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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Mon Aug 09, 2021 1:26 pm
It was some situation Tento found himself in. Throughout his whole life he held that there was no real God or theological beings in the world. Sure, he had a belief of spirituality, that the spirit was a part of a human's life just like the mind and body. And that there were things that felt connected or empowered a person from that sense, a dwelling inside them, a soul. The thing that made them, them, in combination to their body and mind.

Now in the soul society, Tento found himself lost, well partially lost. The Shinigami that located the newly arrived soul helped him be informed about the situation he found himself in. And with nothing else to do, and a thread of his mental mind state of aiding others still present within himself from his time being alive, he had only one thing he felt he could do and would like to do. Become a Shinigami and aid the passing on of souls. That much was clear to him as he walked to Shino Academy, the location written down to him on a small piece of paper, and eventually up to the doors of what would be his place of education.

As Tento walked threw the door's of the Academy he was ready to start his training. Hopefully. He was still new and had no knownledge or awareness of the powers that made up the afterlife. Most people were around his level and so he felt no side effects, but there was the time he was around the Shinigami. It was harder to breath, to move, to see. He was happy to meet the woman, but even more so that he was back to an ease of his bodily functions.

He was not sure what it was, but he knew that it was because there was just a difference between them. All he had was his knowledge, experience, and skills from his time in the living world. His practice of martial arts, advocation, and critical thinking in his design work. He was still pretty much still a regular human, maybe a little bit more due to his reiatsu being now that he was in this world. It was all so...confusing and worrisome, but he was give it a chance and grab any chance that he could. Maybe make some friends.

Ame no ko
Ame no ko
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Tue Aug 10, 2021 4:13 am

The Big Woman

Hanako Yamada

Turn Back The Pendulum: It all starts, After Life [Flash back, Tento/Hanako] 6EdIfMt

So many new students. The new year had started with a bountiful harvest for the academy, so to say. Many new crops to grow and tend to. It felt like the halls and corridors were full with the vibrant red and blue of fresh and barely worn academy uniforms.

When Hanako walked through the entrance hall she had, as usual, no problem to get through. She wasn’t easy to be overlooked, standing tall above most others, even male fellow students or teachers. She also wasn’t very popular. Hanako liked to stay to herself. She didn’t like how the others looked at her, judged her as the girl with no past, even though this was all in her mind. In fact the only thing they judged her over was her self chosen isolation, as far as the academy allowed for it. And her, at times, excessive training in her spare time, alone, while her classmates chose to socialise and chill.

The majority of the crowd she now waded through couldn’t possibly know, being composed mainly of newly admitted souls. Still, she held her eyes down, avoiding the eyes of others, in fact ignoring them altogether to the best of her abilities.

Until she came to one she couldn’t really ignore.She stopped shortly before she ran into him.
It was a man, probably also one of the new arrivals, who stood out almost as much as she did. Only where her skin was of a fairly light tone, his was of a rich chestnut-brown. And he was also tall. Still not as tall as her, but at least he came close. Thanks to the wide kosode they were wearing it was hard to compare his statue to her own, aside from general features such as shoulders. Not that Hanako really cared.

“Sorry.” she mumbled and for a moment she looked up, to meet his dark brown eyes with her own icy blue ones. Then she lowered her gaze again and took a step around him, to continue her way towards one of the training halls.

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]

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Tue Aug 10, 2021 4:27 pm
With the first foot step inside Tento was amazed and stunned by the environment he found himself in. A massive amount of people dressed in blue and white or red and white. He was amazed and eye everyone of the students dressed in their distinct colors, specially the ones dressed in red and white. Oh there are some really really pretty woman here. no no. Don't look. You are a married man. Wait, I was a married man. I'm dead now, and she's in the living world. But I still can't forget about her...but she is stuck without me. She probably still thinking about me....but she would have to move on eventually. But. The thoughts continued. The emotional pain of being away from his loving life that he still had feelings for was still hard for the young man. It felt like and was not that long since had he entered the soul society, it was torturous, these memories of the living world, of the people who could not see or interact with anymore. Really, the looking at all of these young woman was a distraction to that pain, at least for now until he met friends and perhaps a lover that he truly felt a connection with.

