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Not My Vice (Hanako/Elyss) Empty Not My Vice (Hanako/Elyss)

Wed Feb 24, 2021 9:53 am

ポ ス ト を 開 始

Knock. Knock. Special delivery. This is the correct door, yes? The other members of the fourth division directed her to this specific door, the office of the Vice Captain of the Fourth Division. It’s not anything important, so the knocks are lacking any urgency to them. In fact, one would think them belonging to someone who just wants to talk and hang. In actuality, it’s just Elyss being tasked with delivering some reports about recent Hollow altercations around the Rukongai, nothing serious. It’s not foriegn for different Divisions to be tasked on joint operations from time to time. This situation just had the Seventh and Fourth working together to deal with a little infestation. Now, it’s just that time where the reports have to be filed and all that, and that explains why the redhead is holding a stack of papers and waiting to be allowed into the Vice’s office.

The Fourth is sort of neat, at least. A division centered around combat sounds like something she’d be interested in, but she has a home and a family with the Seventh. She has no intentions of leaving all that behind just yet. She does wonder who the Vice is though. She has yet to meet many members of other divisions, so this may prove somewhat beneficial to her. Despite her loner personality, people seem to gravitate around her. It’s weird.



Ame no ko
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Not My Vice (Hanako/Elyss) Empty Re: Not My Vice (Hanako/Elyss)

Sat Feb 27, 2021 9:21 am

The Big Woman

Hanako Yamada

Not My Vice (Hanako/Elyss) 6EdIfMt

There was a knock at the door. At the moment the sound echoed through her office, she was in a small alcove, separated from the main room by a shelf, filled with books, files and boxes of various sizes, where she had a small lavatory, and washed her face with ice-cold water.

"Come!" She called from behind a towel.

Cold water on her face and her wrists helped refresh her in the middle of the day. She heard someone come in.

"There's fresh tea on the small table. Help yourself if you want some, I'll be there in a second."

With some rather satisfying cracks, Hanako moved her head from side to side and stretched her neck a little. The administrative part of her job was still far more strenuous to her than any training or fighting. But she was slowly getting the hang of it.
As she finished drying her arms and face off she began recognising the aura of the person that went in. She put away the towel and left the alcove. Her face was red from the cold water.

And indeed, it was her, Elyss. Hanako hadn't seen her since the party at Hime's place a few weeks earlier. For a moment she wasn't sure how to react, until she remembered her position and that this probably wasn't a social call.

"Elyss. Haven't heard from you in a while. How are you and what can I do for you?"

She pointed at one of the chairs she had for visitors, in case Elyss wanted to sit, while she herself remained standing. With a few quick movements, that showed how she got more and more used to her job, she pushed aside some files and readied her terminal to accept whatever inquiries she might have. Then she turned again towards Elyss and tried to be only the Lieutenant of the Fighting Fourth for now, and not the woman that wondered about far to many things when it came to this special, red-headed person.

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]
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Not My Vice (Hanako/Elyss) Empty Re: Not My Vice (Hanako/Elyss)

Mon Mar 01, 2021 10:25 am

ポ ス ト を 開 始

There’s a come in. Huh. It sounded a bit familiar. A lot of things have been sounding familiar lately. Eh, probably just the door twisted sounds. She opens it and steps in, her eyes moving here and there checking out the place. It’s a rather orderly room. The tea isn’t bothered with though. Elyss isn’t much of a tea person, but that’s because she’s never bothered with it. There’s probably something she’d enjoy drinking. But, that voice is starting to sound way more familiar now that she’s inside. Well, she can only wonder who the VC is.

And then, Hanako reveals herself. Oh, what a pleasant surprise. When did this woman become the VC of a division? In Elyss fashion, there’s not even a hint of surprise on her face despite her mind’s confusion about the situation. It’s only been a few weeks since they last saw one another. What happened between then? Only one way to find out.

“Yo, Hana… Ah… Vice Captain Yamada.” Yeah, she should practice proper etiquette in this situation. She is on duty right now. Taking a seat, she places the papers onto Hanako’s desk.

“These are reports from a joint operation done by Seventh division and Fourth division members. It’s simply a summary of the events and contains field reports, injury reports, and collateral damage reports from the participants.”



