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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Graduation [Hanako] Empty Graduation [Hanako]

Mon Apr 04, 2022 11:01 pm
It had been a long time and a difficult course. Cramming his nose into text books, eyeing notes trying to wrap his head around principles, strategies, and philosophies. Hard days were Tento's body felt like it could not move, but somehow it manage to. Dark days where he felt his spirit waned but somehow managed to stay strong, no, get stronger and fierce. Physical days where he pushed himself over and over again. Even when there moves and ideas he understood but just did not have the ability to do yet. He would do it. Over. And over. And over. And over. Even if he could not do it then, he would take the steps he needed. Just to do it better that one time. And then the next and next. With each failure. Being a lesson to take into his next act. And with each success, a thing to celebrate and feel confident in.

With the aid of his will, his worth ethic, the material, his teachers of course, and the friends he made along the way. He grew and grew, eventually become qualified to become a Shinigami at the end of his years of study. He was not a specialist at anything, but he had a varied skill set. One that was of decent quality too. At least for a young Shinigami. He could not completely outclass anyone in his class at anything, but at the same time, no one could take him on at anything and have that be a cake walk. The only thing he was confident on, was that he had a different level of will power than the rest of his class. It showed in his tenacity at he took on challenges, pushed himself and others, and got back up every time. It was something that made him stand out, even if it was only a little.

As the ceremony went on it was a long of the few bad things of having a Z at your last name....

Graduation [Hanako] Tentos10
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Graduation [Hanako] Empty Re: Graduation [Hanako]

Wed Apr 06, 2022 5:04 am

The Big Woman

Hanako Yamada

Graduation [Hanako] 6EdIfMt

‘Ugh, I forgot how tedious these ceremonies can be’

It wasn’t the first time Hanako had thought this thought. She couldn’t remember her own ceremony very well as her thoughts just kept drifting. It was the same now. She was standing here, opposite to the great hall’s entrance, for what felt like hours. Well, at least she was here, outside, had fresh air and could decide to leave. The poor souls inside had it worse. Not only were they all crammed in there together, the whole graduation class, but the academy staff knew very well that each and everyone of them couldn’t care less about their speeches and just wanted to get their hands on their diplomas so they could finally call themselves Shinigami. They knew, because they went through all that themselves. Probably some type of forwarded revenge.

Finally the doors flew open and a wave of former shinoo students spilled out. There was chatting and laughing and yelling and just bodies all over the place. No wonder a single woman, albeit a pretty large and well built one, leaned against a wall didn’t attract any attention.
As Hanako watched the crowd moving by like a river she wondered how many of these already had assignments. She didn’t when she graduated and the way to her first real assignment was…well, it was a bit of a rocky start, to say the least. Looking back she wished all of these fresh graduates a better way into the Gotei, or wherever they chose to go.

One of the graduates caught her eye. It was no coincidence since she was actually here, waiting for him. He didn’t see her, didn’t even look for her, which was no real surprise, since he didn’t know she was here.
She peeled herself away from the wall and filtered into the moving crowd behind him. Catching up to her “target” was quick, partly because Hanako moved with the instinctive confidence of a former Rukongai citizen (although she didn’t remember that) and many gave her a wider berth once they saw her sword and her Lieutenant’s badge on her obi.

“So, you finally graduated, huh?” she said to the back of the tall man, now directly in front of her. She stopped and just stood there, hands on her hips and her usual crooked grin on her face. Although, the man she addressed might not recognize it. She had seldomly grinned or even smiled when they last saw each other face to face.
“Come on, Tento. Turn around and tell me you remember me.”

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Graduation [Hanako] Empty Re: Graduation [Hanako]

Wed Apr 06, 2022 11:41 am
It was long, it was tedious. If there was a sound going on during the graduation beyond the shuffling of feet and speakers it would simply be tick tock tick tock. At least to Tento. He was a patient man but he had to admit that even himself wanted to just run up and grab his diploma. It meant...something for him. A success, a competition, a growth. Feelings of remembrancing of these type of things when he was alive perhaps?

Either way, when he recived his documentation and was ushered through the hall doors at the end among the rest of his class, there was nothing but pure joy coming from his face and oozing from his aura. He had done it. They had done it. They were Shinigami now. It was nice, plus he was in the far back, away from the piling bodies squished because of excitement movement. Although....he was pretty much stuck moving at a snails pace because of that...

