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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Your own personal demon [darkfunnel/Ame] Empty Your own personal demon [darkfunnel/Ame]

Sun Jun 14, 2020 11:18 am

The Big Woman

Hanako Yamada

Your own personal demon [darkfunnel/Ame] 6EdIfMt

When the paper doors opened silently before her, the scent was the first thing she noticed. That hearty scent of a forest. Calming and relaxing for most, for Hanako it did bring bad memories.

She stepped out of the portal and took a look around. She was alone, but that didn't surprise her. This spot was far away from any 'civilisation', but then again, civilisation wasn't was she was searching.

Hanako still didn't know what to think of that incident. She had spend some time searching for clues but found none. Or at least nothing she didn't already know. So she came here, a place where she maybe could find what she was looking for. Well, it was the easiest to reach, at least, so it was obvious to continue the search here. It was known that a lot of them could be found here. The question was, if the individuals she was looking for were amongst them.

Just now she was walking up a small hill. There was an old sign, lying next to an old tree. The kanji was worn away by time and only some western letters were legible. Only that Hanako didn't understand the words. Upon further examining the surroundings she found a few more clues that hinted on someone working here a long time ago. Some train tracks, for example, almost completely overgrown. Another bad memory.

Ultimately she shrugged it off and decided to go on.

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Your own personal demon [darkfunnel/Ame] Empty Re: Your own personal demon [darkfunnel/Ame]

Fri Jul 17, 2020 12:11 pm

Yuukinan Asthavon
Rakshasa Of Wrath
The Rakshasa of Slaughter

Your own personal demon [darkfunnel/Ame] 6EdIfMt

Karakura Forest... Yuukinan wouldn't exactly call it her most favored place to wonder when she could get away from her layer in hell; there weren't exactly many people to kill or at least something to entertain her, whatever that something may be. Unfortunately for Yuukinan, Ikari had insisted on a casual stroll in the forest; so that dear kitsune known as Ikari was clearly having a good time. She switched between her normal fox form and her human form again and again as she dashed around the area. Eventually, the woman finally relaxed enough to turn into a small fox and hop onto Yuukinan's shoulders and rest there; with the two women still treading through the forest.

Eventually, Yuukinan's shoe hit something metallic as the demon was staring off into space; not really focusing on what she was doing. Such a disturbance caused her to draw her sword much faster than most could perceive and pointed it at the metal before realizing it was just a railroad track nearly fully buried in plants and dirt. A couple blinks, a sigh couple with a slight frown, and the demon sheathed her sword; a pointless thing. Yuukinan simply shook her head and continued walking on; however, a new presence caught her attention.

It was a presence, someone, or something, was ahead of her in the woods; past this ruin of what used to be rather old train tracks. The Rakshasa's eyes flicked from tree to tree, a sigh escaping the kitsune upon her shoulders.

"Yuukinan, must it always be about killing? I want to have a nice day out in the forest; so noooo fighting!"

The little fox bats Yuukinan's cheek with her paw gently, clearly annoyed by her companion's desire to simply kill when it seems convenient. However, the demon simply sighed and nodded; telling Ikari she wouldn't kill someone randomly. Even if she wanted to. So, the demon simply walked on, keeping a sharp eye on the area around her; and making sure to keep note of the person whose energy she felt... Besides, it wouldn't hurt to simply run into them. After all, Yuukinan was a demon; so if she was attacked, retaliating out of self defense probably would be okay with Ikari. Albeit, after Ikari's protests about her incessant killing, Yuukinan didn't exactly feel like it was fine to just kill without restraint... Regardless, she continued on through the forest; unaware of what such a trip may bring them to.

Ame no ko
Ame no ko
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Your own personal demon [darkfunnel/Ame] Empty Re: Your own personal demon [darkfunnel/Ame]

Sun Jul 19, 2020 8:11 am

The Big Woman

Hanako Yamada

Your own personal demon [darkfunnel/Ame] 6EdIfMt

Still nothing. According to some reports this region was ideal to go hunting for them. Today, though, it seemed as if someone should have sent those reports to them. No one was here. It was such a quiet day it could have been described as beautiful, wasn't it just the opposite of what Hanako had hoped for.

