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God of Love
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Cucumber in a Bowl of Hot Sauce [Rukia, Shiro] - Page 4 Empty Re: Cucumber in a Bowl of Hot Sauce [Rukia, Shiro]

Tue Nov 02, 2021 3:22 pm
Cucumber in a Bowl of Hot Sauce [Rukia, Shiro] - Page 4 PN5IfA7


Well, she'd been sober this time around. On one hand, that made it a lot more difficult to put any stray thoughts about the situation off to the side. Then again, so did the fact that she was still right here, in his arms. Were his hands a little too low? Probably, but she was dealing with the situation in her head. Had she even gotten to the other hand in this train of thought? Right, right.

On the other hand, she hadn't liked it any less this time. If anything, she was pretty confident she'd enjoyed this a lot more. There wasn't any outside interference, nothing making her act out of line. It was just...him and her. She liked it.

Her eyes meeting Shiro's, her pale face flushed with the heat of the moment, Rukia tried to formulate something she could say back. Anything. A smug reply, something genuine, literally anything to actually convey how she felt. But nothing was coming to mind, and she slowly turned a more prominent shade of red as she realized she was just sitting here staring at him. Nothing was coming to mind, so she just went with the thing that seemed like it'd get the point across without her saying something stupid.

Her lips all but crashed into Shiro's this time, a gesture that couldn't really be called "romantic" in any possible sense of the word. But it was genuine, at least.


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Cucumber in a Bowl of Hot Sauce [Rukia, Shiro] - Page 4 Empty Re: Cucumber in a Bowl of Hot Sauce [Rukia, Shiro]

Tue Nov 02, 2021 5:39 pm
Cucumber in a Bowl of Hot Sauce [Rukia, Shiro] - Page 4 HufbTT0

Shiro | White and Grey

Wow. Her cheeks lit up like a burning building. Ah. He probably shouldn’t think about burning buildings. The smell is unbearable. Though, that’s because of the people inside, not because of the building… Ya know what, he’d rather focus on her blushing than that, so he does. What kind of snark could he throw her way? Maybe poke at her blush? Say something about her being on his lap? Move his hands back to her body, a tad bit lower than before. Ya know, he could probably just grab and take the whole thing in his grasp, as if it were just one big ole peach. Though, that might just get him knocked out, honestly. She looks like she’s about to freeze him solid, if she can unfreeze herself.

“You know, Ru-”

What the fuck!? All of a sudden, WHAM!!! If it weren’t for him jumping back as she came in, surely, their heads would have collided and left them both seeing stars. Though, thankfully, he moved just enough so that it’s only their lips crashing. Still, that was a bit painful. It’s like when you accidentally go face first into a door. Kind of hot too. No one, not even him, would have expected her to dive in like that. How is he even supposed to react? Kiss her back just as roughly? Throw her around? She’s just a scrub, but it’s hard to fight the urge to scrub her clean…

Fuck it…

His hands moved to her wrists, her body wretched from his lap onto the bed, her back against the wall, horizontally. He’s over her, her wrists together above her head as he held them there with one hand. For a second, his eyes were glazed, a desire in them, but, in the next second, after a quick few blinks, he’s more aware of what he just did. Still, it didn’t stop him from placing his other hand on her cheek, his thumb lightly running over her lower lip before he sighed.

“Sorry… Got a little ahead of myself…”

Yet, he held her there, waiting...


God of Love
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Cucumber in a Bowl of Hot Sauce [Rukia, Shiro] - Page 4 Empty Re: Cucumber in a Bowl of Hot Sauce [Rukia, Shiro]

Tue Nov 02, 2021 11:56 pm
Cucumber in a Bowl of Hot Sauce [Rukia, Shiro] - Page 4 PN5IfA7



You know, for the briefest of moments, there was something resembling genuine fear in Rukia's mind as Shiro acted so brutishly. Realistically, she probably should have been more afraid of him than she was. But it was a strange situation, where the trust she placed in him had acted as enough of a buffer for her conscious mind to remind her of the fact that she was know.

A lot stronger than him.

Maybe Rukia should have been mad. Really, she definitely should have. But she'd sort of started this, and maybe she was still riding high from the adrenaline of having nearly smashed her head into his. As his hand moved to her cheek, she simply gave him a small grin, surprisingly confident given the situation.

"Just a little."

Of course, she knew this whole situation was...well, a little intimate. A lot intimate, actually. And as much as he probably wanted to go a whole lot further than that, she still didn't really know where she stood on all that. But she wanted to know. If not for his sake, just for her own. If she wanted him to stop, she'd tell him. But for now, she simply looked into his eyes, her face still flushed and her eyes curious.