As the bodies moved, chit chat, exciting yelling (from joy as well as trying to yell up or back to someone to have a conversation), and and laughter filled her air as the left what was their home over the last several years. The talking was something Tento was more than happy to talk as he was forced to wait. Talking and interacting to the ones near him was a good way to speed up and spend some time. This went on for a little bit before Tento heard someone new talking to him. A voice that stood out to him that he had not heard in a long long time. It was coming from behind him a bit. Which was surprising since he did not remember any friends that were after him in the line up.

It was strange, the person's energy felt familar, but also very very tamed as well, masterfully controlled. Almost to the extent that it had no real impact on the others and felt like they could blend in with everyone else if they wished. Tento was really wondering who this was, the person saying he finally graduated like they were congratulating them. Tento only knew of one person that was not in Shino...

"Hanako.-chan...", Hanako who he saw when he turned around. A mix of emotions were inside of him but only a few came to the surface. He eye her arm seeing her lieutenant badge before going down into a deep bow. "I...I, mean Lieutenant Yamada. Don't joke around like that silly, I would never forget you. Thank you for helping me when you were here",. Tento looked like he was calm, but from his voice it was clear to even a stranger that there was a happy surprise and joy of seeing the Lieutenant of the 4th division. This was even more clear for any people who guessed from the smile on his face. "I, did not expect you to be here. I, got your letter back. ...did you come here for business?".

After saying this he would lift his head up and return to his original position. Tento hoped that she would tell him no. That it was not the case. That she had come because of him, be it hits letter or...something else. Ignoring his...complex feelings to the once stand offish woman before him, she had genuinely become a friend to him over the years, heck, maybe even a close friend if she would accept that. With the time gone since she had left, he had grown to miss her, but alas could only continue going on. It was like high school friends, close college friends, or childhood friends who's situation changed as they lived and moved. The course of their journey, life, and location, separating them.

She looked...different yet the same. Still the same look of confidence, and strength. But, she looked more at peace? And...well, beautiful as well, more...voluptuous in her build. Yet, it was the same Hanako before him that he was seeing with his eyes; This was not the case with Tento. Most of his body stayed the same in the grand scheme but there was some changes. He put on some more muscle giving himself more weight and somehow grew seven inches. Who knew the dead kept growing? Beyond that, his proportions were the same, he looked like he same old Tento.

The crowds were moving more now, people going to their locations to talk to family and friends. Tento stayed here he was, at first. Before moving towards Hanako with a few steps. Sliding through the crowd as he came closer and closer to her. Soon it was just the two of them, for the most part. There were teachers, staff, and fresh graduates still hanging around but there was enough distance that things could still one on one. As Tento looked at her now, he was even more happy and okay with the time apart. She had grown extremely powerful, he could feel that easy. But. For him, it was nothing to what he could see. Hanako smiling. A bright one even if it was with her trademark crooked smirk. She rarely even did that when they hanged out from his memory.

" happy to see you again... And to know I was remembered". He was at a lost of words for once. A rare thing. It, was a lot of things that he was wondering. A lot he wished he had time to say in the past and even now. He thought back to her response. The messy letter a clear indication of her personality that he had grown use to. Yea, she was different from those years ago...but she was still Hanako Yamada.

Graduation [Hanako] Tentos10
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Graduation [Hanako] Empty Re: Graduation [Hanako]

Sun Apr 10, 2022 6:18 am

The Big Woman

Hanako Yamada

Graduation [Hanako] 6EdIfMt

Was it business that had brought her here? She should have expected that question since she was wearing her badge. It made it look like she was on duty and…well…she was. Sort of. But still, hearing one of the persons she knew since academy days and the only friend of that area call her by her title sounded…wrong. Still, whatever it sounded like, it wasn't completely off the mark.

Hanako quickly surveyed the surroundings. There weren't too many graduates left behind, only some staff from the academy, but they probably guessed what was going on. There was a small group of graduates hanging back, seemingly unsure whether they should wait for Tento or not. They, too, had likely noticed the badge. She chose to ignore them.

"Partly business, yes."

A bemused spark came to her eyes.

"Call it a surprise for your graduation. I am here to inform you that your request for admission into the Fourth Division has been granted."

She watched Tento for his reaction.

"Now, since you've just graduated your status will officially change tomorrow. But…who cares? Welcome to the Fighting Fourth."