She wandered a bit aimlessly, a part of her lost in thought. Since she had entered the world of the living something on the back of her mind had begun itching. As if she was supposed to remember something. But as far as she knew she never had been to the world of the living before.

After a while Hanako realized that this expedition had been for naught and was a stupid idea to begin with.
Hanako turned around and wanted to head back. She was at the foot of a small hill, old train tracks next to her, half covered by leaves and dirt. Suddenly she saw a figure come out between some trees. Hanako cursed herself in her mind. She should have noticed!

Her hand was already on the hilt of her sword and the blade half drawn when she froze. A puzzled expression was on her face when she somewhat relaxed and her sword was resheathed with a audible sound.

"Huh, you're no hollow. Sorry." She said and it did sound just a tad disappointed.

Then she took a closer look. The woman before her looked almost human and had no visible mask-fragment on her. She was considerably smaller than Hanako, about a foot, give or take. Her hair was long, very long, and black which. Her clothes and figure (her curves could definitely be considered sexy, mortal or not), all were quite human. But there were her eyes and her aura. Now that Hanako had a few moments to adjust she could feel it. Definitely not human. And if she was shinigami she was like none she ever met. But there were a bunch of races Hanako only knew from textbooks.

"You're no shinigami and no mortal either, are you? Who are you?" She asked.

Hanako herself was wearing her normal, sleeveless shihakusho, the sword on her left hip. Her dark-red dyed hair was braided to keep it out of her face, which itself was only adorned by a little bit of eye-makeup. There couldn't be any bigger contrast in her appearance to the other woman. While Hanako was by no means ugly or unattractive, quite the contrary, she was simply too pragmatic to waste much time on her looks.

Presently her stance was wary, but hear sword remained sheathed and her right hand hung seemingly relaxed at her side. She didn't know the other woman, didn't know who or what she was and what her intentions were. However, she did know that the beautiful looks and her small physique had probably no correlation whatsoever to her powers. But still, no red alert yet.

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Your own personal demon [darkfunnel/Ame] Empty Re: Your own personal demon [darkfunnel/Ame]

Wed Sep 02, 2020 5:43 pm

Yuukinan Asthavon
Rakshasa Of Wrath
The Rakshasa of Slaughter

Your own personal demon [darkfunnel/Ame] 6EdIfMt

It appeared Yuukinan had found her accidental quarry; even if she did have absolutely no intentions of killing the woman. At least, she didn't have any intentions of killing the woman at the moment. After all, the fox on her shoulder was still gently batting at her cheek; for Ikari could have all the complaints in the world for how Yuukinan insisted on killing anyone she saw fit. Simply put, when Yuukinan emerged from the tree and saw the woman draw her sword partially, she had done just about the same; albeit it was at a greater speed. So much so, the demon had fully drawn her sword out of the sheath before the intent of the woman before her was clear; mistaken identity.

Yuukinan's crimson eyes peered at the woman, trying to judge her intentions as her sword rest limply in her hand. There was no intent to kill, Yuukinan had simply responded to the situation at hand. However, it seemed appropriate that she too should sheath her sword... to put Ikari's worries at rest. She cared not if the woman before her was worried. So, with a sharp, quick, movement, the demon's blade disappeared into its sheath and Yuukinan walked towards the woman a tiny bit; listening to her words as she walked. Hell, it would likely be clear there was a fox on Yuukinan's shoulder who was still gently batting at her cheek; albeit the fox appeared to be calming down now that Yuukinan seemed more reasonable.

Then, came a question; what she was and who. Why, those two questions were easy to answer.

"Indeed, I am not either. You must not know of my kind, then; of what I am. I am Yuukinan Asthavon, A Rakshasa; a demon of hell. And clearly, you know nothing of demons."