Ame no ko
Ame no ko
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Not My Vice (Hanako/Elyss) Empty Re: Not My Vice (Hanako/Elyss)

Wed Mar 03, 2021 4:54 am

The Big Woman

Hanako Yamada

Not My Vice (Hanako/Elyss) 6EdIfMt

For a second Hanako froze while reaching for the documents and she shot Elyss a hard to decipher glance. It was very strange hearing her call her 'Vica Captain Yamada'. Elyss had never once used Hanako's last name before. But still...Habako couldn't deny that it didn't feel too bad hearing it.

"You can still call me Hanako." She said and took the files.

The operation had actually been on her screen this morning, together with a note that someone would be bringing the reports today. What a surprise this was, now. Hanako hadn't thought to see Elyss again anytime soon. When she had walked out of the door a few weeks prior she had, in a way, walked out of Hanako's life. She hadn heard anything from the redhead since then and had begun to assume Elyss just wasn't interested in any more contact. As for why that could mean something, it could mean nothing. Hanako had never really been able to completely understand Elyss. She wouldn’t let that bother her. Or at least...she would try.

In any case, it was indeed no social call. And that meant that there was business to take care off before anything else. She took the files and skimmed them to get at least the headlines. It wasn’t too bad, especially in the injury column. If only there hadn’t been two major crises in very short order before. Especially Laskt’s Vanguard had been under a lot of strain. If anything big happened they were usually the first ones in and the last ones out.

“ have you been?” Hanako asked, while she was still looking through the reports.

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]
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Not My Vice (Hanako/Elyss) Empty Re: Not My Vice (Hanako/Elyss)

Thu Mar 04, 2021 9:10 am

ポ ス ト を 開 始

“Hanako? Hanako… Hanako~ Doesn’t that ruin the atmosphere, Vice Captain?”

Of course she’s just being a tease, but what’s the point of titles if they aren’t used, yeah? Not that Elyss is that big on titles, probably because she doesn’t have one yet. However, it’s probably weird to be referred to in such a way when one is used to something else. Ah, but that just means that they should just hurry and get used to the new status quo. Is that how it works? Is it that simple? Elyss, personally, would say it’s not. She has yet to get used to everything around her despite living with the Gotei for a while now, but Hanako’s different, yeah? Different…

“...I’m well.”

There’s a lot of things that Elyss could dive into, a lot of information to be processed, but that’s a conversation for another time, yeah? This is just a quick meeting, not a day out in town or a training session.

“And you?”



Ame no ko
Ame no ko
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Not My Vice (Hanako/Elyss) Empty Re: Not My Vice (Hanako/Elyss)

Fri Mar 05, 2021 8:50 pm

The Big Woman

Hanako Yamada

Not My Vice (Hanako/Elyss) 6EdIfMt

Hanako's right eyebrow wandered up a few millimeters.

"The atmosphere...of delivering operation reports?"

The question sounded honest, just like Hanako...only this time one couldn't be entirely sure. There was a slight under tone in her voice. Faint, almost hidden. It could raise the question: Was Hanako once again completely oblivious to someone teasing her or was she actually developing a sense of humor? She had been known to attempt a joke, but not very often and not very good.

The reality was, that it was a little bit of both. Hanako did indeed try to lighten up, but she was also not sure what Elyss meant by 'atmosphere'.
For a brief moment there Hanako heard her being called 'Vice Captain' in a very different way and in a very different scenario, involving much more sweat and considerably less clothing. She pushed the thought away, fast and far. Gods, if just principles and scratching itches wasn't so damn incompatible. Maybe it was time to rethink…

No, stop. She has had far too few social contacts in the last few weeks. It was a miracle in itself that in her mind there could be 'too few' social contacts at all. But there was also that door she had opened -kicked open- with Ulv and Elyss just had done a pretty good job reminding Hanako of some very personal needs, even if unintentional.

"I've basically buried myself in work the last few weeks." She finally said, partly to keep the conversation going, partly to distract herself. It worked, at least the last part. Nothing more sober than requisition orders and monthly performance reports.

"The division was in pretty bad shape when I Yo...Captain Kobayashi asked me to join him. He had taken over only a short time before and there were just insane amounts of backlog through everything of the division administrations."

She stopped for a moment and shook her head.

"Hear that? I already sound like I've done this for years. But I'm getting the hang of it. I haven't even pulled an all nighter since...oh...last week."

She stopped again. She was just blurting out nonsense that Elyss probably couldn't care less for.

"I'm fine, thank you."

She wanted to ask what Elyss had been doing since they last had seen each other. But somehow, at the same time...she didn't really want to know.