He continued to walk through the halls of Shino academy his mind still partially in a daze and unaware truly of the environment he was in.Given that he was a little bit jolted when a young woman stopped in front of him dressed in the white and red colors that all of the female students were wearing. At first Tento wondered if she was a staff member assigned to guild him or something, but when he noticed that her eyes were down he figured that was not the case, probably a fellow new student that was overwhelmed by all this, joining the school. Maybe there were a new soul like him and that may have added to the stress??

He did a quick look of her, giving her a check out partially and seeing her description, if she was the first person he was going to meet as a fellow Shinigami hopeful he might as well try to remember her. She had some stand out features, a solid few, no, several inches taller than him, she had to be over 6 feet tall. A fact that made her stand out from the rest of the girls around Tento and even in the living world, not many girls were close to his height after all. Dark red hair going to shoulder length,in two tight braids, braided down the back of her head and a little to the sides.

Given the height difference, when she was looking down he first thought she was looking at him, but on closer look, and hearing her speak, she wasn't. Awkward. She was looking to the floor, and looked tense, nervous even. Her eyes adjusted to look up at him, to state an apology.

"Oh uh no no need to apologize you're fine. I was sort of in my head while walking". The words he spoke were short though, as the lady quickly lowered her gaze again and took a step around him, to continue her way towards one of the training halls. I...suppose she must really be in a hurry.

Students began to be guided off and moved to different training alls and classes to be taught. Tento looked around bewildered before a teacher walked up to him.

"Tento Zefa?".

"Yes, Sir".

"Good, come this way".

Turn on their heel the teacher walked down the path, with Tento quickly falling in behind them. Guiding him back to a familar area, the entrenance area and hallway infront of the doors that Tento saw Hanako enter. "Given your impressive practice scores, you have been skipped alittle. You shall be in this class and tested to see if you shoulfd remain here or put with the normal new students. Understood?".


"Good, and good luck". A smile was given bt the staff one, one that was clear to be genuine and an attempt to ease the unease of a new student and new soul before sliding open the door and pushing Tento in.

Pushed in Tento was unsure of how to go about this. Not even aware of what type of room he was in, he was only sure of the teacher before him as he entered the room. A few curious eyes turned to see the new face in the room. "Um, hello, The name is Tento, Tento Zefa, nice to meet you all".

Turn Back The Pendulum: It all starts, After Life [Flash back, Tento/Hanako] Tentos10
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Wed Aug 11, 2021 3:49 am

The Big Woman

Hanako Yamada

Turn Back The Pendulum: It all starts, After Life [Flash back, Tento/Hanako] 6EdIfMt

The martial arts classes were always her favourites. She liked it so much, in fact, that Hanako took an additional optional class, taught by one of the older students, where she learned some elements of a martial art called Aikido. But today, Zanjutsu was scheduled. It was something she had taken a liking to from day one, even more than other physical disciplines like Hakuda, in which she also could shine. Whatever or whoever she had been before, her physique indeed gave her some advantages in this field. Indeed, everything physical was something she preferred over brainwork, even if she did quite well in most of the theoretical classes. But she was rather outside and sweaty than hunched over a book. Encouraging her brain to work invited thoughts to come. And those usually brought frustration and self pity along. Physical workout, however, did help a lot to calm her head down.

Class was about to start and bokken were handed out when Hanako heard the door behind her slide to the side and an unfamiliar voice speak.

"Um, hello, The name is Tento, Tento Zefa, nice to meet you all".

She turned around. To her surprise she had seen the face that belonged to the voice before. Just a few minutes ago. It was the assumed new student she almost ran into. Was she maybe mistaken and he wasn’t really new? This was a 5th year class, Hanako and her classmates would graduate in two years. If Tento was here he either wasn’t a freshman or he had some talents advanced enough to skip a few years.

