Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Winter Treats [Saiko/Hono] - Page 2 Empty Re: Winter Treats [Saiko/Hono]

Sun Dec 11, 2022 9:08 pm


Enter Saiko's Post

"Oh? So you need a rank to have an excuse to be bold? And here I thought you liked to live life on the edge."

Saiko gently pushed her elbow on the side of Hono as a small snort left her mouth. Clearly, she was joking. Though, after she was done teasing the shinigami, a tilt of the head could be seen from the hybrid. As her blue eyes locked on to Hono, she definitely noticed that wandering look. When you live a life like Saiko's, sometimes you pick up on things in your environment from habit, so she had to confront it.

"Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeey, were you checking me out now?

By no means was Saiko super offended. Anyone could look as much as they wanted, but touching was another ordeal. So, a smug expression briefly came on her face before leaning back and nodding her head.

"At least be more subtle."

After a chuckle left Saiko's mouth, she kept on speaking as she mulled on the notions of appearances and age.

"But yes, it's nice to retain our looks for so long. I'm not sure if I could pull this look off if I looked my age...."

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Winter Treats [Saiko/Hono] - Page 2 WVMWLOu
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Thu Dec 15, 2022 2:14 am

Winter Treats [Saiko/Hono] - Page 2 18peDx2

Hono Kaen

Artist: - Song: - Word Count: 132

"I do~ What's the point if I'm not gonna die~" She joked, of course Hono didn't mean that, but she did agree living life on the edge! Things were so boring if not. "I throw myself at walls all the time, sure I get knocked down, but I get stronger everytime!" She would give a soft chuckle.

"That's... exactly what I'm doing?" Hono was open about it, looking at Saiko again. "You're cute. What can I say?" She would give a soft smile, she was very bold it would seem. The Shinigami would tap her chin.

"Your age? You're an old lady? Just when I thought I had a young friend~" She would nudge her back. Looking at her, just how old was Saiko? Well guess it was time to find out.

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Winter Treats [Saiko/Hono] - Page 2 Empty Re: Winter Treats [Saiko/Hono]

Tue Dec 27, 2022 7:53 pm


Enter Saiko's Post

Nodding, Saiko agreed with Hono's statements. What was the point of living if you couldn't experiment with the boundary of where things would go? Nothing was worse than a life never lived to its fullest potential. Hell, in the hybrid's mind, even living to half your potential is good enough compared to the endless spirits that failed to live beyond all the unused potential in their bodies.

"That's the right spirit, Hono. I can't say you would be living if you didn't do that. You don't have to take chances or risks all the time, but living a little and seeing a small amount of your potential does the soul good."

After laughing with the woman, Saiko went quiet for a moment and tilted her head again at what Hono said regarding her pasting glances at the hybrid's figure. Well, at least she was honest about her stares. Rather than deny it, she admitted it, and people like that could be trusted more.

"Fair. I am pretty cute. I just forgot that. So at least you are honest."

Not seeming to care much at that moment, Saiko rolled her shoulder before pondering about her age.

"Me? Old? Depends. I'm not above two centuries, but I'm not below one century. Am I an old-lady shinigami?"

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Winter Treats [Saiko/Hono] - Page 2 WVMWLOu
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Winter Treats [Saiko/Hono] - Page 2 Empty Re: Winter Treats [Saiko/Hono]

Thu Dec 29, 2022 1:30 am

Winter Treats [Saiko/Hono] - Page 2 18peDx2

Hono Kaen

Artist: - Song: - Word Count: 105

Hono really was showing she was a masochist huh? Well regardless she was glad Saiko thought it was a good attitude. She chuckled a little bit. "See, you get it. I don't wanna be one of those Shinigami people don't remember, I wanna be someone you know?" She'd awkwardly rub her neck. But would soon focus on Saiko.

"Two centuries? Well for a Shinigami? No not really, but compared to me you're ancient~" She stuck her tongue out a little bit winking. "But you look good for your age~ I would of guessed you're 150~" Once again joking around the Shinigami would nudge Saiko's shoulder.

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Winter Treats [Saiko/Hono] - Page 2 Empty Re: Winter Treats [Saiko/Hono]

Fri Dec 30, 2022 1:22 pm


Enter Saiko's Post

Age kind of meant nothing after your 100th birthday. As long as she could keep her youthful looks, Saiko had no care about it. After living so long with demons, as far as she was concerned, she was reborn. So, she would pat the head of Hono, think for a moment, and speak.

"You are about right. I think I stopped counting around when I turned a century old. It kind of gets pointless after that, don't you think?"

She would snort and narrow each of her eyes to pop the same question back in the face of Hono.

"Which begs the question: how old are you, Hono? You seem like a new spirit to me, but I could be wrong."

