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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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The Ghosts in the Meadow [Ehefra / Julia] Empty The Ghosts in the Meadow [Ehefra / Julia]

Mon Jan 17, 2022 1:25 pm

The Runaway

Jules Ash

The Ghosts in the Meadow [Ehefra / Julia] 6EdIfMt

The life of a 'normal' human had its perks: sleep long on weekends, stay up late and...oh hunting scary monsters.
The problem was that the scary monsters were hunting normal humans. They liked having them for lunch. And because the humans that were potentially in the market for the meal of this day were people she had begun to care about, she was, at this moment, skipping her own lunch to hunt monsters.

More precisely she was running through some thick underbrush, after some giant, ugly...whatever. It was a Hollow, so much was clear. And it looked like it wasn't a particularly strong one. When she discovered it it immediately turned tail and ran. Funny...normally scary monsters didn't run from small, blonde girls. Even if they were wearing Quincy battle attire and swearing like a trucker the whole way.

Yet, this one did. And it ran fast. Julia began to believe that she'd need her Vollständig to catch up. But she wasn't there yet.

With a flash of light her four limbed bow materialized in her hand. She took aim as good as she could while running and through the flora and fired three arrows in quick succession.

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]

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The Ghosts in the Meadow [Ehefra / Julia] Empty Re: The Ghosts in the Meadow [Ehefra / Julia]

Sun Jan 23, 2022 1:43 pm
The Ghosts in the Meadow [Ehefra / Julia] HEADER_2b9390b14beb37daf143ddc9cf4812e4

"Motherfucking Hollows. " She woman muttered under her breath as she spotted the big beast running off in the distance. Her eyes narrowed and she felt that dull internal desire to run in there and just rip the thing in half. But she sighed, rubbing at her forehead. No, she was part of a group now! She had to be more careful than that. Sighing to herself, she raised her hand and collected reishi above her palm. Constructing a little cube just above her palm before she peered at it's surface, mentally she began the process of scripting, it only took just a moment to script something simple, a little AI that could follow basic instructions and had it's own low level intellect. In the very next moment, she formed her special bow. A Circular ring of code around her wrist, and promptly copied the AI script into the wristband before she stuck her tongue out and promptly formed five slim pointed arrows along that ring, each one instantly given a copy of the AI that she'd programmed.

There was a lout HISS as she promptly fired the arrows in the direction of the hollow. Of course she didn't have amazing aim, and several of the arrows promptly veered away from the hollow as it Ran. However, those arroes then VEERED and closed in on the hollow as the redirected themselves! Coiling around and surrounding the beast before promptly plowing into the beast from different directions, just as another set of arrows plowed into it from behind?!

Ehefra blinked, brief surprise crossing her features as she realized what had just happened. Someone else was fighting as well? Her head turned, following the trajectory of those shots before furrowing her brows and putting on a pleased smirk. Backup huh? Well maybe this wouldn't be so bad after all! That said, noticing the Hollow, the big beast had slowed down, but was still running. Tch. The notion of a hollow running away was foreign to her, no it was clearly just AFTER something else. And she had no intention of allowing that to happen. She raised her palm, promptly generating a little cube made from reishi and applied the Rudimentary AI to it. "Hey there buddy. Wanna go say hello to our Quincy friend over there?" She asked it calmly, the little cube beeped twice before promptly zooming off excitedly!

IT wouldn't take long for that cube to float it's way over to where Julia was, skidding to a stop and beeping twice. Greetings! Lady Kleinmund wishes to extend her greetings and would like you to help in taking down this hollow! It promptly conveyed, floating in little circles around the girl
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Ame no ko
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The Ghosts in the Meadow [Ehefra / Julia] Empty Re: The Ghosts in the Meadow [Ehefra / Julia]

Mon Jan 24, 2022 2:03 am

The Runaway

Jules Ash

The Ghosts in the Meadow [Ehefra / Julia] 6EdIfMt

Several things happened and they didn’t necessarily make Julia’s day any better. Roughly at the same moment she took a shot at the Hollow, someone else did, too. Spirit arrows? Quincy? At least that someone did hit, too, and slow down the annoying monster. Yet, before she could even think that thought to it’s end, a small cube came flying through the woods, straight at Julia.

