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Thu Jan 28, 2021 10:32 am

ポ ス ト を 開 始

“Well, you should just tell people you’re gay or whatever then. Not to lessen how you feel, but it’s rather natural for women to joke with one another like that. Ya just have to let them know that it makes you uncomfortable because of your preferences.”

Blunt and to the point, Elyss is just laying out for Hanako what she should do. No doubt the woman will continue to run into more and more people who’ll joke around with her, whether they are trying to seduce her or not. It’s up to the big woman to lay out how she feels about that stuff and inform others how it makes her feel. No one can do it for her, and if she refuses to speak up, she’ll forever continue to push potential friends away and create awkward situations out of playful banter. Will it be hard and require her to come out of her shell? Yeah, but in the end, Hanako will see how easier her interactions with others will become when she relates things clearly.

“Sometimes you’ll find people who you like, and sometimes you’ll find people you don’t like. You need to get your head together and figure out yourself, Hanako. I can’t do it for you, no one can. You should go apologize to Hime and then tell her why you didn’t like what she had said. She’s probably quite confused right now. Don’t let one bad event haunt you for the rest of your life, Hanako. Let it go and grow.”

Hanako should know what event Elyss is alluding to, but there’s no point in diving any deeper into it. Rising from her spot, she’d reach a hand out for the other to take. It’s best they get this situation under control before the relationship between Hime and Hanako plummets from such silly altercation. Silly? Elyss thinks it’s a bit silly. Of course she blames Ulv for her predatory behavior, but she has to also blame Hanako for letting one bad moment control her life. As someone who’s trying to take control of her own life, Elyss simply cannot allow Hanako to wallow away like this. It’s starting to annoy her. So, she’d drag Hanako back into the room and lead her straight to Hime so the two can say whatever and put this thing behind them.



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Fri Jan 29, 2021 5:37 am

The Big Woman

Hanako Yamada

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Once again, Elyss was brutally honest. So much so that Hanako couldn’t decide whether it added to the pain or not. But in the end, also once again, Hanako had to admit that she was right.
This sober perspective of Elyss, harsh and cruel, was something she could hang on to and consider her own thoughts in a more dispassionate manner. It was truly a paradox. On the one hand was Hanako, who had for herself accepted that obviously was into women. On the other hand was also Hanako, trying to avoid the topic of sexuality at all costs. Why? Because it was uncomfortable. And she had no idea how to handle it. It was one thing admitting something to herself, but coming out in public...right here and now...
But then again there were situations like this one arose and it probably could have been avoided if Hanako just hadn’t stormed out.

Hanako took Elyss’s hand.

Confused...yeah, right. Hime wasn’t the only one. If it wasn’t a fight or training Hanako was confused most of the time because of something. People were strange and Hanako was just lacking the necessary experience to sort it all out.
Elyss pulled her along, back into the room and straight over to Hime. So, this was probably something that Hanako couldn’t get around. It would be awkward but in her mind, she thanked Elyss again. Who knows how long she would have sat out there if the redhead hadn't…
Wait a second. Elyss hadn’t come out when she had called out to Hanako. It had looked as if she had already been there. And she had avoided the question why she had been there, too.

“He, wait a moment.” Hanako mumbled towards Elyss. “You haven’t told me why you were out there…”

But then they were already standing before Hime. The moment when Hanako looked into the face of their host she felt a sting in her breast. It was guilt. Hime wasn’t someone malicious intent, not as far as hana knew. She had done her wrong, Elyss was right about that.
Before their hands parted again, Hanako squeezed Elyss’s quickly and lightly, a gesture of affection.

“Ah,...Hime, I am...mhm…”

Hanako took a deep breath. Her voice was a bit shaky and she was blushing again. She really wasn’t good at this.

“I...I wanted to apologize. I am sorry for just storming out.”

She bowed apologetically and when she straightened again she had found some of her confidence again. her face, though, was still a cute shade of red.

“I have probably meant nothing by it but I have...I have probably misunderstood...taken it seriously. You know, I had some bad experiences, which you know nothing about, couldn’t have. So it is not your fault...I have wronged you and I’m sorry.”

