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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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God of Love
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Cucumber in a Bowl of Hot Sauce [Rukia, Shiro] - Page 3 Empty Re: Cucumber in a Bowl of Hot Sauce [Rukia, Shiro]

Sun Oct 24, 2021 5:25 am
Cucumber in a Bowl of Hot Sauce [Rukia, Shiro] - Page 3 PN5IfA7


"Well, we teachers are looking out for the best interests of our students. Half of you wouldn't pick up on much of anything if we didn't give you a reason to focus on it."

Rukia thought for a moment to lean up against him as he sat down, but for now, she'd honestly rather just enjoy the tea and talk with him. Well, the tea actually could have been better, but she'd still drink it without any issues. It mattered more that he'd made it for her at all, it was a nice gesture.

"I didn't really have any plans, but it sounds like you've got a few. Get a drink, hm? You hoping for a repeat of last time?"

She was obviously teasing, her eyes narrowed as she gave him a little smirk. Admittedly, though, that was covering up a little more of a genuine worry about that situation. It hadn't exactly been something she'd been ready for, and they'd hardly seen any repeats of it since then. Was that what he was hoping for here? Should she be annoyed by that, or was it reasonable for him to want that?

This was hard.


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Mon Oct 25, 2021 9:47 am
Cucumber in a Bowl of Hot Sauce [Rukia, Shiro] - Page 3 HufbTT0

Shiro | White and Grey

“You have to be stopped, Rukia. We students aren’t that bad. Just look at me.”

And then, he followed that up with a dorky smile. He’s probably the last person someone would use as an example. He’s smart, yeah, but he also purposely didn’t try and only got serious after he made a deal with Rukia. Who knows how many other students aren’t trying their best, and who knows how many are actually just incapable of doing well without help? It’s all in jest, but he’s not going to go on and on about it, knowing that Rukia probably wouldn’t enjoy having someone mock her job. Though, his thoughts were quick to jump to her accusation. Hmm…

“Don’t think we need drinks to reenact last time, honestly. Normally, I’d get drunk if I really didn’t care about who I woke up with the next day. Life was pretty pointless back then, but…”

He paused, his expression souring again as he started ruminating on the past. It was just the norm back then for him. When they had him go out on whatever mission, sometimes sleeping around was required. He hated it, but it became a thing that he just did after a while. It feels weird to sit next to a woman and have thoughts that aren’t…

“I guess someone’s been helping me feel better about it all. It’s a weird process, but, going from doing anyone that asked to just wanting to sit here and have a nice conversation with you, hits hard.”

It’s not like he especially wanted to share this stuff with her, but she already knows all of it, right? He thought his life would have been a bit more on the downlow, but she’s a teacher. If anything, she’s the only one the higher ups would trust with this information, so talking about it doesn’t really feel that intrusive. Besides, she did talk a bit about her own insecurities. He’s just making up for giving her such a lame response. Now it’s her turn to be the bigger person and not comment about tea. He wouldn’t fault her if she did though. He’d do it again.

“...I just want to have fun like last time, with or without the implications.”


Last edited by Siegharty on Mon Oct 25, 2021 12:49 pm; edited 1 time in total
God of Love
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Cucumber in a Bowl of Hot Sauce [Rukia, Shiro] - Page 3 Empty Re: Cucumber in a Bowl of Hot Sauce [Rukia, Shiro]

Mon Oct 25, 2021 12:48 pm
Cucumber in a Bowl of Hot Sauce [Rukia, Shiro] - Page 3 PN5IfA7


"I'm looking right at you, believe me."

Well, that was maybe a little bit more flirty than she'd actually meant for it to be, but Rukia didn't mind too terribly. Sure, she turned a little red in the face, but only a little bit. Nobody was around to hear it, anyway, so it could have been worse.

"Well that someone must be pretty special, huh? I'm glad they're doing so much for you."