>>Greetings! Lady Kleinmund wishes to extend her greetings and would like you to help in taking down this hollow!<<


With a dumbfounded look on her face Julia looked at the cube, which happily delivered it’s message, completely ignoring that Julia was still running at full speed.
Then Julia’s foot got caught in a root and in a strange moment, a fraction of a moment, she felt what was happening, realised with perfect clarity she could do nothing about it and began to think “how embarrassing”. She then fell flat on her face and came to a quick and unpleasant full stop. The impact was hard and unexpected enough to knock the bow out of her hand, after which it instantly disappeared in a flash of light.

Julia came back up. Leaves, small branches and dirt were all over her (formerly) white clothes and in her hair. Loose strands of blonde hair were falling over her face, which was taking on an angry shade of red.

“Verfluchte ********* ***** ******** *******!!!” * Julia yelled into the woods. Then she saw the cube that circled her like a little moon.

“Hey!!” she growled at the little thing, pointing her finger as if she wanted to stab it with it.
“What the hell was that supposed to mean? I almost had it if you hadn’t distracted me.”

She took a deep breath and tried to calm down a bit. She could still sense the Hollow, although the underbrush in this part of the woods was too thick to see it. It was probably still fleeing. She took another look at the cube. It was made of reishi. She was by far no expert on all the species that were able to create objects out of reishi…but she definitely knew Quincy were amongst them. Did that mean that this Lady Kleinmund was one of her people?

“Tell your Lady that your interference probably ruined it for the both of us. That damned thing was mighty fast. Now get out of my hair!”

She waved her hands like she would at some annoying bug and tried to determine in which direction the Hollow had continued, how far it was and if she could reach it with her Jagdschuss.

*[I don’t think this needs to be translated…]

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]

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The Ghosts in the Meadow [Ehefra / Julia] Empty Re: The Ghosts in the Meadow [Ehefra / Julia]

Fri Jan 28, 2022 12:12 pm
The Ghosts in the Meadow [Ehefra / Julia] HEADER2_2b9390b14beb37daf143ddc9cf4812e4

Ehefra was already notching more arrows when Jules responded to the cube, watching as that hollow shambled off. Another loud hiss sounding as she fired another volley of arrows, those seeking missiles pounding into it's form and knocking it to the ground. Though from this distance she couldn't be sure if the target was actually down or if they had simply started crawling.... damn.

She paused, glancing in the direction of th- wait, did they stop moving? She blinked, her brows furrowing in confusion before she sighed, and suddenly vanished with Hirenkyaku.

The cube beeped slightly as it simply stared at Jules, rotating in a slow orbit around the woman. Hmm, this is not the response ait had expected. The very next moment, Ehefra would promptly appear beside Jules and her cube, her head canting to the side as she was in just in time to see the woman finish shooing the cube away and stare off in the distance to the downed hollow. Huh, how very fascinating indeed. "So you ARE a quincy. What happened Beep?" She asked, peering at the cube.

She was distracted by my appearance and suffered mild injury. She seems upset. The cube reported, causing Ehefra to pause and wince, clicking her tongue. Ah, one of those. She offered a sheepish smile. "Apologies will have to wait for the time being. Well, shall we then?" She'd note, offering her hand out to Jules. If she accepted it, she would take her along, if not, then Ehefra would simply vanish with another Hirenkyaku, one that would be startlingly fast to say the least.

In either case, wether Jules had gone with her or not, Ehefra would find herself just at the heels of the massive hollow that was riddled with arrow holes, dragging itself along the ground before spinning around and baring it's teeth at her. Clearly it was on it's way out, but of course that didn't mean that the target wouldn't be dangerous. A brief glance given in Jules' direction. Truthfully a bit intrigued as to how the other woman would deal with them. She was already notching arrows, prepared to take the thing down if it seemed like it would be a problem, but also staying her hand. After all this girl HAD been hunting the beast, she would give room for them to move in to finish the monster off.
Ame no ko
Ame no ko
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The Ghosts in the Meadow [Ehefra / Julia] Empty Re: The Ghosts in the Meadow [Ehefra / Julia]

Fri Jan 28, 2022 1:18 pm

The Runaway

Jules Ash

The Ghosts in the Meadow [Ehefra / Julia] 6EdIfMt

Julia glared at the cube and at the woman that just appeared at her side and was presumably this Lady Kleinmund, but said nothing. She felt her anger at the cube quickly vanishing. For one, it was just a construct and did just what it was told, or at least it seemed like that. And two, it was obviously called Beep. That was probably the most uninspired and cute name she could imagine for a talking cube. It was hard being mad at something with such a cute name.

