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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Ame no ko
Ame no ko
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It's a terrible life - Page 4 Empty Re: It's a terrible life

Tue Jan 19, 2021 5:03 am

The Big Woman

Hanako Yamada

It's a terrible life - Page 4 6EdIfMt

Hanako smiled when she heard Elyss talk about just killing those things and going back home. But the smile didn’t reach her eyes. Her eyes suddenly had a sad look to them. Deep inside her she knew that she wouldn’t be going back to her life. She didn’t really think about the possibility of dying. She couldn’t allow that. A policewoman that sets out on a sortie expecting to die will probably find a way to make it happen.
Still, when she looked into the rearview mirror, watching the town slowly fall behind, she couldn’t help but feel like she was burning bridges behind her.

Less than half an hour later they stopped on a narrow and lonely forest road near the abandoned village. As soon as Hanako got out of the car, inhaling the cold air filled with the scents of a rainy forest, she felt dizzy for a moment. With force, coming from a depth she couldn’t even begin to fathom, something tried to make its way to the surface. For the fraction of a second it threatened to overwhelm Hanako, wash her away to a place far beyond this world she knew. She already began to see the mist, rolling through the trees, and the warm, golden shimmer of a house in the distance. Someone whispered behind her.
Then, like a force from the outside, a gentle wind blew away the mist and the picture of the house vanished.

When it was over Hanako realised that it had been less of a moment and when she looked about her the world was normal again. She didn’t, however, realise that she hasn’t thought of herself as Ameko Sato for quite a while.

She opened the duffel bag and with trained hands put on the bulletproof vest, loaded both shotguns and both pistols and then turned to see that Elyss, too, was properly dressed for the occasion. Finally she distributed the arsenal between the two of them, including the teargas grenades. The big shotgun weighed heavy in her hands and Hanako was brutally conscious of the vest and the pistol on her belt as well, even though she had carried both items regularly.

“See that you press the stock good against your shoulder. It needs to have contact when you fire or else it will probably dislocate your shoulder. Those slugs pack quite a punch. Otherwise stabilise with one hand, aim along the barrel and only put a finger on the trigger when you want to press it. If it goes empty and you’re in a pinch, better drop it and use the pistol, that’s why we have them. If all goes south you can also always use the shotgun as a club, although I’d always prefer my Zanpakuto to that.”

She stopped and looked somewhat confused. What had she said just now? She tried to grab it, but it slipped away like a dream just after waking up. If Elyss looked into her eyes she could see the conflict in Hanako’s mind for the fraction of a second, could see them glazing over for the shortest amount of time, before her gaze became clear again.

“Well, the grenades are only teargas. We’re just police, not military, so we don’t have much that goes boom. And these have a habit of turning around and biting you in the ass. Or face, to be precise. You really don’t want to have this stuff in your eyes, so only use them to cover your retreat, if ever. Throw them and then run.”

Slowly and cautiously she began leading the way through the forest. She chose to go cross-country, fearing that the roads were watched. It wasn’t a long way but even so, Hanako was again drenched when she stopped again, seeking cover against a tall and thick tree. It was still pouring down and the rain caused a loud rushing sound on the leaves of the trees. It was so loud that Hanako couldn’t hear herself breathing, couldn’t even hear the click of her weapon when she cocked it. But she heard them. She heard the grunting, the screeching ...and the laughing. It made heard heart race and feel cold at the same time. She had heard these sounds before. But when? Where? She looked at Elyss with an expression of terror in her eyes. Yes, she was terrified, terrified beyond any reason. But why?

She swallowed. There was no turning back now. She nodded and crouched low, then she crept past the tree and towards the sounds. Her weapon was ready. She came close, ever closer. There they were, she could see them. There was the black dog, as ugly and as terrifying as it had been just hours before. Next to it was a truly nightmarish creature: A torso with no legs. It had grey skin and walked around on its hands in a horrible staggering kind of fashion. From it’s forearms long white bones protruded, like sickles. On its head was a mess of filthy black hair and the face...the face was a mask, a contorted, grotesque grimace, a parody of a human face, frozen in horror. And Hanako could see it all too clearly, because it was looking directly at her.

