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Ame no ko
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Your own personal demon [darkfunnel/Ame] - Page 3 Empty Re: Your own personal demon [darkfunnel/Ame]

Wed Jan 20, 2021 6:29 am

The Big Woman

Hanako Yamada

Your own personal demon [darkfunnel/Ame] - Page 3 6EdIfMt

For a few moments Hanako just stood there, in the fresh air, and enjoyed a cool breeze caressing her skin. Then she sat down next to Yuukinan and Ikari. Both of them seemed to be in a good mood, especially Ikari, and it didn’t take long until it began working it’s magic in Hanako, too. It truly was not easy staying gloomy with the adorable kitsune around.

Carefully Hanako explored her senses and her body. Everything felt as it should be. When she had stepped over that invisible threshold it was as if all her spiritual powers were never gone at all. It had been made evident by Hanako launching the attack through carelessly visualising it, when her powers simply got switched on again faster than she could possibly react. Luckily there had been only the spiders web and empty air in front of her. Her ability might not be as destructive as some other, comparable ones, but it was still as if she had thrown her sword. And all else considered a sword was still a damned sharp piece of massive steel.

“No…” said Hanako slowly, after she had thought about Yuukinan’s question for a second. “I don’t think there is any business still here. It was probably a fool’s errand anyway.”

She picked some flower that was growing next to her and held it before her eyes, although her gaze got lost somewhere even before it reached it.

“No argument from me. Let’s get out of this forest.”

She was glad that Yuukinan had suggested that the trio should leave the forest together. A bit of extra safety was surely not a bad idea after the ordeal in the cave. Also, Hanako had begun to rather enjoy the company of the demon and her goofy companion. However, what or who Yuukinan really was, meaning under her skin, beyond the name of Rakshasa of Wrath, was still not very clear to her. Normally, someone like her could be considered a loose cannon, a disaster waiting to happen. Only that the presence of the kitsune seemed to keep the demon in check. Even after what had happened, had nearly happened, in the cave, hanako was maybe still wary, but in no way afraid to turn her back to Yuukinan. She really hoped the future would hold opportunities to get to know her better. Both of them.

She thought about that for a while and tried to find words to express it.

“You think we’ll meet again sometime?” she asked. It was not what she had wanted to say but...ah well…
“I think I’d like that.” she added.

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Your own personal demon [darkfunnel/Ame] - Page 3 Empty Re: Your own personal demon [darkfunnel/Ame]

Wed Jan 20, 2021 5:56 pm

Yuukinan Asthavon

Rakshasa Of Wrath
The Rakshasa of Slaughter

Your own personal demon [darkfunnel/Ame] - Page 3 6EdIfMt

Ikari purred still, as Hanako and Yuukinan spoke. Eventually, the little fox tilted her head at Hanako. Indeed, she was clearly wondering exactly what caused Hanako to come out to this forest. However, the fox girl decided it was best to drop it. So, with a tiny shrug she quickly got back up on her feet; shaking herself free of grass. Afterwards, when Yuukinan stood up with her, Ikari had hopped onto Yuukinan's back, still a girl; and grinned.

"If we're leaving, you're carrying me, Yuuki! I am nawwwt walking no more! I refuuse toooooo!"

Yuukinan simply rolled her eyes at the silly fox, placing her arms under Ikari's backside to hold her up easily, and started to lead the trio out of the forest, travelling in silence due to Hanako being in deep thought and Ikari's near slumber-like silence; having wrapped her arms around Yuukinan's shoulders and her legs around the demon's waist. Clearly, someone was very happy to be out of that cave, in the light, AND being carried again.

Eventually, when the three women were likely near the edge of the forest, or out of the forest, Hanako finally spoke up to Yuukinan and Ikari; both of which looked at her as they walked. Yuukinan simply gave Hanako a tiny smile, one that could almost be missed, giving her a small nod. Ikari, meanwhile, grinned widely.

"Ooooo, yeahhh~!! Do you have a phone or something? That would be the best way to keep in contact, if not, I'll make sure to remember your scent so that way when we next meet; I can give you a biiig hug. And Yuukinan won't kill you. She promises. Or at least I promise she'll be on her best behavior. She seems to like you, since you protected me; so I think you're probably safe~ Yup yup~!"

Ikari gave Hanako a big smile from her position on Yuukinan's back before she returned to resting her chin on Yuukinan's shoulder; likely returning to her near-slumber state as they walked. Meanwhile, Yuukinan looked towards Hanako as a sudden thought come to her.

