Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Natural Enemies [Mizu/Cala] Empty Natural Enemies [Mizu/Cala]

Sun Nov 20, 2022 10:34 pm
Natural Enemies [Mizu/Cala] JGYv9eD


Another day, another Hollow Hunt. Mizu found herself accepting more and more Hollow Hunt contracts, for a multitude of reasons. First, her sense of duty as a Shinigami drove her to hunt these beasts; second, she used them to train and challenge herself; lastly, she had grown to genuinely enjoy visiting Earth lately. Though her visits usually ended in her body getting battered and bruised, she often came across interesting people and as a member of the Gotei United's 8th Division it was important for her to be accustomed to traveling to and from the living world.

This time she had accepted a hunt in Greece, and after a short investigation managed to track a particularly nasty Hollow through the nation's countryside. Recently it had been preying upon people traveling through the area as otherwise there were practically no souls for it to consume with human homes few and far between. Mizu theorized it chose this location to remain anonymous and off the radar of the Gotei United. Too bad for you I'm here, then! the petite blond thought to herself as she narrowly dodged a swing of one of it's long metallic tendrils in place of where it's arms should be.

When another of it's dozen or so whip-like appendages crashed down near Mizu she leapt to the side before bringing both hands up, palm out, and aimed directly for it's head as she shouted "Hadō #31: Shakkahō!" Upon saying these words a sphere of crimson flame formed in front of her hands before launching at the Hollow, exploding into a small inferno upon contact. Unfortunately for Mizu this did little more than singe and disorient the monster, leaving no lasting scars upon it's snow-white hide.

"Tough one aren't you..." she said more to herself before beginning to run in a circle around the Hollow, it's arms narrowly missing her as it struggled to keep up. Suddenly she was stopped in her tracks as one of the tendrils struck the ground in front of her, which gave enough time for another to grab her leg and violently pull her into the air upside down in front of the Hollow's hulking body.

Feeling her foe's tentacle arm squeeze her leg, Mizu wasted no time in fighting her way out of the situation before more damage could be done. This time she said aloud a different spell's name "Hadō #54: Haien!" which created an oblong blast of violet energy that struck the Hollow's body where the appendage holding Mizu met it's torso, burning through it immediately. This allowed her to escape it's grasp as both she and the arm fell to the ground in a heap, though she managed to avoid being crushed by it. With a big of pain still in her leg Mizu raised her Zanpakuto and prepared for a drawn out fight against the now-11-armed Hollow.

Cala Paracer
Cala Paracer
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Natural Enemies [Mizu/Cala] Empty Re: Natural Enemies [Mizu/Cala]

Sun Nov 20, 2022 11:31 pm


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Cala's most recent trip to Greece had been rather interesting and with their new old Nokia phone now stowed safely away they now found themselves moving through the Greek countryside. After their run-in with a Shinigami in a city just previously they figured they would be more likely to avoid running into similar trouble by switching to less populated areas. Naturally they were wrong and as they felt the two expulsions of spiritual energy Cala paused their traveling atop what was likely a rather old windmill, able to detect the confrontation taking place they also heard the shouting of the Kido spell names before they were launched.

Pausing only out of indecision Cala would briefly consider leaving the Shinigami to her fate as they had just met one they had engaged in combat with but... even so.... upon seeing the Shinigami being hauled into the air they were briefly reminded of Aina's own struggle against the Hollow they had faced. If they did, in fact, plan to act as a protector for Aina in at least some capacity then, their mind reasoned, they could at least treat this as practice with someone they did not care about. A way in which they could test out their growing powers without fear of the stand-in for Aina dying

This earned a nod from Cala as they convinced themselves to intervene. This was, of course, never-minding the fact that they simply did not enjoy seeing someone hurt or thrown around. Besides if the Shinigami did need help then perhaps they would not mind if they fed off the Hollow once they defeated it? No doubt the Shinigami would wish to cleanse them but.... well.... a bargain could be struck if nothing else. So it was that Cala honed in their Pesquisa on the Hollow and Shinigami, their spiritual energy radiating quietly over the countryside as they simply took in the scenery and perched themselves high up on the windmill. Thankfully not aiming through the blades of the structure as they rotated Cala would then slowly open their fanged mouth and begin charging a Cero, putting what they could into one singular blast without exhausting themselves needlessly or wasting energy, a deep black core of energy would begin to swirl between Cala's teeth, like a coalescing black hole rimmed by blinding white light.

It was not until Cala noted the Hollow move to lash out at the Shinigami again that their Pesquisa honed in just ahead of where it seemed they would strike and, in one swift motion, Cala fired. The only wood around the feet sheering away in thick splinters as enough energy to destroy a small house left their mouth in a concentrated beam of black-and-white energy. Cleaving through the air and severing another of the Hollow's arms mid-swing, impacting the ground between it and Mizu, closer to the Hollow, and flinging up a torrent of rubble before Cala's head moved back, carving the beam into the air briefly before halting the Cero and snapping their teeth shut.