Who would have thought this would happen all those years ago when they first started training together? That someday they would not only serve in the same Division, but with Hanako as Tento's superior. As far as Hanako remembered back then she didn't even believe in her ability to graduate much less become a seated officer in a Division. She might not have told it to anyone or shown it, but the self doubts were there, always. Even after graduation. And now…things had changed quite a bit. There were some important things she had to add and she became a bit serious fornit.

"As first official instruction I have the following for you: You can drop the "Lieutenant Yamada" or any unnecessary protocol when we're amongst ourselves. I don't care much for it. Only two rules apply here:
First rule: The Division has to function. Work must not suffer. As long as your duties are performed correctly and the Fourth performs well I don't care if you goof off while doing it or call me by my first name. The job gets done and I am happy, simple as that.
Second rule: This is only how I run things. Towards higher superiors and everyone outside the Division we observe every protocol and uphold appearances."

Hanako's face became friendly again. Her facial expressions were a lot more…alive than back during her academy days. All in all she seemed a lot more open, more willing to express some emotions, more able to deal with them in general. She still wasn't a bubbly, glittery-pink fountain of joy and fun, and would probably never be, but she wasn't a complete block of ice anymore either.

She saw from the corner of her eye that the small group was still lurking around.

"Well, I don't want to keep you from your friends there. I came here to surprise an old friend and I think I might have succeeded. But I also would like to catch up. It's been some time."

Now that she looked at him she realised…had Tento grown? Was that even possible?

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Graduation [Hanako] Empty Re: Graduation [Hanako]

Mon Apr 11, 2022 2:26 am
Tento had sent out a few letters besides his letter to Hanako. They were any where near as....personal. But there were still letters putting his notice of trying to be accepted into their divisions. He had gotten no word from any of them. A fact made him a little bit nervous and sad, but as the instructors of the school told him and the rest of the class, it was rare for a student to get approved to join a division before their graduation. Most instances came from students who were part of the noble families or the sub higher up families, or held existential skill and power. For the rest that were number, it would be some time after graduation. Maybe even a year before a decision was made for them.

But, here was Hanako. Not in a casual clothing, but her Shinigami uniform as well as her Lieutenant badge. Could...he really get that lucky? Would he get into the division he hoped to the most but wasn't sure he was up for their level? But, even beyond that. If that was the case it would feel even more impact because of the messenger. He did not expect Hanako of all people to come, she was the Vice Captain. He knew there was a friendship between them, at least a lingering of one from years ago. Yet, for her to come out from her busy schedule and duties, that was something he had not even considered. That was the case though, she was before him in flesh and blood after all. And, she said it was partially business...

A spunk came from Tento's vibe hearing that. Even more so with the words that came after. It was a blow of happiness that he could not fully accept until she said it. He was in the 4th division!! In this moment he didn't care, he jumped into the air by several meters, whooping into their air with joy before realizing what he was doing, landing back into the ground before coughing sheepishly while a few students that were lingering behind that were previously with Tento laughed at his reaction, as well as happiness for their friend's news. "Uh...sorry, about that. Thank you for haing me, I'll be in your care once again", he did a bow again as a big smile was on his face.

It was funny. How they came full circle in their relationship with each other. When Tento joined Shino Academy and go selected into the 5th year Zanjutsu class. He met Hanako through an...intense lesson. Through a series of events that was mostly through Tento's stubbornness and desire to test himself against strong people. He kept going at Hanako. If anything he was an annoyance for her in those opening weeks. In time though she became more accepting of his presence at least, and he began to get ideas of the reasons why the Ice Queen was the Ice Queen. With bruises, words, and times, Tento felt he befriended Hanako, gained a mentor. And no they were in a similar condition, Hanako and Tento in the same division with her as the Vice Captain.

Tento nodded along as Hanako gave her first instruction. It was, unexpected. It sounded very loose. Which, was kinda of a surprise for him since his memory of Hanako was such a hardcore worker and serious type. However, it did sound at least that the mindset was that everyone took the job seriously, or at least up to standard need. If that was done then it would make sense if things were more relaxed he supposed. "Understood Hanako...chan. I will keep that in mind and do my best". He could tell that was very serious to her. She had that firm face she always made when something that really budged or troubled her came up.

But once that was stated it came away just as fast as it came. She was approachable again. In a matter of fact, her face looked...more friendly then he had remembered. Did he see her more of a stoic type from memories or did she just loosen up over the years? Who knew, but. Her face was a lot more alive, friendly and cheerful even. It was not a bubble pep in step look but it was... ..enchanting. A blink and a very weak hue of red was on Tento's face as he response to seeing Hanako like this.

