closed his eyes, placing his palm against the brick wall of the house with his fingers splayed outwards. He grit his teeth, feeling the ambient Reishi in the stone, becoming one with it. He was the wall and the wall was him, it was just a matter of gently forcing the wall to remold itself to his desires. The Quincy could almost feel it start to move, grinning at his success!

And then it exploded.

Jonathan was sent flying backward, slamming into the chain-link fence hard enough to see stars for a few moments before his enhanced physique managed to shrug off the effects. He groaned, stumbling to his feet with a hand on his head. "Goddamn Quincy povers. Vy does it always have to explode?" Jonathan muttered, slowly opening his eyes to see a family of four, standing terrified at the precipice of their house's new door. The soldier coughed, embarrassed. "Right, just as blanned! Follow me to ze evac point!"

The slightly singed family joined their fellow refugees at the staging point, noticeably shying away from Jonathan in his scorched cloak. The Quincy himself rejoined his squad commander, lightning up another cigarette. The infuriating man grinned at him, despite the circumstances. "You tried it again didnt you." Jonathan threw him a glare, muttering a quick "Shut up." As he attempted to focus on the makeshift commanders of the evacuation team. The Quincy stared warily at the two Shinigami, remembering his ramshackle education of the Quincies. Shinigami were supposed to be the ancestral enemies of the Quincy right? Why were they rubbing shoulders?

The only reason why the man wasn't worried for his life was the literal knight in shining armor standing at the head of the Vandereich detachment: Uriel Sancroix. Surely he was strong enough to preclude any treachery, right?

Coding Altered From: [THEFROST]'s

From His Hand Protect Them (Event Evacuation Thread) Empty Re: From His Hand Protect Them (Event Evacuation Thread)

Sat Feb 13, 2021 4:40 pm

From His Hand Protect Them (Event Evacuation Thread) 6EdIfMt


Artist: Carrotwine - Song: Dark Side Of The Road

He stood silent for a moment, listening as he could feel the sensations. The battle had a pulse to it, a rhythm if you listened. The King of Vastime, the circumstances of the situation. The Gravity was only felt by a few people, even in the Gotei it had been left mostly quiet. The conflicts breaking out helped nobody, the situation was dangerous enough.

He seemed to be considering the next course of action, he closed his eyes now for a moment. Inhaling through his nostrils before exhaling a soft breath from his lips. "The situation is critical, combat is not the desired outcome in this situation. But I don't think choices will be given. I am Captain Yoshitsune Kobayashi, head of the Combat Division. Nice to meet both of you. "

He didn't bring up his excellent skills at stepping, that was part of why he came. His skill to avoid at high speeds and deal with these circumstances. Strategically Laskt's suggestion did make sense. However, the trouble was getting close, and not being fast enough could kill you and them.

"I wish we'd met under better circumstances, as I see the situation. We'll have a detachment handle medium to the nearby range. Laskt please handle that for me, those of you who are quick. It would be best to get those closer to the Citadel further away. " His eyes were like sapphire gems as they looked over each person. Sadness was in them, for this situation was one he didn't wish on anyone.

He'd always wanted to go a couple of rounds with Hayden, King or not the guy had to have had some good moves. Not to mention a few rounds of drink and some stories would have been better.

"We need to funnel them out quickly, the situation unless contained will get worse. Do you have a location you can take them? Bringing them here while excellent, it's not a solution. We need to get them off this continent, when I finish here..I'll be evacuating all over South America. This cannot be taken lightly, his Majesty is a powerful force."

He turned back, looking towards the Citadel. Longing to go and clash swords, to fight but it wasn't to be. He simply couldn't measure up to the man who sat on that throne. It was a fly fighting a cannon. In a moment three of him appeared, having used a Hoho technique.

The two would pick off enemies, while he focused on the rescue. They'd grab as well, it would let him bring six back at a time. "Alright, let's make sure we get these people to safety. I'll trust you all with the harder part."

It was with a dizzying speed he and the three vanished. His Hoho skills and practice had been useful in this condition. Flanked on his right and left by his clones, he brought down hollows who attacked him rapidly. Moving up and taking people. Children, women, and men alike. Once he and his clones had gotten six, they came landing back.

Before disappearing again, it took him mere seconds to do this process. But it wouldn't be so easy, because in a war not everyone makes it. There were those despite his wishes, he couldn't save. They were too close to the epicenter when his Majesty's Folly happened.