And Lady Kleinmund also was attacking her anger. Kleinmund was a funny name in her native tongue. However, Julia didn’t smile or laugh. She was still mad. Also, someone who’s name translated to a dreary ‘ashen forest’ had no business laughing about someone who was named ‘small mouth’. Especially since she was pretty sure that Lady Kleinmund had chosen her name as much herself as Julia had.

Also, this Lady Kleinmund had instantly recognised Julia as a Quincy, probably watched her shoot at the Hollow, and her name sounded german enough to give Julia reason for concern. Was this meeting maybe no coincidence? Was her freedom already taken from her?

Lady Kleinmund extended a hand. Julia looked at it and hesitated. But only for a moment. There was still the matter of the Hollow and the other woman seemed determined to kill it as well. Julia took the hand.

“I hope you don’t plan to take me to the woods and rape me.” she said with a grin, hoping Lady Kleinmund would recognise it as a joke since…well…they were already in the woods.

WIth a woosh of air Julia got pulled away with a Hirenkyaku that had some punch. Hard to tell if it was even faster than her own, but it did the trick. They finally caught up to the Hollow.

And what an ugly one it was. Walking on all fours, with a grotesque shaped mask on its head, baring its teeth. It was already injured and only dragged itself along. Hurt…but still dangerous.

Without further comment Julia let go of Lady Kleinmund and sprinted away to the side, with a short Hirenkyaku of her own. There was no telling what a heavily injured, instinct driven monster would do, backed into a metaphorical corner. So better not offer it two targets for the price of one.
When she stopped her bow was already reappearing in her hand. She was in a good position, in front of the Hollow, but to the side, the other Quincy not in her field of view, no noteworthy obstacles between her and it. She drew the string completely back. Full strength. Bye bye ugly!

She released and the arrow screamed away, aiming straight for the very ugly head of the Hollow. It was only halfway there when Julia sent two slightly weaker but faster arrows afterwards, for good measure.

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]

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The Ghosts in the Meadow [Ehefra / Julia] Empty Re: The Ghosts in the Meadow [Ehefra / Julia]

Tue Feb 01, 2022 11:42 am
The Ghosts in the Meadow [Ehefra / Julia] HEADER_CXaN6XIUEAA7QPb

Ehefra was abundantly unaware of whatever humorous connotations her name may or may not have. Well no, alright, she had heard that stuff before, but thankfully for Julia, the woman kept such things quite to herself as the two engaged, even noticing that the woman's agitation toward Beep had seemed to wane as well. All the same, she .....blinked, briefly a bit startled at what she HOPED was a joke? She chuckled lightly and smiled. "Ahah....if that was a joke uh...good one! However as an officer of the Vandenreich I must express that if you or ANYONE you know experiences any such indecent or criminal behavior from a member of the vandenreich or anyone presenting themselves as such, we beseech you to report the incident immediately for investigation." She noted, promptly adding in a ....little thing just incase she WASN'T joking. But all the same, she resumed to the hollow's location.

She paused, her bow out, but watching with idle interest as the other Quincy promptly shot off to the side to surround the holow. It was fairly good footwork at that, and following the movement, she watched as the girl condensed reishi and promptly fired a powerful shot into the hollow's head, even following up with another two shots as the first blew a hole clean through its skull. The hollow dropping on the spot and promptly beginning to dissolve. A sigh escaped her, she'd have to report the death of a hollow, usually they preferred to just restrain or hold these things off until shinigami could arrive. But ....well. Stuff. Turning her attention to the woman, she smiled.