"Hanako... that incantation you recited earlier, in the cave... could you recite it for me again? It sounds oddly familiar. Not sure why, but I wouldn't mind hearing it again."

Ame no ko
Ame no ko
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Your own personal demon [darkfunnel/Ame] - Page 3 Empty Re: Your own personal demon [darkfunnel/Ame]

Thu Jan 21, 2021 7:02 am

The Big Woman

Hanako Yamada

Your own personal demon [darkfunnel/Ame] - Page 3 6EdIfMt

Yuukinan and Ikari...the pair really was adorable. It was almost impossible to imagine one without the other, despite being of almost opposite characters. Yet there was no question that the two of them belonged together, like twins.

“Hm, yes, I have something like that.” said Hanako and tipped lightly against her temple.
“I have a Denreishinki implanted. As far as I know it should reach almost all known worlds.”

She had to smile at Ikari’s words. A “biiig” hug from Ikari sounded nice. The funny thing was, that Hanako normally wasn’t a really touchy person, but the fox girl had something unique about her.

“I would have protected you, even if Yuukinan would have hated me for it.” she stated. “Although I am glad that you don’t” she added towards the demon.

Hanako hadn’t missed that Ikari had said she “thinks” she would be safe. Well, with a being that is an embodiment of hate there is probably always uncertainty. She knew that now, after having witnessed Yuukinan in action.
In a corner of her mind Hanako wondered what the total extent of Yuukinan’s powers really were. How much stronger than was she? Was she stronger at all? Was it even comparable? It looked like demons were quite different from Shinigami. Hanako herself wasn’t that weak. She had made considerable progress, although she never had pushed her limit in a real fight.

When Yuukinan spoke and asked about the incantation, Hanako had to search her memories for a moment.

“Oh, you mean my kido-spell?” she asked. It was a normal part of a Shinigami’s training, so were the incantations. It was so normal, even to a mediocre practitioner as Hana was, that she hadn’t thought much about it.

“It was a Hadō, a destruction spell: Number 31, Shakkaho. It fires a crimson orb of energy and is quite potent. normally does fire a crimson orb of energy. It just had not enough of my powers back when I tried it. Additionally...if I’m honest I am not really good in it and anything beyond the first third…”

She broke off and shook her head. No use to wallow in self pity about that now, especially since a spell in the single digits probably would have failed, too. She took a breath and continued.

“I always thought that kido was only taught at shin’o academy, but maybe to have witnessed someone performing it before. The incantation I used was the full one. You can cast it without any incantation, if you#re good enough. But using the full text usually increases the powerer. It goes like this:
‘Ye lord! Mask of blood and flesh, all creation, flutter of wings, ye who bears the name of Man! Inferno and pandemonium, the sea barrier surges, march on to the south.’
Then you call out number and name of the spell and...that’s it.”

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]
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Your own personal demon [darkfunnel/Ame] - Page 3 Empty Re: Your own personal demon [darkfunnel/Ame]

Thu Jan 21, 2021 4:12 pm

Yuukinan Asthavon
Rakshasa Of Wrath
The Rakshasa of Slaughter

Your own personal demon [darkfunnel/Ame] - Page 3 6EdIfMt

Ikari gave Hanako a big ol grin as she spoke about protecting her even if Yuukinan hated her. Luckily for her, Yuukinan wouldn't hate those who protected Ikari. Hanako probably didn't know, but Ikari was literally precious to Yuukinan; they were partners, but Yuukinan certainly did have a great connection with and care for Ikari.

"D'aww, don't worry Hana~! Yuuki wouldn't have hated you for protecting me~! Heck, she probably likes you more now!"

Ikari giggled softly before the pair simply listened to Hanako. As they listened, Ikari playfully kicked her legs; being careful not to hit Yuukinan or Hanako. Meanwhile, Yuukinan listened to the woman closely. Once she had finished attempting to wallow in self pity, the woman spoke more of kido, and where it was taught. Shin'o Academy. Another familiar term. At it, Yuukinan tilted her head slightly Why did that sound so familiar as well? It was an odd sense of deja vu that made absolutely no sense to Yuukinan. She had never been in the after life. After all, Yuukinan had always been a demon; for as long as she could remember, she had been a Rakshasa of Wrath. But still, this odd feeling was difficult to push aside. Perhaps it was one of those weird sense memory things. Whatever it was, she ignored it when Hanako recited the incantation again.