His face became grim as he moved back through carnage and rubble, using his Hoho to jump between buildings and other obstacles. Clearing what he could, but no mistake would be made. This would be something that would haunt his dreams for years to come.

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From His Hand Protect Them (Event Evacuation Thread) Empty Re: From His Hand Protect Them (Event Evacuation Thread)

Sat Feb 13, 2021 5:51 pm

Song: N/A - By: N/A - Word Count: N/A

An emergency meeting had been drawn up by the Head-Captain of the Gotei; Abalia Kyoraku-Hayden herself. A brief on the situation; apparently, the worse had occurred. Desmond Hayden was as good as dead, the aspect of death had taken his form; erased his presence. However, the people were still in danger. Being the highest level of order in the Stealth Division, Shuten had done as Abalia had requested and kept her squad on standby. However, it was quickly brought to her attention that the cities, and even the majority of Africa, needed to be evacuated. The gravity of the situation was made no less severe by such a man as Hayden falling to a being who wished nothing more than to tear the world asunder. However, before she had departed; Shuten wished her lover to return safe. After all, she knew that Magnolia was at the epicenter of the impending danger.

Such a reason was why Shuten organized her squad to help evacuate and escort those they could; mostly leaving the frontline battle to the present Quincy and the Combat Division. However, that did not stop Shuten from assassinating what danger to the citizens she could reasonably handle. It made sense hollows were being drawn to such foul energy; which was why Shuten was glad to pluck hollows away from those in the combat division. She killed hollows easily in an attempt to ease the stress on her squad and on those present. However, it was hard for Shuten to not be worried by the energy she felt from Vastime.

No matter how much Shuten attempted to reassure herself, it was easy to tell that the energy coming from the area was nothing but foul; something that made the hair on the back of Shuten's neck stand on end. It was odd. If she was to be right about what Abalia had told the captains, and Shuten; had Hayden been fighting an enemy so dreadful for so long...? Whatever the case may have been, it worried Shuten. However, she soon intercepted Captain Yoshitsune between him fighting hollows and rescuing civilians.

She put a hand on his shoulder, cutting down a hollow with her zanpakuto before she looked towards him. Her gaze was steely; perhaps a little odd. Those purple eyes were still calculating; but there was a killing edge to them that was never present in the times before when Shuten and Yoshitsune had seen each other.

"Hello there, Captain Yoshitsune... Listen, I know you wish to purify what hollows you can. However, leave the fighting to your squad members and to my squad; combat will only slow you down. Get out those who you can."

Shuten gave him a smile, and then, in a flurry of her odd Zanpakuto, she disappeared with a skillful Shunpo; albeit, not quite as good as she would have once wished. However, she did not care for skill right now. Right now, she cared for the safety of her squad-mates, and, most of all, the safety of the citizens. If all hell broke loose while everyone was still here... Well, suffice to say that millions of lives would be burned and lost in the torrent of violence that was sure to erupt eventually. This... This was but a prelude of what was to come.

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Sat Feb 13, 2021 6:36 pm
From His Hand Protect Them (Event Evacuation Thread) Rsz_1a2efb04189fc39cb6b9ba8e9992e4bcf

Uriel Sancroix | Knight of Two

Something screamed in Joshua, a primal echo of his former life as he gazed upon the hellscape which was his city. Even as he listened to the words of those around him, for the truly perspective, they could see a pain in the knight's eyes. Blue irises which seemed to have flames dance in them, as the sun began to set overhead. As the sun set he could feel his usual power boost going down with it, not that he cared in the moment. He knew everything about this city from the defenses, to the people, to why the hollows now ran rampant.

"In our darkest hour, our oldest foe rears their head." His voice barely above a whisper, speaking mostly to himself. Unlike those around him, this was him home. He remembered the times before the Iron King, when life was a daily struggle against the hollow epidemic. Even as he displayed the firm exterior of a soldier, a deep sadness echo'd in the heart of the man. He knew not of his mother, of his sister, of his brothers. If they where ok, if they made it to safety. He didn't know if the elementary school which he had spoken at, when he first joined the corps, if it was ok. He didn't know if the polite baker whom had often gifted bread to his family was alive. There was so much he didn't know, as the firm face of Uriel Sancroix turned into something else.

For those around him, a glow began to emit from his body. A soft heat emitting from his body, as he began to step towards the chaos which was his city. His deep baritone speaking out, over the chaos, over everything as he gave but a simple instruction to those who wished to aide.