Yuukinan continued moving forward before the fox on her shoulder, Ikari, sighs and headbutted Yuukinan's cheek. Likely, to Hanako's surprise, the fox talked; and quite fluently.

"Yuukinan! Relax yourself! She didn't even draw her sword like you did; I'm just glad you put it away. Nowww, staaahp being a buuuuutt!!"

The fox headbutts Yuukinan's cheek again before hopping off her shoulder. However, instead of landing on the ground as a small fox; the feet of a woman gently met the ground. She grinned at Hanako, hoping she was shocked to see a fox turn into a woman. Regardless, the woman, who still had a fox tail and ears, gave Hanako a sly wink; making Ikari's motives entirely, and wholly, unclear.

"And I'm Ikari~! Local most adorable Kitsune EVER! What I am probably would go way over your head, but, to keep it short I am a Kitsune; and I am also Yuukinan's partner~ Now! Who are you"

Yuukinan and Ikari knew exactly what Hanako was. A Shinigami, and a rather new one if their senses were not amiss. However, one question remained unspoken between the two respective parties; why were they here? Yuukinan was here to kill time so she wasn't so damn bored. However, why was Hanako here? What was a Shinigami doing out here so far away from any cities or people. A hollow? Or perhaps... something or someone else.

Whatever it may be, Yuukinan wasn't going to give this woman a reason to attack her at the moment; or at least she wouldn't give her a reason to feel threatened. However, Yuukinan kept a sharp eye on every movement she made; every gesture. If this Shinigami was here on more than just a casual stroll, things could get messy. However, at the very least, Ikari would keep Yuukinan from spontaneously murdering someone just because she could.

Ame no ko
Ame no ko
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Your own personal demon [darkfunnel/Ame] Empty Re: Your own personal demon [darkfunnel/Ame]

Sun Sep 06, 2020 5:09 pm

The Big Woman

Hanako Yamada

Your own personal demon [darkfunnel/Ame] 6EdIfMt

Hanako's surprise was indeed genuine.

"Well, I have heard of demons. I know they exist. But that's about it. Never met one either." Hanako admitted freely.

Since this cat was obviously out of the bag, she saw no use in denying. Hana remembered darkly having read about hell and demons. She never gave it much thought, especially since she transferred to Realm Enforcement, where her duties were mostly within Soul Society. If she was honest to herself, she never had expected them to look so humanoid. And good.

And once again Hanako showed genuine surprise when the fox on Yuukinan's shoulder started to talk. She had noticed the animal, thought it was rather cute and found that she would very much like to cuddle it. Only that it obviously wasn't an animal at all.
And then it jumped from Yuukinan's shoulder, morphed into a young woman, gave a really confusing wink and then introduced herself.

Soo...Yuukinan and Ikari. A demon and a kitsune. When Hanako set out this morning she hoped to find hollows. She never had even dreamed about meeting rakshasa or yokai. What a day.

"My name is Hanako Yamada." She introduced herself with a polite bow. So far there was no reason to be impolite, although Hanako didn't lower her eyes. There was a difference between courtesy and plain stupidity.
"I am a Shinigami of Soul Society. And I am not here to hunt demons."

With her last words Hanako held up her hands a bit with palms outwards and took a small step forward. Under her foot something cracked and the ground gave way just a milimeter. It produced no audible sound and the movement was ever so slightly that Hanako automatically just brushed it aside and assumed she had stepped on a patch of moss that crumbled under her foot. Yuukinan and Ikari most likely wouldn't have noticed anything.