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]
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Not My Vice (Hanako/Elyss) Empty Re: Not My Vice (Hanako/Elyss)

Sat Mar 06, 2021 10:39 am

ポ ス ト を 開 始

“Tch. Ya know… Right now, we’re on duty, yeah? Don’tcha think we should stay on duty or something, keep it formal and all that? Though, me? Formal? Funny, ain’t I?”

Ah, what’s the use? Even if she wanted to try and pretend she had proper home training, she’s become too much of a raskal to keep anything formal for long. It would seem her life has proven less hectic than the new Vice Captain’s. Huh, so that’s how it is. Well, Elyss has no idea what Arkin really does, so she doesn’t know how much work goes into this stuff. It does sound like that things were a bit hectic for a bit. The Fourth Division did just get a new Captain after all. Why Hanako though? Not to say the woman isn’t a hard worker, but is she the strongest around here besides the Captain? That’s a bit disappointing. The tall woman is a good fighter, but there’s a huge gap between the two of them in terms of power. Well, to be fair, Elyss is the third strongest in her Division, under Arkin and Murasaki. Guess this just goes to show that the redhead still lacks an understanding of the more technical and finer parts of all this work.

“Oi. A lot has happened, huh?” Her eyes would trail away towards the wall, an impartial expression on her face, her gaze solemn. “Vice Captain, huh? Feels like everyone’s leaving me behind, like I’m at a standstill.” Her voice is a bit soft, an apprehensive drop after each word like she doesn’t want to really say what she’s saying. However, it’s hard to look past how everyone around her seems to be getting themselves together and moving forward in the world while she’s still stuck at her own crossroads. It’s annoying. Her eyes wouldn’t move back to Hanako, but her next words are directed at the woman.

“I’m happy for you, at least, Hanako. After what happened before, it’s nice to see life treating ya well.”



Ame no ko
Ame no ko
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Not My Vice (Hanako/Elyss) Empty Re: Not My Vice (Hanako/Elyss)

Tue Mar 09, 2021 5:24 am

The Big Woman

Hanako Yamada

Not My Vice (Hanako/Elyss) 6EdIfMt

She gave Elyss a long, silent look, then Hanako sighed.

"If you're more comfortable that way...fine, keep it formal."

Her voice was neutral, but Hanako’s expression had just become a little bit harder and colder. There were some characteristics in Elyss Hanako liked, even found somewhat attractive. The woman had always been a mystery to her, but she couldn't say that she didn't like her or her distant behaviour very much. At least back then. Right now Hanako felt as if those same traits were just about driving her up the wall. But it was fine by her. If Elyss wanted to build that wall Hanako wouldn’t stop her.

“To be honest, this promotion came as much as a surprise to me as to everyone else.” Hanako said slowly.
“I was quite comfortably settled in the First Division, when Captain Kobayashi approached me. I had met him before and he personally asked me to join him in the Fourth, as his Lieutenant. What was I supposed to do? Refuse?”

Hanako spared Elyss the explanation of what she thought this posting meant. What chances Hanako saw here. She doubted Elyss would want to hear it at that moment. That little hint of emotion in Elyss voice, this soft undertone...suddenly Hanako felt that for the first time she understood the redheaded woman completely. It almost seemed as if they had a lot more in common, than Hanako had thought. If only Elyss wouldn’t wall herself in so much. Even knowing what it was, where it came from, or guessing at least, Hanako couldn’t force her way in. She wouldn’t try.

“Thank you.” she said after a long pause. Her voice was low.

“I’m sorry you feel left behind. I really am. Well...I mentioned your name, when the Captain said he wanted to apply for a second Vice Captain position. But I guess the Captain Commander hasn’t approved the request, since I am still the only one.”

Hanako watched Elyss with a thoughtful gaze. It felt like more than a desk’s width distance between them since the redhead had called Hanako ‘Vice Commander’ and insisted on continuing to do so. She hadn’t pushed Hanako away physically, but she might as well have. If Hana had hoped that it wouldn’t hurt after weeks of no sign of life, the hope had betrayed her. Whatever the two women were, she had hoped they were at least friends. It seemed as if that hope had betrayed her as well. Was it really that Elyss questioned herself and her way through life? Hanako could understand that probably better than most, if it was that. Or was it jealousy, because Elyss had served longer than Hanako and still gotten no high seat? Whatever it was, it had obviously created a rift between the two women and Hanako’s outstretched hand had been pushed aside.

