Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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God of Love
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Cucumber in a Bowl of Hot Sauce [Rukia, Shiro] Empty Cucumber in a Bowl of Hot Sauce [Rukia, Shiro]

Sat Oct 16, 2021 6:26 am
Cucumber in a Bowl of Hot Sauce [Rukia, Shiro] PN5IfA7


As far as life went, Rukia couldn't say hers had been particularly busy lately. If anything, it had been a little too slow for her liking. There wasn't much to do in the 7th Division, especially since the Gotei kept ceding jurisdiction to the Vandenreich and Vastime. She didn't like it, and it didn't seem like her Captain did, either. But there wasn't too much they could do right now other than just roll with the punches.

Well, and relax. But she wasn't too used to that, so she'd ended up relying a lot on someone else who did know more about it.

"Hey, Shiro, I'm coming in. I'd like it if you were wearing pants."

She could have waited, but that would have ruined what she considered the funnier part of her just barging into Shiro's tent. Honestly, she really didn't care too much what she saw just walking in. She was a little old to worry about that.


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Sat Oct 16, 2021 7:45 am
Cucumber in a Bowl of Hot Sauce [Rukia, Shiro] HufbTT0

Shiro | White and Grey

People should learn to knock before invading another's privacy. They'll see something they shouldn't see, and then things end up getting weird. Fortunately, for Rukia, the scene before her would prove rather mundane. Papers askewed over a coffee table next to a plain couch, nothing would see our of the ordinary, especially the man sleeping next to them in an undignified manner. His head nearly gravitating off the edge of the couch, Shiro slept like a man who had drunk himself silly the afternoon before. The cans of beer around him on the floor and table probably makes that thought more realistic than one would want. At a closer glance, he, at least, has a blanket around his nether regions, leaving it unclear if he is even clothed or not. The undone black uniform around his chest hopefully means he is.

On the table sat various papers, some homework, others forms to do with the Division. Though, the most interesting detail is the paperweights. Next to a pair of broken shades, Rukia would see herself, in figurine form, acting as a weight. It wasn't just one figure either. Three figures: one of her in an action pose, the other of her wielding her Shikai, and the last one is of her beside Ichigo. Rukia probably knew that Shiro had just returned from an outing, so it probably wouldn't shock her that he has suviniours. One who hasn't experienced Earth before would probably bring something back. His snoring tore through the room however, leaving one to wonder if she'd leave him to his rest.

God of Love
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Sat Oct 16, 2021 8:02 am
Cucumber in a Bowl of Hot Sauce [Rukia, Shiro] PN5IfA7



Rukia wouldn't have really minded the mess, or even the way Shiro was laying on the couch like some sort of drunkard. If he was off, she wasn't going to tell him how to spend his time. What stuck out to her, though, was the set of action figures that sat on the table. Obviously she knew what they were, but it just seemed so...weird that he'd brought them back.

Well, he was weird, so that did make sense. Not that she minded, but it was a pretty easy observation to make.

"Looks like you had a fun trip, huh?"

Shutting the door to the yurt behind her, Rukia simply walked in and took a seat atop Shiro's chest, wondering if that would actually even wake him up. He seemed pretty out of it, and the last thing anyone could call her was "heavy."


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Cucumber in a Bowl of Hot Sauce [Rukia, Shiro] Left_bar_bleue0/0Cucumber in a Bowl of Hot Sauce [Rukia, Shiro] Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

Cucumber in a Bowl of Hot Sauce [Rukia, Shiro] Empty Re: Cucumber in a Bowl of Hot Sauce [Rukia, Shiro]

Sat Oct 16, 2021 8:19 am
Cucumber in a Bowl of Hot Sauce [Rukia, Shiro] HufbTT0

Shiro | White and Grey

He snorted. As she sat on his chest, he just straight up snorted. Then, he sniffed before a hand lazily wiped at his nose. She's not heavy, so it was sort of like someone throwing a pillow on him. His body didn't care that much. However, pillows are soft, and the body naturally wants to reach peak comfort, so it probably won't come as a surprise when his other arm decided to wrap around her. Don't worry though. Him practically snuggling her didn't last long because a couch isn't that big. With just one big roll, he threw both of them onto the floor, him on top of her. And, thanks to drinking, he didn't wake up immediately after. She is kind of soft and caught his fall.

Now, he's snoring in her ear while laying on her on the floor. Perfect, yeah? She may not be heavy, but he's not the lightest guy. Guess squashed peaches are on the menu.


God of Love
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Cucumber in a Bowl of Hot Sauce [Rukia, Shiro] Left_bar_bleue16000/1Cucumber in a Bowl of Hot Sauce [Rukia, Shiro] Empty_bar_bleue  (16000/1)

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Sat Oct 16, 2021 8:39 am
Cucumber in a Bowl of Hot Sauce [Rukia, Shiro] PN5IfA7


You know, when she'd been younger, Rukia probably would have yelled at Shiro to get off her, called him some special variant of a moron just for the occasion, and then kicked him. The years really had mellowed her out. Instead, the extent of her reaction was a decidedly exasperated sigh.

She could have just pushed him off her without any real effort, honestly. It's not like she was some weak little girl, regardless of what her size would suggest. But, at the same time, that ended up meaning that this whole arrangement really wasn't as uncomfortable as it probably should have been normally. The only real issue was it being on the floor, but she'd certainly laid on worse.

"Hey. Dork. Wake up."

She thought about giving him a kiss on the cheek, just to see if it would actually make him stir at all, but that didn't end up happening. Rukia wasn't going to reward this kind of thing.