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Your own personal demon [darkfunnel/Ame] Empty Re: Your own personal demon [darkfunnel/Ame]

Wed Sep 09, 2020 6:15 pm

Yuukinan Asthavon
Rakshasa Of Wrath
The Rakshasa of Slaughter

Your own personal demon [darkfunnel/Ame] 6EdIfMt

At least the Shinigami before them gave no reason to attack, no reason for Yuukinan to once more draw her sword and cut her down; in fact, she seemed a relatively reasonable person. Especially given most had some form of disposition towards demons; normally not a good one. However, at the very least, Hanako appeared to be a bit more open to demons; or at least was not too concerned about the two causing a load of trouble. As long as Ikari cared to tell Yuukinan to behave, them not causing a lot of trouble would indeed remain true. However, she certainly seemed to be here for something; and she was quite polite. Yuukinan could already hear all the hair-brained schemed Ikari may, or may not, have for getting the girl to try her sake and see just how thrashed she gets. Luckily, however, the fox seemed content with just studying the woman before them.

At least she seemed intelligent, making sure to approach cautiously and even with her hands up and everything. She did indeed not want to start a fight. It made sense to Yuukinan, not many people wished to be diced up into mincemeat by a sword; dying an early death was never quite fun. Regardless, she watched Hanako just as carefully as Ikari examined literally every facet of the woman; dern Fox, always thinking about other things. However, when Hanako stepped closer; Ikari froze. It wasn't like she was worried about anything, not exactly, but she was still a being that shared the senses of fox mixed with that of a demon's. A shiver ran up the woman's spine as her ears perked up; her two tails also seemed to poof out and become a bit larger as she sniffed the air.

Something was wrong, or, at least, Ikari felt like it. It was an odd sensation, to feel that something was wrong and yet absolutely nothing more happened than Hanako moved forward towards them; but Ikari felt like there was something completely wrong about to happen. Ikari acted on the feeling, moving forward a step and made the smallest hissing noise in the back of her throat. It wasn't something that was meant to threaten, but meant to warn; and frankly, it wasn't even pointed at Hanako. It was something in the area that happened right when Hanako moved forward that caused the Kitsune to be on edge.

"S-Something doesn't feel right... Yuukinaaaan"

Yuukinan simply let out a sigh as Ikari looked towards her with a sudden, and deep concern. And then, without warning, Ikari walked forwards and grabbed Hanako's wrist, tugging the woman towards Yuukinan; who was now looking everywhere quite sharply. As soon as Ikari reached Yuukinan, with Hanako in tow, she grabbed Yuukinan's left hand and lead the way out of the forest; or at least did her best to.

"We are getting out of here! Something's making my skin crawl and I do NOT like it! So we are leaving! You too, Hanako!"

Yuukinan simply shrugged and followed Ikari, letting the fox's right hand hold tight to her right; simply looking at Hanako. Her red eyes seemed devoid of emotion, or at least, quite reluctant to experience it; something of that sort. However, if Hanako stared to long it would be like she could feel a primordial wrath emanating from the woman; even though Yuukinan wasn't angry at all at the moment.

"That's Ikari for you, feels something is wrong and just drags us away... don't worry, she won't bite you. Probably. I'd be more worried about whatever is spooking her so; since her senses are often right."

Ame no ko
Ame no ko
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Your own personal demon [darkfunnel/Ame] Empty Re: Your own personal demon [darkfunnel/Ame]

Sun Sep 13, 2020 7:16 am

The Big Woman

Hanako Yamada

Your own personal demon [darkfunnel/Ame] 6EdIfMt

When Hanako approached the pair Ikari, the kitsune, reaction very strangely. She froze and she behaved like a...well, fox would when it sensed danger. Hanako herself couldn't sense anything. There was nothing close, except a few birds that flew above them.
And then Ikari came up to Hanako, grabbed her wrist, grabbed Yuukinan as well, and pulled them away.

"Ikari...what the hell…?" The words had escaped Hanako's mouth before she realised that they might be considered insensitive by demons and their associates.

When Yuukinan commented on Ikari's behaviour, Hanako smiled a crooked smile. Yuukinan's reaction was quite emotionless and somehow sounded like 'I'm too old for this'. On the other hand, when the demon said that it'd probably better to listen to the kitsune when she sensed something, it sounded serious.

