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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Clinch River Gotei Briefing Empty Clinch River Gotei Briefing

Tue Jan 11, 2022 9:09 pm
Clinch River Gotei Briefing Fj7VNHf


Murasaki supposed she should be thankful that she was allowed to handle this particular matter, considering how secretive and controlling the Captain Commander tended to be about sensitive topics. Then again, she'd been the first one to even report the issue, and by the time she had, she'd already started the process of reconnaissance and planning out the expedition in question.

"Alright, thanks for coming, everyone."

Most might have thought that Murasaki's choices for this particular task force were unusual, especially considering she'd chosen none of her own squad's usual operators. However, she'd read enough reports to feel that she could trust those she'd asked to join this expedition. It wasn't as if they were going alone, of course. She would be ready to send backup at the first call if something went wrong, but she wasn't going to start thinking about that just yet. Instead, she simply looked to the shinigami that she'd called to meet in one of the closed off meeting rooms of the Gotei, and spoke confidently.

"I won't waste any of your time. There's something going on down in America, and even though that's not under our jurisdiction anymore, it's so weird that we don't really have much choice but to investigate. The last thing we need is something potentially dangerous in the wrong hands. Some weird energy that nobody in 3rd Division could even identify is going crazy down there, and there's already some mystery gang looking like they wanna make it theirs. Obviously, that's not good."

Pointing to a map she'd tacked up to the wall, she circled a fairly backwoods area of the United States, nothing seeming to be anywhere nearby.

"This is where you're headed. It's a river valley in the mountains, and considering it's winter, expect to be cold. Our recon says you're going to be spending pretty much all your time underground, so don't go in there expecting to do much aerial combat. I wish I had more info for you, but honestly...this is pretty much a total question mark."

Honesty was the best policy, and Murasaki wasn't going to be sending anyone into a potentially dangerous situation unless they fully understood the gravity of what they were getting themselves into.

"We don't know much of anything about this place, but I'll do anything I can to help you prepare. Any questions? I know you probably have a lot."


Ame no ko
Ame no ko
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Clinch River Gotei Briefing Empty Re: Clinch River Gotei Briefing

Wed Jan 12, 2022 3:04 am

The Big Woman

Hanako Yamada

Clinch River Gotei Briefing 6EdIfMt

Being an approachable superior had its benefits. For example, when the lower seats and general members of her division learned that she saw herself as basically one of them and thus always had the best for every division member in mind, it inspired a comforting sense of loyalty. ‘You’ll be there for me, I’ll be there for you.’ It worked. Not with everyone, of course, but Hanako hat…methods of bringing them in line, too.
One downside was that Hanako was still surprised when someone asked for her personally, by name.

This had been one of those occasions. A briefing, held by Kagayaku no Murasaki. As far as Hanako knew, Murasaki was the Captain of the 7th Division.That was Earth Affiliation and if the Captain of that division was asking members of other divisions to a briefing…it spelled trouble in Hanako’s mind. So she made a few preparations before she left to head to the meeting, wondering who else she might be seeing there.

Hanako found herself standing in one of the closed off conference rooms the Gotei provided. There was a map on the back wall, showing some no (wo)man’s land in America. Hanako didn’t know much about the world of the living and didn’t care much about it, unless she had to go there on a mission. Nevertheless, she recognized the area wasn’t one of the few she had visited before.

When the briefing began she heard her feeling confirmed that this mission could mean trouble. Beginning with something that even R&D couldn’t identify, which usually never was a good sign, via a mystery gang trying to get their hands on it and ending with virtually no useful intel about the situation. And a blow that was especially uncomfortable for Hanako was the bit about most of the mission being underground. that could possibly severely limit her ability to use her Shikai. She would have to find a way to cope with that.

When the succinct briefing ended and it was time for questions, Hanako stepped forward.

“It sounds a bit as if you’re expecting this to escalate. Should I put the whole Fourth on alert, just to be on the safe side? The Vanguard Unit is already on standby and can move out on a moment’s notice.”

Although the world of the living wasn’t necessarily their responsibility, Hanako was offering the full support of the Combat Division if things should go south. She could say that Captain Kobayashi had wanted it so, but if she was honest…she had no idea. She wasn’t that good with people. She knew that she felt it was right. And if there was a possible danger, the proportions of which were totally unknown, Hanako was of the opinion to be better safe than sorry. Also, if it turned out she had been wrong, there would be no harm in keeping her troops on alert for a few days.

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]

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Clinch River Gotei Briefing Empty Re: Clinch River Gotei Briefing

Fri Jan 14, 2022 12:32 am
.Hayden Cemplus

Hayden could hear his heart beating in his ears. It distracted from the start of the briefing somewhat, but the shinigami couldn't help the blood pulsing through. He wasn't even in any of the divisions, technically, still waiting for an application to go through since his return a while ago. He didn't know why he was here, what he could possibly offer to the group, why he even agreed to come, or even-

"Calm down," the zanpakuto whispered to him in the secrecy of the mind. "You do no one any good if you're panicking."

Despite the scolding nature of the voice, it brought a moment of focus, resonating from the skin down into the bones. The man slowly began to clench and unclench his left hand, which reigned his nerves in to some extent. However, his focus was still all around, eyes darting to the other people in the room. He only recognized two off the top of his head so far: Vice-captain Yamada, and Captain Murasaki. Both of which he only recognized thanks to their position within the Gotei. He felt small next to the two of them, but brushed off the thought and focused completely on the remainder of the briefing before his zanpakuto could berate him further.