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Cucumber in a Bowl of Hot Sauce [Rukia, Shiro] Empty Re: Cucumber in a Bowl of Hot Sauce [Rukia, Shiro]

Sat Oct 16, 2021 9:36 am
Cucumber in a Bowl of Hot Sauce [Rukia, Shiro] HufbTT0

Shiro | White and Grey

Why must the good things die? He wants to stay asleep. It's not like he has anything else to do today. Why is Rukia calling him a dork? What did he do this time? Grumbling obscenities, he shifted a bit until his body refused to go back to sleep. It was a combination of everything that had happened that actually got his attention. Though, he's still groggy and has a bit of a headache. Drinking does that to you when you're not careful. But, again, why did she have to wake him up.

He actually sat up a bit, his hands as support as he hovered over her. Something doesn't feel right about this to him. Why is his teacher here on the floor under him? Maybe he is still asleep.

"Sup, Teach? Whatcha doing here?"

He feels like he's back home, school but a few hours away from starting. Though, that still doesn't explain all of this. Why is she- Oh... wait. She's not his teacher. She's his girlfriend. This isn't his house. It's a yurt. It all came back to him like a slap to the back of the head. Well, more like a sudden influx of migraine. With a snarl, he rubbed at the back of his head, grumbling at his drinking habits. Still, why is she here again? He's sure she wasn't here last night, was she?

"We didn't do that, did we?"

Nah. They couldn't have. She already said she'd rather them not be drunk. Maybe... no... maybe...


God of Love
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Cucumber in a Bowl of Hot Sauce [Rukia, Shiro] Empty Re: Cucumber in a Bowl of Hot Sauce [Rukia, Shiro]

Sat Oct 16, 2021 12:53 pm
Cucumber in a Bowl of Hot Sauce [Rukia, Shiro] PN5IfA7


"We didn't, no."

Rukia wasn't really sure if she should be annoyed or not that he even asked that question, but she was willing to let it slide for now, if only because he'd just woken up. Laying beneath him on the floor, she simply looked up at him with a faintly amused expression, not too terribly bothered by a situation she could remove herself from.

"Looks like you had a whole party by yourself. Well, not by yourself. I guess I was here in spirit."


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Sat Oct 16, 2021 1:58 pm
Cucumber in a Bowl of Hot Sauce [Rukia, Shiro] HufbTT0

Shiro | White and Grey

“In spirit?”

What is she on about? He didn’t bother trying to understand as he sat up more, using the table as leverage. Man. There are a lot of papers for him to sort through. He wouldn’t want to turn in his homework to the Captain. Oh, look. It’s his figurines. Wait. Well, guess that explains what she’s talking about. Shouldn’t he be a bit embarrassed about this? ...Nah. He’s too tired to care. Guess he should explain them at least.

“Want some coffee or something? What time is it?”

He got up off of her, moving towards the little kitchen he has and started going through the cupboards. Mmm… What does he even have? Tea? Green tea? That’ll do then. He goes about preparing it and everything while trying to piece together his story.

“Anyway, yeah. In spirit. Funny. I remember now. There was a store, and I just walked in. They sold comics and stuff, and I saw the figurines. I guess I got caught staring or something because a guy came up and started hyping them up. All this crap about saving Karakuri and defeating Aizen. I bought them to just get him to shut up, but it just got him talking about some fanclub. I sort of zoned out then, but he did mention the King of Vastime or whatever that has to do with anything.”

Shiro tried his best to sound any bit interested, but his voice just kind of droned on as he worked preparing the tea. Where did he even get this stuff from again? Ah… Oh yeah. One of the neighbors gave it to him. Something about him looking tired and needing some energy. She was nice.


God of Love
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Cucumber in a Bowl of Hot Sauce [Rukia, Shiro] Empty Re: Cucumber in a Bowl of Hot Sauce [Rukia, Shiro]

Sat Oct 16, 2021 10:42 pm
Cucumber in a Bowl of Hot Sauce [Rukia, Shiro] PN5IfA7


"Sure, that sounds nice."

It didn't look like he was actually making coffee at all, but Rukia couldn't say she'd been specifically hoping for coffee. It had just been an offer for a drink, so she took it. Not much else to it.

"Honestly, I'm more glad to hear that than that you just decided you wanted more of me to always be around. Though if that had been what happened, I'd have had to tell you that at least you had good taste. I did get the coolest action figures."

Of course, speaking about the whole thing so jovially wasn't really enough to make the past seem like a lighthearted thing in Rukia's eyes. As far as she knew, all her friends from those days were dead. She missed them, but it wasn't worth it to just cling on and hope they were around somewhere.

"I talked to the king of Vastime once. He was a big fan. You didn't join that fanclub, did you?"


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Cucumber in a Bowl of Hot Sauce [Rukia, Shiro] Empty Re: Cucumber in a Bowl of Hot Sauce [Rukia, Shiro]

Sun Oct 17, 2021 8:46 am
Cucumber in a Bowl of Hot Sauce [Rukia, Shiro] HufbTT0

Shiro | White and Grey

“What would be the point of a fanclub? Why fantasize when the real thing’s right here?”

At this point, he’s at least a bit more coherent. The tea is coming along nicely, he thinks. Honestly, he doesn’t make it that much. Though, he probably should, considering how he randomly ends up drinking himself to sleep. Maybe a roommate would be nice, someone to take care of that stuff for him. Ah, his thoughts are getting off track, and the tea’s gonna take a second to get warm and stuff. Might as well give Rukia a bit more of his attention.

“I guess it is weird to have figurines of you, but you’re right, at least. They’re not that bad. It’s hard to think of you as some big shot though. Sometimes I forget you’re even a noble.”

He turned and leaned against the stove, folding his arms over his chest. Oh, by the way, he’s just wearing long baggy pants under his open uniform. It wasn’t clear if he was decent or not, but now it is. As if he would be this cool if he was in just his underwear or something.

“Why are you even here, actually? Not that I mind, but…”


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