“Oooooh, you found us. That was fast. How verrry funny.” a voice suddenly said. It wasn’t one of them, it was another voice. And this time Hanako was sure that it had been a real voice.

Suddenly the two nightmare-creatures plunged forward, racing towards the woman.

“Fuck!” Hanako cursed, brought her gun to bear and fired.

Boom, boom, boom. The whole forest echoed from the shots. She couldn’t see if she had hit, too far away, too dark, too much movement. She had aimed for the dog, but he didn’t even flinch.

She couldn’t fire a fourth shot. The dog jumped and she had to duck and roll to escape it’s outstretched claws. Only on her knees she aimed again and fired two more shots.
Then she saw something out of the corner of her eyes, something white, black and grey. Instinctively she rolled to the side. Something very sharp, bladelike, whistled through the air where she had been just a second ago. It cut a thin tree cleanly in two.

“Fuck!” Hanako cursed again, when she saw the tree fall. She turned to avoid it, but couldn’t avoid it completely. It hit her back, threw her to the ground hard.

It took what felt like a year for Hanako to realise that she was lying face down in the dirt. Her weapon was gone. Where was it? Where was Elyss. Again unconsciousness pulled on her mind.

“Fuck…” she muttered for a third time. Then darkness began to creep into her field of view.

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]
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It's a terrible life - Page 4 Empty Re: It's a terrible life

Tue Jan 19, 2021 1:59 pm

ポ ス ト を 開 始

Locked and loaded.

That’s how Elyss felt when they had put on the gear. It wasn’t much, and it may probably prove useless in the end, but having it just added that bit of security that they both desperately needed. More so Hanako than her, but she is frighteningly unsure of where her sense of bravado is coming from. She knows she’s scared to death, but at the same time, she has accepted that fear and now is filled with a brimming determination to carry out their mission. It had come to her in the van while they were heading out here. They had rode in silence, both their minds lost in deep thought about what’s to come and how everything may end. Maybe the finality that had slowly got closer as they left the city behind had just set in. It’s do or die now. There’s no going back from here, so why not give it 100% and then some more?

Ah, whatever. She’d sit through Hanako’s firearm safety class and then get a move on with the bigger woman. In the thick of things, the redhead doubts she’s going to actually keep up with the quick lessons. She’s not trained for this, and it’s probably going to show this whole fight. She just hopes she’ll not prove a burden. The rain isn’t making anything better. Everything is wet, slippery, and it’s hard to see and hear. Stupid weather. They just have to make it work despite the circumstances.

And then, Hanako would stop, and Elyss would follow suit, deciding to pick another tree to hide behind. There are voices. In the rain? Why can she hear them? It’s eerie, but all it does is seem to tighten her resolve. Here they are. A quick peek would reveal that this is a now or never situation. Before her is that same wolf from before, but this time, that torso Hanako had spoken of is here as well, both of them adorned in boney plating and white masks that seemed to have been gifted to them straight from Hell.


She’d yell, the next moments a blur. All of a sudden, Hanako is in a tussle with the creatures. Already, their shotguns have proved ineffective. However, Elyss’ ears are ringing. Shit! What the Hell!? A tree is falling! Hanako! Where did Hanako go?! Dammit! Fuck! She’s mad, angry she wasn’t fast enough to intervene at all, and thus, she’d lunge forward, turning the shotgun in her hands so she’s grabbing the barrel and aiming to slam it against the wolf creature’s head in an act of defiance.



Ame no ko
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It's a terrible life - Page 4 Empty Re: It's a terrible life

Wed Jan 20, 2021 4:12 am

The Big Woman

Hanako Yamada

It's a terrible life - Page 4 6EdIfMt

“ here.” said there a voice.

The voice was very deep and comforting, maybe a bit coarse, and it sounded like the speaker had trouble finding the words. Like someone who hasn’t spoken in a long time. Or never before.