...or did it just deepen a rift that was already there since the party, for reasons equally unknown to Hanako, when Elyss walked out without another word?

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]
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Not My Vice (Hanako/Elyss) Empty Re: Not My Vice (Hanako/Elyss)

Thu Mar 11, 2021 11:11 am

ポ ス ト を 開 始

“Refusing isn’t that hard. You just say no, whether politely or not is personal preference.” Her eyes returned to Hanako, slowly. Well, that’s a satisfying look Hanako is wearing. As if the redhead could miss it, the slight change of composure, the hardened jaw, stoney eyes. It’s all too obvious. It was all too obvious back at the party, back when they fought those Hollows, back to when they first met and spent time at the spa. Yet, the moment would pass by without a word of acknowledgement from either woman.

“Tch. Surprised? Why? You’re strong, are you not? Reliable, smart, and ready to learn. Sure, there may have been thousands of others who’re able to do this crap, but you’re the one who got it because people know what you’re about. Yeah, I was shocked at first seeing you here, but it makes sense. Me, as anything important? Get real… I’m not cut out for this kind of stuff, a simple soldier all the way.”

Her speech was, in a sense, meant to be inspirational. However, her tone nor expression showed if her words were true or not. It was as if one were to give a formal speech at a meeting, no expression or feeling, simply fact. Maybe that’s why it’s like this. She doesn’t want Hanako to believe she’s saying any of this for an ulterior motive. It is what it is: fact. That alone might prove to only make it seem that more heartfelt. Catching on to her own little misstep, her expression would harden for just a second, but then she’d sigh and shake her head, an incredulous look on her face.

“...There’s a lot going on, Hanako.” The formal pretense she had tried to establish, broken just like that. “Things that I have to deal with. I’m probably confusing you or something, but don’t worry too much about me. Ya just focus on what you’re trying to achieve, and I’ll do the same. If we’re meant to grow further apart or closer together…, we’ll just have to wait and see, but, I should probably get going. I’m still on the clock.”

What was that? An acknowledgement of Hanako’s feelings? For better or worse, Elyss had let it be known that she understands, but with everything going on, more baggage would be just that, more baggage. Right now, it’s best she let it be known that Hanako isn’t just feeling something for nothing, but at the same time, that things might not end the way she wants. Always a bumpy ride, Elyss is a risky person to bet on.



Ame no ko
Ame no ko
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Not My Vice (Hanako/Elyss) Empty Re: Not My Vice (Hanako/Elyss)

Tue Mar 16, 2021 3:24 am

The Big Woman

Hanako Yamada

Not My Vice (Hanako/Elyss) 6EdIfMt

There it was again. Emotion, the real emotions, so close beneath the surface. Sometimes it was as if Hanako and Elyss were standing on opposite sides of a coin: on Hanako's side was the struggle to control the emotions, on Elyss' side the struggle to not lock them away. And somewhere between them was probably a normally functioning, adult individual. Somewhere in the middle of a coin a mile thick.

After Elyss' speech Hanako said nothing for a long time. Actually it was only a few moments, but it felt like an eternity.

"You really don't make it easy to grow closer to you."

It was no accusation. It was as much a statement of facts, as Elyss' words had been. Yet there was a sadness underneath everything, and an honest regret. She would have tried to help, if only…

Yes, if only Elyss didn't push her away. Push everyone away. Even Hanako had learned by now that she would achieve nothing by isolating herself. She had.
She wouldn't force herself on Elyss. Wouldn't fight her way in. Soul King knew she had offered, in her own crooked way, but Elyss had understood just fine. As much as Hanako always had struggled to read Elyss, as easy had it been for the redhead to see completely through her. Still, she had pushed her away. So be it, then. It did hurt admitting it, even if they were nothing more than friends, but it would hurt Hanako even more if she kept trying. She didn't need a fight in her private life. Quite the opposite. So she would do what Elyss asked...and not worry about her.

Hanako nodded, her face still hard, her eyes cold. But when she came round her table there was warmth in her voice.

"Thanks for the reports. And just in case someone gives you know where to find me."

It sounded as if it was meant if someone gave Elyss shit because she took the time for a chat while on duty. In reality, though, it was an olive branch. Hanako had to give it to Elyss. They might drift further apart and Hanako might refrain from actively seeking out Elyss. But it wouldn't mean that she would ignore her if she needed help. Elyss could do what she wanted with that olive branch, even if she chose to burn it or leave it behind. All Hanako was willing and able to do was offer it, no more.

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]
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