Honestly, it did throw her off a whole lot hearing Shiro be that...well, up front about everything. If she had been a little red in the face before, she was infinitely more red now, her gaze shifting firmly to the other side of the room as she took a long dring of her tea, just to avoid saying anything more embarrassing than what she'd already said. She knew this was serious, and she was doing her best to take it that way. But it was still weird to just hear him lay it out like that.

"...Like last time, huh? You know that for me. It's not like I hold it against you or anything that you've done all that before. I'm not just dating you because of what happened that night. I like you. You you."

Setting the teacup down, but still not entirely able to look Shiro in the eye, Rukia simply leaned against him. She had no idea what she was doing.

"I want to have fun too. Just... I hope you're willing to wait up for an old lady to figure things out."


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Cucumber in a Bowl of Hot Sauce [Rukia, Shiro] - Page 3 Empty Re: Cucumber in a Bowl of Hot Sauce [Rukia, Shiro]

Mon Oct 25, 2021 1:42 pm
Cucumber in a Bowl of Hot Sauce [Rukia, Shiro] - Page 3 HufbTT0

Shiro | White and Grey

“Waiting for marriage or something?”

His eyes snapped to her as she leaned against him. Half of him wanted to pull her in closer, the other half wanted to leave her be. It’s weird, yeah. This is what he wants, but it’s also what he doesn’t want. He wouldn’t mind just doing something sacrilegious right now, but he knows he shouldn’t. He’s accepted that he can’t until it’s the right time. It’s not the same kind of acceptance like back then when everything felt hopeless. Nah. There’s a light at the end of the tunnel, and he’s content taking his time reaching it. He’s not crawling out of a dark pit, desperately making his way towards something that felt impossible.

“Though, I wouldn’t mind waiting that long. If it’s meant to be, I’d rather everything be perfect too: the timing, the place, the person. Weird to hear something romantic come out of my mouth, huh? But, after so long of trudging through filth, you’re like some gift from God.”

Ack! He just didn’t, did he? Seeming to jump a bit, his head turned hard away from her, the ceiling seemingly rather attractive. Has he ever blushed around her before? Maybe once or twice, he’s not sure, but he knows his face is competing with hers for tomato of the year.

“W-Well… I mean… Eh… You know, Miss Kuchiki. Kido’s rather hard sometimes, and I struggle a bit with some of the spells. Uh. Um… My incantations suck, and I’m just not that great of a guy. I’m just glad you’ve been around, helping me along the way. I definitely would have been stuck in a dark place without you.”

That was all just a big way of him continuing about how great she is without actually, you know, saying it straight up. It’s easy to use euphemisms right now for him. God. Why is he so flustered? It’s always because of her! Always is… But, he wouldn’t have any other way right now. That’s why his arm wrapped around her, his fingers clasped around her shoulder. His eyes are running, but his body sure isn’t.


God of Love
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Cucumber in a Bowl of Hot Sauce [Rukia, Shiro] - Page 3 Empty Re: Cucumber in a Bowl of Hot Sauce [Rukia, Shiro]

Mon Oct 25, 2021 6:32 pm
Cucumber in a Bowl of Hot Sauce [Rukia, Shiro] - Page 3 PN5IfA7


Any response Rukia might have had about waiting for marriage was sort of stifled by the rest of what Shiro decided to lay on her immediately afterward. She could have expected any number of things from him, but that definitely wasn't one of them, and there was no small part of her that rather instinctively wanted to hit him just as a natural sort of reflex. It startled her, more than anything else.

She settled for a small bump to his chest.

"Well, I think I'm pretty lucky to have such a good student. Putting up with a teacher like me that hasn't had much field experience, I'm surprised half my lesson plans even work outside the classroom."

If he wanted to go with this silly euphemism, she was all too happy to roll with it for now. Besides, it almost made the whole thing a little more fun, a little bit less tense. That helped, especially as his arm snaked its way around her. Was she supposed to like that? She did like it, but it sure wasn't something she was used to.