A heavy exhale saw excess energy flare between their fangs in a mixture of black and white flame before their Sonido carried them closer, Ceniza leaping to their hand as they stopped within view of the Shinigami and Hollow, their gaze vaguely in the Shinigami's direction before they gave her a singular nod and, head twitching ever so slightly, turned their body without turning their head to let one of the Hollow's now 10 tentacles lash by them in a vertical slash that caused the air to hiss sharply. The follow-up attack came as a horizontal slash by another tendril aimed at Cala's neck and was one they stopped, with faltering strength, with Ceniza. Their heels digging into the ground and Fade flowing from their clothes in a series of tendrils that lashed at the Hollow's exposed arm, causing it to roar and adjust it's weight before it launched a series of three attacks at Mizu directly following this.

The first two attacks came in rapid succession. First a low slash aimed at her injured leg, aiming to make her dodge in a way as to put strain on it, then a second slash aimed at her good leg, aiming to further cripple her. The third arm, the third attack, came only if Mizu raised his arm to cast another Kido and would be met with a quick, prepared grapple toward her wrist, aiming to drag her back into the air and keep her from casting.

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Natural Enemies [Mizu/Cala] Empty Re: Natural Enemies [Mizu/Cala]

Mon Nov 21, 2022 12:10 pm
Natural Enemies [Mizu/Cala] JGYv9eD


I shouldn't release Shousenmaru against a measly Hollow! Mizu thought to herself, preparing to utilize her developed skill in Shinigami magic to take the beast down. At this time the blond Shinigami registered a new blip on her spiritual sensing radar, this time of a large expulsion of energy coming from far behind her. But...that's...! Mizu nearly dove out of the way before seeing the incoming Cero attack was either not intended for her, or had been aimed poorly, as it struck and amputated another of the Hollow's arms.

With the Hollow roaring, both from pain and anger, Mizu took advantage and trained her gaze on the newcomer. Her spiritual sensing had proven true: this person was an Arrancar. Not only that, but their Spiritual Pressure was nothing to write home about. In fact, at least to Mizu, they seemed even weaker than the Hollow. But if that's true, how did their Cero do so much damage? Knowing better than to trust her sensing ability when it came to Arrancar, a race of evolved Hollows with a penchant for violence, Mizu kept her Zanpakuto at the ready and prepared to fight off the newcomer as well.

Before she could ruminate further on this latest development, the hulking Hollow struck out with it's tendrils at both of it's much smaller targets with enraged ferocity. Not wanting to get crushed or caught unawares again Mizu decided to cast a barrier spell which would summon a translucent golden cube around her small frame with enough durability to withstand multiple hits from her foe's appendages. From within the safety of her barrier Mizu began reciting another spell's incantation " "Sprinkled on the bones of the beast! Sharp tower, red crystal, steel ring. Move and become the wind, stop and become the calm. The sound of warring spears fills the empty castle!" As yellow energy formed at her palm a small window opened in the barrier "Hadō #63: Raikōhō!!" Through the window a bolt of lightning was loosed from Mizu's hand which would strike the Hollow square in it's chest, devastating the monster as it was knocked off it's feet and sent crashing to the ground. Though her skill with Kidō is great, Mizu already found herself panting due to her low energy reserves.

Cala Paracer
Cala Paracer
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Natural Enemies [Mizu/Cala] Empty Re: Natural Enemies [Mizu/Cala]

Tue Nov 22, 2022 9:18 pm


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Cala was, admittedly, not quite as physically powerful as the Hollow in question. So it was that the Hollow's clashing strike continued to push them back, slowly, digging their heels into the earth more and more until he heard the Shinigami begin to incant. Cala was only vaguely aware of what Kido was as a principle, but knew well enough that the barrier she had summoned and the Kido she summoned used a lot of spiritual energy of hers. The recklessness, the seeming panic and over-reaction in the face of combat, in a way, reminded them of Aina. The sight of the unknown Shinigami lashing out with her Kido reminding them distinctly of when Aina had lashed out at an entirely different Hollow.

Distracted for the briefest moment Cala's attention refocused as the Shinigami was obviously panting, her energy running low, and Cala bared their fangs softly. A brief, tiny flicker of emotion that just as quickly returned to their dour, stoic expression. The Hollow, to it's credit, had also felt the Kido being gathered and despite being blown back off it's feet it's tendrils lashed out in a group of four at the greater threat: Mizu. This time the tendrils would begin to vibrate as they lashed through the air, sawing and cutting at her shield like an odd saw-blade. Cala, meanwhile, had been freed from their clash by Mizu's Kido and, reacting as swiftly as they could, launched a potent series of Bala at the offending tendrils.