With an effort Hanako peeled her gaze away from the soothing view of the misty woods and turned towards the cozy old house that was standing on the clearing, and the warm golden light that emanated from it. On the porch was the Samurai, the being in the old-fashioned suit of armor, sitting there, with a pot of steaming tea next to him. It seemed to be his favourite spot and Hanako could understand it. Sitting there, the lights of the house surrounding one like a blanket, and the calm misty forest in front. Hanako liked it here so much. It was the calm she has searched for so long and still had to learn how to take it back into the outer world.
The Samurai was holding out a cup of tea. Hanako took it and inhaled the scent with closed eyes and a smile on her face. It was jasmine tea. The Samurai always prepared her favourite when she was visiting. She’d kiss him for that, if he only would take off his armor from time to time. With a sigh she sat down next to him. The first sip was always the best, when the warmth of the beverage slowly spread through her body.

“So, you can speak, after all.” she said. It was a neutral and value-free observation.

“Some…” the Samurai hummed. “More speak...when more you.”

She looked up in surprise.

“What? My memories? The more I remember, the more you can speak?”

A nod.

“Surprisingly that you can speak at all, then. I don’t remember anything before...well, I think you know what I mean. You’re supposed to be a part of me, aren’t you? So you know I can’t remember anything.”


She wanted to answer but something in the tone of his voice let her close her mouth again before she could get any word out. The was a lurking subtone.
He reached behind him for a small object. It was a small picture frame. There were dozens of frames and all that around the house, all of them blank. Only this one wasn’t. He gave it to her.


She looked at it. It showed the picture of a young girl with black hair and blue eyes. She wore a flowery Yukata and smiled into the camera. behind her was a house, quite similar to this one, and a forest. A forest that seemed very familiar.

“Who’sat?” Hanako mumbled, her hands shaking.

“You. be...Hanako.”

Tears welled up in her eyes. Suddenly something in her head became untied. For a while now she had constantly felt like being caught in a deja vu. And now, finally, she could see it. Not all of it, but enough to understand. Rukongai, the forest, the town, the forest, the abandoned village, the Hollows and…

“Elyss!” she screamed and jumped up. “I remember now. I’m in a fight. Oh no...what am I doing in here drinking tea while Elyss is…I have to go...I have to go!”

“Wait.” the Samurai said behind her. He had also risen and came up to her, leaned close.
“Need to tell first…”

**** **** **** ****

On the damp forest floor Hanako stirred. Her body began to glow. It intensified, until her whole shape was engulfed in a bright icy-blue light. Slowly she stood up. Her face was dirty and covered with scratches, her hair messy and her clothes soaked with mud and rainwater. But her clothes weren’t that of a human police detective anymore. Now she was wearing black, sleeveless kosode and a black hakama, tabi and waraji: a Shihakusho.
the light around her body intensified further, made an aura of icy-blue energy visible, that surrounded her body, made the ground vibrate and the trees shake. When she finally opened her eyes again they glowed in the same cold light, fierce with determination and barely contained anger.

The Hollows noticed the change, they realised the danger. The torso, that was closest, bent its surprisingly powerful arms and launched itself into the air and towards Hanako. She turned and her hands went to her side. There were no more guns there. In her obi was the long sheath of a Katana, her hand on the hilt now. With a flash of cold steel she drew it and in one flowing, powerful upward slash she cut off one of the bone-blades of the torso-Hollow. With a howl he fell back to the ground.

“Elyss!” she yelled, while she moved herself into a position between the Hollows and her partner. “Elyss, try to remember! You felt all this was wrong, your whole life and everything. That’s because it was! Everything! We never left the forest in Rukongai! It was all an Illusion! We’re Shinigami!”

“Oooooh, what a pity. You figurrred it out. To bad, I had so much fun.” said the eerie voice somewhere from the darkness between the trees.

Hanako just took a deep breath.

“Fuck you.” she said and the calm in her voice was as deadly as her sword. When she spoke her next words it seemed to her that for a moment the forest fell dead silent.


She held her sword out so her side.


