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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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A Deeper Perspective [Open] - Page 3 Empty Re: A Deeper Perspective [Open]

Wed Aug 16, 2023 12:22 pm

TAGS; - here NOTES; - Sekai no Hametsu Uses - 1/2 WORDS; - here MUSE; - Feel Invincible

Damned if you do and damned if you don't... That was the only way Shura could think of her situation. Attacking into the wall would undoubtedly at least cause damage to it... but she would also be injured from it as well. However Shura had little idea of how difficult it'd be to get through the wall and, without any idea of how Mizu's Shikai worked in whole it'd be a fools errand to attack entirely recklessly. So rather than waste energy and potentially become injured for naught, and against what she might consider a better decision, she halted her attack inches from the spikes before swiftly using her Shunpo to move backwards.

Now... Shura was in a difficult spot. She had two options to deal with these barriers of Mizu's, the much more unlikely option of Kido, or use her Bankai, which had not only abilities that would allow her to get around these barriers, but more importantly the strength to shatter them. Most everyone within her squad knew her stance on kido, but that wasn't to say it wasn't known she knew some basic kido at least, she had passed the Kido exams in the Academy after all. While that meant she wasn't known for particularly high level kido, she did know some kido.

So with few choices Shura lowered her axe in one hand, her other hand extended palm out her thumb cupped over her palm. "Ye lord! Mask of blood and flesh, all creation, flutter of wings, ye who bears the name of Man! Inferno and pandemonium, the sea barrier surges, march on to the south! Hadō no Sanjyuichi, Shakkahō " Shura wondered if Mizu would allow for the full Shakkaho to be chanted and cast, as a practitioner of such arts she had hoped she would. However, there was little stopping her from dropping her wall and going on the offensive while Shura chanted... Or perhaps Mizu would retaliate in kind with her own Kido, to see whose Kido would win.


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A Deeper Perspective [Open] - Page 3 Empty Re: A Deeper Perspective [Open]

Tue Aug 22, 2023 3:21 pm
A Deeper Perspective [Open] - Page 3 JGYv9eD

MORIKAWA MIZU | 2nd Division Vice Captain

So Shura was experienced enough to back off when being put between a rock and a hard place. From such an aggressive woman with a physical release, Mizu hadn't expected her to resort to Kidō. It was one reckless act after reckless act with this woman, Mizu surmised. Now she was trying to use a full incantation of all things, with nothing set up prior to guard against potential attacks. Was she expected to sit idly by as Shura prepared a full-power spell? After that spiel about fighting all-out and being pushed to the limits?

With a flourish of her bladeless Zanpakuto, Mizu caused the wall in front of her to morph again, this time by opening a porthole in its center large enough for Mizu to see and cast spells through. At the same time the spheres she had sent flying at Shura suddenly stopped moving and fell back down to the ground, freeing the Vice Captain up to act in another way.

Mizu brought her left hand up to the hole in the crystal wall and gathered a tremendous energy within her finger tips, before unleashing it in a rapidly-growing wave of blue energy. "Hadō #73: Sōren Sōkatsui - Apply Lightning!" With the Genso Kakusan addition of the lightning element to the spell, Mizu's Sōren Sōkatsui was covered in azure bolts of electricity that would explode in one big static shock upon hitting either Shura or her own spell, the Shakkahō she had spent extra time to fire off at full strength.

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A Deeper Perspective [Open] - Page 3 Empty Re: A Deeper Perspective [Open]

Tue Aug 22, 2023 6:23 pm

TAGS; - here NOTES; - Sekai no Hametsu Uses - 1/2 WORDS; - here MUSE; - Dancing Mad

Admittedly... Her Kido was more a bluff than anything, if she was wanting to do a serious attempt at it, that'd require doing something she wasn't about to do in the middle of Soul Society. However the call that Mizu put towards her bluff wasn't exactly what she had been expecting. Of course her incantation had given Mizu time to set herself up, and the fact the shards that had been sent towards her dropped suddenly was yet further indication that Mizu was setting up for something... powerful.