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Cucumber in a Bowl of Hot Sauce [Rukia, Shiro] - Page 4 Empty Re: Cucumber in a Bowl of Hot Sauce [Rukia, Shiro]

Wed Nov 03, 2021 3:03 pm
Cucumber in a Bowl of Hot Sauce [Rukia, Shiro] - Page 4 HufbTT0

Shiro | White and Grey

She isn’t running. He had half expected her to tell him off or something. That would have been more in line with her character than this, but maybe that’s just the power of a curious mind. She’s interested in this, but it’s hard to take those first steps into something you can’t take back. There’s the regret of doing it with the wrong person. The knowledge that you’ve committed acts you can’t just share with another. Who’s she to tell about this? Her brother? Friends? He can understand her hesitation and her bravery with wanting to continue. If only he had put on a cool face when he was forced into a similar situation. He can remember it so clearly, but, instead of getting absorbed in that negativity, he simply focused on her face, the smile she gave him. He couldn’t help but mirror it.

“You know you can tell me if it’s too much. We don’t have to continue. I just… got a little caught up was all. If you want me to get off, I will. In fact, maybe waiting till marriage is a good idea. I’m a lost cause, but you don’t have to regret having done something like this with someone like me. We might not even last that long…”

The more he talked, the more his insecurities slipped free. It’s just like before. Something about having someone you actually care about around just makes the words flow too easily sometimes. This is all too familiar to him. It’s a surprise to himself that he’s not just trying to get her clothes off at the first chance. Maybe that’s how he can tell this is something a bit more than just a booty call. It’s a bit scary honestly. It makes him want to retreat, more for him than himself. Or, maybe it is about him. Is he actually ready for this? God. The more he sat there, thinking, the worse it got. Slowly, he started to retreat from her, his eyes cloudy again.



God of Love
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Cucumber in a Bowl of Hot Sauce [Rukia, Shiro] - Page 4 Empty Re: Cucumber in a Bowl of Hot Sauce [Rukia, Shiro]

Wed Nov 03, 2021 4:09 pm
Cucumber in a Bowl of Hot Sauce [Rukia, Shiro] - Page 4 PN5IfA7


She isn't running, but Rukia couldn't help but wonder if Shiro was. She listened to everything he said, and though her smile fell, it wasn't because she was mad at him, or annoyed. If anything, there was almost something nice about the fact that he was opening up to her. But that didn't mean she liked what he was saying, and she brought both hands to his face reassuringly, gently.

"You're not a lost cause. If I wanted you to get off me, I'd tell you. If I wanted you to stop, you'd know. Maybe we won't last that long, you're right. But maybe we'll last a long time, maybe we'll last the rest of our lives."

And, well, maybe that had been a little bit much for her to put forward, but she did mean it. She was tired of just being aimless, living without having anything to do. She doubted most people would really think of a love life as much to be proud of, but it was something. Rukia had done enough in her life that she didn't relish the idea of anything more than all this. She could have been a Captain, probably even Captain Commander if she really wanted to.

But she didn't want all that. What she wanted was this. Sitting up as he moved away from her, Rukia simply reached out to take his hand in hers.



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Cucumber in a Bowl of Hot Sauce [Rukia, Shiro] - Page 4 Empty Re: Cucumber in a Bowl of Hot Sauce [Rukia, Shiro]

Wed Nov 03, 2021 6:32 pm
Cucumber in a Bowl of Hot Sauce [Rukia, Shiro] - Page 4 HufbTT0

Shiro | White and Grey

She can’t hit him with that. What is he supposed to do about that? What is he supposed to say? They could be together forever. It could end next week. That’s how he felt when he was in bondage. Freedom was a foriegn subject. There was no light at the end of the tunnel for him, but, then, there was. It was all so sudden. It was all so miraculous. Somehow, someway, he ended up free. He ended up here.

“You’re right. No one knows what tomorrow brings. We could plan our whole lives, trying to make sure everything goes perfectly. Someone smart would say we should stop worrying so much and focus on the now. I’m not that smart though. I spent my life hoping that tomorrow would bring death because I didn’t deserve freedom.”

His lips curled a bit as he gave her a sour smile. Her hands are soft. They don’t betray the secrets of her life. No one would even know what all she’s been through if they didn’t ask. However, his hands are rough, scarred, calloused by his life. She barely has to try when he has to work everyday to hide his past. It almost feels wrong to ruin something so pure-like, but, as she took his hand, he couldn’t stop himself from taking hold of hers.

“I’m free now though, huh? Crazy, right? I’m full of sin, and it’s hard to accept this reality sometimes. I keep thinking I’ll wake up in the dark again, but I don’t need to wake up for that. No one looks at me. I’m just a shadow moving through the crowd. I’ve never thanked you, Rukia, for looking at me. Even knowing who I am, what I’ve done, you didn’t shy away and accepted me. Look at me, making this all sentimental and sad and stuff. Probably didn’t expect this today, huh? Me neither.”

He chuckled lightly, looking down at their hands. His fingers moved against hers, a soft sigh slipping from his lips as he finished with what he felt in his heart to let known. Hopefully, she doesn’t mind him leaning in, his head resting on her shoulder, white hair tickling her cheek. Resting here seems fine.


