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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Ame no ko
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The Ghosts in the Meadow [Ehefra / Julia] - Page 4 Left_bar_bleue0/0The Ghosts in the Meadow [Ehefra / Julia] - Page 4 Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

The Ghosts in the Meadow [Ehefra / Julia] - Page 4 Empty Re: The Ghosts in the Meadow [Ehefra / Julia]

Mon Apr 04, 2022 7:40 am

The Runaway

Jules Ash

The Ghosts in the Meadow [Ehefra / Julia] - Page 4 6EdIfMt

A chuckle wafted out of the bedroom.

“Kinda depends if you’re getting lost in a metaphorical or in a literal way, I guess. And besides, I’m not myself if I don’t get my daily vanilla spice latte.”

Immediately after these words Julia’s head, adorned with a big grin, popped out of the bedroom door.

“That was a joke, by the way.”

She disappeared again and for a few moments Ehefra could hear some drawers and wardrobe doors being opened and closed. Julia was putting together some clean clothes for herself, an oversize t-shirt for Ehefra to sleep in, if she wanted it, and some towels, if her guest wanted to freshen up herself. Pillows and blankets weren’t necessary, the lounge area in Julia’s living room offered enough of both. Actually even more than her bed, which only had one large blanket and two pillows. In fact Julia slept on her couch (i.e. the matresses and pillows etc. that covered that corner of her living room) quite often because she found it incredibly comfy.

While she went through her wardrobe she kept thinking about getting lost. It reminded her of her first days here in Japan. How lost she felt back then. How alone and small. Her neighbour, this sweet old lady, had no small part in helping Julia settling in. She was also one of the reasons Julia felt so obligated to at least try and keep her neighbourhood safe.

“Hey,” Julia said a few minutes later when she re-emerged from her bedroom. She had a small stack of towels with the t-shirt on top in her arms. Other than that she was only in her underwear.

“Imma grab a shower. You can, too, if you want. I have some fresh towels for that here. And a comfy t-shirt for the night if you wanna get out of your clothes and not run around stark naked. But anyway, just feel at home, it’s just us girls here. Oh, and don’t worry, of course I don’t mind. Wouldn’t have offered it if I did.”

Julia grinned and put the small stack of fabric down for Ehefra. Then she disappeared into the bathroom and not long after the rushing of water could be heard.
In the bath the blonde girl was smiling into the hot water. One reason was that it felt really good to shower. It always did. Water was a nice thing and felt good on her skin and not even the space whale with his deadly water had changed that.
The other reason was Ehefra crashing at her place. It was like…like a sleepover. Only that this time it was someone she had chosen by herself, and offered it without asking anyone for permission. It felt like just another step towards self-determination and independence. Julia also liked Ehefra. They seemed to have a lot in common. Well, maybe not in the sense of similar personalities, but at the very least Ehefra knew what it was like to be a runaway.

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]

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The Ghosts in the Meadow [Ehefra / Julia] - Page 4 Empty Re: The Ghosts in the Meadow [Ehefra / Julia]

Mon Apr 04, 2022 8:57 am
The Ghosts in the Meadow [Ehefra / Julia] - Page 4 HEADER_93322526_p1_master1200

Ehefra quirked a brow and snorted at the little joke. "Thank goodness for that. Dunno if I could trust a vanilla spice latte drinker." She jested in reply, ok that was a really dumb joke, but eh they were just having fun. She took a moment while Jules was out to give herself a little check. Yea, sweaty and gross. A shower was definitely on the docket, and the offer of one made her perk up.

"Sounds like a plan!" She called out into the bathroom, eyeing the stack of clth in the form of towels and the shirt. Briefly she just considered washing up at the sink or something. But no, that was malaysia survivor Ehefra talking, just have a shower like a normal person you fuckin savage! She couldn't help but sigh just a little and took a seat, glancing outside to the familiar landscape of karakura out beyond. Waiting for Jules to finish her own washup. It was....bizarre really. To see the experience this girl had found for herself in running away. And she couldn't help but wonder why.. ....she'd chosen to go off into the wilderness.

What had her younger, dumber self been thinking? And some part of her couldn't help but wonder if she had picked ANY midpoin between Karakura and fucking MALAYSIA would she have just turned out .....different? Less fucked up? She stared off into the distance out the window and she wondered. Could she have turned out just some cute quirky girl like Julie if she had chosen that? She might not have even joined the Vandenreich. She could have been happy just.....swatting hollows in her neighborhood.

She sighed, rubbing her eyes and lamenting her life choices in ....uncertain scrutiny. That was no way to think though, certainly if she had altered her life, she wouldn't have the friends she did now. ESPECIALLY not Natasha or Ira. Not just making friends, but what if they hadn't had her to help them?

They'd probably be fine.

And that......was a painful thing to realize. IF she hadn't been around there probably woudl have just been......someone else. She liked to think she had been a big part of her friends self actualizations but realistically.....she probably...wasn't. If she'd just wound up in like.....russia or someting. They'd....have never known her. And probably would be fine. Made her wonder what THIS young Quincy was doing. Was she making friends? Well, that was kinda nosy to just go asking someone she'd only just met. But they seemed pretty friendly already..... she could probably find a non intrusive way to ask. But another part of her felt like she was just overthinking things. Hm. Probably.