Hanako opened her mouth to say something, but before she could make any sound she felt as if the ground was pulled from under her.


There was a loud, cracking noise. From one moment to the next there was just empty space beneath her feet. The last thing she saw were Yuukinan's eyes, then she fell. Her wrist slipped from Ikari's grip. For a second her other hand could grip a ridge, but before she could use her other hand as well the ridge gave way as well.

After that all was a whirl of dust, rocks and darkness. It was hard to tell how long or how far she was falling. She could feel that she was bouncing off some rocks and tumbling down a steep surface. And then it stopped.

For a moment Hanako remained still and counted her bones and limbs. It seemed like they were all still there. No, they were definitely all still there. The way she felt there probably wasn't a single spot on her body without a bruise.

Carefully she sat up. Nothing was broken but unless she'd pay the Second Division a visit she'd be sore for a while.

"Yuukinan? Ikari?"

She didn't know if the other fell with her. She couldn't see a thing, it was pitchblack and her eyes weren't adjusted to the dark.
Okay, time for some light. Hanako raised a hand, palm upwards, and concentrated her energies to form a small, glowing ball. It was one of the most basic exercises for kido, but it was also a good method to arrange for some light. Only this time it didn't work. Only then did Hanako realise that she couldn't sense Yuukinan or Ikari. They couldn't have been separated far enough.

Slowly she stood up.

"Ikari?" She asked the darkness again. "Yuukinan? Are you here? Are you okay?"

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Your own personal demon [darkfunnel/Ame] Empty Re: Your own personal demon [darkfunnel/Ame]

Wed Sep 16, 2020 2:22 pm

Yuukinan Asthavon
Rakshasa Of Wrath
The Rakshasa of Slaughter

Your own personal demon [darkfunnel/Ame] 6EdIfMt

Not even Ikari could have exactly expected what happened next. Sure, she had a bad feeling; but it was just that, a bad feeling. She had no indication of what would happen, just that her senses were giving her a big "GTFO" warning; and she wasn't going to question it. Not even the words "waht the hell" would bother her, not that they did anyways; they may be demons of hell, but it was still a very useful curse word. However, it appeared that Ikari, in her haste, had not noticed the ground they walked upon was just as odd as the way she felt about the area. By the time Ikari even took notice, could say something, or even drag her compatriots out of the way. Frankly speaking, it was Ikari who was dragged.

As Hana fell straight down, pulling on Ikari some, the demon had accidentally let go of her hand due to the sudden shock of the fall; but the damage had already been done. She was off her balance, and even Yuukinan seemed to be struggling with the ground below them. Soon, however, Ikari fell backwards and clung to Yuukinan's hand out of sheer fright; and then they fell. They plummeted through the darkness, with Ikari squeaking in complete terror. However, Yuukinan grabbed onto Ikari, turned around, and covered Ikari with her coat. No matter how much Ikari protested, Yuukinan soon fell to the ground with a dull thud that echoed across the cave; landing surprisingly close to Hana.

Yuukinan sighed softly in the aftermath of their landing. She wasn't the most durable being, and she could easily regenerate bruises, but even Yuukinan wasn't terribly hurt by the fall; Ikari, meanwhile, remained completely unharmed. She was flustered, her few tails were far more poofed up than normal, and her ears were folded down on her head. She wasn't scared of the dark, or of the weird cave they were in; she was more afraid if Yuukinan was injured. So, in a spur of movement, she shoved Yuukinan up to a sitting position and did a quick check to make sure she wasn't hurt; bruised, but fine. The fox sniffled into the back of Yuukinan's shoulder before her ears perked up at Hana's voice.

"We-We're here! Yuukinan broke my fall... not her own some. But, we're fine!"