"Take them to the east gate. A military presence should be established there, as is Vastimian Protocol in the event of a mass exodus. They'll handle taking them out of state. I'm pushing towards the citadel." As he began to step towards the street, the blueish-white coat he wore began to ignite in flames. To most they would simply be fire abilities, but for Maria, she could distinctly feel the radiance of the sun in those flames. As the glow which engulfed his body seemed to set aflame his very body, as his passion was brought to the surface.

"Maria, I'll be directing civilians here." He'd look over his shoulders, the brief outline of his face seen. "I'll trust you to make sure they get to the gate. It's where we came from." His head turned forward as he now began to release his full spiritual pressure, for those nearby it was perhaps equitable to a lieutenant. But more importantly was the swelling of solar energy which engulfed his figure, for with all the spiritual entities now populating the city Uriel's specialty became known.

He wasn't merely expelling energy, but rather he was drawing in large quantities of Reishi on a scale which showcased he knew what he was doing. His hand coming to grasp not a Quincy weapon, but a Zanpakatou which seemed to now be glowing. Heat radiated off the blade, simmering as the snow around him melted with each step forward. While he possessed no skill in blut or spell craft, or even basic Hakada or Kido- this man had hyper focused himself. His ability to draw in Reishi, to focus it into his Zanapaktou, was perhaps his greatest asset.

Where the Captain of the Gotei moved quickly, saving those in the proximity, he knew that eventually the soldiers of Vastime would make an expeditionary push inward. This area could very well be secured soon, so he'd focus his attention where that one shinigami spoke: The Citadel. He'd press forward immediately engaging into combat with Hollows of varying powers, shapes and sizes. In movements which seemed far too efficient, he'd side step a swipe lifting his blade up bisecting a hollow in half- not breaking his stride in the process.

Considering he actively released his power, he made himself a target. His goal was not to search out for Hollows, but to draw them to him as he pushed deeper. For this simple fact he reached into his cloak to remove a small pill, holding it between armored fingers as he crushed it. In doing so releasing a scent, a presence, which would draw hollows like moths to a flame. A risky move, one which promised hell.

But that was the nature of being a soldier, to risk one's life where others did not.

In no time he'd be in the thick of it, a walking beacon of energy and light. Every few steps needing to duck down, or side step, followed by a strike to end another hollow. Before long he would disappear down the street, into the darkness and chaos which awaited him. If they wish to bring war to his nation, to his people, to his home; then he would bring destruction. His hand reached towards his right side, with his left hand, drawing a handgun. It was something of a hand-canon courtesy of Vastime, leveling the weapon forward as he walked.

Those still at the entrance would hear the loud, thundering, echoing shots of the weapon. Uriel Sancroix, the Knight of Two, would once more charge into the gates of hell.

END POST | My Nation Aflame

From His Hand Protect Them (Event Evacuation Thread) JfH75kA
From His Hand Protect Them (Event Evacuation Thread) H8Tyk70
Resident Black Woman
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From His Hand Protect Them (Event Evacuation Thread) Empty Re: From His Hand Protect Them (Event Evacuation Thread)

Sat Feb 13, 2021 8:05 pm

Song: Zayn x Sia - Word Count: --

Grabbing people left and right, Maria didn't pay any mind to the new company that arrived, its not like they were hostile anyway. Minus that guy that blew up himself, yikes. Regardless, with how serious Uriel looked, she didn't need to worry too much. Helle trusted him, and Mimi trusted Helle, plus he didn't seem too bad of a guy so far. However, what did catch her attention was seeing that weird shinigami guy move faster than she could comprehend. Were those fucking shadow clones? Like that shit from Noruto?? The fuck kind of trickery was that?! Thoughts of asking him how many clones he could make, if they were sentient and other weird and completely inappropriate thoughts were broken by the sound of a hollow's roar. That really put the white haired woman's senses on high alert. Were things that bad to whereas hollows could penetrate o the city?! "Terrifying..."