Hearing Hanako's words, Tento turned around, realizing how much time had passed with the ground waiting. With a peace sign given, they knew it was okay to leave. It was his normal sign he did to let them know he would be talking to someone for awhile or busy doing something. They had plans to just relax for now and celebrate later. Given this gap, he hopped to catch up with Hanako as well.

He walked a little closer to Hanako now, his increased height and muscle becoming more evident a little. "That's my bad. I should have told them they could go earlier. We had plans to hangout later but were mostly going to relax for now. I, don't mind if you take a bit of my time away from them though. Since my friend surprised me with a visit I think it's only fitting that I see how they been and hangout a little. Maybe you can come with us later, if you're not too busy and have to leave?".

Graduation [Hanako] Tentos10
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Graduation [Hanako] Empty Re: Graduation [Hanako]

Wed Apr 13, 2022 2:03 am

The Big Woman

Hanako Yamada

Graduation [Hanako] 6EdIfMt

With a slightly raised eyebrow hanako thought for a moment, then said in a slightly amused tone:
“Well, maybe without the -chan this time around. Even if we’ll be neglecting protocol most of the time, I’m still your boss now.”

One corner of her mouth raised a bit to a smile, taking the edge of her words. Someone else would have probably slapped Tento on the shoulder, but touchy stuff like that wasn’t exactly Hanako’s style.
When the other graduates left the two of them were alone. Everyone else had cleared out and there was nothing more on the schedule for the day, it seemed. At least not in the hall.

It was obvious that the two of them only slowly became accustomed to the presence of the respective other again. Since Hanako’s graduation several years earlier they hadn’t met and only rarely communicated at all. Hana watched Tento and tried to determine what had changed on the person that was actually her oldest friend in all of Soul Society. To her knowledge, at least. He was definitely the oldest friend within the Seireitei. It was strange, Hanako had to admit to herself that Tento seemed to be much more different than before, although on first glance he hadn’t changed all that much. But then she realised it was herself that had changed the most. Maybe it was what changed her perception. Back then, whatever Tento’s view of their relationship had been, Hanako hadn’t been very close with him. Always like an arm’s length away. Which was actually almost cuddly for the person she had been, because she hadn’t let anyone come real close and everyone but Tento she held much, much farther away. In hindsight she deeply regretted it, seeing now what a true friend this one really was. After all, she wasn’t the most sociable person in her academy days and definitely not easy to be around. Yet here they were, years later.

“Come on, walk with me.”

Hanako took a certain direction and fell into a casual stroll, obviously not in any rush to get anywhere.

“I hope the last years of academy have treated you well.” she finally began.
“I can see that you have…grown quite a bit.”

She had chosen the word ‘grown’ on purpose, in part to tease him a bit about him actually possessing the audacity to physically grow. Hanako liked it when she was the tallest in a group..

“I’m looking forward to see how your abilities are. But I would actually most like to catch up. I suppose both of us have changed a lot. To be honest, when I think back, I feel like I was a totally different woman back then.”

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]

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Graduation [Hanako] Empty Re: Graduation [Hanako]

Wed Apr 13, 2022 4:32 pm
As soon as Tento saw Hanako raise an eyebrow he kinda wished that he did not add the chan to the end of her name. It was reminiscent of their first encounter all those years ago. Back when he mistakenly called her sensei instead of senpai when he pushed into his first class and still getting accustomed to...being dead and everything. Tento had grown over the years, learning the proper titles that can be said someone based on their hierarchy or relationship to others. Chan, Tento figured, was a correct phase to use towards Hanako since they were speaking in a private one on one environment. She was his superior now yes, but she was a friend, a close friend in his point of view in fact. But perhaps that was not the case since they had been out of contact for so long. Or maybe Hanako just did not feel the same type of closeness with Tento that he felt with her...

It was 5 years since they last talked person to person after all. But with Hanako's tone and the smirk that came on her face with that comment, perhaps he was overthinking? Her smirk was a sign that she was not upset about it really and it was just something to keep in mind after all. She did work hard to become a Vice Captain, in their military system Tento should respect that power and journey and refer to her in a somewhat formal way still even if their current situation was a relaxed one. Semi professional was the code then maybe? It made sense he supposed. Hanako was never the real sociable type, even the softer voice and actions she gave toward Tento during their school years together was still, well, distant. He wouldn't say cold, but it was not a warmth comfort either. It was closer than the others but still far away. Still...Tento, enjoyed it? The time with her. Even though he wanted a deeper layer of friendship with her. But alas, he knew her own limits at the time. Of the signs of her pains, shortcomings, and insecurities. With them, there would only be so much she could do and give at that time.