With violent hissing like a raging fire her aura shot upwards around her. A bright glow engulfed her sword, ran quickly over the blade, sent a strand running over her arm and back and engulfed her left arm as well. Then a flash and it was over.
Hanako’s sword was different. It was now big, almost as long as Hanako was tall, curved, even reaching back over the handle. It looked like it was made out of tree roots, tightly entangled. Only a steel cutting edge gleamed cold and hard along the whole length of blade. A chain, springing from the pommel, ran loosely around Hanako’s arm and behind her back, where it connected to a complete sleeve of old-style samurai armor, made from dark red hardwood.
Hanako also was different. There was a different power emanating from her. her stance was different, the determination in her eyes was different. Her heart was beating fast and she felt a rush of adrenaline like never before. Finally she knew the name and could call it, could release her Zanpakuto. With grim satisfaction and a gratitude beyond words Hanako examined her…


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It's a terrible life - Page 4 Empty Re: It's a terrible life

Thu Jan 21, 2021 2:52 pm

ポ ス ト を 開 始

Well, these guns proved absolutely useless. One hit against the bony skull of the wolf, and the shotgun broke like a measly stick, its handle flying off to God knows where. Elyss is rewarded for her defiant efforts with a whack to her chest, the wolf’s large claw batting her away like a flimsy doll. Her body would fly into a tree, a heavy crunch audible to all. It is unclear whether that was the tree groaning or the bones inside of her body cracking, but either way, such a blow never proves good. To make matters worse, her chest had been cut into by the wolf’s claws, her shirt shredded as red thin lines allow for blood to flow down her stomach.

“That smarts.”

She’d mutter taking notice of how she’ll have to deal with both of these freaks with Hanako out of commission. There’s no time for breaks here. Forcing herself back to her feet, she could feel nothing but heat blooming from her stomach and chest through the rest of her body. The whimsical power of adrenaline is keeping her moving, but it’ll only be able to do so much as her strength is sapped out of her through her cuts. Alright, let’s do this.

However, she doesn’t get to do anything because there’s a sudden explosion right by her. Well, it wasn’t much of an explosion and more a bright shine. The blues danced within her darkened gaze before Hanako was there, dressed wildly different from before. That was all it took for Elyss to connect the dots. Hanako didn’t have to say it twice, for the redhead’s fist would collide into her own open palm. There was little indication that the redhead had returned to her old self, a faint reddish outline tracing her body, her black orbs splintered by red lines that continued to spread out from her eyes like fiery wisps. Ah, the pain in her stomach felt like nothing but a silly flesh wound as a dangerous smile formed on face, something that seemed to relish in her injured state.

She doesn’t even waste time talking as the veins underneath her skin seemed to glow red with energy, painting her body with their bloody glow before she simply dashed away from Hanako at speeds unimaginable before. Her arm lights up with fiery fury before it’d crash against the wolf’s skull, the impact powerful enough to shake the air around the two beings, splintering the ground underneath them and sending the wolf flying away from the main fight.

“I’ll leave the Torso to you, Hanako.”

Pssh. Shikai? Whatever. Elyss is gone, after the wolf she sent flying.


Ame no ko
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It's a terrible life - Page 4 Empty Re: It's a terrible life

Fri Jan 22, 2021 5:32 am

The Big Woman

Hanako Yamada

It's a terrible life - Page 4 6EdIfMt

Hanako smiled. It was a cold and dangerous smile. They were back to their old selves. She felt Elyss’s power and didn’t need to look to know that she was okay, at least for the moment. She heard the sound of rushing air when Elyss dashed away and heard the air throb when she hit the dog-hollow.
Good, she had the torso to herself. She remembered them both now. These two bastards were the ones she had seen when she first had visited the ruined village. The bastards that had sliced her into tiny pieces. Illusion or not, she had felt every single cut and remembered it. She would have loved to repay both of them both in kind, but she couldn’t simply deny Elyss a part of the action, could she?

Suddenly there was movement. With force the torso had catapulted itself off the ground, coming from her left. Screaming and with flying hair it tried to jump Hanako. the bone blade gleamed pale as it swung around on the Hollow’s arm, aiming for Hanako’s head. Instinctively she raised her left arm and with a loud clang the blade impacted on the armor. Her grin widened and with her right she swung the giant sword around. Dark blood sprayed and a painful cry came from the Hollow. She had inflicted a deep gash on his ribcage and thrown it of her.