"That was quite some good work! Got a pretty good form and all that. IF you don't mind me asking, what would your name be?" She asked with a slight tilt of her head. Her demeanor remaining somewhat ...professional, bu also on the casual side as she watched the hollow dissolving, glancing briefly at her phone to check the time for her report before her attention shifted once again back to the woman Keeping that bow in her field of view. Not that she expected an attack, but she maintained a professional caution about where it might start pointing.
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The Ghosts in the Meadow [Ehefra / Julia] Empty Re: The Ghosts in the Meadow [Ehefra / Julia]

Tue Feb 01, 2022 6:09 pm

The Runaway

Jules Ash

The Ghosts in the Meadow [Ehefra / Julia] 6EdIfMt

Julia sucked in a deep breath through her nose. It made a low hissing sound and for a split second the gaze she shot at Ehefra wasn’t jovial or even angry. It was calculating and apprehensive.

‘Vandenreich…ich Glückspilz.’* she thought, and even her inner voice had a bitter and sarcastic tone to it.

Then the moment passed and Julia was her old self again. The Hollow that was disintegrating only a few paces away was already ignored. Without so much as thinking about it she immediately lowered her bow and moved her right hand away from the string as she turned towards Ehefra. Even if Julia was a young and very green Quincy, at least out here in the real world, she was very well trained and an experienced archer. And as such it was hammered into her skull that you should never have an arrow or your drawing hand near the string while you face someone you don’t want to shoot. At least for the moment Ehefra was someone Julia didn’t wish to shoot. She hoped that wouldn’t change.

After a moment she made a decision and let Artio disappear again. Whatever else may be, this was still one of her people. However, Julia was wary. She had never figured out if her parents were somehow connected to the Vandenreich or not. But if they were, she reckoned, they would probably react equally bad to deviants.

“Jules…sorry, Julia Ash. I live in Karakura, the town nearby.” she said and reached out her right hand with the archer’s glove still on. She took a few steps towards Ehefra, looking for signs in the other one’s eyes that would tell her whether she saw through her fake name or not.

“Eh, don’t worry, it was just a joke. You know, a young and weak girl, alone in the woods…ah…never mind. Sorry.”

She smiled sheepishly. Yep, she knew the type that appeared to have no sense of humour. Or if they had, they constantly forgot to bring it with them.

“Thanks for the compliment. Your form was also quite something to look at. Are you from around here? I’m sure I would have remembered if I saw someone with your abilities on my occasional…uhm…cleaning excursions. You know, to keep the neighbourhood nice and safe so the old lady next door doesn’t have to worry.”

While Jules was outwardly relaxed, or as relaxed as one could be after killing a Hollow, her mind was on high alert. Something didn’t feel right and she just couldn’t point her finger to why she was feeling like this.

*’Vandenreich…lucky me.’

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]

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The Ghosts in the Meadow [Ehefra / Julia] Empty Re: The Ghosts in the Meadow [Ehefra / Julia]

Thu Feb 03, 2022 12:00 am
The Ghosts in the Meadow [Ehefra / Julia] HEADER_CXaN6XIUEAA7QPb

Ehefra paused for a moment at that and watched as the girl seemed to tense up. Had she said something wrong? But all the same, she watched the girl close in and couldn't help but smile calmly, reaching out and gently accepting Juke's hand and giving it a gentle shake as she gave the woman a sly smile. "Ah gotcha! But I don't really think I'd call you helpless there, girly." She noted with a chuckle, pausing as she made note of the equipment that the girl used. Not even made ....this was just normal kishi. Eyes shifted back up to Julia and she gave a light smile. "Julia....pretty. A pleasure to meet you, my name's Ehefr-...right...already introduced myself..." Way to fucking go, loser. She chastized herself internally, thinning her lips before clearing her throat and standing up right.