Knocking the tendrils Aside Cala would then Sonido over between Mizu and the Hollow, deflecting a vibrating tendril with just as much luck as skill, before tilting their head just a bit to indicate they were addressing Mizu. Their voice was soft, low and neutral, but strangely forceful and authoritative. Like that of an instructor or teacher who had not had their coffee.

"One more."

Cala would continue to play defense as Fade flooded out of their clothing. Tendrils mimicking the Hollow's own attempting to match their number but it was obvious Cala was weaker physically than this Hollow, as every block drove them a step back, tendrils of Fade cleaved apart when blocking one at a time only to quickly reform themselves at Cala's command. Cala was buying Mizu what time they could, Arrancar or not, with their reasons being their own.

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Natural Enemies [Mizu/Cala] Empty Re: Natural Enemies [Mizu/Cala]

Thu Nov 24, 2022 2:09 am
Natural Enemies [Mizu/Cala] JGYv9eD


Feeling the shock from her foe's repeated blows on her barrier, Mizu quickly brainstormed the next best spell to use on the beast. It was at this time she was surprised by the nearby Arrancar once again seeming to take her side against what should by all rights be considered their ally in a battle such as this. Evidently this person thought one more good spell would be enough to officially take the Hollow down for good, and true or not Mizu planned on testing this theory. With her barrier still holding, though perhaps just barely, Mizu settled on a plan of attack to finish things.

With her inexplicable temporary ally keeping the Hollow busy, Mizu released her barrier spell and aimed her hands at their mutual enemy. With much focus she summoned an amount of concentrated energy around her right index finger's tip and let loose both the spell's name and the energy simultaneously "Hadō #4: Byakurai!" The initial energy would warp into an intense bolt of lightning that would spear through the Hollow's mask and out the back of it's head, killing it in one shot. With a sigh Mizu's shoulders slumped as she completed her mission, glad to have not needed to escalate the situation beyond a few Kidō spells. However before she could call it a day and relax Mizu swiftly drew her Zanpakuto and turned to face the Arrancar, ready to do battle with the suspicious figure as their temporary alliance lapsed with the Hollow's dead.

Cala Paracer
Cala Paracer
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Natural Enemies [Mizu/Cala] Empty Re: Natural Enemies [Mizu/Cala]

Thu Nov 24, 2022 2:45 am


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Cala weathered the Hollow's blows as best they could, deflecting most, evading some, and those aimed at their lesser extremities they simply allowed to be deflected off their Hierro. It was as good a defense as Cala could muster. Their Pesquisa taking in all the Hollow's attacks in an actually useful application, as well as Mizu's tenseness at Cala's approach, surprise, then move to action as she did as suggested. A small twinge of unease flooding the back of their mind as they considered that they might have put an enemy at their back and doomed themselves, and they made a plan accordingly.

Cala did not expect sudden mercy or friendship from Mizu, not with her surprise and open expressions at their interference. So it was that Cala, driven back nearly to Mizu herself by the Hollow's attacks, acted the very moment her Kido struck home and the threat of the tendrils was ended. Not allowing Mizu even her sigh in relief or peace Cala's inherently opportunistic nature bade them turn first on the Shinigami. Not even allowing her to re-ready her Zanpakuto Cala's Fade would shift from a mass of tendrild to a series of spearing lances aimed at Mizu. They had, after all, felt how exhausted her spiritual energy was and Cala did not truly desire to kill her. Not with how much she reminded them of Aina.

Coming only a moment after the lances of ash-like Fade laced out toward Mizu, intent on sapping her already dwindled reserves while Cala, with each touch, had bitten off a tiny sliver of the Hollow's own energy to keep themselves fully empowered, Cala followed up with a slash of Ceniza aimed low, at her leg, not seeking to strike anything vital, only incapacitate and defeat.

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Natural Enemies [Mizu/Cala] Empty Re: Natural Enemies [Mizu/Cala]

Thu Nov 24, 2022 2:40 pm
Natural Enemies [Mizu/Cala] JGYv9eD


With Shinigami magic Mizu had taken down the Hollow, and with Shinigami magic she would fend off this Arrancar interloper. With her left hand raised, palm facing out, the blond summoned another translucent Kidō barrier between the two. Wasting no time after this Mizu Flash Stepped backwards as the barrier took the beating instead and, when she was a short distance away, decided to cast something somewhat new to her "Hadō #24: Jūrensha!" From her left hand a blue circle of energy formed from which many dozens of small spheres were fired off in Cala's direction. Each of these small spheres would pack a small punch, but the bigger danger would come from the sheer number of projectiles and the speed at which they travel through the air.