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Winter Treats [Saiko/Hono] - Page 2 WVMWLOu
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Fri Dec 30, 2022 6:55 pm

Winter Treats [Saiko/Hono] - Page 2 18peDx2

Hono Kaen

Artist: - Song: - Word Count: 148

Hono would find her face heating up, at least a little bit feeling Saiko pat her on the head. Laughing slightly, not exactly sure what the appropriate response was in this situation. That wasn't to say Hono didn't even like it, the woman loved attention, and especially from a cute girl! So she would simply nod at Saiko's comment about losing count.

"Well I guess, but how else will I give people a hard time for being old if I don't even know own age~?" she nudged the girl yet again, jokingly. "My age? Isn't that a forbidden question to ask a lady~?" She winked. "Since you're such a cutie I'll tell yah~ I'm 25." Hono would give her answer, she felt old herself, though grasping the concept of living hundreds of years was hard for Hono. Maybe after her first 50 years she'll start to grasp it.

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Winter Treats [Saiko/Hono] - Page 2 Empty Re: Winter Treats [Saiko/Hono]

Sun Jan 01, 2023 2:23 pm


Enter Saiko's Post

If Saiko had tea, she would spit it out of her mouth. 25? That's pretty young. She was eons ahead of this little one, and Saiko couldn't help but laugh at her. It seemed she had a few more lifetimes to go, so she nudged right back.

"Oh my, it seems we have a little one here~"

The woman snorted and continued.

"And we are both ladies, so we can swap secrets like that without a problem."

After pulling out another honey bun, she'd scarf it down, enjoy the sweet contents, think for a few seconds, and then resume speaking.

"I think after 25, 30, maybe 40 or 50, age stops mattering once your brain has fully formed. At least for me I don't feel that different than when I was 25. But, I also have supernatural powers keeping me young, sooooo...."

Once Saiko tilted her head to the side, she'd gently tap on her head and say:



"Hopefully, this granny doesn't cramp your style."

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Winter Treats [Saiko/Hono] - Page 2 WVMWLOu
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Winter Treats [Saiko/Hono] - Page 2 Empty Re: Winter Treats [Saiko/Hono]

Sun Jan 08, 2023 12:10 am

Winter Treats [Saiko/Hono] - Page 2 18peDx2

Hono Kaen

Artist: - Song: - Word Count: 142

Hono would roll her eyes. "Oh please, little one? I'm in the prime of my life~" Hono would tease Saiko, though she was surprised Saiko was able to wolf down another honey bun. Hono wish she could eat more of that, but with what was going on, she needed to look her absolute best. "Granny? Geeze, you're gonna make me not wanna call you cute..." Hono would scald her a little bit.

"I do have older people hobbies..." That was a somewhat vague thing to say. "I've been cooking a lot more lately! So hoping my cooking will sweep Elyss off her feet~" She had a rather playful grin on her face.

"You seem to have a sweet tooth! I'd love to test my cake recipes on you!" She suggested, raising an eyebrow. "I don't mind cooking for a friend after all!"

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Winter Treats [Saiko/Hono] - Page 2 Empty Re: Winter Treats [Saiko/Hono]

Sun Jan 08, 2023 8:55 am


Enter Saiko's Post

Cooking huh? Well, that was always a fun subject. It was essential to recovery and healing in a lot of ways. It gave the body nutrients, energy, and life to continue existing, getting stronger, and recovering from exhaustion and fatigue. So, as Hono teased, Saiko tapped her chin and nodded to accept the offer since she could always use extra servings, given her body's constant energy consumption.

"Well, if you go down that route, you will be a broke Hono. I tend to eat a lot, as you can easily tell."

After snorting, she'd flick the woman's nose and continue.

"But yes, I can accept that. What exactly makes your recipe so special?"

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Winter Treats [Saiko/Hono] - Page 2 WVMWLOu
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Winter Treats [Saiko/Hono] - Page 2 Empty Re: Winter Treats [Saiko/Hono]

Thu Jan 12, 2023 10:09 pm

Winter Treats [Saiko/Hono] - Page 2 18peDx2

Hono Kaen

Artist: - Song: - Word Count: 142

"Well, you can always provide me the ingredients!" Hopefully this little suggestion wouldn't break the bank for Hono, plus Saiko could get pretty much anything she wanted cooked instead of hoping Hono made something she liked. The next question was very interesting, what exactly made Hono's dishes stick out. "Well... I put love into it!" She joked. "But no, I'm not afraid to put a lot of spices in my food, spicy stuff rocks. Though if you're not really into spice I can tone it down for you" She would explain.

"My mom actually taught me a whole lot kind of recently, sometimes when I'm not super busy or not working I swing by and help her with dinner!" She tapped her chin. "My little brother hates spice, so I always make him a second plate without it."

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