God of Love
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Cucumber in a Bowl of Hot Sauce [Rukia, Shiro] - Page 4 Empty Re: Cucumber in a Bowl of Hot Sauce [Rukia, Shiro]

Thu Nov 04, 2021 12:37 am
Cucumber in a Bowl of Hot Sauce [Rukia, Shiro] - Page 4 PN5IfA7


Rukia had thought about responding immediately to what he said, but in truth, she wasn't sure she should. Even if that had been all he had to say, it was something she couldn't really reply to so easily. She'd never lived through something like that, and she couldn't pretend that she had. Even at the worst points of her life...well, it had never been as bleak as that. A certain someone had made sure she had something to believe in.

Well, the least she could do was be that certain someone for Shiro.

"Not everyone will accept you right away. Some people probably never will. But that's alright. Even if nobody else does, I do, and other people will in time. You don't need to be someone that everyone's impressed by. You just be you, alright? And we can work from there."

She didn't mind him leaning in one bit. As he rested his head on her shoulder, she simply wrapped her arms warmly around him. Rukia didn't know what she was doing in all this, but that didn't seem to matter all that much. Just trying their best was all either of them could ask of the other, right? They were in this together.


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Cucumber in a Bowl of Hot Sauce [Rukia, Shiro] - Page 4 Empty Re: Cucumber in a Bowl of Hot Sauce [Rukia, Shiro]

Thu Nov 04, 2021 2:43 pm
Cucumber in a Bowl of Hot Sauce [Rukia, Shiro] - Page 4 HufbTT0

Shiro | White and Grey

His eyes focused on the wall across the room, his gaze lidded. He really did take the mood and poisoned it. He should make it up to her. She did just listen to him go on and on. She just took it all, and she’s still here. Seems he wasn’t wrong when he fell for her, and here’s hoping this lasts. Does he want it to last until he’s finally free of his own burdens, until he’s able to hold his chest out when he walks? Or, does he want this to stay just like this forever? He could worry about the future, get obsessed with knowing whether she’ll leave or not, but that’s not what he wants. He wants to enjoy the now, even though it feels weird wanting to live life like that after everything. Really goes to show how a change in company and environment helps a person blossom.

He should make it up to her, and he only really knows one way to do that in their current situation. She doesn’t need a response from him because he’s making it known how she’s making him feel. She’d notice him shift a bit, his head turning before lips pressed into the base of her neck. His hands moved to her sides, running up over her clothing. She didn’t push him away, and he’s unsure if she still wants to explore this route, but he’s content with simply letting her know he appreciates her, for her words and her body. Yet, he stilled himself as his hands reached closer to unexplored territory, his lips hovering over her neck, hot breaths rolling down her back.


God of Love
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Cucumber in a Bowl of Hot Sauce [Rukia, Shiro] - Page 4 Empty Re: Cucumber in a Bowl of Hot Sauce [Rukia, Shiro]

Fri Nov 05, 2021 12:25 pm
Cucumber in a Bowl of Hot Sauce [Rukia, Shiro] - Page 4 PN5IfA7


At first, Rukia didn't really understand what it was that Shiro was doing, but that very quickly changed as his lips met her neck, an involuntary shiver running through her at the act. She hadn't expected him to do this at all, but she wasn't stupid enough to think she didn't like it. Honestly, she liked it a lot. That was such a weird thought, weird enough that it probably made her more than a little awkward as this was actually happening.

What was she actually supposed to do here? It occurred to her, as his hands moved up her body, that she had no idea how she should actually react to this. What did guys like? She didn't know. She didn't have a clue, and the last thing she wanted to do was just headbutt him again. In the end, it seemed like the best call was to just...not do anything. He knew what he was doing, she'd know when to tell him to stop. For now, there was nothing wrong with things just like this.


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Cucumber in a Bowl of Hot Sauce [Rukia, Shiro] - Page 4 Empty Re: Cucumber in a Bowl of Hot Sauce [Rukia, Shiro]

Fri Nov 05, 2021 6:01 pm
Cucumber in a Bowl of Hot Sauce [Rukia, Shiro] - Page 4 HyfhdW1


Well, she’s no help at all in this situation. He would have rathered anything besides dead silence, not a whimper, a moan, or a “Hey. Whatcha doing, buddy?” Even if he’s sure she’d tell him if she liked something or hated it, something a little bit vocal would have helped him with his next move. Now, he just has to gamble, like this is a bet between the two. Can he make her feel good, or is she going to reject his advances? If that’s how this is going to go, then he’ll make sure she regrets it. Though, something like that might actually have a different effect.

Eh. It’s best to just go with what he thinks should go next, and that means his hands roam back down her sides. Staying there for just a second, fingers worm their way under her clothing, calloused digits wrapped around her small waist. Going too slow would just make things awkward, but he shouldn’t go too fast. She does have to sort of process if she even wants what’s happening to continue, but his hands sliding back up her body, pushing her clothing from over her midsection as he goes, leaves her losing time to make up her mind with. He even stopped kissing her, his head simply resting between her shoulder and neck, just to not override her senses. Thinking about it a bit, this is sort of like a science experiment with him jumping back between hypothesizing and experimenting. She’s the constant variable, and his actions are the variables that continue to change, attempting to see how the constant is affected. He should probably not let that become a vocal thought.

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