Now it was her turn to attack. With a mighty swing she aimed for the head of the Hollow, but it was more agile that she’d have thought. It ducked quickly and Bakumusha sliced cleanly through a tree that happened to stand there. The Hollow attacked again almost instantaneously and tried to slice Hana in half. She brought bakumusha around and instead of her abdomen the bone blade caught the back end of Bakumusha’s blade and slid off. It missed the intended target, but still grazed Hana’s right side, tore open the fabric of her Shihakusho and gave her a bloody scratch.
In response she swung her sword around again, slashing the Hollow’s shoulder badly in the process.

It jumped back immediately and tried to gain some distance. But Hanako wouldn’t let it. With a cry she lunged forward. Concentrating energy into her arms, sending it along Bakumusha’s blade and into the tip, she thrusted the big blade forward. The energy jumped from the tip, suddenly extending its reach and impaling the retreating Hollow. Another cry, filled with pain and dismay escaped the monster’s mouth. Hanako continued pushing and when she blue-glowing extension of the blade vanished she rammed the actual sword into the torso and through it and impaled it against a tree. It screamed, cried and tried to free itself or atleast hurt and injure Hanako. But neither worked. Cold fire burned in the woman’s eyes.

Both arms of the Hollow lashed about, harmless and unable to reach Hanako on the other end of the big sword that Bakumusha had become.

“Doesn’t feel so nice, does it?” she said in a cold, low voice. There were so many thoughts and emotions raging inside her. She could do everything this one had done to her now. But she wouldn’t.

With one tug she freed the sword and the torso fell to the ground. Preparing to slice his mask and purge him, Hanako grabbed the sword, when suddenly with a jerk the thing flung around it’s right arm, the one that still had a blade, and aimed for Hanako’s feet. With a jump she brought herself out of reach and prepared for a follow-up attack. But to her surprise it didn’t come. The thing just turned tails and ran. It wasn’t nearly as fast as the dog-hollow, but fast enough.

“Oh no, you don’t.” Hanako muttered.

She jumped. In mid air she let go of Bakumusha’s grip and grabbed the chain instead. She began to swing it around. Faster, faster...then she let the chain slip, it elongated and the radius of the sword widened with it. There was no one else close that she could hurt. Elyss was far enough away and no one else lived here. Without hesitation hanako threw the sword in a wide circle, bringing it down on the torso with enough force to split the ground underneath it. She split him, mask and all, right down the middle in one brutal hit. When she yanked on the chain to send the sword flying back to her the Hollow was already starting to dissolve. When she caught Bakumusha it was completely gone.

For a moment she stood there and took a deep breath. It felt like a burden, at least part of a burden, was taken from her shoulders. And she was so thankful for this power that Bakumusha had given her. Had it really been necessary to defeat this Hollow? probably not. had it felt good using it anyway and crushing the monster completely in the process? Definitely!

“Good…” she heard a deep voice in her mind. “But...much...learn.”

She smiled. Of course. She would be tireless in her efforts to learn everything about her Zanpakuto there was to learn.

It didn’t need much concentration to find out in what direction Elyss was and Hanako quickly began to move into that direction. Quickly...but cautiously, as to not get in Elyss’s way, but to be nearby if she should need help. Hanako was quite sure she wouldn’t.

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It's a terrible life - Page 4 Empty Re: It's a terrible life

Sat Jan 23, 2021 8:01 pm

ポ ス ト を 開 始

“Last stop!”

Her voice sang out as her feet hit the Earth, her body tearing the ground apart as she landed. Before her, destruction loomed. The wolf had been sent flying, its body destroying the local fauna as it collided with trees and bounced off the ground until landing into a self made crater. It doesn’t look happy despite its inability to form facial expressions. Its snarling and guttural growls are enough of an indication for the redhead to get the message. However, her response was a simple laugh, her voice bouncing off the rain falling before her, creating a grotesque symphony. Though, they both refused to move, a stand off. They know that they must kill one another now, for either Hanako or the Torso shall win their bout, and then, a two versus one situation shall commence. Yes. Their next attack shall be their first and last.