Yuukinan hummed softly as Hanako recited the incantation for the Kido; the Shakkaho. Once again, she felt that odd feeling like she knew the incantation. She couldn't recite it like Hanako could, not like it would do anything for her; but she still had a good feeling that she somehow once knew that incantation. Or, at least, she had heard it before; maybe on the battlefield. Regardless, the demon nodded at Hanako.

"Thank you for that... I thought I had heard it before that first time; but I suppose I was mistake. It was simply an odd feeling. I suppose we'll be parting ways once we exit the forest?"

Ikari hummed as she looked up from her content Ikari-ness to speak for a little bit.

"You are soooo giving me a hug before you leave, Hana~"

Ame no ko
Ame no ko
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Your own personal demon [darkfunnel/Ame] - Page 3 Empty Re: Your own personal demon [darkfunnel/Ame]

Fri Jan 22, 2021 7:47 am

The Big Woman

Hanako Yamada

Your own personal demon [darkfunnel/Ame] - Page 3 6EdIfMt

“Mhm. There are a lot of Shinigami.” Hanako said and shrugged. “It’s absolutely possible that you crossed paths with us before and as far as I know Shakkaho is a very popular spell.”

She didn’t think very much of it. To her it was as she had said: There were a lot of Shinigami. The Earth Affiliation Division alone provided enough opportunities to encounter one, even if Yuukinan wouldn’t necessarily recognize her or him as one then. Also, Hana wasn’t even completely sure that Kido really was only used by Shinigami. In the end, ‘Kido’ was just the name the Shinigami gave a group of abilities that humans generally referred to as ‘magic’, and who said that other spiritually aware beings with similar abilities couldn’t integrate a Hadō-spell into their own repertoire? She decided to voice her thoughts.

“I just thought...I can’t think of any reason why Kido is just for Shinigami. I mean, there are plenty of different abilities around that are quite similar, aren’t there?”
She made a vague gesture.
“If you are interested in it I’m sure you could try it. Not that I would be an adequate teacher, it’s really not my forte. But at least I know the basics.”

They continued walking and the end of the forest was already in sight.

“I guess so. I’m not overdue yet, but it probably would be better to get back sooner, rather than later. That is, if I can’t help you with anything else.”

She smiled a smile that was almost as thin as Yuukinan’s and, as almost always, a bit crooked. She could think of no reason, except Yuukinan asking for help, why she should stay any longer in the mortal world. She would like to stay, maybe pet or tickle Ikari’s soft fur and learn a little bit more about demons. But she felt it would be inappropriate to ask. or better, she didn’t dare to ask.

“Don’t worry, Ikari, I won’t leave without saying goodbye.”

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Your own personal demon [darkfunnel/Ame] - Page 3 Empty Re: Your own personal demon [darkfunnel/Ame]

Sat Jan 23, 2021 2:16 am

Yuukinan Asthavon
Rakshasa Of Wrath
The Rakshasa of Slaughter

Your own personal demon [darkfunnel/Ame] - Page 3 6EdIfMt

Yuukinan simply shrugged simply at what Hanako had said. Indeed, there were many Shinigami; so it was extremely likely that such a thing was possible. If it had happened, Yuukinan had probably forgotten it; as all of her battles would occasionally blur into red if too much time had passed between that battle and the now. She simply let out a small hum as they likely continued walking. However, Hanako suddenly proposed something to Yuukinan; something that caused the woman to blink in some minor surprise. However, Yuukinan shook her head gently at Hana's question. It was an interesting prospect, but an impossible one. Her energy was not that of a Shinigami's. She could recite the incantation, and the spell, but nothing would happen.

"No... I don't think that would work. I appreciate the offer, however. As a demon, I simply don't have the correct energy to cast Kido; not like you or some other soul. However, I am curious..."

Yuukinan thought about it for a few moments before she put her right hand out in front of her; and the demon slowly started to recite the incantation that Hanako had recited earlier. Once again, Yuukinan had that same familiar feeling.

"Ye lord! Mask of blood and flesh, all creation, flutter of wings, ye who bears the name of Man! Inferno and pandemonium, the sea barrier surges, march on to the south. Hadō 32: Shakkaho!"