With the students and crowd gone, it was just the two of them. When Hanako asked Tento to follow along he had no reason to decline. Following suit, Tento moved with Hanako in the direction she went. First falling behind her before reaching up side by side with her, about an arm's length away. He was in a very slow stroll, a really casual one that caused him to have to do a little hope after several steps to not fall behind Hanako. "Hmmm....well the work has been hard. And, truthfully. There were some odd and...crazy things that happened over the years". He rubbed his chin as he spoke, "Good and bad overall. Regardless a growth expereince I guess. How about you? I'm curious how your journey to Vice Captain".

Tento shifted his gaze, changing from a straight forward look to a more sideways look. Only now did he see that well, he was taller than Hanako. It was something he did not realize being distracted by other things and all. He had to lower his gaze a little, was she...really at his shoulders? That odd thing given that she was taller than him back when they were training together. "Hmmm, I guess I did, but is it really anything worth of notice? If anything, you've have changed much more than me over these years. At least from what I can tell.". Tento said in a light hearted tone. If anything, between the two Hanako had grown much over the years. Just being around her, her spirit felt a lot different, she...seemed more positive. And, well, he body defiantly did some growing as well.

If Hanako was teasing Tento he had no idea. To me this was a simple nice conversation like they had always did. He was a jokester, but he could rarely remember moments that Hanako goofed off or had a playful nature. Maybe somewhat fun in challenges and training, but not silly.

"Well seeing the abilities of each other will be something that will come in time. After all, since we are wokring together now there will be plenty opportunity for that. Until then, like you, I would rather catch up a bit. I don't know if you are totally a different woman from back then, but I guess I'll just get the chance to talk to you a lot to find that out", he said this with a smirk. "Oh, and I got your letter. Thanks...for taking the time to personally respond".

Graduation [Hanako] Tentos10
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Graduation [Hanako] Empty Re: Graduation [Hanako]

Fri Apr 15, 2022 5:56 am

The Big Woman

Hanako Yamada

Graduation [Hanako] 6EdIfMt

"Actually, the Vice Captain thing was really a surprise for me, too, when it came."

Hanako began when Tento asked her about how she became Vice Captain.

"I knew Captain Kobayashi even before he took over the Division. When he did he gave me a call and said he wanted me as his Lieutenant, to help him rebuild the Division. It wasn't in a good state back then. It's a long story. But it took us the better part of a year to get it to at least a decent state."

For a moment Hanako fell silent and her gaze wandered off into the distance.

"To be honest…and I only tell you this because you're my oldest friends, to be honest I never really understood what he saw in me to offer the post to me. I never felt like I deserved it, but I damn well worked as hard as I could to prove myself worthy. I like to believe that he didn't regret his decision, but sadly I can't ask him anymore. He died a couple of months ago. Another long story."

She turned her head and looked at Tento directly.

"I would appreciate it if this stayed between us. I trust you, Tento, and that you understand what I wanna say. But it probably wouldn't be good if the troops knew that their Lieutenant felt inadequate for her post, even if it was only in the beginning. Especially since I have to be Acting Captain, too, at the moment."

Slowly Hanako guided the two of them towards the compund of the Fourth. She didn't have any concrete plan for the occasion other than to surprise an old friend, but showing him where he would live and work from now on seemed appropriate.

"Mhm, a lot of people have said I have changed a lot, but I guess you're in a unique position to tell. I think no one around here knows me as long as you do. I'm not sure, but I think the woman in the mirror today is someone different than the woman in the mirror five years ago. Not completely, but to a certain degree, maybe."

In fact Hanako liked to think that she changed a lot. She didn't like who she was in the past herself, even if that past was less than half of the lifetime she remembered ago.

"One thing I am sure of, though, is that I am still not good at this whole…socialising. patient with me, okay?"

She actually had to chuckle for a moment.

"And that, too, is a long story."