Elyss could feel it however. The rain falling against her skin sizzled like droplets against a cast iron pan. Her body feels different. More alive? There are energies at work within her that she’s unsure of. It feels as if that particular being is here, but the redhead knows that impossible due to circumstances. The sky suddenly lit up as lightning fell. The wolf moved. Elyss’ body did the same. All before the lightning returned to the sky, they collided, but in the end, only Elyss remained.

A look at her right fist, her red eyes staring down at the wolf’s skull dispersing in her grasp. Just like that, huh? Whatever… She had expected more, but it wasn’t like their opponents were especially strong. They just relied on this one illusion, and without it, they’re the same as every other Hollow she’s killed. Her eyes would turn as Hanako came into view. It seems the woman had won her own bout. Good.




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It's a terrible life - Page 4 Empty Re: It's a terrible life

Sun Jan 24, 2021 3:13 pm

The Big Woman

Hanako Yamada

It's a terrible life - Page 4 6EdIfMt

Hanako grinned her crooked grin when Elyss greeted her. She had placed the sword on her shoulder casually and rocked it gently, which made the chain around her arm clink softly.
It was not as if she had any doubts that Elyss would pulverise her, but she was still glad to see her alive and in one piece.

She enjoyed the moment a little bit longer. To Elyss those two turds might just have been two sub-menos Hollows. But to Hanako it meant a lot more defeating them.

After a while she looked back to the ruined village. She could just see it through the trees. And as she closed her eyes she could feel that the two of them were alone.
With a sigh she resealed Bakumusha. Armor, chain and sword briefly began to glow and the light flowed rapidly back into the sword's blade. Then the light shrunk, condensed, and when, after just a moment, it vanished, all that was left was Hanako's old Katana. It was as simple and undecorated as ever, but to her it was the most beautiful sword ever created. With a quick movement of the wrist she flicked the rainwater from the blade and resheathed it.

"When I met them the first time they were also using illusions."

She shook her head.

"Back then, there was a third one with them. I couldn't see him clearly, but I heard his voice. It was the same voice we heard today. I'm sure of it. But he's not here anymore."

The shrouded one, as she had called him in her mind, had also stayed back then. He had let the other two do the dirty work, but it was him who had spoken. She was sure that he had held the reins over the torso and the dog. Hanako would have loved to get him in her hands and beat some answers out of him.

She took a deep breath. The world finally felt normal again.

"At least we're ourselves again. How much do you remember?"

She looked up into the rain. She was completely soaked and her clothes clung to her body like wet towels.

"We should probably head back." She finally said. And with a bitter tone in her voice she added: "We probably won't find anything here anymore. At least not today. The game is over for now."

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]
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It's a terrible life - Page 4 Empty Re: It's a terrible life

Mon Jan 25, 2021 12:25 am

ポ ス ト を 開 始


She doesn’t answer Hanako’s question, instead opting to look up into the darkened sky as the rain fell around them both. Her expression is soft, lacking much emotion still, but her brows are knitted and her lips frowning. Her thoughts have been casted aside, memories of her fake life still fresh and present in her mind. All she can see is herself living a normal life, one where her parents call her at least once a week, where she has friends, going to school, alive… However, just as the rain hits her body and rolls to the ground, the memories soon begin to fade as if they were naught but dreams. Well, they pretty much were just that, a fake reality in her head. Closing her eyes, she’d just stand there until she cannot recall any of what could have been, only the bittersweet sensation of there being something sweet she had lost lingering.

“Let’s go.”

Without even opening her eyes to look at Hanako, she had turned, and began to walk. Her eyes opened soon after, a hollowness to them. Her face is wet, but that’s just the rain. Yeah. That’s just the rain. What’s the point in getting lost in such trivial thoughts when nothing exists that can change the past. Even illusions shatter eventually. There’s another creature toying with people’s emotions just like the two they had just killed. It’s going to die. Now, that’s a reality Elyss can actually get behind.