She couldn’t bring herself to speak out loud that she was a ...whatever it was called when you liked the same sex. It didn’t really matter what it was called, but it just felt wrong to blurt it out here, with all the guests. Hanako wished she was more like Elyss in this manner, just speak what’s on her mind.
However, if Hime had paid attention, she probably could easily read from hanako’s words, what was going on. Why else would she have taken Hime’s joke as serious flirting or play?

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Fri Jan 29, 2021 6:05 am



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Hime's eyes blinked a few times as she witnessed Elyss dragging Hanako through the door as the two momentously returned to the party. There were a few wandering eyes that gazed at the two but they quickly returned to their own devices.

Hime tilted her head, glancing at the two with a questioning gaze. Her eyes turned to Elyss and then to the stammering Hanako who was struggling to speak. In time, Hanako would gather herself and make a proper reply, one that even as she struggled to finish, did enough to illuminate the subject on which Hanako felt so temperamental. Ah, so she preferred the fairer sex? There was no shame in admitting that. Hime would have never performed the actions that she did had she known.

"Say no more. I think I get the idea of why you felt so awkward about my playful flirtation. I only did so to make you feel even more beautiful than you look right now. I would never toy with the emotions of one of my favorite peers." Hime would pinch her cheek softly as a sign that all was well and there was no need to feel guilty anymore. The matter was resolved.

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Fri Jan 29, 2021 11:49 pm

ポ ス ト を 開 始

Good! They are good, right? Hanako clarified herself and Hime seemed to understand the other’s horrible explanation. Hanako had avoided explaining her sexual orientation, but Elyss knows that not everyone is exactly comfortable with that kind of stuff. She wasn’t always used to that particular subject either, but the two women are kindred spirits simply because of their interactions with one particular brute. Hanako just got out before she could become desensitized to it all.

Now, with that out of the way, the redhead would relate her annoyance with the situation by blowing air out of her mouth and sighing. Looking between the two women, she’d shrug her shoulders and move her gaze around. She still doesn’t feel any particular desire to stick around.

“Don’t worry ‘bout it, Hanako. It’s nothing important. I’m just no good in crowds.”

And, with that, her eyes would move to Hime.

“I think I’ll take my leave, Hime. You two beautiful ladies enjoy yaselves and all that, get to know one another or whatever happens at these things.”

Of course she had to joke herself before departing. Despite adding nothing to the overall mood of the party, somehow she had saved it for one. With a shaky smile, she’d turn and head towards the door once more, hoping none would stop her or try to deter her from escaping the premises. She’d be gone, just like that to who knows where. She just knows she has a sudden desire to be on her own.



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Sat Jan 30, 2021 11:29 am

The Big Woman

Hanako Yamada

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The relief Hanako felt was almost palpable. She's half expected Hime to be upset about her behaviour. Seeing her reaction just now dissolved the knot that had formed in her gut and Hana let out a silent sigh.

"Thank you." She said, smiling an insecure smile. "I'm not really this."

She made a vague gesture at her dress and at the room in general.
It was funny how things went. Give this woman a Shihakusho, a sword and enemies to fight and she'd be perfectly comfortable and would know exactly what to do and do it without hesitation. Give her a chic dress, a tiny cup of tea and a group of strangers to do small talk with and she'd basically turn into a 5th grader, doing her first presentation in front of the class.

Hanako really hated all that anxiety and the fears, but also grew to hate the feeling of loneliness more and more. She knew she had to fight the anxiety, but was unsure how. There had to be a way that was right for her…

When Elyss said she'd take her leave Hanako felt a sting she couldn't place at first. Was it a pang of panic, because she was about to be left alone with strangers? No, that couldn't be it. There was still Hime and she was free to leave anytime she wished. It was something else.

With a step followed Elyss and took her hand to hold her back a moment.

"I just wanted to thank you...and...uhm, I was really happy that you were here."

She let go of Elyss's hand. She could understand her, wanting to leave. Maybe better than Elyss could guess. So she wouldn't hold her back, just couldn't let her go without a proper goodbye. proper as she could manage. Because she knew what had stung for that moment: Elyss was dear to her. She liked being in her presence and, if she was honest to herself, didn't want her to leave. But then again, she really could understand her, and if Elyss wanted to go, she wouldn't hold her back.

"I hope I'll see you again...soon." she said quietly, followed by a faint smile. Then she slowly retreated back to Hime, to not give Elyss the feeling she wanted to pressure her into staying against her will.