She flinched at the sound, because it was a little loud thanks to the stone around them; but it was clearly Hana. And, if Ikari's ears didn't fool her, they were quite close. She gave the air a solid sniff, and then shook her head some; it all smelled so... ODD. Whatever this place was, it wasn't naturally made; at least not entirely. The ground may have been a trap constructed long ago; but for whom? That was when Ikari and Yuukinan noticed something acutely. They could sense each other, because they were linked so closely, but neither of them could focus on Hana's presence; like it had gone even though it was clear she was nearby. Ikari made the smallest whimper before digging into her pocket and yanking out a phone. Yes, she has a phone. She's a fox with varied interests and has to keep up with the latest trends and her favorite artists! And other things. Maaany other things. However, it was a good light source; had a flash light too.

With her phone out, Ikari turned on the flashlight function and held it up until she found Hanako; pulling Yuukinan over to her. Ikari walked right up to her and, without asking, sniffed and felt her up a bit; but she didn't touch anything she shouldn't. It may be embarrassing, and extremely invasive, but Ikari was in a 'I don't care, I'm checking if you're hurt' mood. Afterwards, ascertaining that Hanako was only a bit worse off than Yuukinan, she gave the girl a big hug.

After withdrawing from that, Ikari flopped into Yuukinan's arms; speaking of whom, Yuukinan wasn't watching Hana and Ikari, she was looking around the room. She was moving her arm and hand some as she held Ikari; as if she was judging something. Eventually, she pulled at her coat, as if to pull it off, and frowned at something. Afterwards, she tried to create a ball of fire in her hand; but got nothing more than a puff of smoke. Clearly, something had been suppressing their powers. Yuukinan could likely use very small things, but, her own abilities were being thwarted just as easily as Hana.

The demon frowned again, rubbing her back; letting out a very small grunt due to the dull pain that arced up her back. It was, indeed, quite annoying. However, nothing she couldn't deal with. Eventually, the demon looked towards Hanako, observing her state of being before finally speaking.

"Unless I'm mistaken... something is suppressing our powers; and likely energy as well. Which is incredibly annoying..."

Ikari sighed again, lighting up more of the area with her phone, leaning her back against Yuukinan as she surveyed the area; unsure of where exactly they were. Underground? Yes. Where or how far? Not even close. Whether they were in a trap or not? The safe answer was to assume it was a trap. Well, whatever it was, Ikari knew she did NOT want to stay here in this dank, dark cave; where she only had what sake was on her! So, she turned towards Yuukinan and Hanako and grinned at them.

"Whatever it is, I wanna leave! Soooo, lez find a way out together~?"

Ame no ko
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Your own personal demon [darkfunnel/Ame] Empty Re: Your own personal demon [darkfunnel/Ame]

Thu Sep 17, 2020 3:27 pm

The Big Woman

Hanako Yamada

Your own personal demon [darkfunnel/Ame] 6EdIfMt

There! Hanako heard Ikari's voice. She was really close. But why couldn't Hanako sense anything. There was nothing, not a bit. Even when she was training at the academy she could sense more than she could now. It was strange and unnerving how clearly she could feel what she had lost, now that it was gone. A feeling not unfamiliar to her and involuntarily she grimaced at the thought.

After a few seconds a light appeared, small but bright. It seemed like at least one of the others still could use some powers. Or so Hanako thought, but then she saw that it wasn't some energy sphere, but a phone that Ikari had brought along.

"Good thing you have that." Hanako said and nodded towards the device.

It was a bit odd that Ikari sniffed and felt her uo. But somehow the kitsune looked incredibly cute doing it. The urge to pet her arose in Hanako and she asked herself if Ikari would like that only in fox form or in human form as well. Or not at all?

She watched as Yuukinan seemed to try out a few things. She also noticed that something about her clothes seemed to worry Yuukinan. As she commented on the situation Hanako grimaced again.

"I noticed it, too. I wasn't even able to sense the two of you, although I was just lying over there."

Hanako agreed wholeheartedly with the demon's assessment. It was annoying. Even Hanako could have blasted her way out of a cave by now.