She knew by now that Mizu was exceptionally skilled at Kido, yet she did not expect a level of Kido that was almost exclusively reserved for those of her calibur... Sōren Sōkatsui. When it began to form Shura had almost immediately dropped her own incantation and Hadō, forfeiting it entirely. As it roared outwards and surged towards her, she was left with one of two options... with only one being the preferred choice. She could rather swiftly erect a defense that would be more than strong enough to defend against the Hadō, yet such a tactic would risk what she was so adamantly trying to conceal. The other?

A Deeper Perspective [Open] - Page 3 GhbzsBu

In an almost instinctual reaction from Shura, her swelling Reiatsu was soon the only indication of what she had just done. She would not challenge Mizu's Hadō with her own Kido, rather she'd challenge it with the same strength that had served her so well in the past. Holding both of her axes now in front of her she aimed to split the incoming Hadō, and while this did mean she wouldn't take the entire brunt of the attack it did not mean she would escape unscathed.

The sides of her arms were not just singed, but covered in scorch marks of the lightning that sizzled past her form. Shura may have had a rather exceptional understanding of Kido, but the way Mizu employed it was entirely foreign to her and by the time she ripped the axes sideways to cut through the Hadō and free herself from it the damage to her body was as clear as day. Alongside the scorch marks on her arms, her Shihakasho was ripped and jagged lines where the electricity coursed through her were evidence enough of the damage she'd sustained. However even if that wasn't enough, the heavy breathing of Shura showed how much the Hadō had done to her.

Electricity still sparked across her form even now as she stared up at Mizu, a bloodthirst in her eyes that wasn't there previously. "Excellent... This is what I needed..." She muttered to herself, before pulling one arm back shortly before throwing it towards Mizu. Shura would wait until it was within about 5 meters of Mizu before her entire form vanished, reappearing behind Mizu, the other axe raised in the air for only a brief moment before it was dragged down in a rapid descent with but a single word uttered.

A Deeper Perspective [Open] - Page 3 OEdUuEX

If Mizu was to use one of the strongest Kido available, then Shura would return the power in kind.


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A Deeper Perspective [Open] - Page 3 Empty Re: A Deeper Perspective [Open]

Fri Sep 01, 2023 3:37 am
A Deeper Perspective [Open] - Page 3 JGYv9eD

MORIKAWA MIZU | 2nd Division Vice Captain

Captain Rose had made clear the act of releasing one's Bankai is one reserved for only the most crucial of moments. Haphazard and wanton use of Bankai was both unbecoming of the Shinigami at fault, and disrespectful to their Zanpakuto. Mizu understood this well. If she didn't, she was sure Shōsenmaru would ensure she learns. In almost any other spar, her Bankai would remain sealed away, an ultimate weapon for only the most extreme circumstances. But this was no ordinary spar. Shura was hellbent on showing the power of her Bankai, pushing herself to raise it to new heights. If being pushed is what she wanted, Mizu would provide.

A Deeper Perspective [Open] - Page 3 Kl4oQay

Upon Shura throwing one of her axes, sending it careening toward Mizu, spiritual energy welled up within the Vice Captain before bursting forth as the seal on her blade was released. At the same time, all of the crystal fragments around her and on the ground rapidly swirled around her before forming a solid reflective orb, her body hidden away within. Shura's attack would proceed, though not as she may expect; both axes would strike the chrysalis around Mizu, cracks spreading in every direction from the impact points, but her intended prey would remain safely tucked away.

After a short pause in which all that could be seen or heard was the spread of cracks across the reflective sphere's surface, it would shatter into many more crystal fragments than when Mizu released her Shikai. These shards would launch in every direction in a torrent of razor-sharp amethyst crystals. Mizu, now clad in a black, red, and pink dress, her Shinigami Shihakushō nowhere to be seen, stood with a determined look in her eyes. For a moment she looked down at her black blade before placing her gaze back on Shura.

"Do not regret those words, Shura-san." Dragging her transformed Zanpakuto through the air, Mizu commanded every single fragment of crystal to continuously shatter until only a sea of tiny shards remained, each a blade in its own right. Then, with a flourish, she commanded them all to fly at Shura in a terrible tidal wave of glass, reminiscent of her childhood idol's Senbonzakura. This mass of crystal shards would blitz through the air to surround and strike Shura across every millimeter of her body. Even should she dodge, the sea of amethyst would follow. Mizu would allow no escape nor respite for her opponent.