"I'm...not really waiting for anything in particular, I guess. I haven't thought about all that enough to really even come up with some checklist or anything like that, and I definitely haven't thought about getting married in a long time. I just never really met the right guy for it."

She would have been lying if she just said "until now" or something like that, even if she was pretty sure that would have sounded good. It didn't change that, despite how much Rukia liked him, she couldn't really say with any authority that Shiro was the sort of guy she'd be willing to spend her whole life with, someone she'd just put that much trust in. It wasn't that she didn't think he could be that. But she needed more time.

"I'm not going anywhere, you know. If you need more, know, kido lessons. I'm here."


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Cucumber in a Bowl of Hot Sauce [Rukia, Shiro] - Page 3 Empty Re: Cucumber in a Bowl of Hot Sauce [Rukia, Shiro]

Tue Oct 26, 2021 11:03 pm
Cucumber in a Bowl of Hot Sauce [Rukia, Shiro] - Page 3 HufbTT0

Shiro | White and Grey

“Kido lessons? I think I’ve shown I’m rather adept in this stuff already. In fact, I could probably show you a thing or two.”

He couldn’t help but chuckle, moreso at her than with her. The innuendos are stupid, but it’s a fun stupid. The gist of it is clear. He’s new at this too. Not the sentimental part, but the whole dating someone and praying for it to stay that way. If she’s not going anywhere, then, he sees no reason to go anywhere either. It’s just them, Kido, and bad tea. It’s perfect, sorta. It’s still early. One of them can still mess up. This could all just stop one day. Marriage is not something he’s ever actually thought about, and, even though he likes her, everything has to align perfectly before he gets down on one knee. With how things are going though, he’s unsure if that moment is drawing near or still a ways off.

“I’ve got my own lesson plans, Teach. I could even give you homework.”

He’s just going in with it now. Why not? It’s been a bit. He’s allowed to make suggestions now, yeah? They’re never going to take that next step if one of them doesn’t actually make a move. Rukia’s obviously too shy, and he’s being too much of a gentleman. Of course he’s going to take her playing along with him as a kinda green light to push the subject a bit. Besides, if she wants him to stop, it’s as easy as just saying no. But, is it that easy to say no as his hand left her shoulder, moving to her cheek. He didn’t manhandle her, per say, but he did take a hold of her chin and try to force her gaze up towards him.

“How about Hadō 1: Mouth to Mouth?”

Holy shit. That’s a good one.


God of Love
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Cucumber in a Bowl of Hot Sauce [Rukia, Shiro] - Page 3 Empty Re: Cucumber in a Bowl of Hot Sauce [Rukia, Shiro]

Wed Oct 27, 2021 9:36 am
Cucumber in a Bowl of Hot Sauce [Rukia, Shiro] - Page 3 PN5IfA7



What was she even supposed to say to that? That was the least clever thing that he possibly could have said, but there was something about how brazen it was, how completely seriously he said it, that Rukia couldn't even formulate an immediate response. Well, that and the hand under her chin. That was messing with her too, though not as much as that absolutely terrible line.

"I... I can't say I've ever heard of that kido before. You must be reading some pretty weird textbooks if that's what you're putting in the lesson plan..."

That probably wasn't nearly as much of a comeback as she would have wanted, but honestly, what sort of comeback was Rukia even supposed to use for something like that? Banter usually required some kind know, tact. And he'd just completely sidestepped that.

"Well...go ahead and demonstrate."


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Thu Oct 28, 2021 3:36 pm
Cucumber in a Bowl of Hot Sauce [Rukia, Shiro] - Page 3 HufbTT0

Shiro | White and Grey

Look at her, speechless. He can’t tell whether he got her or if she’s disgusting. That’s the best part. With his boys, they’d always come up with dumb lines and see if they’d work. It’s a real coinflip. However, with her, he doubts how good the line or delivery actually matters. She’s stuck with him, especially since she seems to be enjoying their relationship. There’s no immediate worry of her walking out and never coming back, so he’s going to milk it, or her, for as long as he can. Who knows? It might even be for forever.

