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God of Love
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Trying to Reason with Hurricane Season [Kyo, Elyss] - Page 3 Left_bar_bleue16000/1Trying to Reason with Hurricane Season [Kyo, Elyss] - Page 3 Empty_bar_bleue  (16000/1)

Trying to Reason with Hurricane Season [Kyo, Elyss] - Page 3 Empty Re: Trying to Reason with Hurricane Season [Kyo, Elyss]

Tue Jun 29, 2021 11:41 am
Trying to Reason with Hurricane Season [Kyo, Elyss] - Page 3 8ZovUmi


"Don't need to ask me twice, I'm coming."

Despite his own nature, Kyo found it rather charming as Elyss simply dragged him along into town. Most women he met with were far too concerned with appearances to be this direct, and that was the whole reason he just saw them as...well, women. They didn't exactly give him any reason to speak with them besides the professional, but Elyss was certainly something else entirely.

"Elyss, I don't know what kind of food they have down here, I've never been on Earth before this assignment. You pick, I'll eat it. Unless it's bad, but honestly it's been long enough since I ate last that I'll still eat it."

Kyo laughed once more at that, though still not quite as boisterously as the first time they had met. After all, this was still a professional interaction, at least as far as he was concerned. He was on the job as long as he was on Earth, so it didn't quite do to just make all of his usual observations.


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Trying to Reason with Hurricane Season [Kyo, Elyss] - Page 3 Empty Re: Trying to Reason with Hurricane Season [Kyo, Elyss]

Tue Jun 29, 2021 10:35 pm

ポ ス ト を 開 始

“I didn’t ask, big guy.”

She felt like making that point clear just because. Jeez. Can he be any more useless? Well, that’s not fair, but it’s fair right now. It’s just Earth. All the food is literally the same. He just has to tell her his tastes, but if he’s going to be clueless, she’ll just take the reins and do whatever she wants. Now, what is she feeling for? You know, she hears that America likes to mimic Chinese food. They should definitely go and see if there are any places that actually serve something that’ll remind her of China. She can remember having some Chinese food in China with her parents when she was a human.

“Don’t be daft. This is a tourist place. Of course they’re going to have places to eat that ain’t shit. Also, cut out all the soft speaking crap. Ya sound like a pansy.”

Her mouth is wild right now, isn’t it? She’d never speak like this normally, but, for some reason, Kyo seems like he deserves the worst of her manners. Maybe it’s just the aura of a man about him that makes her just want to spit whatever comes to her head. Sort of reminds her of being around Arkin or Alex.



God of Love
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Trying to Reason with Hurricane Season [Kyo, Elyss] - Page 3 Empty Re: Trying to Reason with Hurricane Season [Kyo, Elyss]

Wed Jun 30, 2021 2:21 am
Trying to Reason with Hurricane Season [Kyo, Elyss] - Page 3 8ZovUmi


Well wasn't that quite a change of pace from her? Kyo was perfectly glad to keep things nice and professional if they were on the job, but it sure seemed like she wasn't exactly in the mood for those kinds of pleasantries. Well, that suited Kyo just fine, honestly.

"Woah, now, short stack. I'm a lot of things, but a pansy's not one of 'em!"

Ah, there was the bombastic nature for which he was known through the Gotei and the noble families. His professional restraint was definitely left at the workplace, and frankly, he'd been holding back for a very long time now. It would probably be nice to actually relax a bit for once, even if his work would still be in the back of his mind the whole night. For now, he was back to his typical grin, enjoying the banter.

"I thought I'd be smart to let the one who knows this place better pick the food, that's all. Want me to start dragging you around instead til I find something I think looks good?"


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Trying to Reason with Hurricane Season [Kyo, Elyss] - Page 3 Empty Re: Trying to Reason with Hurricane Season [Kyo, Elyss]

Fri Jul 02, 2021 5:32 pm

ポ ス ト を 開 始

“Then you’d actually be doing something, huh? It’s just like Soul Society. Not like the food is that different. Besides, I don’t know anything about Florida.”

He’s being obnoxiously gentlemanly, isn’t he? She doesn’t hate it, but she doesn’t hang out with guys like him to feel like a pretty woman. Like Arkin, she’s looking for a good time. Considering that neither Julian nor Makoto has gotten back with her, it’s only safe to assume they’re still pulling their own weight, hopefully. She could have gone ahead and took the paper where it needed to go, but she’d rather wait for her team. She should wait for their weigh in before bothering anyone about this.

“Now then…”

With a small smile that seemed to threaten his very existence, she elbowed him: HARD.

“Call me short again.”



God of Love
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Trying to Reason with Hurricane Season [Kyo, Elyss] - Page 3 Empty Re: Trying to Reason with Hurricane Season [Kyo, Elyss]

Sat Jul 03, 2021 2:07 am
Trying to Reason with Hurricane Season [Kyo, Elyss] - Page 3 8ZovUmi


"What can I say, after a hard day of work I don't always like bein' the proactive one. But I guess if I've gotta do all the work, I'll manage no problem."

Elyss' elbow to his side sure sent a shock through his system, if only because the woman was quite obviously much stronger than he was. Thankfully it didn't seem like she'd actually broken anything, but to be fair, Kyo was fairly positive that was just because she hadn't actually wanted to.

Damn, that was pretty hot.

"Sorry, didn't mean to be rude. Is height-deprived the polite term for you guys these days? I can never keep up with all that."