Yuukinan recited the incantation, perhaps too well; when she started, it rolled off her tongue, much like how muscle memory worked. Performing an action exceptionally well despite no memory doing said action. However, nothing had happened. No red light, no puff of smoke, not even a discharge of energy. Yuukinan wasn't surprised. She simply shrugged, easily casting aside the odd feeling she had and reached her right hand around to pet Ikari; the fox girl purring due to such pets.

"Yup, nothing. Demons just aren't fit to cast Kido, at least not a full demon. Besides, demons have their own magic; albeit I don't normally use it."

Yuukinan simply shrugged, walking onwards. Soon enough, she found a nice area to take a seat; a comfortable stump on the very edge of the forest. She sat down, likely watching Hanako as she moved along. However, Ikari was clearly not content to simply sit and wait. The little fox bounced off Yuukinan and practically pushed Hana over to where Yuukinan was. Afterwards, the little fox hugged Hanako realll tight; refusing to let go. She also took a few tests sniffs, a relatively deep one, and then she stuck her tongue out at Hanako playfully.

"There~! Now I can find you super easily~! Oh, also, have any questions~? This may be the last time we see each other for a chunk of time; so I don't see why you can't ask a question of your own, ya know~!"

Ame no ko
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Your own personal demon [darkfunnel/Ame] - Page 3 Empty Re: Your own personal demon [darkfunnel/Ame]

Sat Jan 23, 2021 6:24 pm

The Big Woman

Hanako Yamada

Your own personal demon [darkfunnel/Ame] - Page 3 6EdIfMt

"Hm...I didn't know Demons were so vastly different from Shinigami."

Hanako really didn't know. She didn't lie about never having met a demon before. When Yuukinan tried the Hadō Hana had half expected that she'd actually succeed.

"In any case, you recited the incantation as if you had studied it and not just heard it only twice today and maybe once or so in the past. If I had been such a quick study in the academy I would have graduated top of my class." She joked as they reached the edge of the forest and Yuukinan took a seat on a tree stump.

Sure enough, Ikari wasn't willing to let the Shinigami go, yet. She pushed Hana over to Yuukinan and then proceeded to give her a big hug...and a big sniff, which was a little bit weird, even if Hana knew why she did it.

"I'm not sure if we have the time." She said. "I would like to know more about demons and kitsune, but I guess that is a question too big for now."

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Your own personal demon [darkfunnel/Ame] - Page 3 Empty Re: Your own personal demon [darkfunnel/Ame]

Sat Jan 23, 2021 11:42 pm

Yuukinan Asthavon

Rakshasa Of Wrath
The Rakshasa of Slaughter

Your own personal demon [darkfunnel/Ame] - Page 3 6EdIfMt

Yuukinan could only shrug at Hanako's comments. It was simply an odd thing for Yuukinan. Perhaps it was just that, that she could memorize things with relative ease; but something did bother her about how perfect it was. However, in the end, the demon didn't care much about Kido; so it wasn't at all worth it. Which was why Yuukinan simply nodded at Hanako while Ikari was... Ikari.

The silly little fox Ikari was, she couldn't help but be herself; which meant she was giving Hanako a really big hug. THe woman smelled nice, was nice, and also seemed to like Ikari quite a bit. That made Ikari happy. She hummed and hummed before Hanako spoke again, tilting her head to the side a tiny bit.

"I'm sure one question won't take up that much time~! Cmoon, iz okieee~ Ask it, I promise we'll have an answer! Then I can stop hugging you and you can go on with our day. Aaand we can go home and Ima take a NAP! Maybe other things. Mostly napping, however~"

Ikari gave Hanako such a warm smile, giggling softly as she continued to hug the woman up. Truth be told, the fox girl was quite happy with this situation. However, the little fox knew she would have to let go of Hanako eventually; since demons couldn't go to the seireitei. Not to mention, Yuukinan and Ikari are purposefully never separated. Regardless, Ikari hummed pleasantly and enjoyed the hug while she could. After all, not everything could last forever.

Ame no ko
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Your own personal demon [darkfunnel/Ame] - Page 3 Empty Re: Your own personal demon [darkfunnel/Ame]

Mon Jan 25, 2021 4:53 am

The Big Woman

Hanako Yamada

Your own personal demon [darkfunnel/Ame] - Page 3 6EdIfMt

It really was hard to not get caught in the carefree, lighthearted nature of Ikari. There seemed to be nothing in this world that could keep her spirits down for long. And after Hanako had caught a glimpse of the more darker shades of the demon’s nature, it was all the more impressive, how unwavering the cheery little fox girl was. The thought had come to Hanako’s mind, that maybe it was all an act, a means to keep Yuukinan’s demons in check, if you could even say that in her case. Could a demon have inner demon’s or would she call them inner angels?
In any case Hana dismissed the thought rather quickly. It really seemed as if Ikari truly was simply herself. It made her even more adorable.