“Hmm… Normally, you’re supposed to close your eyes, but I guess it’d be hard to learn without seeing it first, huh? Well, alright.”

His grip on her chin tightened as he lurked closer, his body bending into her. Maybe she closed her eyes. Maybe she didn’t. It didn’t matter in the end because she’d never experience his lips on hers. Instead, her forehead became his target, a quick peck all she got. Like a true cartoon villain, he retreated with a bewitching chuckle, his hand dropping from around her face.

“It seems I messed up the incantation.”


God of Love
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Cucumber in a Bowl of Hot Sauce [Rukia, Shiro] - Page 3 Empty Re: Cucumber in a Bowl of Hot Sauce [Rukia, Shiro]

Thu Oct 28, 2021 11:49 pm
Cucumber in a Bowl of Hot Sauce [Rukia, Shiro] - Page 3 PN5IfA7


Of course she's speechless after something like that. How is she supposed to even respond when he goes through all this ridiculous setup just go not even follow through? It wouldn't be right to say Rukia was flustered, more just...baffled. This definitely wasn't normal for relationships, right? Well, maybe she shouldn't be comparing to what was normal. Not like this was a normal relationship, anyway.

"Seems like you did. Here, let me try."

Well, if he's going to be like this about it, her two options were to double down or to just do the opposite. Naturally, she chose the second one, and she pulled herself in surprisingly forcefully to kiss him. Of course, the thought had crossed Rukia's mind that this was exactly how he wanted this to go, that he thought he was very clever for baiting her into this. If that was the case, then hey, might as well congratulate him for planning things out so well.


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Cucumber in a Bowl of Hot Sauce [Rukia, Shiro] - Page 3 Empty Re: Cucumber in a Bowl of Hot Sauce [Rukia, Shiro]

Mon Nov 01, 2021 11:37 am
Cucumber in a Bowl of Hot Sauce [Rukia, Shiro] - Page 3 HufbTT0

Shiro | White and Grey

He’s a fucking clown. What was she expecting? He’s gonna push and push until she’s had enough because why not? The only real boundary in their relationship is the fact she’s a virgin. Everything else is fair play, and that includes bullying her until she’s ready to turn his house into the next ice age. Some could argue that he shouldn’t mess with her like he does his friends, but he’d say they’re just boring. Besides, if he keeps teasing her, she’d eventually take things into her own hands, yeah? If she wants a kiss, she shouldn’t expect him to always initiate it, even when the setup is horrible. That’s why he didn’t continue messing around when she actually came after him.

Plans are for nerds though. If she actually went for it or not wasn’t thought of. He just wanted to be a butt, and she’s the one rewarding him for it. That just means he can get away with stuff like this. It’s sort of like feeding a dog a treat despite them pissing on your leg. The next time, they’ll do it expecting to get something out of it, but he’s not a dog. His brain is bigger than that. He wouldn’t pee on her leg unless it wasn’t actually pee or something. Wait. That’d be a funny prank. Ah. He should focus on her kissing him and not let his mind wander too much.

Still, he wasn’t particularly ready, so he sort of froze up for a second. A blink or two later, and he’s attempting to take control of the situation. First, he just grabbed her waist and, sort of, forcibly turned her into his lap, their bodies facing one another. Honestly, his hands are a bit lower than they probably should be, but this is one of those moments where you have to find out the boundaries. Next, he sort of moved one of his hands into her hair, pushing her lips a bit strongly into his own. She’s not running away unless she actually puts some effort into it. He’s not that much of a spaz though, as he just let her go after a few seconds and raised his hands with the smuggest of expressions.

“Oh. Jeez. Rukia. That was so unexpected, yet, exhilarating.”


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