All the same, she continued looking out the window , waiting for her host to finish up in the bathroom.
Ame no ko
Ame no ko
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The Ghosts in the Meadow [Ehefra / Julia] - Page 4 Empty Re: The Ghosts in the Meadow [Ehefra / Julia]

Tue Apr 05, 2022 8:07 am

The Runaway

Jules Ash

The Ghosts in the Meadow [Ehefra / Julia] - Page 4 6EdIfMt

As much as Julia enjoyed water, especially of the hot kind, on her skin, she was pretty quick in the bathroom. In the past she had sometimes joked that since she wasn’t extraordinarily tall there was less to wash. Her hair was also fairly uncomplicated and if there was any unwanted body hair to shave she did it with the practised speed of someone who shaved since she was a young girl and the first disgusting hair had sprouted on her leg. So, after not more than ten minutes, Julia opened the bathroom door and stepped outside, closely followed by a cloud of steam. She had one big towel wrapped around her like a fluffy minidress and her hair wrapped up in a second one. With a sigh of contentment she sat down on a pillow in the lounge corner. Her skin had a rosy tone from hot water and being rubbed dry.

In contrast to the grin Julia had sported when she entered the bathroom there was now a more serious and sober expression on her face.

“You know…” she began, then hesitated for a moment.

“I dunno if I have said it clearly enough, but you really saved my butt today and I thank you for that. To be frank, letting you crash here is the least I can do to try and repay you. And I’m really serious here for a change. If you hadn’t been there I would have walked right into that trap all alone.”

Now Julia smiled again.

“So if you’re ever in town again and need a place to sleep, or just want to hang, call me, okay?”

Suddenly Julia yawned. It was totally involuntary, but she still felt a little bit guilty.

“Oh, sorry.” she said. “That wasn’t because of you. Hot showers in the evening always make me drowsy.”

With a half-dreamy smile Julia looked at Ehefra and wondered if this was how one made friends. They might have only met a few hours ago, but standing in battle side by side seemed to expedite things. Maybe Julia had been too paranoid in thinking that on the literal other side of the world someone could recognize her and inform her parents. Maybe the world of the Quincy really wasn’t as she had always thought. Or maybe it was just that Ehefra was a nice girl and Julia liked her because of that and all the Quincy stuff had nothing to do with it. Who could say?

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]

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The Ghosts in the Meadow [Ehefra / Julia] - Page 4 Empty Re: The Ghosts in the Meadow [Ehefra / Julia]

Tue Apr 05, 2022 10:15 am
The Ghosts in the Meadow [Ehefra / Julia] - Page 4 HEADER_93322526_p1_master1200

Ehefra perked up when she heard the shower being turned off. She turned in time to see Julie emerging from the shower, watching as the girl found a seat for herself and seemed.... to be contemplating something. Ehefra HAD just been about to walk past her, but she paused having noticed that expression. But even more, she was a bit surprised at the sentiment that came out soon after. "Oh. Hmmm, well that's certainly possible. But at the same time, I might have died if you hadn't been there either. It's pretty easy to attribute that kind of thing as one sided. But the truth ius that we helped eachother out." She noted with a light smile, rather pleased that the girl was so respectful.

That said she did,..... consider the notion. "Ah hmmm. Well....I admit I usually try not to come here. There's family that lives around here, and I honestly haven't.....ENGAGED with them since I ran away. But hey, if I DO ever come around, I'd certainly love to come hang out with you over slinkin around some Hotel. So I may very well take you up on that." She chimed with a smile, giving the girl an appreciative look before she picked up the bundle of towels and such and promptly made her way to the bathroom to undress and start washing herself.

Something that .....admittedly she probably took a little longer to do than she would have normally. She had to check herself for any wounds, just a force of habit from Malaysia, and take a moment to consider the situation now that she was washing herself properly. Those hollows had seemed so ......organized. But not in a higher level sort of way. They had just seemed suspiciously intelligent. It had been.....a while since she'd been in malaysia, but .... she did remember that same sentiment. The sentiment she really preferred not to think of, and as she washed herself, she found herself frowning. So many hollows she ran into... but she still was always ....surprised now and then. It was a little concerning.

It took her a good couple minutes before she was done washing up, but ultimately she wound up making her way out of the shower, similarly wrapped up in a towel and waiting for her hair to dry before she went putting on the big shirt that Jul had let her borrow. Taking a moment to look around the livingroom area as she did.
Ame no ko
Ame no ko
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The Ghosts in the Meadow [Ehefra / Julia] - Page 4 Empty Re: The Ghosts in the Meadow [Ehefra / Julia]

Thu Apr 07, 2022 7:53 am

The Runaway

Jules Ash

The Ghosts in the Meadow [Ehefra / Julia] - Page 4 6EdIfMt

When Ehefra came back to the living room Julia was already fast asleep. Lulled by the warmth of the shower and the comfy softness of the lounge corner she had curled up and fallen asleep almost as soon as Ehefra had vanished into the bathroom. Looking at her now, her face all peaceful, no one would have guessed that this afternoon she had been battling monsters. She also looked young, incredibly young. She was indeed not even 20 years old, but in moments like these she looked like a child.

There was still enough room in the lounge corner if Ehefra wanted to share, or she could use the bed, which was now empty of course.

Even if she wasn’t awake anymore, to reinforce what she had said, shortly before she dozed off one of her last thoughts had been that hopefully Ehefra really did believe her. It wasn’t easy making friends, not if you were a foreigner in a foreign country, alone, with no prior connections. She had met some people, even some rather strange people. But all of them she’d never seen again. Maybe Ehefra was different. Maybe this was a step towards building her own, independent life, laying down roots. It was a comforting thought and it carried her to pleasant dreams.

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]

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