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A Deeper Perspective [Open] - Page 3 Empty Re: A Deeper Perspective [Open]

Fri Sep 01, 2023 10:36 pm

TAGS; - here NOTES; - Sekai no Hametsu Uses - 1/2 WORDS; - here MUSE; - Dancing Mad

Her attack did in fact make landfall, just not where she had wanted it too. However it wasn't entirely unexpected, and the cracks that formed were evidence enough for Shura that it wasn't a full-proof defense. As Shura readied herself for another strike however the cracks continued to spread, and not wanting to take any chances given what she'd already shown herself to be capable of Shura made a swift exit away from Mizu.

Turns out it was a good decision, as the shell shattered and sent sharp tiny projectiles flying in almost every direction. While each were small in nature, they were numerous as well, and even with her Shunpo the number of them did ensure they would strike Shura in some capacity. However that was not the main intent of the shards, and though numerous the cuts they inflicted were hardly severe or life threatening on their own. Most of her Shihakashou had been sliced quite heavily, and the numerous cuts that lined her body were telltale signs of where she was struck which... admittedly was everywhere at this point.

However as Mizu spoke Shura's attention was not on her, but rather on her Zanpakuto and its movements... It would seem the intent of the previous assault was not in fact to actually hit Shura but rather to setup for the real attack. Feints were nothing new to Shura, however at the same time each feint was different in nature. At the flick of Mizu's Zanpakuto, each shard would shatter until the already numerous amounts of tiny blades were yet more numerous. The only sign they were still visible being the light that reflected off of them, however this was enough to tell Shura most of what she needed to know... Being hit would be a very poor idea.

As Shura flickered from her spot with a Shunpo she uttered but a few soft words "Bakudo no Nijyuroku, Kyokkō", Her form and Reiatsu would vanish from sight and sense, though this didn't mean she couldn't still be hit. Rather it was meant to be used to escape the trail of the amethyst-hued attack at least for the moment. However even if this succeeded against Mizu it wasn't as if she escaped unscathed, nor did she think it would fool the Kido-expert for long.

Shura knew she had to act fast, while the Bakudo hid her it was a relatively low-level Bakudo, and aside from the Kido that Mizu knew her Bankai could likely fill the area relatively quickly even if she decided not to use any counter-kido. The one thing Shura wasn't sure about was exactly how the movement of her blades were handled, and so in an effort to learn exactly how she would launch a second Kido from the left of Mizu.

"By the crackling force of mystic might, Inverted triangle of power, take flight. From three points of origin, converge and bind, In perfect union, our foe shall find, Imprisoned by this spell's command, Bakudo no Sanjyu; Shitotsu Sansen"

She was unsure of exactly how far she'd get within her incantation before the Kyokkō would vanish, however with any luck she'd be able to unleash the Bakudo before Mizu could formulate an appropriate response. Of course, this was mostly because she had a desire to see how Mizu's bankai worked... If her Bankai required her to move the Zanpakuto to command the shards, a binding Kido could work well in at least slowing her down.


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A Deeper Perspective [Open] - Page 3 Empty Re: A Deeper Perspective [Open]

Mon Sep 11, 2023 10:05 pm
A Deeper Perspective [Open] - Page 3 JGYv9eD

MORIKAWA MIZU | 2nd Division Vice Captain

A simple disappearing act would not pull the wool over Mizu's eyes. She knew that spell, Bakudō #26. Kyokkō, quite well; though it hid the user's physical and spiritual presence, it was no shield against an attack. Thus, even while Shura may be hidden away behind a curtain of camouflage, the large tidal wave of crystal shards would be able to continue overwhelming the area she stood in. It wasn't Mizu's intent to grievously injure the Fourth Squad woman, but she refused to be defeated by a simple trick.

Between Shura's decision to speak an entire incantation and the large swath of air the spell would have to fly through to reach her, Mizu was left with ample time to cast a counter-spell. "Bakudō #73: Tozanshō!" A second or two before the trio of golden spikes would reach her, an azure inverse pyramid formed around Mizu's diminutive body and proved itself a capable shield against Shura's spell.