Now she was worked up. Alarms blaring in her head, her fight or flight signals going absolutely haywire motivated her to speed up her body, almost snatching a child from an elderly man's arms in a less than delicate manner. Her fear wasn' good for the civilians, but who was she kidding? She was a civilian her damn self, she wasn't string enouh or smart enough to outmaneuver a foul being like that. How could she be so dumb to just follow a man she only recently met? That's how Anton got her, that's how she got here in the first place, being alive past her due date, watching her friends die before her, to suffer and watch herself fall apart like some doll—

Her panic mode was cut through by Uriel saying her name, snapping her back to reality. And that's when she felt it. The sun. But it was snowing, there's no bright warmth coming from the sky, it was coming from her companion, the luminous giant himself. Maria stared at him for a moment, dazed from her mini breakdown and in awe at the blonde's appearance. Not enough to not hear what he said to her, however, which in turn caused her to become fully aware once again, calmer this time. More aware that now, now that big man looked like he carried the world on his shoulders, with his sorrowful blue eyes hidden behind the face of a man. Mimi worried her bottom lip, he didn't look good, and being a beacon for these monsters wasn't all that dandy either. But she knew, she knew he couldn't be comforted right now, it just wasn't the time. Another hollow's roar got her moving again, this time making her aware of the uncomfortable child in her grip again. The white haired woman gave him an apologetic smile and hurried along with the group, taking notice of the law enforce also around and fighting back.

Why did she worry so much? She wasn't sure, and she didn't really want to think about it either. Everything would be okay, on a surface level. So that's why she turned back to the literal incarnation of the sun, her technical enemy, but also potentially her savior. A friend? Maybe.

"Don't die on me now, soldier boy."

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From His Hand Protect Them (Event Evacuation Thread) Empty Re: From His Hand Protect Them (Event Evacuation Thread)

Sun Feb 14, 2021 12:24 pm


Laskt muttered something unflattering under his breath as Yoshitsune brushed off his suggestions, Flash-Stepping away on his own at maximum speed. The knight owed his Captain a lot, and would follow him into the depths of Hell if he gave the order. That said, he had an irritating tendency to run off on his own when things got dicey instead of working with the support of his underlings. Then again, Laskt supposed he wasn't one to talk.

The Vizard would nod as Uriel gave his suggestions, letting loose a small sigh of relief when the man said the Vastimian military would be hanging the actual process of getting people away from the city. Laskt wasn't sure their ramshackle task force had the manpower to spare to guide the entire population through a Senkaimon: it was good to hear that Hayden had been wise enough to prepare for the inevitable.

"I wish you good hunting zen Monsieur Sancroix. I would fight alongside you, but I have my own group to lead." Laskt said, inclining his head to the Quincy. Respect then abruptly turned into shock as Uriel drew what looked to be a Zanpaktou, prompting a wave of intense heat that all but turned the newly fallen snow into slush. It appeared Uriel Sancroix was a man made of the same mold as himself, despite the strangeness of his powers. A conversation for another time perhaps.

The Vizard turned to the milling crowd, channeling his inner sergeant, "What are you all standing around for? I want ranged units supporting Monsieur Vancroix from a distance, close-combat guarding his back! He isn't going to last long on his own! Move!" He shouted, galvanizing a majority of them to motion. Laskt pointed out three of what looked to be the spiritually strongest squads, "You men, wiz me. We are going to take advantage of this distraction and try to get people out of the worst hit areas. Follow my lead." Laskt ordered, vanishing with a Shunpo.

The knight's detachment reformed in the swirling snow atop a high rise, the building trembling and shaking under the continuous attacks of the Hollows within. The view from there was like something out of a old monster movie: fires illuminating the soft evening gloom to a brightness like that of full noon. The once mighty city had had its very heart torn bleeding from its chest, and now the body was beginning to sense that horrific violation.

Laskt drew his Zanpaktou, stoking his own personal flames to raging. Unlike Uriel's fires, they were not like that of the sun: burning and scorching the very air around them as they rose. Laskt's ability was that of a campfire at the end of a long march: a lone candle in a child's bedroom holding back the terror of the night. The Flame of Tar Valon was the purest expression of the flame: the treasure of the gods that carried equal capacity to save and punish in the same breath.

The Vizard's Spiritual Pressure billowed out alongside this flame, doing its best to protect him from the sheer level of power being thrown around not too far away."We go floor by floor. Kill any Hollows you find, pull as many civilians out as you can carry and return zem to ze evacuation site. We will rendezvous here once it is done, and zen move onto ze next building. Do not falter, do not retreat: we are zese people's only hope for salvation. Shame on ze man who does not try to grant zose prayers."

Laskt vaulted over the lip of the rooftop, allowing gravity to take hold for a few moments before smashing through a floor-to-ceiling window, his blade alight with power as he quested for the Hollows' blood.

Template By:

Laskt Matiche(2-5 Vizard/B Hazard)

Jonathan Weber(4-2 Quincy/D Hazard)
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