"Ahem....right! My...f-...oh well thank you!" She knew her shooting form was generally well.....ass. Though she usually didn't have to worry about that. The benefits of applying AI to track and follow the target rather than having to aim properly. Truth be a vacuum, she was probably a shit quincy without her special stuff she'd come up with. "Ah, I ....right...some people don't like us. We really aren't the Vandenreich used to be, yaknow? Though I guess you probably wouldn't believe me saying that cuz....bias..." She itched theback of her neck sheepishly. "If...uh....if you want I can just buzz off." She finally conceded, sortof.....feeling that this girl was just...not the type to enjoy authority figures. The last thing she needed was some cute punk jumping her in the middle of nowhere because she was too used to being overfriendly. Bah..maybe she was just trying too hard.
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Ame no ko
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The Ghosts in the Meadow [Ehefra / Julia] Empty Re: The Ghosts in the Meadow [Ehefra / Julia]

Thu Feb 03, 2022 7:33 am

The Runaway

Jules Ash

The Ghosts in the Meadow [Ehefra / Julia] 6EdIfMt

Now that was an interesting turn of events. Ehefra seemed to be somewhat insecure all of a sudden. Or did Julia just interpret the signals wrong? It was hard to tell with someone you’ve known for about five minutes.

“I don’t really know much about the Vandenreich.” Julia admitted. Although it was not completely true, depending on the point of view. Of course she had to learn about the Vandenreich, what it was, what it did in the past. It had an admittedly impressive past, reaching back for centuries. Julia simply assumed that this knowledge was commonplace amongst Quincy.
If her family had any connections to the Vandenreich whatsoever she never knew, although that didn’t mean anything. They also never bothered to tell her that they wanted to marry her off as soon as she was old enough.

“Oh, and you don’t have to leave just know. I meant to ask you about your name. Are you maybe from…”

She just wanted to ask Ehefra if she was from Germany when a long and wailing cry disrupted her. A distinctive cry that could have come from only one being: a Hollow. And then another cry. But from another direction. And a third. And a fourth. All from different directions. Wood was cracking, leaves rustling. Things moving through the woods, closing in on them.

“Ich glaubs nicht, dieser Mistkerl!”* Julia cursed, forgetting the situation for a moment and reverting back to her nativue tongue, as she often did under pressure.With a flash her four-limbed bow Artio reappeared in her hand. Driven by a well and adamantly trained instinct her right hand shot towards the bowstring and a brightly glowing blue reishi arrow formed. Julia didn’t draw yet, but swivelled around, with her back towards Ehefra, facing the closing noises.

“He didn’t run away. That thing tried to lure me into a trap! Glad I met you when I did, I guess.” she said over her shoulder without turning her gaze away from the woods.

*”I don’t believe it, that bastard!”

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]

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The Ghosts in the Meadow [Ehefra / Julia] Empty Re: The Ghosts in the Meadow [Ehefra / Julia]

Sun Feb 06, 2022 4:12 pm
The Ghosts in the Meadow [Ehefra / Julia] HEADER_CXaN6XIUEAA7QPb

Ehefra paused, glancing over her shoulder when she heard the woman addressing her, stating that she didn't have to go? Strange, she had seemed so on guard just a moment ago she had assumed she was making her uncomfortable, which unknowingly, she super was, but all the same she turned to face the woman, curious as she started to ask her a question. However, that question was promptly interrupted, Ehefra's eyes widening for just an instant when she suddenly heard those cries. More hollows?

Promptly she raised her hand and flexed her fingers, spreading them open as she promptly dragged reishi in from her surroundings, and suddenly congealed them into a proper form."Raduriel" She called out, and all at once, a Golem was constructed before her, one roughly the same size as herself, it's body made from simply tubes and spheres, looking roughly like a rather bulky humanoid robot. IT's eyes suddenly glowing a bright green before the thing crouched, and then SPED off in the direction of one of the incoming hollows, promptly applying a simple AI script to it as it stomped forward and posted up, simple fists raised at the ready. "Under normal circumstances I would insist that we simply hold these hollows down until a shinigami can come to deal with them, but I'm afraid with numbers like these we may simply have to try to kill them ourselves." She murmured, that one hollow had been particularly durable as well. Hopefully they would be able to kill these ones without too much trouble. Right?

All the same, she collected Reishi at her fingertips, spirit energy condensing around her knuckles and fingers, forming large, ripping claws on her digits. IF nothing else she would be prepared if any of the hollows got into melee range.
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