Instead of settling for sending wave after wave of crystal glass at Shura, Mizu opted for a different strategy. Initially it seemed she was proceeding as before as her crystals gathered together and sought to overwhelm Shura, but this time a hole would open within the mass of shards, forming a tunnel through which she could fire off another spell. "Hadō #63: Raikōhō!" From Mizu's outstretched hand a mass of yellow energy swiftly gathered then fired in a bolt of electric power aimed directly for Shura. She didn't count on it hitting its target however, as their were gaps in the crystal wave big enough for the woman to weave a path through.

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A Deeper Perspective [Open] - Page 3 Empty Re: A Deeper Perspective [Open]

Mon Sep 11, 2023 10:39 pm

NOTES; - Sekai no Hametsu Uses - 1/2; Tenbatsu Duration: 3 Posts MUSE; - Dancing Mad

Mental control... That was what she deduced to be the most likely method of control, which meant stopping their movement or disrupting it was going to be significantly more difficult than Shura had hoped. Additionally while the injuries weren't life threatening let alone crippling, their multitude proved to be more than enough to compensate for it. Sure she'd unleashed her Kido, but Shura's body was left with enough cuts as to be clearly visible and not only be more than simply superficial but painful as well... like thousands of tiny papercuts all over her body. It was a type of pain that wasn't like the norm for combat.

However, expert as always in the arts of Kido Mizu utilized it to block the binding kido, however when the shards moved to form what seemed like a tunnel towards her her eyes began to narrow. When she realized what was coming, her time to react was short... and admittedly she wasn't entirely sure if she could dodge without getting at least clipped by the Hadō. So rather than make the attempt to dodge, Shura waited... until she was sure that Mizu's vision of her was obscured by the release of her Kido. She knew if she didn't there was a chance that not only could those watching from beyond the barrier notice, but MIzu would likely notice as well. She had to be precise about her timing, the smallest delay would result in her still being clipped... while speaking it too quickly would give the chance for others to notice the casting. Either way she knew that Mizu would more than likely know something was up by the end of things. "Seal the Void, Bakudo no Hachijyuichi, Danku"

So as Shura spoke the words, the thin, almost transparent barrier rapidly formed in front of her, taking the blow and causing the two kido's to clash in a rather violent way. However before the smoke and dust would settle the Danku was dismissed, allowing Shura to be revealed with her left arm raised in front of her and clearly freshly charred. Shura was... delayed in her formation of the Danku. She hoped at the very least that the delay would make it more difficult to realize what she'd done given their distance, though her arm had taken quite the blow in the process. It was becoming increasingly more clear that, in a match up against Mizu's Kido... Shura would either have to expose herself... or resort to more... drastic measures. Strangely enough, Hakaishin was silent. He normally chimed in at this point, urging her forward... and yet he was quiet... no matter.

Shura stretched out her charred left arm to the side, gripping tightly one of the two battle axes, her right arm beginning to spin the other around its chain. For the first few moments there was a strange, almost eerie calm that resonated between the two before... an explosion of power.

A Deeper Perspective [Open] - Page 3 VhZzO2c


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A Deeper Perspective [Open] - Page 3 Empty Re: A Deeper Perspective [Open]

Mon Sep 25, 2023 11:28 pm
A Deeper Perspective [Open] - Page 3 JGYv9eD

MORIKAWA MIZU | 2nd Division Vice Captain

In the flurry of chaos that was the battlefield, it wasn't entirely clear what happened to her Raikōhō but Mizu knew it wasn't anything good. She had been able to sense the spell's sudden halt as it collided with something. Mizu was a bit miffed by this turn of events as she had expected the other woman to dodge instead of stand her ground, which made her followup strategy impossible. Oh well, she thought, time for plan B!

The burst of power from Shura encompassing her battle axes only further proved to Mizu she needed to use something extra special to hasten the battle to its completion. With a deep breath in and out to calm herself and sharpen her focus, she prepared for her ultimate Bankai technique. By flicking her wrist, Mizu commanded the swirling tempest of violet shards to stop moving and suddenly form into half a dozen large walls of crystal which she placed at opposing angles around herself and Shura.