“Alright then, welcome to the class.” the teacher said with a raised eyebrow. “We’ll begin with some standard forms for warmup. You team up with Yamada, seems to be a natural fit.”

Hanako frowned when she heard this, although she could have guessed that it was coming. She was the tallest in the class and with Tento almost reaching her height…

While she walked over to him she grabbed a wooden sword for him and handed it over with a polite bow. Equally polite she introduced herself.

“My name is Hanako Yamada. Pleased to meet you.”

Her face, however, remained blank and her eyes cold and hard.

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]

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Wed Aug 11, 2021 8:22 am
After Tento had introduced himself did finally center himself in the room. The environment making his body, but more importantly his spirt and body relax at the common features of resemblance that made up a training dojo or martial arts class room. The wooden floors made his mind go back, to years of sweat pouring into the floor and on his back, of months of falling flat in his back, and the joyful days of returning that favor, seeing someone strong and an equal fall due to a precise strong blow from Tento's body, and even the rare minutes of blood on his fists and feet, and on the floor. They all made up his journey in the fighting styles he studied, they were apart of him, mind, soul, and body. There were moments he was thankful for.

But after centering himself did he fully see the room, this was indeed the room that he saw the woman earlier enter in! It appeared he had been incorrect in his wondering if she was a shy freshman. If it wasn't for the words of his guide, he would have thought this was a basic freshman class, but no, this was an upper class room! They really should change up ther uniforms to make year difference easier to recognize. He bowed towards the teacher " Thank you for having me".

Soon he was once again in front of the tall youthful woman he met earlier, reaching out with his right hand, he took the sword in his hand and returned her bow, "Thank you, although I didn't expect to see again so soon, uh, Sensei".

After waiting to see if he would get a response from her, he turned and walked away from her giving them space. He turned back and held the wooden sword in front of his body, centered. He noticed her look but didn't mind. It was on he knew and recognized. One that was focused, although, it did feel cold.

Turn Back The Pendulum: It all starts, After Life [Flash back, Tento/Hanako] Tentos10
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Sat Aug 14, 2021 3:47 am

The Big Woman

Hanako Yamada

Turn Back The Pendulum: It all starts, After Life [Flash back, Tento/Hanako] 6EdIfMt

"Senpai." She said, but after a moment she realised that Tento would probably need a bit more context.

"I'm not sensei. I just started my 5th year, so I'm an older student, but still a student. That makes me your senpai and you my kohai, if you're in a lower year. Vice versa if higher. If you have to use any title, that would be the right ones."

Despite the educational nature of her words, Hanako's voice wasn't condescending or patronising in any way. It was matter-of-factly. She just shared some information, and that was that.

Meanwhile the actual sensei started the exercise. At first they practiced standard maneuvers. Overhead blows straight down, first without making a evasive step to the side, then with one. They took turns and the partner was basically only a dummy for them to have a target. Which they weren't allowed to hit, of course.
After that they picked up the pace, switching to exercises where one partner executes an overhead blow, this time without stopping, and the other one had to deflect and evade at the same time, before making a quick counter.

The clacking of wood against wood filled the air of the dojo. As they practiced the same movements again and again, Hanako couldn't help but feel a bit of curiosity about her partner.

"So...are you? A First Year, I mean? Must be good if they put you in a Fifth Year class."

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]

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Sun Aug 15, 2021 10:31 am
Tento must have really be nervous being in this room with others for the first time, making the mistake of calling Hanako Sensei instead of Senpai, a mistake that he hoped to play off as more as a joke, and not catch the iron of the real teacher if they heard that slip up. But a 5th year? They pushed him up that far as a test run to put him among the 5th years? He only thought he would be among the 2nd years, maybe even the 3rd years but never beyond that. The situation did do wonders for his confidence in his training in the living world, but this was probably worlds apart from there.