Maybe now she could tell Tento all of her stories. Her story, the story that had made her who she was. Sadly a rather short story, compared with most others, even though she might have said it was a long one. When they first mad she couldn't and wouldn't, even if he had asked her directly. Back then she wasn't even able to deal with it herself, much less involve someone else. So she bottled it up. Now it was still painful, more than every injury she ever received, but it was easier to talk about.

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Graduation [Hanako] Empty Re: Graduation [Hanako]

Fri Apr 15, 2022 1:32 pm
As the two of them began to walk and talk, Tento thought about how this was nice. It was, like they were back in Shino together, walking towards class or a training session together while they did some chit chat. However it was different now, they both were older, stronger...different. And when Hanako began to speak, Tento listened as he always did in the past. But with a bit more curiosity. Hanako was surprised at becoming the second in command? Well there must be an interesting even there then...

And so he listened more, nodding along as the new pieces of information was given to him by her, interpreting in between them with his usual comments and questions. He had nothing much to really say until Hanako seemed to open up with some heavy things. For in the middle of their talk, they continued to walk. Hanako had stopped talking. Appearing to become under a trace as she gazed forward. Her eyes may have been forward but her mind and eyes were surely somewhere else. She was silent. But thankfully it was only for a moment.

"Ahhhh, Captain Kobayashi hand picked you? Well Hanako-san. That means you had potential and qualities to lead from back then. A Captain wouldn't pick their right hand, specially one where they just took over and had to rebuild a division. From someone they did not have some truth in and faith in their abilities. Since you two succeeded, he was right. Rebuilding from something from the ground up in a year is not something I think many could do. And the facts pertaining to you, being up to the task, is probably even more true now thanks to the experience and knowledge you've gained.". Tento, would make a note of this. He had no idea that the division was in trouble back when Hanako joined. What happened? The fact that Hanako thought it was a long story made Tento even more interested to hear about it later.

Tento wanted to ask more about the Captain. But with Hanako's shift, Tento's mind went to somewhere else. Hanako was always Hanako indeed. Unsure of her place in the world and her qualifications. If she met the standard.

Tento chuckled, chucked and chuckled before letting out a loud laugh. It wasn't one of mocking, even more of amusement. But one of, frustration? Confusion? Maybe pure emotion. "Oh Hanako...if only you could see yourself through my eyes and how everyone sees you. You really answered it for yourself already, or at least part of it. You worked hard. One can have talent, but talent is useless if talent is lazy". He smirked, his trademark smirk that Hanako would have seen hundreds of times by now. "It is more than your hardwork though Hanako. You have dedication, tenacity, a standard that is always going. You don't accept anything less than the best or all that someone give. And even though you are a bit scary at times for others, I don't get why though, you push people. Either by your presence, your words, or your actions. It's like a domino effect that I suspect helped others. How else would it help a division growth and become more than its pieces? No one deserves anything, it is earned and worked towards".

He looked at Hanako, moving in front of her dead in her eyes, a bit close to her face. His eyes were hard, harder than Hanako had ever saw Tento eyes. But, they also held a softness, a gentleness. "Do not ever doubt your value friend or if you adquete. Because you push beyond your limits or the things before you to whatever lies ahead of you". Tento would then turn around both of his arms under his sleeves as he turned forward a bit sheepish. "That is what I think of you at least", a few seconds would past before he would cough. "Ugh, sorry about that. Yea. Don't worry about it. I'll pretend this conversation never happened". Tento would then turn his head side ways, looking back at Hanako. "On one condition. Since I am your oldest friend I am gonna make you promise me this. Regardless if you are my superior. Do not be afraid to lean on my shoulders", he did his smirk. "I got ya back".

Tento would follow Hanako still after saying his piece. Continuing talking on this subject if she wished or to something more light hearted if she wished. Ah she called me her closest friend!! Wait....did I get friend zoned??


In time they would make it to the compound of the Fourth. So this was Tento's home now? It big. He had no idea the division's ground would be this big. He wondered if space was fully used or if they had a lot of room to still fill. Anyway, as he was toured around he was happy to see the new place he would work and live. Maybe he would even see some people he would work with.

Tento's feet shuffled as he multitask. Looking around with each new piece of the division that was revealed to him. Trying his best to focus on what Hanako was showing him while still paying attention to the other things she was saying. "Well I do not know much of what has transpired here, if anything. I know you well, I would hope so. But I am gonna have to see you up close and a far for awhile before I can make a decision if you have changed a lot. However, given that you yourself think the woman you were five years ago is different is good enough. Even if its only to a degree. People are always changing after all".