Not wanting to rest on her laurels too much Mizu opted to stab her Zanpakuto a shallow distance into the ground, through which she channeled another spell. This spell was merely a generic Kidō net which would expand outward from her resembling a spider web of sorts. At it's center Mizu was perfectly safe, but to others it may seem a fairly obvious trap; either way Mizu remained in place as she waited for her newfound foe's next move.

Cala Paracer
Cala Paracer
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Fri Nov 25, 2022 6:06 pm


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Cala tilted their head as Mizu raised a Kido barrier with excellent efficiency, impressed by the Shinigami woman, and as the lances of Fade struck the barrier they did not so much beat and buffet it as the Hollow before them had done to her defenses. Instead the flowing ash latched onto the barrier and, through it's connection to Cala's outstretched hand, began to drain away the spiritual energy sustaining it back to the Arrancar. Physically speaking they were a bit sore, like that of a modest workout, but as far as their reserves of energy to defend themselves and use against Mizu they were nearly back to their peak.

As Mizu summoned Jurensha Cala felt they had the measure of the sorcerous swordstress and, having not quite siphoned all the energy successfully from her shield, withdrew the tendrils of Fade and in a use of Sonido as fast as Mizu's own Flash Step, retreated away as well. They did not go far, only close to where the large Hollow had been felled, and did not quite manage to escape unscathed. A few of the orbs had struck home, burning and buffeting Cala's Hierro such that their skin was marred with light burns.

Despite what Mizu seemed to suspect Cala was not interested in pursuing her further and as their Fade finished feeding the energy it stored into Cala, and Mizu erected her web, Cala simply nodded to her and turned away. They did not bother explaining themselves, or even attempting to, if Mizu sought an answer they could provide it, and if she desires further combat they could provide that as well. But for now Cala simply began to spread their Fade over the Hollow's corpse and drain it away.

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Natural Enemies [Mizu/Cala] Empty Re: Natural Enemies [Mizu/Cala]

Fri Dec 30, 2022 5:36 pm
Natural Enemies [Mizu/Cala] JGYv9eD


With her Kidō net still spread out around her, Mizu felt confident in her current level of safety. Her growing concern was more to do with whatever it was this Arrancar was doing to the felled Hollow. With her Barrier spell dissipated, Mizu stood out in the open, her golden gaze trained on the strange individual. It appeared as though they were attempting to absorb the dead Hollow's energy, which disturbed Mizu who was worried about the conflict escalating further with the Arrancar empowered.

With her Zanpakuto raised in the direction of her assailant Mizu spoke aloud to them with a confident, albeit annoyed, voice "Stop what you're doing right now, Arrancar! You are already guilty of assaulting an Officer of the Gotei United, do not escalate the situation! Either go back to Hueco Mundo right now or I'll be forced to kill you! The only reason I have not is because you assisted with the Hollow, but you've lost practically all good will by turning on me." After her short speech Mizu thought silently to herself I knew I shouldn't have worked with an Arrancar.

Cala Paracer
Cala Paracer
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Natural Enemies [Mizu/Cala] Empty Re: Natural Enemies [Mizu/Cala]

Sun Jan 01, 2023 5:26 pm


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As Cala absorbed the felled Hollow, thoughts working through their mind slow, methodical processes, they were still very much aware of Mizu. As she raised her Zanpakuto and Cala turned back to look at her they did not stop their Fade from siphoning the defeated Hollow's energy. Instead they would incline their head ever so slightly toward Mizu and run through their mental list of priorities. The first was to survive, they wished to see Aina again and dying to a Shinigami would certainly make that impossible. Second, they did not wish death on this Shinigami. They had found her, overwhelmed and on the back foot, and their slowly bettering nature had lead them to assist her. Third, was to absorb the Hollow, as they would need the strength to further protect Aina in the future.

With that mental list settled Cala would stab Ceniza into the ground before them and simply speak.

"We are sorry if you took our test as an assault, Shinigami. But we cannot return to Hueco Mundo yet, or be slain by your hand. We found you in dire circumstance and, wishing to help, did what we could. As for after the Hollow fell....."

Cala considered a moment, tilting their head, and nodding once again at Mizu.

"We admit we acted out of instinct. We are not accustomed to trusting Shingami at our back. Even so we did not strike to kill, merely incapacitate, to test you would be able to survive without further interference. We have no further trifle with you, and you are exhausted, perhaps a sharing of food would aid our apology?"

Cala's voice remained, as ever, a grey, unfeeling and neutral tone. Every syllable spoken frankly, without inflection or cadence aside from those pauses they took to gather their thoughts.

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