"What could do this? Sekkiseki?"

Hanako shrugged. It wouldn't make much of a difference what it was. If it was sekkiseki Hanako couldn't think of a way to destroy the energy-absorbing material, except with sheer, overwhelming physical force. She doubted that, between the three of them, they had enough of that to do it. But what she could see in the faint light of the phone didn't look like any sekkiseki she knew from the Seireitei. Maybe it was something completely different.

"Maybe Ikari's right and we should try to find a way out." She said.

She took a few steps forward and saw a vertical ledge in the rock wall. She peeked around it and saw three dark and narrow openings, like jagged wounds. Behind them were passages and all of them led down.

" least it is a way." She said, unsure whether this would be good or not.
"I'm open to suggestions."

She looked back at the others. Funny how fast she had put aside that she didn't even know if she could trust them. But did she really have any other choice than to trust them now?

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Your own personal demon [darkfunnel/Ame] Empty Re: Your own personal demon [darkfunnel/Ame]

Fri Oct 23, 2020 1:15 pm

Yuukinan Asthavon
Rakshasa Of Wrath
The Rakshasa of Slaughter

Your own personal demon [darkfunnel/Ame] 6EdIfMt

Ikari was still shivering some as the gravity of the situation really started to get to her. They were basically stuck underground, with limited to no powers, and NO SIGNAL. Ikari was going to lose it if she didn't find a way out of here soon. Not to mention, she was still concerned about the health of her two companions; both of which had not the easiest of landings on the cold stone below. As she shivered, however, Yuukinan's hand rose and pet the girl on her head; right between her ears. The shivers calmed, and her eyes seemed to focus a bit more on the area around them. The fox girl took a deep breath, about 10 times, before she nodded at what Hanako was saying as Ikari started to relax thanks to Yuukinan's expert pets. If anything, this probably showed Ikari absolutely LOVED getting pet. But, no touching her tails without permission. She bites.

"Y-Yeah, we should go that way... But I swear to god, we are NOT splitting up, I don't want to be alone; nor do I want this stupid cave to turn into a horror movie murder scene!"

The fox girl whimpered slightly after she spoke, but soon Yuukinan let out a soft sigh and picked up the shivering Ikari, making her way towards the vertical ledge that Hanako was near; started onto the ledge and around it while holding Ikari easily. She let out a tiny sigh as she gave Ikari a smile that Hanako couldn't see in the dark; one that comforted the poor fox girl more than pets, hugs, and words.

"Come on, Hana. If this might be our only way out, then we should take it. Be careful on this ledge though..."

Ikari was still a little scared, but she seemed calm in Yuukinan's arms; the fox girl shining her phone around for both Hanako and Yuukinan. She kept up the source of light until both were safely across. Afterwards, she gently squirmed out of Yuukinan's arms and onto solid ground; poofing into a dog sized fox for a little bit. She could be her normal, rather small, size, but she wanted to feel a tiny bit safer. She sniffed around the three openings, stopping in front of the far left opening; sniffing for a good few moments before she changed back to her human form and rubbed her nose gently.

"I smell some fresh air coming from this tunnel... the other two just smell like stone, dirt, and more stone... Let's try this far left one. Maybe if we get far enough out of the trap, we could try to bust our way out... I'm sure Yuukinan could do it."

"Ikari, I'm a Rakshasa of Wrath, not a Rakshasa of Rock Break."

"Welp, today you are gonna be a Rakshasa of Rock Break if we can't find a natural way out!"

Yuukinan simply sized, gesturing for Hana to follow her as Ikari led the way forward, Yuukinan close behind and ready to move in front of Ikari should anything bad happen. Whatever that could be, none of them likely knew; but Yuukinan was preparing for the unexpected. And she refused to let harm come to her companions; mostly because one of them was Ikari, and the other Ikari seemed to have taken a liking to. Either way, this was basically for Ikari's sake in the long run.

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