"oh right, hehhe sorry. When he said to go with you I just assumed you was a teacher as well, you just, feel like someone that has a lot of confidence and experience just by your look, thanks for the clear up". Tento hoped that would be satisfactory, a realistic assumption one could say given that, by first look at least, everyone was wearing the same attires, blue and white for boys and red and white for girls. Perhaps the small simple compliment would make her even more accepting of his answer? He appreciated her explanation though, straight forward and clear without looking down. He had enough of that when he was alive when dealing with people who had an inflated ego just because they had a higher position in the ranking, specially more when he saw them acting that way towards newbies, it turned away many people from the beauty that was Martial arts. The fact that she did not act in that way was already a big positive towards Tento.

Then the real instructor started, getting them started with practicing standard maneuvers. Overhead blows straight down, blocking, then overhead with dodging. It went like that for awhile before Hanako would break the silence. Well, the silence besides the clacking of wood against wood filled the air of the dojo. "Oh yea that obvious huh?", with a sheepish chuckle Tento would continue their repetition of movements. "Yes, I am a first year...and a new 'arrival', I suppose? Everything to believe here. Oh, I don't know if I'm good really, I mean, I was good, when I was alive, but here things must be different and comparisons are steeper. I got guided here by a shinigami? Measure something called Reiryoku and got tested to see if I could learn/do a few things and... here I am? ...i...really don't know's overwhelming".

With a shout they were declared to switch. Moving from an overhead strike to a now a horizontal slash from the side alternatively.

Turn Back The Pendulum: It all starts, After Life [Flash back, Tento/Hanako] Tentos10
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Ame no ko
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Sun Aug 15, 2021 3:15 pm

The Big Woman

Hanako Yamada

Turn Back The Pendulum: It all starts, After Life [Flash back, Tento/Hanako] 6EdIfMt

Hanako gave a thin, crooked smile that didn't really extend beyond her mouth.

"Not that obvious. Educated guess. Your clothes look crispy and fresh. Mine looked just the same when I was in first year."

It wasn't like Hanako's clothes were worn out or even torn. But next to a fresh set the colours were visibly more muted.

She tried to ignore Tento's short tale mostly, but couldn't help feeling a sting when she was once again reminded of what she lacked, compared to all the others. At least he didn't seem to be interested in her story, which was a start.

"Don't read too much into it." She said between two sets of exercises.
"You made an impression, but obviously not in every discipline. Those that really stand out aren't even in our classes. They are in the accelerated classes and don't even do the full six years."

The sensei stopped the exercises and gave them a few minutes break before they were to enter free combat exercise. Of course it still meant not hurting anyone, if it could be avoided, but the pupils should try themselves in real sparring.

Hanako had already half turned away before she stopped. The others were already dispersing, chatting amongst them and, as usual, ignoring Hanako. And since Tento had been with her, him as well. At least for the moment. After a moment of hesitation Hanako turned back.

"Want some water?" She asked and pointed towards the side of the hall were a drinking fountain was installed.

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]

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Turn Back The Pendulum: It all starts, After Life [Flash back, Tento/Hanako] Empty Re: Turn Back The Pendulum: It all starts, After Life [Flash back, Tento/Hanako]

Sun Aug 15, 2021 7:41 pm
A smile, a small one, that could be easily stated as a smirk, but a smile nonetheless. A positive win that Tento would take.

"Ah, yea that make sense. New clothing is always a good give away". It was nice to hear that his situation was something he did not have to think about too much. The world was still so new and unknown to him, he would prefer to stay among a more, less dynamic situation and environment before being put in more of the line of duty. Staying in the academy for at least a few years would allow him to get his bearings of the area, of the ability and rules that made up the world, and how he would fit into it on an individual level. More importantly, more time to develop and round out the skills that he would need to fight against these, hollows? But if he really did get put in with the 5th years and got approved, then it would only be a year time before he would be expected to confront one..maybe a little more or less.