Well, she'd asked, hadn't she? It seemed like she was the sort to aim to push some buttons, and Kyo was all too glad to push buttons right back. Of course, he wasn't entirely sure he'd come out of this quite as unscathed as she would, but hey, that wasn't the end of the world.


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Trying to Reason with Hurricane Season [Kyo, Elyss] - Page 3 Empty Re: Trying to Reason with Hurricane Season [Kyo, Elyss]

Mon Jul 05, 2021 7:25 pm

ポ ス ト を 開 始

“Too bad everyone else has to work too, so suck it up.”

As if she’s going to show him any mercy. She invited him out, but he’s going to do the work. He shouldn’t have called her short, and he shouldn’t be pushing her buttons further, but he is. Her eyes darted away, a sudden spasm of hatred burning her thoughts. However, her response proved lackluster. It was nothing more than a huff, followed by a hand fixing her hair a bit, placing a few strands behind her ear. Her eyes suddenly soft, her scarred fingers left on her cheek, and a sullen expression on her face.


She muttered gently.



God of Love
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Trying to Reason with Hurricane Season [Kyo, Elyss] - Page 3 Empty Re: Trying to Reason with Hurricane Season [Kyo, Elyss]

Fri Jul 09, 2021 8:32 pm
Trying to Reason with Hurricane Season [Kyo, Elyss] - Page 3 8ZovUmi


"Hey, it's not the end of the world gettin' to go out to dinner with a feisty gal like you, I'll put in a little elbow grease if that's what it takes."

Kyo hadn't really expected Elyss' reaction to seem so...well, hurt, for lack of any better word, and he had to admit that this was definitely not the sort of response he'd been intending to get from her. Well, he supposed he did tend to push things a little too far, but he was nothing if not one to try and correct his mistakes, if in his own way. Giving her a gentle punch to the shoulder, Kyo gestured over to a little cabana by the beach, clearly a labor of love fed by the local ports.

"Tell you what, how about we head there? Sure doesn't look anything like up in Soul Society, and I'd say I'm doing a bad job picking a place if I went with something comfortable."

He could have waited, and probably should have waited, but Kyo was not a man who thought before he acted when it came to interpersonal interactions. He simply walked on over that way, giving Elyss his usual grin.

"You oughta tell me how you got those scars, if you don't mind. They seem mighty impressive."


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Trying to Reason with Hurricane Season [Kyo, Elyss] - Page 3 Empty Re: Trying to Reason with Hurricane Season [Kyo, Elyss]

Mon Jul 12, 2021 8:57 am

ポ ス ト を 開 始

What a sucker. An absolute tool. Why do men get all soft and lame as soon as a gal pulls out the, “I have boobs and is femine?” Annoying, honestly. She had expected him to see through her little ploy, not play along like a toy poodle on a short leash. At least that was it with him. He didn’t harp on her little show, nor did he try obnoxiously hard to make her feel better. She shouldn’t mess around with people like that though. She probably could have had him hogtied to a bus and make him believe he deserved it.

“Yeah yeah. Whatever.”

Her scars? They’re annoying, but rewarding. She’s never brought them up before. Everyone has scars, some more than others. A lot of people prefer getting them removed though. The Gotei has that ability, but why? Scars aren’t even that bad, and they’re proof that you’ve been through thick and thin. It’s sort of like trying to erase your past or something, and she knows that’s something impossible to do.

“Looks like a nice place.”

Better to not think too hard about something as silly as war stories. She doesn’t have many to tell anyway. What a weird guy, asking a woman about her scars. Hasn’t even paid for their meal yet, sheesh. Following after him, she put on a rather passive expression, lazy eyes, thin lips, a yawn just because. She definitely could use a nap when she gets a chance.



God of Love
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Trying to Reason with Hurricane Season [Kyo, Elyss] - Page 3 Empty Re: Trying to Reason with Hurricane Season [Kyo, Elyss]

Thu Jul 15, 2021 4:12 pm
Trying to Reason with Hurricane Season [Kyo, Elyss] - Page 3 8ZovUmi


"Damn, not even a story? I'd have thought someone keeping those around would have a little pride in how they showed up."

Kyo was not exactly as soft as Elyss might have assumed just on account of his lightening up of his tone. It was more that he had assumed he'd hit a significant nerve, considering her usual demeanor, but he wasn't one to remain polite and gentle in his speech after a single faux pas.

"Looks neat, dunno what they actually even have here but I'm sure it can't be bad. Hey, friend, what've you got? Actually, never mind, you own this place, you know what's the best. Give me two of those! No no, don't tell me what it is, the surprise will be part of the experience!"

Right back to his typical confidence without so much as missing a beat, Kyo certainly didn't seem to mind much that he was more or less fumbling through a basic interaction. If anything, it hardly seemed like he even considered it fumbling.

"Drinks? Hey, Elyss, what are you drinking?"


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Trying to Reason with Hurricane Season [Kyo, Elyss] - Page 3 Empty Re: Trying to Reason with Hurricane Season [Kyo, Elyss]

Wed Jul 21, 2021 3:26 pm

ポ ス ト を 開 始

“They’re just scars. I don’t think about it too much, but I guess…”

She cut herself off. What is she guessing? Anything she can tell him would sound the same, honestly. Most of her scars are from fighting Hollows. Only a few of them represent something more than just a bout with a monster. Those are stories she’d rather not share. Besides, Kyo’s banter is more interesting. He’s like a kid trying to decide what to order. The person taking his order is suffering through it, and all Elyss could do was shrug her shoulders.

“Drinks? Ah… Whatever you’re drinking. I’m not picky. Pick something good too.”



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