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It's a terrible life - Page 4 Empty Re: It's a terrible life

Mon Jan 25, 2021 11:45 am

The Big Woman

Hanako Yamada

It's a terrible life - Page 4 6EdIfMt

In silence they went on for a while, back towards the Seireitei. Behind them they left the forest, the ruined village and a false life.

The images of the illusion began to fade in Hanako’s memory as well but not everything vanished. Bits and pieces with overwhelming significance stayed. And it was indeed so overwhelming that Hanako almost wished she could forget them and never forget them at the same time. As paradox as it may seem from the illusion some realities had come.
Although clear memories became increasingly foggy and pale, she still remembered how it felt to be in the illusion, to be the other woman. Strangely, without even knowing anymore who she was, she knew that it had been wrong. And she was relieved to be back in her real world. Also because here was where the piece she had taken with her had a meaning.

When they were already close to the first populated areas of Rukongai, Hanako spoke again for the first time.

“I remember something.” she suddenly said, in a very quiet and hoarse voice.

“I know that everything in that Illusion was a lie. Like a...bad dream. But not the names. This I remember: You we’re still Elyss...but I was Ameko.”

She was quiet for a moment and suddenly stood. On her face was suddenly an expression of pain. A pain sitting so deep she could only ignore it, maybe subdue it for a while, but she would never be able to escape it. With all that had happened, in this moment, her strength failed for a moment and she could feel a claw grasp her heart.

“Elyss...I remember.” she said, almost choking on her own words. The rain made it impossible to tell if she was crying or not.

“I remember the name...Ameko Sato. And I know...I know it’s real. The only thing about this, maybe, that was real. But I know...I once was someone called Ameko.”

She fell silent for a moment, closed her eyes and pinched the bridge of her nose. When she inhaled it almost sounded like a sob, although the constant rush of water around them made this also hard to tell.

“It is a piece of my past. A piece...of me.”

She opened her eyes again and looked at Elyss, hoping she would understand what this meant.

“I...may now be Hanako Yamada...may be Hanako for the rest of my days...and that is okay...I think. But I remember now that I...I was...once...Ameko. ”

She closed her eyes once more and pinched her nose even harder. The small pain helped to concentrate. Hopefully until the moment of weakness passed. She really didn’t want to lose it here and now.

“Sorry...I...just needed to say that out long as we’re still alone.”

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]
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It's a terrible life - Page 4 Empty Re: It's a terrible life

Tue Jan 26, 2021 2:10 am

ポ ス ト を 開 始

Of course she’d stop. They’re close to the Rukongai, but it would seem someone has an epiphany they’d like to share. The redhead could only listen as Hanako poured her heart out into the world, allowing her words to be heard by only Elyss, and then, be washed away by the bleeding sky. It’s difficult to tell what’s going on in Elyss’ mind the whole time. The redhead’s expression did not change nor stir despite Hanako’s heartfelt spiel. Is she being inconsiderate? Cruel? Her black eyes would study Hanako, but, the next second, they’d move towards the ground. Then, she is looking upwards as she turns herself away from the large woman.

“I’ve always been Elyss. That illusion? It was nothing more than a what if. What if I had never died in that alleyway? What if I had listened to my parents? What if I had continued with my life?”

That doesn’t help Hanako, does it? It’s simply how Elyss saw the situation. A lot of Shinigami live without ever remembering who they were before. Elyss’ lucky, or maybe damned, to know everything about her past. That illusion, despite her no longer remembering it, was probably a possibility. If only she had walked left instead of right, kept her head up instead of lowering it. However, she also feels like she’d eventually end up here still, someway, somehow.

“Ameko? Hanako? Don’t get too caught up in the past, okay? If you want to explore who you were, just be careful not to ruin who you are now. I’ve come to find you rather endearing.”

And, that’s it. Lowering her eyes forward, she doesn’t even turn her head towards Hanako as she starts to walk again. Her steps aren’t fast however, as if waiting for the other to catch up. She’d like to reach home, together with Hanako. Struggling alone isn’t fun. The least Elyss can do is exist, even if she’s no better than wall. At least then, Hanako knows she has something to talk to.



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