The eastern portion of the United States. He was unfamiliar with that area from his four years in the country. Hayden had almost no knowledge about the setting they were going in aside what the Captain had just told him. Cold. Underground. By a river. He thought about how at the very least the location could be worse. It did take a second to process the previous information though. An anomaly that was pretty much already in someone's possession. He wondered why the captain was going with the force that was in the room. Surely she couldn't guarantee something to go so smoothly

He would have asked, too, had Hanako not stepped forward in that moment. That was the lie he told himself as she asked her question to Captain Murasaki. The offer caught his attention though, before his mind could wander further, The mobilization of the fourth squad was something that would make more sense with the knowledge he had, so maybe the captain's explanation one way or another would answer his own...


Blood Knight
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Clinch River Gotei Briefing Empty Re: Clinch River Gotei Briefing

Sat Jan 15, 2022 7:53 pm
Had it been some regular old mission like hunting Hollow or whatever else he would have put it off today. Today was originally a day off, something he rarely took to begin with, but the… Emergency briefing seemed a tad more interesting than working on the house more. The neighbors could get a break here and there from hammering and the loud new age rock he blasted off the computer… And speakers he stole in Tokyo. Translate Yen to American dollars, damn things were about $6K. The music sucked.

Arriving through the entrance of the building they were hosting the briefing in, Amon was one of the last people to arrive into the room he was directed to. After settling himself in, Amon heard what was needed to be said, and he almost shot up out of his seat out of excitement next to Hanako. Tennessee?! He's never been to Tennessee, shit, even if it was underground he could definitely go on a trip outside of Japan. Despite it being a mission to the possibility of extreme danger it got Amon pumped.

It had been years since he's been to America and Amon was more than eager to get the show on the road. However he didn't display his excitement at least not too outwardly, maybe perking up at the mention. His focus turned to the mission at hand, the briefing told a lot of… nothing. Just a major power surge that was foreign energy to even the Gotei. That wasn't good at all but perhaps it wasn't horrid either, maybe something decent could come out but the fact that this was important told Amon that it wasn't going to be easy. And so he sat listening to the rest of the briefing and whatever questions may come.
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Clinch River Gotei Briefing Empty Re: Clinch River Gotei Briefing

Sun Jan 16, 2022 3:10 pm
Clinch River Gotei Briefing Fj7VNHf


"Ah, that'd be perfect. I do totally think this'll probably escalate, yeah. Especially since, the way I see it, this isn't something anyone'll be able to ignore. I'd probably bet that you'll run into the Vandenreich, maybe Lux Orior too, and who knows, there might even be holdouts from Shadow Fall or whatever."

Murasaki was not especially pleased with how little reliable intel they had, but it wasn't as if she could blame anybody for that. After all, this had just popped out of nowhere.

"I'll have plenty of my own people on standby, too. The 7th is always down on Earth anyway, so if something goes wrong and you need help, we'll be able to get people to you ASAP."

As far as who she was keeping on standby, she wasn't sparing any expense. She had the best she could offer planned for this.

"Other than that... Like I said, it's kinda just a big question mark. I can't tell you much more than what I gave you there."

Ame no ko
Ame no ko
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Clinch River Gotei Briefing Empty Re: Clinch River Gotei Briefing

Mon Jan 17, 2022 3:59 am

The Big Woman

Hanako Yamada

Clinch River Gotei Briefing 6EdIfMt

Hanako nodded while keeping her expression neutral. It got just better and better. Vandenreich, Lux Orior, Shadow Fall…then again, something like this was to be expected. If the Gotei could detect it, there was no reason to assume that others couldn’t. It looked like they needed to prepare for anything.

For a moment Hanako asked herself if it wouldn’t be better to arrive in force from the beginning, only to give the answer herself. Of course not. First, they had no idea what it really was. It could be nothing at all, something completely worthless. It would be pretty embarrassing to arrive with an army, only to find out it was some glitch on someone’s screen in R&D. And that would be one of the better outcomes. It could also be a trap, set by someone for whatever reasons. It wasn’t hard to imagine why sending too many people in would be a bad idea there. Also, there was the possibility that someone could misinterpret the Gotei arriving with more or less two whole Divisions and take it as an invitation to plunge all of creation into an all-out war. That would certainly be a special kind of bad day.

Suddenly Hanako realised that she really enjoyed the tension in her body, the racing of her thoughts, the focus on her job, that all came with the preparation for this mission. Not even the prospect of combat detracted from it, quite the contrary. Well, she was a Fighting Fourth after all.

“The 7th will not stand alone. My Division will be ready.” she said to Murasaki.

In her mind Hanako already began to decide which units would be moving out first, if she called, and which would be staying back until absolutely needed. If things were really expected to go so far south it would probably be prudent to leave at least one unit behind to join forces with the First, should the Soul Society itself come under attack. Hanako also decided that she would station the Vanguard at the Senkaimon to cut their response time down to a minimum. She would also have to send a request to the Healing Corps for cooperation.

As she had said to Murasaki before: Just to be safe.

She noticed that Amon reacted to the mentioning of the area they would be headed to. Did he maybe know the land? It would certainly be helpful to have someone with local knowledge along. She would have to ask him after the briefing was over.

Again towards Murasaki she asked: “When do we leave?”

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]

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