Time passed a little bit faster due to their conversation. Their movements continuing naturally and Tento gaining a further comfort with a sword, albeit wooden, in his hand. Soon they were moving to the next exercise, free range combat exercise. A fun aspect that Tento remember from the human world as free style time.

The people seemed to break away into their little circles, going with their partners or one Tento assumed they were close with. Strangly though, no one seemed to have made a move towards Hanako. The upperclass woman turned away before seeing to think and turn back towards Tento, pointing out the water.

"Ah yea". Tento would turn towards the drinking fountain before stopping, a signal that he wanted her to come along with him if she was going to get water from somewhere else and he would ask her a question as he began to walk towards the water fountain. "So, with all the training there seems to be done to become a shimingami, what else is there to do? what do you like to do in free time? And well", his eyes would look around, a bit ashamed because he felt this piece of info would be known by anyone including a regular first year, "what exactly is a hollow?".

Turn Back The Pendulum: It all starts, After Life [Flash back, Tento/Hanako] Tentos10
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Ame no ko
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Mon Aug 16, 2021 3:09 am

The Big Woman

Hanako Yamada

Turn Back The Pendulum: It all starts, After Life [Flash back, Tento/Hanako] 6EdIfMt

They went to the fountain together, drinking mostly in silence. When they had quenched their thirsts they still had a few minutes of break left.

“Don’t worry too much about it. My guess would be that you’ve exhibited some martial arts skills when they tested you and you’re with the fifth years for Zanjutsu and maybe Hakuda. For all the rest, Kido, Hoho and the theoretical classes you’re probably back with the other first years. They’ll teach you everything there.”

She shrugged. Him being here in a normal class was a pretty sure sign that he was not a candidate for the accelerated classes. And if he really was only a freshly arrived soul…
Maybe Hanako, too, had arrived in Soul Society just recently. It would explain some, though not all mysteries.

“And you’ll know a Hollow when you see one. They’re the things with the masks and the holes trying to eat you.”

If that came from anyone else it would probably have been a joke. But Hanako’s voice was as cold as before, what she said a matter of fact. It made it sound more cruel than necessary.

Hanako had, intentionally, ignored Tento’s question about her free time. It was not as if she disapproved of any personal connection he tried to build, she simply did neither perceive it, nor care much to go out of her way to initiate it herself. It was in fact that she knew how most people reacted to her free time activities. Which consisted of training and exercises, not seldom to the point of exhaustion. The way she looked now, a well-trained, big woman, with noticeable broader shoulders than her other female classmates (although also noticeable narrower than most males), a firm bust and a posture that gave away the power of the muscles underneath the wide kosode and hakama, all that had been achieved in the four years since she’d joined the academy. Before she had been still tall, had still a nice hip and some bust, but rather slenderly built over all, after her long recovery in the hospital even on the verge of scrawny. An immense load of work had transformed her into what she was now. And yet, even though the others whispered about her obsession, not always just behind her back, she still used almost all of her free time to exercise or satisfy her body's needs for sustenance. When she wasn’t studying, of course.

At that moment the sensei gave the signal that the break was over. The students took their places again and once again Hanako faced Tento with a wooden sword in her hand.

“Alright people, you know the rules. Free training until the end of this period. Hajime!”

With a few steps he was next to the pair and directed a few words to tento directly.

“Zefa! You’re new, so I will lay out the rules for you once. There are only a few for free training: No stabbing, no Hakuda maneuvers. Control your blows and hits. A bruise is okay, nothing beyond that. If you can’t control enough for that, time it so you’d miss. Although, Yamada-chan can withstand quite some punishment.”

He grinned as he turned away. Hanako hated it when he called her Yamadas-chan and he knew it. It was why he did it. If Tento was looking he could see the muscles in her jaw working.

“Fine.” she said between her teeth. “Let’s see what you got. Attack me!”

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]

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