"Mhm, a lot of people have said I have changed a lot, but I guess you're in a unique position to tell. I think no one around here knows me as long as you do. I'm not sure, but I think the woman in the mirror today is someone different than the woman in the mirror five years ago. Not completely, but to a certain degree, maybe."

If allowed, Tento would reach out and pat Hanako on her back in a comforting way. "Well, if it counts for anything. You are already being more sociable than you were in the past. But, don't not be you in the progress. I wouldn't have fun hanging out with you if you weren't you". He would raise an eyebrow at the next comment from her. "You know, you got a lot of long stories to tell me. You sure you want to keep it up? You may have to write me a book at this pace". He laughed a little after he finished speaking.

Hanako had definitely grown a lot. In power, in skill, but also in wondering if she was up for the challenges. But she had the grit to push through them and try to show she was worthy. She had stories to tell likely that Tento would be happy to hear about. He himself had stories he was looking to tell her, granted. Probably not as much as her but something at least.

But there was a time and place for things. And when Tento felt that Hnako was up for it or wanting it, maybe even needing it. He would open his ears, just like always.

Graduation [Hanako] Tentos10
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Graduation [Hanako] Empty Re: Graduation [Hanako]

Tue Apr 19, 2022 3:30 am

The Big Woman

Hanako Yamada

Graduation [Hanako] 6EdIfMt

Hanako looked up at Tento when he offered his shoulder to her.

"I really appreciate this. Thanks. I will gladly lean on your shoulders when the need arises."

A sly grin curled her lips upwards.

"If I can reach them, that is."

It wasn't maybe the greatest of all jokes, but Hanako did indeed pride herself on the fact that she at least began to understand humor. And if someone could take a joke then it was definitely the one person that knew her since the ice age. Metaphorically speaking. At least she hoped so. After all, he had dared to surpass her in height. Mocking him for it was the least she could do. Also kind of the only thing, since she was pretty sure she wouldn't grow anymore herself. But despite the joking she was actually really grateful for the offer, more so than she was ablento put into words. It was a strange feeling having someone as close as Tento, someone who knew her for the better part of her life. She couldn't say that about anyone else. And she felt for no one else that way. She just hoped he would somehow know, because expressing herself was still far from easy for her.

Eventually they reached the compound of the Fourth Division.

"This is it." She said and opened her arms in an all-encompassing gesture.
"The Fourth Division, Combat. The main muscle of the Gotei, although we're not just an army that get's called upon when violence is needed. In fact we cooperate a lot with other Divisions, like Realm Enforcement or Earth Affiliation."

She began pointing to various buildings and building complexes that could be seen.

"These are administration and the offices of the seated officers, over there are the barracks with all the recreational facilities. Behind that are rather extensive training areas with everything from small training rooms to large open courtyards, with all the storage space for gear and so on. You can't imagine how much we spend each period for destroyed training gear or courtyard floors or whatever. Much more than any other Division."

She nodded when Tento said that she had a lot of long stories to tell. He was right. There was a lot that had happened. Maybe a book, like a chronicle, wasn't such a bad idea. If only she wasn't so sure that she'd put every reader to sleep withon the first two pages. She could give a rousing, adrenaline fueles speech to motivate the troops when they were about to march into battle. But provide an interesting and gripping chronicle…she wouldn't even know how to begin.

"You're right, a lot has happened, and not all is that important. How Captain Kobayashi died is actually not that long a story, simply because I don't know what happened. I know that he died in a duel agains Elyss Kishimoto. What exactly went down and why…Elyss is the only one that knows and she won't say. Some time after she killed the Captain she attacked the Division, on her own, challenged us. Challenged me. I fought her. If you ever have to face her, be careful. She's a fearsome opponent. The fight never came to a conclusion. I hit her with my strongest attacks and she still stood and would have probably continued to fight until one of us was dead, but then suddenly she…just stopped and went away. We we're both injured, she almost cut my spinal cord. To this day I have no idea what her real motives were."

She suddenly shook her head.

"I am sorry, I keep on talking about my story and the division and don't give you any chance to say any word. I've been too absorbed in my work lately."

Those were always the easy topics. Work, combat, training, stories that involved others, where she just played a part, even if the stories shaped her own in no small part.

"It's good that you're here now." She suddenly said in a low voice, not sure if Tento even heard it.

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]

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