When Hanako was standing next to Hime again she sighed and looked at her host.

"I think I'll need another cup of tea…"

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Sun Jan 31, 2021 5:59 am



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Hime was gratefully indebted to Elyss for returning with Hanako so that the two women could clear up the air. It was humorously uncharacteristic of Elyss to play the role of peacemaker - if her impression of her was anything to go by but still.. this was a pleasant resolution. Hime had sent a multitude of invites and though the vast majority of them decided to decline, spending time with two of her female peers was an enlightening experience nonetheless. She had learned something about Hanako tonight and wished to guide her to a path where she could take comfort in her skin, no matter what outfit she saw fit to wear.

Hime smiled as she crossed her arms, gazing at Hanako as she quietly thanked the woman for coming and assisting her. Hanako returned to the graceful shinigami's side as she requested another cup of tea. Hime snapped her fingers, prompting one of the waiters of the celebration to bring her another cup of gourmet tea. Observing that some of the people were preparing plates and boxes to take home, Hime could not help but feel that the celebration was coming to an end. Even so, she offered Hanako advice.

"You know, Hanako, I admire the fact that you stepped out of your comfort zone but allow me to impart one crucial piece of advice. Confidence is the idea of being comfortable in your own skin. You are who you are. Tall, strong, beautiful... a warrior with the potential to rise through the ranks. The dress was an admirable step but not a necessary one. Come as you are, be as you are, and you'll rarely ever feel ashamed of who you are. You'll always have a friend and mentor in me and certainly a friend - or possibly more? - in Elyss."

Hime bowed as she closed the door and smiled. It would seem as though most of the fledgling, low-rank members had left.

"I'll be closing up soon and washing the dishes with my sister. Is there anything else you need, Hanako? By tomorrow, this will seem as if it were an illusion," she quipped, referencing how she had used her own workplace to host a celebration. Still, she wouldn't trade the experience for a second.

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Mon Feb 01, 2021 8:34 am

ポ ス ト を 開 始


She, for some reason, couldn’t help but feel awkward. There was something about the way Hanako had thanked her that felt a bit too sensual. It was concerning. However, her desire to become scarce outweighed any thought concerning what had just happened between the two. Besides, it looks like everyone else is getting ready to take their leave as well. Even if it’d prove lame to just walk out, nothing could stop her from doing so. And so, she would be the first to leave the party. As she walked down the hallway, her eyes would trail down to her hand, flexing her fingers while thoughts plagued her mind.



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Mon Feb 01, 2021 9:31 am

The Big Woman

Hanako Yamada

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Elyss rather cold reaction shortly before she left wasn’t what Hanako had expected. She tried not to read too much into it, after all, Elyss was so hard to read and the redhead seemed to like it this way. However, this had been different. In what way Hanako wasn’t able to tell. But somehow she began to think that she had done the right thing at the public bath when she had rejected Elyss’s more than obvious physical advances.

After a few heartbeats her attention was drawn back to Hime.

“Mhm, I have to admit...pretty much everything social is a step out of my comfort zone.” she mused.
“The dress...I wanted to have something like this. I don’t regret buying it. It is, not uncomfortable, but rather unfamiliar. I think with time I’ll grow into it...metaphorically speaking. It is like trial and error for me. I have reduced myself to being a Shinigami for years...that is just not enough anymore. Pretty hard figuring out who you are when you have to build everything from the ground up. I’m not sure if I’m making any sense.”

Hanako saw as well that most of the other guests had already left. Some had taken some of the food with them and suddenly she realised that she hadn’t eaten a bite, only drank several cups of tea. Both were becoming noticeable. Maybe she should take some leftovers with her as well.

“Hm...I’m not so sure about Elyss. Frankly...I’ve never been.”

She tried a smile but couldn’t manage more than a twitch in the corners of her mouth. She hoped Hime wouldn’t misunderstand it as a lack of courtesy, but the day had exhausted Hanako more than she cared to admit.

“No...thank you. Maybe I’ll take some leftovers, too. But I’d like to come to you again. For counsel or just talk.”

Hanako thanked her host again, this time with a bow. It was maybe a bit formal, but Hanako thought it polite and it was just one of the things she was and did without ever thinking about it.
And then it already seemed as if Hanako should leave as well, being the last of the guests.

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]
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