“Are you sure about that?” Hanako asked. Since Ikari wouldn’t stop hugging her she began to gently pet and scratch her between her fox ears.

“Because my question would be something like: What are demons and kitsune? I’d like to know pretty much everything. The two of you are the strangest and most adorable pair I have ever met. Strange in a good way.” she added hastily.

“And I know almost nothing about your people. Only legends and bits and pieces I remember from the academy. But that’s not much, since Hollows and Pluses are the main concern of Shinigami. For example...what we saw earlier, when you fought in the cave, Ikari. Also you stated that our energies are totally different and incompatible. Is that something like between Hollows and some types of Humans?”

She stopped and looked at Ikari.

“So what do you think, is that still a question that can be answered quickly?”

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Your own personal demon [darkfunnel/Ame] - Page 3 Empty Re: Your own personal demon [darkfunnel/Ame]

Fri Jan 29, 2021 10:16 pm

Yuukinan Asthavon
Rakshasa Of Wrath
The Rakshasa of Slaughter

Your own personal demon [darkfunnel/Ame] - Page 3 6EdIfMt

Ikari couldn't help but purr lovingly as Hanako started to pet between her ears; which made her tail wag gently in tempo with her purrs. Oh how she loved headpats. Aside from other things, head pats were right up there with hugs and cuddles for Ikari! Yuukinan was impartial, less caring; more on the, "don't touch me" side of the spectrum. That was simply just how things were. Ikari just enjoyed her pets quite a great deal as she nodded to answer Hanako's first question. Soon, however, she blinked at the sheer weight of the questions that bore down on her, and Yuukinan, from Hanako. It was quite a bit, and something that surprised Ikari substantially.

The fox girl's ears perked up, and her tail poofed up, and the look on her face could only be described as overwhelmed. However, the pets and scritches served to lull the purring fox into a calmer state. She hummed softly, letting her thoughts tumble around her skull while Hanako eventually stopped asking her questions. The little fox blinked, while Yuukinan idly toyed with her own hair, clearly one of the two was more on the spot for question answering than the other. Ikari blinked about twenty more times, swallowed softly, and finally spoke despite the purring that came between her speech.

"I'll answer what I can! Heh~"

Ikari cleared her throat softly, doing her best to not literally nuzzle into Hanako's hand, since she probably hadn't stopped petting her, and finally spoke.

"First, saying what exactly demons are is too long of a question. Basically put, however, we come from a different world; or at least one that is very close to this one. Kiinda like the Soul Society! Meanwhile, I'm what you would call a hell beast; but I'm basically a Kitsune in all respects. Except for the fact that I'm not the actual Japanese Yokai; but I sure as shit seem like it."

Ikari eventually found herself nuzzling into Hanako's hand a little bit while she spoke, causing her to stutter to a complete stop as she started to purr intensely; unable to continue. After that, Yuukinan simply looked at this display, and shrugged, deciding it was her turn to take over.

"I'm sure a lot of those legends and bits and pieces aren't entirely accurate. People tend to exaggerate. Not to mention, I could fight in the cave because of a completely different reason; one I think it is better that you don't know. TO answer your other question however, I would imagine it is something close. Think of demon energy like oil and Shinigami, and most human, energy like water; relatively incompatible. Indeed, you can have a half human, half demon, being; but, I severely doubt that person would be in control of their demon powers, let alone know of them."

Yuukinan looked towards Ikari, who may as well be practically unconscious thanks to the pets. Yuukinan sighed, moving forwards to gently release Hanako from Ikari; who was actually quite easy to remove. Pets were a potent drug to Ikari, after all. Hanako probably was just lucky Ikari didn't have any sake on hand. Eventually, she kept petting Ikari and Ikari turned into a small fox that curled up around Yuukinan's neck; whom Yuukinan kept petting despite the change.

"I believe, for the moment, that is likely all you can get if you are constrained by time. However, if you have more time, I am sure there are more questions I could attempt to answer."

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