"I don't entirely know how you stopped my Raikōhō Shura-san, though I do have a guess...either way, let me show you something else! Even though it will take a lot out of me, here goes nothing....Suishō Kagami: Mirror World Light Show!" At this declaration Mizu raised both her hands with her fingers extended outward and spoke another spell's name "Hadō #4: Byakurai!" From each finger tip fired a bolt of blue energy, though none were aimed at Shura herself; instead, they all struck the crystal walls surrounding the duo. Instead of exploding, the expected result, the ten Byakurai bounced off the walls like ping pong balls, except now they were flying through the air even faster. This happened again and again, with each bounce speeding the spells up further until true to the technique's name, the battlefield had become a certifiable light show. A single misstep could spell disaster as each Byakurai become far more dangerous than normal as they bulleted from wall to wall.

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A Deeper Perspective [Open] - Page 3 Empty Re: A Deeper Perspective [Open]

Tue Sep 26, 2023 9:35 am

NOTES; - Sekai no Hametsu Uses - 1/2; Tenbatsu Duration: 2 Posts MUSE; - Dancing Mad

Mizu confirmed what Shura had hoped happened, that she did not see what Shura had done... Good. The less that knew, the better. But as Shura spun the axe in her left hand by its chain, Mizu returned the display in kind with her own before filling the area with Byakurai's... interesting. She knew the strength of such kido, it wasn't so much its power that was to be feared but the speed at which it moved, and with the increasing speed and veritable light show that was on display it made movement difficult.

However Shura wasn't going to be deterred by this alone, and instead simply smirked at what was presented. In a way, it reminded her of the technique that Metatron had used at the end of their fight, filling the area with so many attacks as to be nearly unavoidable without extreme precision. So Shura would use this as a chance to practice avoiding such things while closing in on her target. So as she threw herself forward she didn't so much keep her eyes out for the bouncing Byakurai as she did her ears, following them at such speeds with her eyes would be next to impossible if not impossible itself, however listening for where they were headed could give her an inkling as to where they'd bounce. This did prove fruitful at least in some respects, however though she her Shunpo managed to avoid the first three it wasn't as if it was entirely on purpose... Rather where she moved too was simply lucky enough to not be in the immediate line of another, giving her the chance to use her Shunpo again.

However when her third Shunpo ended, she had gained some ground towards Mizu and rather than immediately initiating a fourth Shunpo to try and close the distance further, she flung the spinning axe in her hand towards Mizu. This proved to potentially be a bad idea however as a sharp pain surged through her right leg as one of the many Byakurai shot through her calf, causing her to let out a pained grunt and to clench her teeth together. But would her gamble pay off?


made by RR of DD, steal and i will sentence you to the true death!
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A Deeper Perspective [Open] - Page 3 Empty Re: A Deeper Perspective [Open]

Fri May 17, 2024 10:57 am
A Deeper Perspective [Open] - Page 3 JGYv9eD

MORIKAWA MIZU | 2nd Division Vice Captain

Mizu wasn't sure exactly how this woman would respond to her Kido light show, but she didn't expect simply running forward and throwing her axe would be her response. It all just seemed a little too direct, and if it were almost any other enemy doing it Mizu might expect some kind of surprise attack or trick to accompany their actions, but Shura had proven herself a person who fights with a certain directness.

Not wanting to completely abandon her Suishō Kagami: Mirror World Light Show, Mizu didn't recall all the crystal walls still bouncing the Byakurai around the battlefield. Instead, she used what little she could scrounge up around her to form a small, dense barrier between herself and Shura's flying axe. She then split it into a series of thinner walls, hoping it would better stop the weapon's momentum; this theory would quickly be tested as the axe shattered one wall, and then another, and then another, until finally it seemed to come to a stop halfway through the final barrier, its blade lodged half an inch in Mizu's raised left arm.

With a flick of her right wrist, Mizu accomplished two things simultaneously: First, the crystal barriers in front of her reformed into a vice that pulled Shura's axe from her arm, and covered it in a dense and heavy sphere that immediately fell to the ground; Second, all the remaining Byakurai were captured by thin walled crystal spheres. Sweat dripped from Mizu's forehead and blood from her arm. She knew this battle was nearing its end, and only final gambits remained. She had high hopes for her own.

The orbs, glowing from the captured Byakurai within, surrounded Shura with a few placed between her and Mizu. Then all at once they crumbled, timed so the final bounce would launch lightning-fast energy bolts at Shura simultaneously. Whether they hit her or not, the multitude of hyper-speed Byakurai colliding with one another would explode in a cerulean blast.

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